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thick sticky saliva/throat swelling

I am 35 yr old female
history of gerd
1.lots of thick saliva after I eat/drink
2.sticky gelatin like mucus in back of throat constantly, it makes my throat is closing or swelling, I am allways am chooing gum trying to make more salivia so I can swallow
3.burping/presure in esophagus while eating
4. weight gain/upper stomach fullness/bloating feeling
5.tierd all the time
6. feeling of throat swellig and supper dry mouth after brushing my teeth?

I had an allergic reaction about 3 months ago and have been on a lot of antihistamines since, the dr's don't know why I'm feeling this way, I was wondering if you haveexperienced any of these symtoms before?
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i do have reflux since i was 11 years old and now i am 37 years old and still have that but the most thing that annoy me is the sticky  mucus that i have it in my throat and it is just there and i can never get rid of it and i tried all medicines but without results and the i gave up going to doctors any more because they said they can,t do any thing any more
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You have parasites! Almost 95% of people have some sort of parasite. These parasites breed, and make hundreds to thousands of eggs per day! Sugars, natural or artificial, seem to feed the parasites, creating candida. If you have allergies or suffer from post-nasal drip  (like I do), and have the sensation of mucus or "something stuck in the back of your throat", these are parasites "coming down to feed" on the sugars, dairy, and other mucus-forming foods you consume.

Let me list the ailments I’ve noticed, just in my own health struggles, over the last 20+ years: dry, itchy scalp (NOT dandruff, but I NOW know they’re demodex mites), thinning hair (or bald spots), allergies, sinus issues (PND), “cluster” and migraine headaches, eye floaters, visual disturbances, acne, occasional lesions, occasional ringworm & small white spots that appear randomly over the body (caused by what I NOW know is a skin fungus), easy bruising, anemia, constant weight gain (even when not eating much), itchy skin (especially on the lower legs), abdominal pain/gas/boating/IBS symptoms, vaginal/rectal itching (especially at night), depression/mood swings/memory lapses, body odor/bad breath, and nail fungus.

Most of the time, these parasites are "stealing" the nutrients from your foods, to feed and protect themselves in your body, leading to issues like abdominal discomfort, IBS/Crohn's, Diabetes, Anemia, easy bruising, Cancer, and other ailments.

Unless you go to a holistic or naturopathic doctor, your stool samples, and other blood tests will MAGICALLY turn up "negative". WHY YOU ASK??? Because the medical profession NEEDS you to keep coming in for unnecessary tests and medications, TO KEEP YOU SICK! It's more profitable for the FDA and Big Pharma, to keep one believing that something is wrong with them (whether gastro issues, psych issues, or other more serious illnesses and diseases), than to CURE YOU of your issues!!

I have parasites. LOTS OF THEM! I have been to several doctors that just write off anything you say, but are quick to order medications and other unnecessary (expensive) tests that DON'T WORK! I'm also a nurse (for over 35 years), and don't take one's word as gospel, until AFTER I do my own research.

In my research, I found an interesting link between parasites, an overabundance of candida, and various health issues. I’m an avid gardener, love sushi, grew up eating pork products, have always had pets (that I kissed often, and allowed on my bed regularly), had pinworms as a child (that I THOUGHT had been treated), and as an Emergency Room nurse, tended not to eat the best diet (I’ll admit). Yep, I fit the bill for parasite infestation.
I decided (after the last physician treated me like I was ignorant) to order natural supplements (from Amazon) to rid myself of any parasites. BTW, don’t bother buying anything for a candida cleanse (like I did) because until you rid the body of parasites, the candida won’t be eliminated. This candida buildup creates the “perfect storm” for various diseases and illnesses, including cancers, diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, IBS, Crohn’s disease, yeast infections, etc.

I ordered Dr. Clark's Super W Blend (which contains Wormwood, a POWERFUL anti-parasitic); Organic Cloves; and GREEN Black Walnut Hulls TINCTURE (Black Walnut Hulls capsules are fine, but the liquid GREEN Black walnut TINCTURE is far more effective. TRUST ME ON THIS).

I kid you not; by the second day, I passed worms. Clear, (sometimes white) stringy worms (pinworms) and tons of egg larvae, were in my stools. And, my stools were NORMAL stools; I wasn’t having diarrhea or constipation. Just an incredible urge to go to the bathroom! Sometimes, I went to the bathroom more than 4 times a day! The Super W Blend and Green Black walnut tincture kills the adult worms, and the Cloves kill any egg larvae.

I couldn't believe my eyes! But I was even more focused to get these things out of my body! I even brought in a stool sample that anyone, even those with slight intelligence, could glance at quickly, and KNOW something was wrong. But guess what?? The tests for Ova & Parasites, came back negative. WTF??

So I stopped going to doctors, because I now KNOW what the real deal is. If you want to rid yourself of these issues, you must be PROACTIVE in YOUR OWN HEALTHCARE!!

I will say that once you start this protocol, YOU MUST CONTINUE AT ALL COSTS! If you stop, the parasites regroup, and you experience even MORE issues!  I must tell you, however, that you’ll feel worse before you feel better. I went through the sensation of “things crawling all over my body”. These are the parasites knowing they’re under attack, dying, and releasing their toxins, which poison the blood and leads to intense night sweats, increased body odor/bad breath, and insomnia (especially between the hours of 2-3am). You may have also noticed these worms become MORE ACTIVE around the time of the full moon. For the sinus/PND issues, I also added Oil of Oregano capsules; take 1 capsule 3x/day. For immediate relief of that sensation of “something stuck in the back of my throat”, I break one of the capsules in my mouth, and allow the oil to slowly go down my throat. The oil burns, but it kills worms “coming down to feast”. NEVER swallow the mucus! Cough it up and spit it out! Swallowing the mucus (which contain worms & their larvae) goes to your intestines, to begin their lifecycle all over again!

Stay away from any sugars (even natural sugar), dairy, grains, white flour, white rice, white bread (they convert to sugar in the body, thus feeding the parasites), and any mucus-causing foods, as much as you possibly can. Buy Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, and put 1 TBSP in water (or another drink) and have that once or twice per day. Be SURE to drink PLENTY of fluids afterwards, as DE tends to constipate you. The DE are tiny, microscopic fresh water diatoms, that under a microscope looks like Chex mix; their edges are sharp, and shred the parasite’s body, rendering them helpless (or killing them), so they can be easily flushed from the body with the other products mentioned earlier. The DE also has other benefits: can be used in a home-made toothpaste (to re-mineralize teeth); for pest control (in and outside of the home, so lose your pest control company fees ☺); can be mixed into pet’s food to kill parasites in their bodies, as well as rubbed into their coats to kill fleas and other parasites, amongst other benefits!

****FOR THE ITCHING: Tea Tree Oil body washes! I run a bath (with the water as hot as I can stand), put a few squirts of this into my water (along with Epsom salt, I find parasites cannot stand this!) and sit/soak for at least 20 minutes. NO MORE ITCHING (for that day at least). Change all bed linens and wash your clothes daily. Vacuum resting spaces DAILY. DO NOT KISS, or allow pets onto your bed. Be sure to treat EVERYONE in your household, as its more than likely, they’re infected too.

This is working for me. I hope and pray that this helps others.
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I just signed up for this only so I could say this to you. THANK YOU AND DONT STOP SPREADING THE WORD! my mom is a nutritionist who does love blood cell analysis for her own business. I left home to go to school, and my health has been going down, fast! I've lost 45 pounds, I have extreme pains and aches, been choaking on my own saliva at night, exhaustion, etc . I finally got home and had my mom do my blood. The egg pools in my blood are so evident, my body is being over ridden my parasites. My mom has me on a parasite cleanse and diatomatious earth, I just started today. I'm going to follow all the other things you have listed. I am dying from these things, and other people must be too. I'm scared I'm too the point where I've developed a serious autoimmune disease as Ibe left it too long while I focused on my studies, ignoring my pain (currently worrying and resting about MS, and cancer types). Please tell everyone you can so they can beat it before it gets so far.
How long do you have to do this protocol for? My soon-to-be-13-year-old daughter has many of these symptoms and believes she has pinworms, but Family and Children's Services (FCS) has told her "no, she doesn't", and thinks that I'm giving her these ideas, so I am court-ordered not to "self-diagnose my daughters", and have given her father full-custody of her. Since she's been living with him, her health has declined even more - she's losing weight, she has extreme dandruff, her scalp is always itchy and her hair is starting to fall out in clumps, she gets mysterious red, itchy dots on her skin that come and go, her skin is itchy, especially around her rectum, and she says that at night she "feels like things are crawling all over her" (your post is the first time I've heard of that as an actual, physical symptom - I thought it was related to her mental health issues). This is in addition to her long-standing insomnia, emotional dysregulation, mental health issues, ADHD, and Asperger's Syndrome (but she is also extremely gifted intellectually - when she was 4, the psychologist told us that they don't truly know just how intelligent she is, because they did not have a test hard enough for her, that they were allowed to use for kids her age, so her intelligence is quite literally "off the charts").  Our GP says, "nobody in developed countries gets parasites unless they've visited third-world countries and drunk the water there". Based on symptoms, I think it's possible that I may have pinworms as well. When I was nursing my daughter when she was a baby, I developed a severe yeast infection in my breasts, so we were both treated with extra strength antibiotics, gentian violet, grapefruit-seed extract, and probiotics, but I do not know if the yeast was completely eliminated, as I had the same thing (but milder) happen when my 2nd daughter was born. Anyways, my 13-year-0ld (well almost 13) wants see a naturopath, and to get off all the medication she is on (mostly ADHD meds and mood stabilizers), but her father won't allow her to, and I can't advocate for her without risking losing what little access to her I have left. I will have her for the entire week over Christmas, but after that it will be back to just every second weekend. If I were to do this protocol (for both of us) over the Christmas week, would that be long enough to eliminate at least the parasites? If not, would continuing it only 2 days every 2 weeks, be often enough to continue treating it? Or would that just possibly make it worse, as you warn? Is the protocol you describe safe for a child? If we do manage to clean her out and get rid of "the bugs", will they come back again if she has to keep eating all the processed and sugary food her father gives her? Any advice you can give would be appreciated. Thanks.
Clarification: Family and Children's Services gave my ex custody of my daughter, I didn't give her to him. Rereading the post, above, I realized that it might sound like I gave up custody of my daughter, so I wanted to clarify that.
I would strongly urge you not to diagnose your daughter, and by all means, DO NOT start her on some "protocol" that you found on a random internet post.  First, just because all of the treatments are natural does not mean they are safe.  I can name dozens of natural substances that will result in adverse outcomes, or death.  

At least take her to a naturopath, if you must.  They have some training and won't likely give your daughter anything that will do harm.  If you perform an untested, unregulated protocol on your daughter and something goes wrong, or your daughter's father hears about it, you will almost certainly lose access to her.

Also, just because someone did a protocol and saw "stuff" coming out of them doesn't mean they have parasites.  In many instances, I've seen dangerous home-developed protocols result in intestinal lining being stripped from the body and excreted through feces, which people mistakenly believe are worms.  Parasites are relatively easy to diagnose via stool samples.  
@Jendal...Thank you. And I hope this is helping you. Best of luck to you!
@cjd7...The minimum is at least one month. And this all depends on how many parasites you (or your daughter) are passing. And may I just say that perhaps for your daughter, have her just try taking the clove capsules and putting a tsp of Diatomaceous Earth in a shake, 3x/day to start. The Green black walnut hull and Super W blend may be a tad too strong for her system, just starting out, but the DE and Cloves will still produce results for her. Again, as a NURSE WITH 35 YEARS of TRAINING, I wouldn't push any "protocol" on someone to harm them. That's why I became a nurse in the first place...to HELP PEOPLE. If ANY of what I've stated helps someone, then I've done my job. So ignore the trolls who are against what I've stated in an earlier post. Like many on these boards, people are obviously not satisfied with treatments they've received through their medical doctors, and are looking for someone that can provide information that MAY help others. That's all I'm trying to do. Best of luck to you both!
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Hi, recently I have also seemed to develop a lot of the symptoms described in everyone's posts.

1. The feeling like mucus is "stuck" in the back of the throat.
2. Intense throbbing pain under chin right where the neck creases at the jaw.
3. Diarrhea filled with green bile.
4. Itching every night and eczema.
5. The feeling like my tongue is not making my words perfectly.

For me my symptoms popped up the day after I ate 2 boiled eggs, I felt itchy in the back of my mouth after the egg so I took two Benadryl and passed out. Waking up the next morning my symptopms arose and the only that would give me temporary relief was burping.

I'm down 13 pounds from a healthy 150 lbs to a 137. It's been a month and this "pain" has caused me so much anxiety I went to the ER twice.

I went to an ENT who put a camera up my nose and down my throat and said it looked normal other than some minor irritation and redness.

I thought all was hopeless that no doctor could diagnose me with anything like I some how came across a new disease that gave me no fever, no vomit and no wheezing.

I went to a GI doctor who told me I may have celiac's due to my eczema so i stopped eating bread until my blood was drawn and processed, and of course... It was negative.

I went to the allergist, and walking in I thought to myself if the allergist has no clue, then I was hopeless and was destined to be stuck in this feeling of turmoil and approaching death.

The allergist pulled out her pricks and ran up my back stabbing me with the juices of all sorts of food and environmental allergens. The results...

I was allergic to eggs and corn, two allergens I ate all the time and I increased eggs 200 fold once I started my protein heavy weight gaining diet. I also recently had started running outside, and apprently im allergic to grass, trees, mold, and weeds. I also have a history of bring allergic to soy, legumes, and nuts. But I never would have thought i was allergic to egg and corn.

The allergist said I had overworked my immune system with running and eating boiled eggs by the dozen, that it broke down and had told my body not to eat anything.

I want to tell all of you out there that at this point the allergist said I most likely have EOSINOPHILIC ESOPHAGITIS, and I am about to get an endoscopy to confirm it. I advise all of you who found this thread to go get allergy tested, and see if your diet is what is not letting your symptoms improve. I have cut all eggs and corn and am crossing my fingers that maybe I can slowly feel relief.

Thanks for reading and hopefully you and I can both find relief.
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Everyone I am in the Military and I have the same problem everynight when I lay down to go to sleep I panic because I can't breath So I have to swallow a couple of times and catch my breath then I feel normal... I have to go to the Military VA Hospital and they will (pulmonary Doctor) in July 5 2016 and they have to try to find something because I been where all you guys been, My private doctor can't find anything, my nose$ throat doctor can't find anything! everyone wants to call it acid reflux because they can't find anything.... I tried all types of medication. nothing can fix it...
anyone wants to find out what they have found can email me at ***@****
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I just found this discussion.  I am miserable with thick mucus, chronic dry mouth and throat.
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There is a strong possibility you are gluten sensitive. There is gluten in gum and toothpaste. I have done extensive research and this could be the answer you are looking for as gluten intolerance also causes gerds. I am currently testing things out as I have just realised my gerds is gluten relayed and am getting checked for celiac soon. For sure every time I eat gluten my throat swells immediately and my stomach pays the price... hope this helps
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OMG my very same symptoms that I have had for years.  Sure wish I would have googled this sooner.
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OMG my very same symptoms that I have had for years.  Sure wish I would have googled this sooner.
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I have been struggling with these same symptoms. For the last 3 years. It's progressively getting worse. It started with just itching, especially at night, then it was excessive burping. But only a couple days at a time then it would go away, now it's every day almost every 10 min.. I also have sticky saliva that seems to come up the more I feel the need to burp. I feel like I have something in my throat. I have IBS symptoms, all of them. I am 36 yrs old and I'm so miserable
11023268 tn?1447574828
A glass of water with apple cider viinegar raw-unfiltered.  The best brand in Bragg, put two tbs. in the water and drink in morning on an empty tummy.  This will also balance the acid.  This is the best to clear up mucus.  Go natural.  I am a nutritionist.  
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I have a lot of these issues, too. I wake up every day with thick slime in my throat and mouth, feels like my throat is all closed up because of it. It's even difficult to drink water and get going for the day. I've tried Nexium and had some slight improvement but not enough to stay on it. I switched to omeprazole and that didn't help it all, even though it was prescription strength. I had an endoscopy and they found a hiatal hernia plus gastritis, but the doctor basically said to eat better and take over the counter medicine. Anyway, now I'm on Prevacid. The mucus and slime is just slightly better, and I've been taking this for over a month. It gets worse when I eat, but it's pretty much always there, even when I haven't eaten anything at all, which makes no sense. I get issues from foods that shouldn't cause problems, such as bananas, apples, and even salad. It constantly feels like something is stuck in there and this is all very frustrating and annoying. I'm trying to drink a lot more water but it needs to be the bottled type, or alkaline, tap water gives me issues. On top of all this, I have allergies. I'm allergic to dust, my cat, sometimes it seems like I'm allergic to my own hair, which I know sounds crazy but when it gets in my face or touches my forehead I feel really itchy from it. I'm wondering if anyone here has experienced both issues at the same time -- acid reflux PLUS allergies? Could I have symptoms of both happening at exactly the same time? I'm cleaning the whole house a lot more and even covered my bedding and pillows with allergy covers, everything seems pretty clean, and I use unscented detergent on top of all this. Nothing seems to help and I'm wondering what doctor to try next -- allergist, ENT, or another gastro doctor. Let me know if anyone has found a solution for the think saliva with coughing and throat swelling.... thanks.
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Its like im talking, im going through all this now. Please let me know if you havefound a solutiin. Hopemarthers@yahoo
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hello i have had this aswell for 2 months and ive tried everthink and then only thing that helps is gum buts its still there mine gets worse at night ive seen my doctor and hejust keeps saying that see how it gose over the week its sending me mad but its good to know that im not the only one with this mad thing that no one knows what its is im waiting on the results of my x ray i promise if i find out how to get rid of it ill post but im 20 years old and ive never had anything like this in my life but if any finde out any more about it could you please e mail me ***@**** thank you and i hope we all get rid of it one day as fast as it come
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I have the same problem of sticky saliva for the past 2 years!!I stopped kissing my partner cos it is embarrassing.I m sick of chewing gum! nothing helps. can anybody help me please?
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Sounds like you could have a Candida overgrowth, which would explain the thick, sticky saliva.
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WOW!!!  I have those same symptoms...  Only mine are accompanied by particles in my saliva and an really icky film on tongue and roof of mouth with a smell.  I had two (yes, two) WHOLE garbanzo beans stuck "somewhere" in throat or sinusus (really no clue where AND they were in there for a week or more!) I had no idea they were stuck in me until they came out after I had been gargling salt water for my sore throat. Dr is sending me for the barrium swallow, I had an upper GI done a couple months ago for my heartburn/acid reflux and was wondering if that did it?  My Dr. thinks I may have Zenkers Cyst. I can't eat and sometimes it feels as though my throat is closing up...  I have been reading up and think another possibility could be Epiglottitis.  Check that one out....
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hi , iv been suffering with acid reflux for years now and also have been having this horrible thick flem feeling on the back of my throat that neverseems to go away . also it seems to get wors at night and when i first wake up , iv also experienced when clearing my throat sometimes blood comes up in it to . so im worried , i went to see the doctor and had blood tests abnd they came back clear , iv also discovered weight and muscle loss to within the past year and half , is there anyone else who as similar problems or may know what it could be please ???
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i am 15 years old and i have this saliva thickness too and its so annoying i don't  cough really but i have really sore throat swelling and every once in a while i burp up food but just a little not a lot so nasty right i wish i could find a way to heal this see my aunt that i live with she think i have allergies so i take allergy medicine every day and it help my headaches and not my nose to stop running its helps a little but not much for my nose but i wish i could wake up feel that my throat is normal again could someone please tell me a easy way to stop having this thick saliva eww i mean i have to keep paper towel every where i go kids make fun of me every where i go they call me spit face how mean right? by the way i love justin bieber but really i need to get rid of this problem had it for 2 years now thank u so much everyone for the ones that will help me out really i do by the way sorry for changing the subject about justin bieber sorry i love the man to death i cant believe he is 18 huh i wish i was 18 but i am 15 sorry to say and thanks everyone for posting stuff on here about their problems that made me feel awesome i will pray for all of u people i hate to see people in need love always to the sick people hopefully when i grow up i would make a difference in life love u justin bieber
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Hi everyone.  I've been suffering from the stringy thick saliva for about 6 weeks now.  I probalby have a hiatal hernia, probably CAUSING reflux, from what I've read here, but I don't have any health insurance, so I can't find out for sure.  I was in so much pain about three weeks ago that I did wind up in the hospital, where the Dr. prounounced "classic acid reflux" and prescribed $140 in acid pump inhibitors and stomach coaters that didn't work at all.  The "golf ball in my chest" gets so bad sometimes that I actually vomit.  I quit eating every suspected food allergen, including caffine, sugar, dairy, gluten and soy, and also stopped eating foods known to be hard to digest, including raw veggies, acidic fruit (which is like, everything except bananas), and fatty foods.  What's left you ask?  There are only three foods that I KNOW I can eat and be okay, which are brown rice, a baked potato (margerine, not butter, and obviously no sour cream), and bananas.  It's SO hard not to cheat, but feel almost normal when I'm good, I feel like if I could be good for three months I could probably add some of the taboo foods back in small amounts and be okay.  My two biggest suspects on the above list are dairy and gluten.  MSG is also hugely suspect.  I was feeling great yesterday and ate an eggroll and I am so paying for it today.  The reason I suspected that it was allergies is because the food would almost never bother me immediately; it takes about 12 hours to start feeling sick, and then twelve hours of being sick, often with a grand finale that includes wretching, but nothing comes out, just gas.  Someone said that they believe the slimy spit is beneficial for the stomach lining, trying to protect it, but it makes me feel worse and sometimes wretch.  Sometimes I also get "skin writing" and get itchy all over my body.  Additionally sounds like allergies.
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I had lots of sweet, sticky mucus coming down the back of my throat and making me cough so hard my head felt like it was splitting open. After years of allergy medicine - three at the same time during one period - my new doctor stopped all the allergy medicines. I got somewhat better.

Then it started up again several years later, and it was even worse. Finally, I was referred to a doctor who said he would put me under and scope my throat and stomach. He told me to stop taking all my medicines (except those related to my diabetes) for two weeks prior to the exam. By the time the exam rolled around, the coughing had stopped. We figured it out ... it was mostly due to the baby aspirin they had me taking to prevent heart attacks!!! It was also due to caffeine ... soda pop, coffee, and CHOCOLATE! I didn't want to hear that. My stomach was very red, and they also found I had a hiatal hernia.

As I've gotten older, I now have to prop myself up in bed with lots of pillows. I can't eat after supper, or I'll have problems. Even high-fat meals and red meat have become a problem because they create ACID. I can no longer drink even one can of Coca-Cola or I go into coughing fits that end up in me gagging. When I got the flu recently, I took Mucinex and other medicines and ... boom ... the mucus was back. It's not just the antihistamines, but also pain relievers - Tylenol, Aspirin, Alleve, etc.

My own personal conclusion is that as annoying as the sweet, sticky, stringy mucus is, it is the body's way of trying to protect and coat the esophagus and stomach. The key is to stop eating and drinking foods that create acid and to stop eating long before laying down.

Hope this helps.
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usually what I do is, I chew my food alll the way and I take a drink and swallow so it can go down, I'm 16 by the way :/ it really ***** having this problem
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To everyone that has posted recently: You have responded to an old, outdated thread from 2008.  The people who originally posted these comments may very well have moved on.  Rather than reply to an old thread, we recommend that people start a new topic to discuss the subject anew.  To do that, please click on the green "Post a Question" button at the top of the page.  This will get your post the attention it deserves.  Thank you.
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Please get a gastroscopy done to check the esophagus and stomach. This is no small matter and there are not enough awareness about this matter.

Please read my blog: http://ivin-mycancerjourney.blogspot.com/
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Is anyone out here still experiencing these issues?  

I am similar, 27 y/o female
- history of GERD
- thick sticky saliva or mucus in back of throat, especially after eating.
- After eating, lots of burping and bloating in esophagus/upper chest.  
- Sometimes chest pain, from the ribs at times radiating up into the shoulders as a kind of shoulder/neck/back ache.  Also sometimes a sharper pain in the upper chest.
- feeling like I have to constantly clear my throat, but not exactly COUGH, just making a throat clearing noise that has everyone within 10 feet of me look at me because they think I am trying to get their attention!
- post-nasal drip symptoms, including fluid behind ear that never seems to drain

I've been on Prilosec OTC for almost a month and though it seems like the acid reflux is now under control (i.e.: I haven't woken up at night with the searing heartburn) but the symptoms persist.  My throat doesn't seem swollen from what a regular doc can see, and it seems hard as heck to get in to see an Ear Nose and Throat specialist from where I live.   Had a barium swallow test and chest x-ray this morning, and though the results haven't yet come back, the doctor initially said things look "good, no obstructions or narrowing" that she could see right then and there.

This is so frustrating.  I feel like I am constantly complaining and no one has any answers.  I've been on and off decongestants but they never truly seem to help... Just taking Tylenol Arthritis as advised by my doctor to keep the inflammation down and help the chest or shoulder pains but it doesn't seem to do a great job at either.  This is just NOT LIKE ME!  I want my life back!

Like everyone else, anxiety seems to be an issue... I am not NORMALLY a stressed out person, but feeling like your throat is closing up or like you can't breathe properly can trigger a panic attack EASILY.  My doctor gave me low doses of lorazepram in case I have an anxiety attack related to this issue, but that only helps for a few hours.  

Did you all just learn to live with this??? or are there answers out there to be found?  This has been happening for over a month, and reading that this has plagued some of you for years makes me nervous!  How do you cope??
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I am presently going through the misery of sticky saliva and burning lips and throat mucus. Don't know if it's GERD but I did have a nasty attack of it last Xmas and had trouble swallowing for 3 days.  The Dr has no answer. There is a book which throws some light on the subject and may be worth reading. I am half way through it and tempted to try some of the "cures".  Book is called No More Heartburn by Sherry A Rogers M.D.  Check it out.  
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I too have issues with thick saliva. On the advice of a few people I tried Apple Cider Vinegar. It helped both my thick saliva and some of my GERD symptoms. I usually make sure that I have an ounce or so before bed.  Unfortunately, it tastes horrible!

Not sure if this info will help anyone else, but I thought I'd post it as a suggestion.
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Any new information anyone? I just found all these posts from several years ago and I have the same sticky thick saliva, burping up food, and throat swelling problems...I've seen all the Dr's and they have no answer and no remedy! This is so frustrating! Please...any info or help is appreciated (email me at ***@****) Thanks
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Discover common causes of and remedies for heartburn.
This common yet mysterious bowel condition plagues millions of Americans
Don't get burned again. Banish nighttime heartburn with these quick tips
Get answers to your top questions about this pervasive digestive problem