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Hello.  I have recently been diagnosed with bile reflux.  I have SEVERE, CONSTANT burning in my stomach, abdomen, and chest area.  The bile is refluxing not only into my stomach but my esophagus.  It is so out of control that is has caused my esophagus to not open properly from the burning not being controlled.  And most of all it has caused tachycardia with my heart to the point that when the burning is at it's worst I get heartrates in the 180's.  It has been narrowed down that the bile reflux is causing my problems.  I have a constant fire raging in my stomach/chest/abdomen.  I was prescribed Questran and Welchol, both of which gave me severe heartburn and gas, which did not help because it just went from one type of burning to another.  The only thing that seems to even help a little is Carafate, but not that much.  The docs have told me that they don't know what other meds to try.  Can anyone who has had experience dealing with bile reflux please offer some suggestions as to how I can control this.  It has not been determined what the cause of the bile reflux is.  I have had many tests done (hida scan, mri with mrcp, blood work, egd) the only thing I haven't had done is a small bowel follow-thru, gastric emptying study, and a colonoscopy.  I am not sure what happened to my body.  Prior to having bile reflux I had acid reflux for over 20 years and after seeing a post that said "activia" yogurt cured my acid reflux I decided to try it and after the 14th day my body exploded with excess gas, rapid heartrate(198), and uncontrollable belching(up to 20 min at a time), and severe burning that has not let up for the past 2 1/2 months.  I don't want to leave this out because also during the 14 days that I ate activia I also went on a yeast/candida free diet and and sugar free diet and got 2 IV iron infusions for iron deficienty anemia.  Not sure if these things had anything to do with it but I was pretty much healthy before I embarked on this 14 day diet change.  Based on the testing apparently "activia" did cure my acid reflux because I no longer have acid reflux I now have alkaline/bile reflux.  I am currently typing this from the hospital.  During the last 2 1/2 months I have been hospitalized 8 times.  All docs are puzzled and can't seem to help me.  When I take any type of PPI, H2 blocker, or acid med even something as simple as tums or rolaids, the burning gets worse.  When I tell the docs that they don't believe me but I have found many articles and posts that say that when you have bile reflux these meds make it WORSE....how come the docs haven't read this info?  If anyone has any suggestions on how I can control this bile reflux thing please let me know.  I am very desperate and in misery.

Also, not sure why the bile reflux developed.  I did have abdominal surgery but that was to remove fibroids and they used the same scar as a previous c-section about 3 months prior to this happening.  I do have adhesions from the surgery but bowels flowing normally.  When I ate the "activia" yogurt I am lactose intolerant, I think, and could I have possibly caused an ulcer in my colon.  I read that ulcers there could cause bile reflux, but haven't had a colonoscopy yet.  

Right now I just really need a suggestion of what I can take to get out of this constant burning and pain and then I will continue my search for the cause.  

Please help if you can.
59 Responses
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7940804 tn?1395600439
im newly dx with this problem
can we share our experience???
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Hello sickboy1
At the start did you use dry toast all day , what can be done for quick gastric emptying
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Did you become pregnant since your last post? And if so, how was your bile reflux? I just developed bile reflux and this might be a problem of mine in the future...
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I have Bile Reflux Gastritis. I make this tea and it does wonders. Here is the recipe. Go to the health food store and get Chamomile tea flowers, marshmallow root, slippery elm. Boil four cups water to a rapid boil. remove from heat. Take a big pinch full of chamomile flowers, smaller pinch of marshmallow root, smaller pinch slippery elm. Let steep for a good hour. Let it cool because you want it not to be hot. I strain it and put it in a jar. Drink all day little sips. I was finally able to eat a banana, apple, boiled potatoes, fish, salmon cod and trout, avocados and I make oatmeal smoothies. I soaked my alive vitamins in water then added that to the smoothies. No spices! When you have out your gallbladder you cannot digest fat so do very little. I do butter only but very little, no junk foods or processed, try to go gluten free, and I quit dairy, I do not meat but fish. I am going to order some digestive enzymes next month called angeo pangene, and lipo gene. Found this out through Dr Dahlman online. I did find the products cheaper through pure formulas,com. Make sure ot get Vitamin D 3 from DR Kalsa Soram. He is awesome and carries the best products. Gee I am full of info aren't I. You know why, because you have to be.I do so much research. If you want to read a good article of Bile Refux go to Helium.com and find Frank Will on that article of Bile Reflux Gastritis. This is the tea he describes that has been used for thousands of years. Good luck. Hope you start to feeling better, If he mentions using licorice use it sparingly. Loony56
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Hello, my name is Shelly and after gallbladder surgery, I have found that I have bile reflux and I cannot even work sometimes. I never took the meds the doc wanted me to because I was afraid of the side effects and they were not working. I tried Aloe vera juice and it burned horribly! I think maybe my stomach is too irritated right now for that. But I tried other herbs that did help. I have a script for Xanax because my anxiety is out of control, but no other drugs. Could you send me some info. to my email that might help. My teeth are cracking from this and death sounds good sometimes. I hate to be this way, but I am very miserable. My email is shellyb_64***@****. Thanks
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5285867 tn?1365993292
please think twice about gallbladder removal. More complications will arrive.Try to get off dairy, meat, beans, junk food, no sodas. Dairy is the biggest culprit. I have tons of information if you need more
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