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Mucus in "poop" and constantly bloated!

So, it's like this. I'm a 16 year old female. For some time now, I become very bloated but its released when i pass gas. It happens over and over during the day and seems to stop at night. I also have a mucus like substance in my "poop" and sometimes when I go to the bathroom thinking that I have to "poop" i end up just passing lots of gas and again some mucus like substance comes out. This has been going on for a couple of months now. Can someone feel me in please? Is this very bad?
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Has this been everyday?

I know that the cervical mucus that occurs during ovulation can be pushed out during a bowel movement and appear to be part of it.  That would be about the 12th day of your cycle or about 7 days after the last day of your period.

If it's happening everyday, it could be something else.

Also, I know eating things that don't agree with you can also do this.  With the addition of the bloating and gas issue.  Artificial sweetners are big culprits.

Keep searching for information but if you are still uncertain, please have a dr give you the final say.

Good luck.
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Mucus could be from intestinal inflammation and gas from non-absorbed nutrients (again from inflammation) which bacteria take, break down and produce gas.

In the case of intestinal infection, you'd also had diarrhea.

Colonoscopy can confirm/exclude inflammation. I'm talking about IBD - inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis).
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I'm having the same problems! Only, add nausea before bowel movements, diarrhea and constipation in the same movement, at least 3 movements a day, sharp pains around my lower abdomen, and blood in stool and VISIBLE blood in mucus (pink or red, depending on if mucus is clear or yellow).

Oh yeah, and I have cysts all over my ovaries, not to mention and endometrial stripe, to which I had to bully doctors into figuring out if I have endometriosis or not. They said I probably did, and resorted to CONTINUE to put me on the same birth control I have been on since I was 16 years old. I am now 22.

HELP SOMEBODY! I've been killing myself trying to get through life for over the past year, and it hasn't been easy being a student. I need a solution, if you have it, you'd be my hero.
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Do you have hemorrhoids?

Explain your symptoms exactly, also which test were done so far.
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hun im with u..i have had these symtoms for  few yrs..but they never found anything..well i have pain near my ovary area well that came back normal... im still so scared i have a CT scan tomorrow..im freaking out.......i had a cyst rupture 2 months ago as well... my dr said to me last night the my white n red cells where a lil off.....omg im freaking now! the i dont have nausea...but i get constipated alot..i also get hemmoriods... if u wanan chat more let meknow
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Well, it looks like this is very common.

I've been bleeding through my rectal for quite a while now, I just thought it was cause of constipation. But recently, I haven't been pooping normally. My body is telling me i need to poop, then a pink/red type mucus comes out, and NO poop; and at times i get some diarhea mixed in there...I also feel my anal bloated with a tiny piece of skin sticking out.

I don't have a doctor, but Im just wondering what kind of tests should i need to have this taken care of? There is clinic which i go to, for my Coloposcopy test.

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994610 tn?1249526934
i have been sick for lil over a month...abdominal pains..like sharp pains come and go every now and then...side pain back pains...nausea...mucus in my poo..sometimes its just mucus..i had a few black stools..i have had my blood done and urine tests all came back normal..also i had blood test to check for the H plylori bacteria in my stomach cause my doc thinks i either have a ulcer or thers something wrong with my pancreas??? im scared as **** i hop its not my pancreas!...beofre i got sick i drank every weekend, smoked and did coke occasionally....since i got sick i have done nuthing! i tried to have a beer when i thought i was feeling better....worse dision ever! i had 1/2 a beer and got sooo sick 1 hr later!!!! anyways my doc ordered a ultra sound....and then a endoscopy after that....i dunno im freeked im only 25 ys old female and mom of 1 boy....i hope im ok and i hope you all are getting better also......anyone wanna chat email me......
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   It sounds like hemmorhoids. You need to soften your stool before you have rectal bleeding by taking over the counter colace (stool softeners ) or you need much more exercise and also, eat a salad for at least one meal a day. Once you have rectal bleeding it takes too long to heal. So, take care of it before you get more problems. Your poop is too hard so the body produces mucus to help it ease through the intestine. Research about hemmorhoids on the internet. If you don't take care of it, it may become a disease like colitis and others! I hope this helps.
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   You need to see a doctor because you need to be tested for your difficulties. It sounds like an emergency and it is more serious. Please see a doctor before it's too late! I hope you feel better soon.
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It sounds like bowel obstruction. Which is dangerous, you may also benefit from taking colace over the counter stool softener and adding some fiber to your diet. At walmart, there is drink mixes in the laxative aisle where you can get ice tea / lemonade mixes to add to gain more fiber in your diet.... however, you need to consult a doctor. Bowel obstruction can kill you if it's not taken care of. With nausea, it means that you have obstruction in the intestine somewhere higher (in small intestine). For others with bowel problems, there are candys with fiber and drinks, all kinds of healthy ways to add fiber to your diet. ... EAT SALADS! stay away from fatty foods and sugar. The doctor is the best way to be healed!!
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Believe me, I know...

Check out this website for more helpful information!


Then, consult your doctor

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Read this book:  Specific carbohydrate diet.  See if it's for you.  It does help.  It's difficult to keep to the diet as it does eliminate a lot of normal American foods.  Here is a link to the main website:  http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/

Also, check if you have hypothyroidism.  I have colitis and just assumed it was that that was causing the constant constipation. Well, I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  Since taking medicine for it, I've been able to go a bit more.
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i agree either some form of ibs or cronhs disease, you get a bloated feeling and a need to go to the toilet. look at diet and alcohol consumption as this can have an effect. try cutting out alcohol and certain rich foods if you have any of the above symptoms. colonoscopy dosent always work so would recommend endoscopy , bowel enema,
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All of u please get checkd out. I experiencd the same symptoms and after a year of searching I found out I had an ulcer and gall bladder disease. Pain is an understatement to what I was experiencing. To name a few I was constipated all the time bloated, everything I tried to eat made me so ill. It felt like a 400lb man was sitting on my chest. I lost 15lb bcuz I was afraid to eat. Had my gallbladder removed started taking meds for the ulcer and I felt like a million dollars. It has been 5 years and no problems. Knock on wood. Good luck to all of you!
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my doctor just explained the mucus in your stool is to do with a part of your your intestin that is lubercating so it can try to pass the stool go see a gi doc i cant remember all the detalis is your movements thin and skinni?
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For 7 months I have had 3-5 bowel movements a day, but i only actually poop once a day.  The other bowel movements are just mucus.  My stools are too soft, always light brown.  I have incredibly painful gas and bloating in my intestines that feels like a sharp knife cutting into my guts.  After many doctor's visits, a colonoscopy, and trying a few medications, I was diagnosed with IBS, not to be confused with IBD.  IBS does not involve blood in the stool.  This can be treated with Belladonna (which I love, it works great) or Dicyclomine (which makes me nauseous and vomit).  In order to "cure" yourself of IBS, you must cut meat, dairy, and other irritable substances out of your diet, like artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, chocolate, and refined white starches like pasta, white bread, etc.  
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maybe you just have some sort of parasite in ur intesting. I had mucus in my stool for like two months but as soon as my mom gave me a medicine to get rid of parasites I have a normal stool again maybe you should try that
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hi im 14 and i had salmonella like 3 moths ago. and then i got extremely sick and had to go to hospital but they fixed me. And now i have like clay like poop....and its not poop, its almost replacing sort of clay rather than poop. Also i see mucus in my poop...which is worrying me. anyone know what i have
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You sound as if you have an obstructed gall bladder duct.  young women are also prone to get ulcerative colitis.  Neither of these things get better without medical intervention.  If you have these symptoms it can be life threatening if left untreated.  You need to see a gastroenterologist right away.  If you have a regular doctor, you can start with him or her.  If you are without insurane, go to the emergency room of the local county hospital.   Tests can be done to determine what you have, but the right test depends on your symptoms.  It is best to write down as much as you can.  When does it happen, what relieves, how long, describe the pain.  I am a medical professional.  Anyone who reads this on an Internet search, with these symptoms, it is time to see a doctor.
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hello ive seen it was years ago when u seemed to post this problem. i seem to be having the same thing wrong with me. even with the drinking, if u get this please please let me know what happen. it would mean soo much. thank you
- Jessica
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Same here. Gas, back pain, cramps after eating, hot flashes, nausea, pink viscous mucous multiple times daily. 23 years old. Help!!
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I would look up and get tested for celiac disease. Soo many people have it, and if you don't fix it then the more you eat gluten then the more you destroy your colon. These sound like symptoms for celiac. I would go on a gluten free frenzy for a while, and see how you feel :)
(experienced since i have celiac as well as PCOS=polycystic ovarian syndrome. I also have insulin resistance!)
I hope you find the answer you guys are looking for :)
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Hi I have suffered with my stomach for yrs now when I was younger I was diagnosed with nervous colitus but I am now 40 an suffering worse than ever I have diaoreah constantly I can't even go out cos my stomach kicks off my stomach is swollen all the time an look like am 9 months pregnant when am not I have pains in my abdomen all the time , I tried to attempt to go to town last week an had to rush back to my sisters when I got there went to loo and I had pooed myself which I didn't know that it happened it was even comin through the vagina as well as the back passage it was so embarresing , today I tried to go to my local shop this morning and guess what it happened again but when I went back the loo again with really bad diaoreah it was like water and had blood in it and on my tissue I had to look twice it has scared me to death but every time I would go back the doctors they just said it was a severe case of ibs av had all kinds of tests done but went to the hospital a few weeks ago and they think its inflammatory bowel disease but has asked me to have an urgent colonoscopy done I go in for it on 12th of june cos am constantly ill with it an can't cope can anyone help plz thanx alison
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Request to be seen by a gastroentrologist.Your symptoms sound like mine did when I was diagnosed with crohn's disease. I was even misdiagnosed twice because I had ovarian cysts at the same time...until the cysts ruptured and the pain was still there.
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