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203342 tn?1328737207

What causes H.Pylori?

What exactly causes someone to get H.Pylori? Does anyone know? Apparently I have it and I'd like to know how I could have caught it so I can avoid getting it again. Can stress cause it? I have been under a lot of stress this last year and started getting PVC's and chest discomfort too. And now this! I feel like I'm falling apart! I'm usually pretty healthy.
I looked it up online and saw some scary stuff, like it can lead to an ulcer if left untreated, and it can put you in a higher rate for cancer of the stomach or pancreas. Yikes!
I tried asking the nurse how I could have caught it and she said no one really knows. If anyone else has had H.Pylori, what did your doctor tell you?
Any information would be appreciated. Thanks!
15 Responses
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I would watch taking prevacid, nexium etc. they can sometimes make your vomitting worse. I would go off it for a few days and see if any of the symptoms subside. that's how I figured out that alot of my vomiting was due to the Nexium I was taking. I still vomit alot but not like I was when I was taking the stomach meds. Almost every medication will have a warning that it may cause nausea and/or vomitting. It's worth a try..
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I used clarithromycin, doxycycline, dexilant, and pepto to kill mine. All twice a day for 10 days
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1704915 tn?1357601254
What are the symptoms for getting this? What were you experiencing before you got tested?
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My mom was recently diagnosed with H. Pylori. She took her antibiotics for about a month. After doing her follow-up it was said to have gone away but she still vomits a lot.... That's one of her main symptoms. So, can it come back? She takes prevacid on a daily basis but she still gets very nauseated. HOW DO YOU GET RID OF IT??
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This is the second time I have gotten H Pylori. My doctor thinks I got it from some of my patients. (I am a nurse) The first time was several years ago and I had bleeding ulcers as a result. This time the pain was much worse, but I am not sure if I have any ulcers. The first time I only took prevacid and one antibiotic. This time I was given the Prevpac which has bactrim, amoxicillin and prevacid included. If anyone is prescribed this, ask the doctor to prescribe each medication separately because it cost me over $200 with my insurance.
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So I wanna know how I could have got it this young? And could my bf get it?
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I'm 17 and I have H-pylori.. I cannot believe I have it this young. I'm scared that my boyfriend will get it now. The first time my stomach started hurting I went and got it checked and my doctor said it was just gastritis but then I got a blood test and it came out positive, so now I'm taking 4 types of meds and I'm an emotional wreck.. It *****! I missed 2 weeks of school already and I'm gonna miss more:(..
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Hi my name is Cherine and I was diagnosed with H-Pylori last year Nov 09.I have completed a course of antibiotics and on the 8th Jan 10 swallowed the camera to see if all was cleared. Well I still have it and must now try other meds. The meds don't come cheap and my medical aid do not pay for them. My question is,should the meds not work this time around, what other options do I have to rid this illness? Thanks Cherine
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hi i had h-pylori in feb and had the antibiotics but still had loads of stomach problems/ ulcers for months after, and still on the ppi's.
the doc told me it's very rare but is poss to re catch it, and mainly it's caught by contaminated water or sharing drinking cups or forks and spoons ect.
by best advice is to grin and take the antibiotics coz there will be hell to pay later if u don't, and the bug starts eating away at your stomach lining...trust me!!!
also try manuka honey u can get it from any health food shops, it's a bit pricey but it healed my stomach up a treat and have hardly any pain now, it's has antibiotics that help kill the h-pylori and keep it at bay.
do some research on this honey it coats the stomach and stops anything coming in contact the damaged lining, i can drink coffee and alcohol again wivout all the pain.
mandy xx
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Is there a Doctor out there who can answer these questions on Gastric Antrum: Erythematous (Hyperemic)? Also what causes it?  How do you get this H. pylori?  Can you get it over and over again if you get it from saliva/kissing?
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1007912 tn?1250547074
Good Luck,  I just got it too.  I thought it was from Mexico when I was on vacation but I guess not since you get this at an early age.  I don't work now because of the stomach pain but I was wondering if this is anything you can claim as a disease to get on Medicare or Medicaid?  I also have Transverse Colon Diverticulum, Rectum Hemorrhoids, Gastric Antrum: Erythematous Hyperemic.  No fun.  I lost 40 lbs in 3 months.  Just because I can not eat.  I always feel full and I get the acid burning in my stomach.  Food does not taste good to me either.  Just bland with not taste.  If anyone else can give more imput on this subject, please feel free to send a comment.
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You're welcome.  The antibiotic regimen can be hard on the stomach (it was on my mother's), especially if you already have pain from ulcers/gastritis.  But I guess it's better to treat it to preclude potential problems down the road from the bacteria.

As far as the bacteria not showing up until now (as an adult), well it wouldn't show up unless you were actually tested for it in the past (I don't know if you were or not).  My mom wasn't tested until she was in her 60s, but chances are she had it since she was a kid, as she has had ulcers/chronic stomach pain since she was about 20.  And as I said, several of her brothers and sisters tested positive for the bacteria later on in life (after the test became available) and also had significant probems with ulcers and gastritis many, many years prior to their positive tests.  It IS possible to contract it as an adult (I posted the percentage above regarding ages), so who knows when you got it.  Anyway, good luck with starting the drugs.  
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203342 tn?1328737207
I got the antibiotics. I'm starting them tomorrow. I'm kinda dreading it. I heard that it can make you feel pretty sick. I was just wondering how I could have caught it. If it was something I ate or something. I'm 42 so I don't understand how I could have caught it as a child and only now have it show up. It does seem strange that all of a sudden I've been having more health issues this year when I've been pretty healthy most of my life. Like I said before I starting getting the PVC's and chest discomfort and anxiety too recently. I really do believe stress could be a big factor in all of this. I've been under a huge amount of stress this last year. Thanks for the input.
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I just did a search on it and this is what I came up with:

Approximately 20% of people under 30 or 40 have the bacterium and about 50% of people over 60 have it (apparently it is a lot more common than I thought).
They're not positive how it is contracted but it is found in saliva (one way they can test for it) and believe it is transmitted as I said above as well as by kissing.  
Also, most people with the bacterium do not go on to develop ulcers or chronic gastritis, and that apparently has to do with the particular strain of the H. pylori (as well as other factors).
And most people who are treated with the antibiotic regimen and PPI are cured and do not have a recurrence (what percentage I do no know).  
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Don't quote me on this, as I'm not positive, but I read about this in the past and I think it is contracted when one shares eating utensils, glasses, etc,--usually as a child, I believe.  I think that if you haven't caught it by the time you are an adult you usually don't get it.  I know that usually married couples don't get it from one another (adults), but adult brothers and sisters will often have it (meaning they got it from one another as kids when growing up together--drinking out of the same cup, etc.) or acquired it while a child from a parent).  My mom and at least three of her six brothers and sisters have the helicobacter pylorus bacterium, and all of them had significant problems with duodenal ulcers.  My one uncle actually had to have part of his stomach removed when he was about 40 (not cancer, but bleeding ulcers/adhesions).  My mom's stomach was full of scar tissue when she finally got scoped in her 50s or 60s, and she just a few years back went on the antibiotic regimen (two or three drugs, I believe) in order to kill the bacterium, and she was retested for it and the drugs worked.  So, you might want to talk to your doctor about being treated for it even if you aren't having any problems with ulcers yet (can't remember what you wrote).  
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