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incomplete bowel movement problems

im 19yrs old. before a year and a half ago i had perfectly regular bm's. Now i get the urge to go and everything gos fine at first then mid-way through, my bowel movement just quits. Its emmbarasing but the stool like breaks off and even though theres stool right about to come out, it wont, no matter how hard i try, it leaves me feeling very uncomfortable like something stickin out my butt(litteraly). My stool isn't dry so taking fibre made it worse. I've had strectoscopy(?), mri, blood tests and several gastroentoligist(doctor) visits. And they found nothing wrong. im currently taking nelnorm which gives me diarrhea the first couple days of taking then once i've taken it for 2+ days it doesn't help at all.                 Somebody PLEASE HELP thanks
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I have to use miralax and water enemas on a daily basis. I am waiting to see a gastro doc. I have had problems my whole life with this and it has been worse over the last two years now. I am tired of all the pain and the hours I have to spend in the bathroom on a daily basis. I go through bad bouts like the last few weeks where I am in the bathroom up to three four hours throughout the day. I am going insane being in the bathroom all the time. I have no life. I miss out on functions and hanging out with friends, etc. because of it. I am unemployed and this illness has def. kept me from getting a job to a certain extent.

the miralax and water enemas usually work the best for me, but there has got to be something better, there has to be a solution for all of us. I am glad that I am not alone. I hope everyone on here and everywhere else that has these problems finds some type of help, something that will improve their quality of life.

after I get to a gastro doc i will report back if they found anything. I wish you all the best. take care of yourselves.
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I am a 54 year old female and have experienced your exact symptoms for years and years. However, I know the reason for my issues. I have three illnseess that require I take percocet 7.5 mg and opana er daily. Any kind of narcotic will make one become constipated. But, it wasn't until about 3 years ago that my constipaton became so bad that I have to put on a glove like doc & nurses wear and "dig it out." (sorry for the visual).
I have had a colonscopy and numerous blood work ups.
THE only thing that helps me is taking Mirilax about 2-3 times a week mixed with some kind of drink. If I take too much of it I get severe cramps and diarrhea. As long as I have to take pain meds I will be constipated and impacted, but I have to weigh the consequnces - quality of life, as in not being in 10+ pain 24/7, or not being constipated.  I'll choose taking pain meds.
I hope this was a bit helpful. I know your post was in 2007 and that by now you are back to normal; if not, look into Mirilax, it's OTC.
BTW - I have to keep gloves in my purse at all times because I never know when "not being able to push a stool out" will hit me. And, that's literally what it feels like - a bar stool!!!
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My problem is similiar like above posts. This problem has started since my childhood, now Iam 29. I cannot go long outings, avoided early morning trips. I had colonoscopy 4 yrs back and they didnt find anything abnormal in it. Doctors said it was my psychological feeling....Damn Bull ****.
Any solution is welcome...
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You have responded to an old, outdated thread from 2007.  The people who originally posted these comments may very well have moved on.  Rather than reply to an old thread, we recommend that people start a new topic to discuss the subject anew.  To do that, please click on the green "Post a Question" button at the top of the page.  This will get your post the attention it deserves. Thank you.
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My problem seems similar to many of yours.  It now takes me about 3 hours to have a complete bowel movement.  It has progressively gotten worse over the years, it only took about 45 minutes about 10 years ago.  I had a colonoscopy about 5 years ago that didn't find anything.  I've tired high fiber, stool softeners and everything else my GI has recommended.  The stool usually very soft or particulate so its not like normal constipation.  I'll try some of the remedies on here but does anyone else have any ideas?
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I also have rectocele and a problem similar to yours, may I ask what kind of operation you are having? Have you had this problem a long time. For me, it has been 4 1/2 years and they are recommending a subtotal colectomy. Thanks for any answers!
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