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why do I get abdominal and back pain for 3hrs every time I eat eggs

I'm a 36 year old female and I've have had this issue for the last 8 years. I thought it might be an allergy but doctors said no. It feels like i'm being poisoned after I eat certain foods. Mine started with eggs and then raw broccoli was added which also turned into cooked broccoli, now pears and other random food items have been added. Sometimes even coffee when I drink it below a certain temp. I call it hollow back. It starts about 30 minutes to an hour after eating and usually lasts for 3 painful hours where I feel like I want to vomit or go to the bathroom but I can't do either and my back feels hollow like it wants to be cracked but that would make me throw up! The only thing that helps me is heating pads on my stomach and or back, hot baths, and lying on my side. I have been to doctors and have pretty much given up and just stay away from those foods but occasionally it sneaks up on me again and I have to figure out what caused it and eliminate yet another favorite food. I will probably try again to get some more tests but sometimes I feel crazy when explaining these symptoms because they are so consistent in my life but the doctors just look at me stumped and puzzled. For anyone going through this I wish you all the best and will keep you updated if I find out anything worth sharing. I feel a little less crazy knowing I'm not alone but sorry for everyone else who shares this discomfort. Best wishes:)
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I think it has to do with gallstones. You may need to do some Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush'es or you may also need to find out what the eggs are fed and seek only strictly organic corn (or other gluten free grains -- which secludes wheat and soy).
And only eat them soft-boiled or lightly scrambled or sunny-side up or poached if at all (not fried and not high-heated). I guess they are a boon to health (if the farmers raise and feed the right, look for Mom & Pop raisers) if done correctly. And they are very low on the AGE scale (a chart that lists which foods are best for aging vs which foods are worse for aging and cause more degeneration). Or just do one soft-boiled egg a day and see. They are probably just inflaming your kidneys (and gall-bladder secondarily) since the cooking process does produce crystallization (calcium phosphate crystals? Uric acid crystals? -- which lead to kidney stones, and gout etc, similar to how homogenized dairy creates xanthine oxidase crystals which scratch blood vessels and are the main culprit responsible for heart disease).
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This is something that is driving me crazy.  A few years ago I started feeling what I called boulder gut.  About 45 minutes after eating I would start to feel like I was immensely full... like a giant boulder was filling my gut.  It's not so much pain as immense discomfort.  I also feel like I want to vomit or have diarrhea, but I never actually do either of those things.  I just wish I could.  The discomfort lasts for 4-5 hours, and then just vanishes.  Eventually I realized that eggs were the culprit.  I had eaten eggs for over 30 years without incident.  This seemed to come on out of nowhere.  If I avoid eggs, then all is well.  However, I'm still able to eat things that contain eggs, liked baked goods.  I assume it's because the concentration of egg is much lower as it's spread out throughout several servings.   I am even able to eat mayonnaise, but recently discovered that I cannot tolerate organic mayo.  Apparently it's too real.... I have to stick to the more fake processed variety.

Like a couple people have mentioned, Mylanta seems to ease the symptoms and lessen the length of the episode to about 3 hours, but it's not a miracle.  I'm still writhing around for hours.  I did discover something really odd though, and I don't know how to explain it.  I accidentally ate an egg without thinking while I was pregnant.  I realized my mistake afterward, but the discomfort did not follow.  I tried it again and again.  Nothing.  I was seemingly cured.  I ate eggs throughout the remainder of my pregnancy like I did before this nonsense began.  After giving birth I was afraid, but I gave it a try.  Nothing.  I thought I had been miraculously cured by pregnancy.  About a year later I was weening my baby from breastmilk, and wouldn't you know, the symptoms returned.  Something about the hormones throughout pregnancy and lactation seemed to temporarily cure this strange condition.  But now I'm right back to avoiding eggs and organic or homemade mayo.  

I'm just wondering if my strange experience with my temporary miracle cure can shed some light on what is going on.  Maybe someone more well versed in biology than I.

Good luck to all.  I know this sucks.  I know there are other things to eat, but I really loved having an egg now and again.  And it frightens me to think about how others see their food choices dwindling over time.  I can't stay pregnant and breastfeeding all the time in order to eat eggs!  lol
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I have the EXACT same symptoms. I used to be able to eat eggs just fine when I was younger. After having my first child I suddenly had no tolerance for eggs. I get a horrible "full" and extremely uncomfortable feeling and have to lie down for hours after I eat them. Just like you I can tolerate foods that contain egg but not eggs alone. It's unfortunate because I really like eggs and I wish there was a cure.
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I am 43 and have had this egg v. "tummy o terror" thing for as long as I could remember. My mom always thought it was weird but we never got any real diagnosis. I was always told I had had ulcers, GERD,IBS or lactose intolerance (and yes I know, funny huh). I do think there might be something to that mercury toxicity thing the nutritionist mentioned in the beginning. Sulfites react to mercury and there have been several ways I may have been exposed to it in my lifetime. It also plays along with the increased diagnoses of AHDH,Autism,Asthma or Allergies these days. These are also said to be caused my mercury toxicity. Too much research out there and so little time to read it all. But Thank you all for sharing about your experiences. I really did think it was just me.
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What's interesting is that all of the things you are reacting to our foods high in sulfur. Specifically sulfur foods that are high in something called THIOLS.
Have you been tested for mercury toxicity? Mercury reacts with sulfurous foods tat are high in thiols and produces tons of gas in the intestine that in turn smells like sulfur and can cause painful reactions. I recommend getting a hair minerals analysis done to measure mercury levels, and if you find out you are high in mercury then begin some sort of chelation protocol with a practitioner (the safest protocol out there now would be the one by Dr. Christopher Shade called Quicksilver Scientific)Im a Nutritionist and all of my mercury toxic clients have this problem. Remember mercury does not only come from eating fish, it also comes from dental fillings, batteries, vaccines, light bulbs and living near power plants and can also be passed down from your mother.
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6543835 tn?1468844035
while you may not be allergic to those foods, it could just be symptoms of ibs, and those foods are your triggers. The abdominal and back pain can all be caused by swelling intestines and stomach due to ibs. Does passing gas or having a bowel movement relieve the pain at all?
From my experience, no matter how much you like a food, if it causes pain, its not worth it. Eliminate the foods causing the problem from your diet. there are plenty of other things to eat and drink.
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I have been eating eggs for the last 42 years without any problem. Previously however my consumption of eggs was just moderate (2 time a week perhaps).  A month back I started having them everyday for breakfast and then after the third week or so started getting stomach pain and cramps every time after I had them lasting me a good 2 to 3 hours, just like everyone else here. Some say it could either be an allergy I developed or it could be a salmonella infection but that can be detected only via a stool test. The pain sometimes gets unbearable and starts for me in the back and slowly radiates to the stomach. During the course I however realized that I get relief if I take a  quarter cup of warm or hot water and drop in half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and gulp it down. Turmeric acts as an antibiotic and it is natural.It also contains the chemical curcumin. Curcumin and other chemicals in turmeric might decrease swelling (inflammation). It is used to cure a lot of stomach disorders. It acts instantly and will give you relief immediately although you may not like the taste. But it better than suffering the next 3 hours. I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me. I thought I was the only one going through this agony but now I've found out I'm not the only one. I hope someday they find a permanent cure for this but until then I'll always have a pack of turmeric powder by my side. Love to all here.
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I FIGURED IT OUT! It's a sensitivity to sulfite! Check this out!
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OMG this is exactly me! Always eggs, other random things- usually the pain starts 20-30 mins after I eat and lasts for three hours. I can feel the food moving through my intestines and then all the sudden it's gone. Has anyone figured out what this is?? I'm so glad I'm not alone and have started to feel crazy!
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Wow, I will be 39 this year.  I'm female and I experience the exact sickness after eating eggs, mayo, and peanut butter...  just to name a few.  The doctors all look at me crazy also and never find anything.
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Has anyone looked into having a 'leaky gut'?  That is what I'm exploring now....  Mine started with eggs, but now it is anything with yeast in it and now beans.
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Increase your intake of blueberries, pineapple, SCD yogurt, and grilled or baked chicken using honey, garlic, lemon, and a tiny amount of butter. When your body starts to heal slowly add egg whites & only do black beans (cut out all other beans). Unfortunately you have to make your own SCD yogurt, but it will help you take back your life for good! So trust me it is worth it!
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I've been battling the same symptoms after eating eggs for about four years now.  I love them.  They are one of my favorite foods and I've tried many things to prevent the pain and gas they cause me, including supplemental digestive enzymes.

It occurred to me recently that I started having this problem around the same time I stopped putting black pepper on my eggs.  I've eaten them three times with black pepper and haven't experienced the gas, bloating and abdominal pain.  Black pepper triggers the digestive enzymes your body naturally makes.  I hope this is a long term solution.

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Ladies & Gents...I have been dealing with stomach pain for as long as I can remember.  I'm 33 now but had ulcers when I was 13. Primary care doctors said I was making it up to get out of school bc nothing was wrong with me. My mom finally said NO..and requested a referral to a specialist. Thank god bc after having an endoscopy done they found my stomach looked like swiss cheese!  Antibiotics and Prevacid were given I believe. I would throw up bile almost daily and my stomach would have this awful gnawing pain/burn sensation almost daily. This lasted 3-5 hours. No matter what if I ate or not, no matter what I ate...didn't matter. Mylanta helped ease the pain but very minimally. After starting prescription meds symptoms resolved after just 24 hours.  Now however, I am experiencing something different. Nov-2013 I started getting such bad stomach pain it became intolerable. I would puke and wasn't sure if it was due to something in my stomach or because I was in so much pain.  My stomach would get hard as a rock and become super distended...almost an inch.  NOTHING and I mean NOTHING helped it.  Was in the ER and doctors so many times I lost count.  Had a CT, an upper and lower endoscopy, blood tests (so many I looked like a heroin addict), stool test, urine tests...you name it, I had it! What did they find...nothing.  I looked over all my lab results my self and found one area where it listed bacteria...it went from none on one test, to few on the next and many on the third.  Hmm...odd, right!  I finally took some herbal parasite crap and had the doctor give me antibiotics for possible intestinal bacteria. I was desperate as I was getting married the next month. I was willing to try ANYTHING. Pain...gone after 3 days. Now it's a year + later and stomach is acting up again.  WILL IT EVER END!!!!  Seems like it's eggs that are setting off the pain this time around but I've only been tracking 3-4 days so far so really it could be coincidental.  30-90 min after eating eggs or something with eggs my stomach gets a bloated feeling, super painful, burning/gnawing and I get back pain as well with nausea. I will feel like I have to puke yet wont. I make myself if it gets that bad b/c if the nausea is that bad once I throw up I feel so much better.  It will also upset my stomach to where I feel like I will have diarrhea yet never do. I tried taking benadryl yesterday and today as soon as the pain started.  Thinking...hmm, if this is some kind of allergy/intolerance maybe an antihistamine would help?!  Yesterday and today within 30 minutes of taking the Benadryl my pain reduced by 75%.  I couldn't believe it!  Again it's only been a couple days but I felt it was worth sharing.  The rest of my story will hopefully help others who may have ulcers.  Hope this helps!
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This same thing started with me 12 years ago. It slowly evolved, happening after eating other foods. I have been through so many tests & seen so many Drs.  Last month I saw a new Dr who is 100% sure that it's my gallbladder. Something in eggs & now, other foods, are causing sludge to build up in my gallbladder & when it gets pushed through my Bilary ducts & pancreas, it causes the back ache. It's actually pancreatitis from gallbladder sludge or stones. I'm having my gallbladder removed next week. All I can say is go to a specialist. Don't rely on the findings of your primary care Dr.
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just a heads up I have this same problem and already had my gallbladder removed years ago. problems started long after the gallbladder was removed so don't count on that helping in any way!
just a heads up I have this same problem and already had my gallbladder removed years ago. problems started long after the gallbladder was removed so don't count on that helping in any way!
I have had my gallbladder out for years as well, and still suffering with this issue! In my investigation of the foods that cause this exact nausea and pain in the center of my back is Sulfur. So far I cannot eat eggs, broccoli, and cauliflower, and they all high in sulfur. What’s so odd is I can eat eggs that are used in baked good, just not by theirselves?!?! I hate that you all have gone through the suffering of these exact foods, but so glad that I have found I’m not crazy and alone! The only help I have found is to absolutely stay away from these foods!!  
strongamy, I can eat eggs in baked food as well. I was also able to eat hard-boiled eggs, until today. My only problem had been fried/scrambled eggs. Mine started after having my gallbladder removed years ago. It’s so weird, but I think it’s progressing.
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I can't believe this. I have finally found something that sounds like exactly what I am getting. For about a month now Ive been getting these symptoms after eating and was told by the doctor that it was acid reflux. I have tried every medication and over the counter drug for Acid reflux, plus home remedies and nothing helps. I am in pain for up to 5 hours sometimes, and it can result in vomiting in the end. The last couple of weeks, I have come to a realization that I get this after I eat egg. Now I am not too sure where to go from here.
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Sounds like gallbladder issues. I had mine revoved bc of the pain I was in after eating certain foods. After I had it removed, I could no longer eat eggs for whatever reason. If I eat say..potatoe salad, I can only eat maybe 3 bites. Ive eaten eggs my whole life but now if I even eat one whole egg, it will send me to the emergency room. The pain is that bad. It comes abt an hour or so after and I get sick to my stomach, the pain goes around my sides to my lower back, then goes up my back to right between my sholder blades. Then have a hard time breathing. Definitely get gallbladder checked
The pain I was getting are spasms from things like eggs, gravie, sausage...fatty things. Doctor prescibed bentyl 3 times a day. Ask your doctor abt that
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This very thing has recently started happening to me. I LOVE eggs, but have experienced similar symptoms after eating them for the past 3 weeks. It really happened out of nowhere! I am 32 years old and have been eating eggs my whole life. Now every single time I eat eggs, I feel like I want to die for about 3 hours. I don't get gassy/diareah or vomit. I just spend the entire time wishing those things would happen. Then after 3 hours I feel fine. It's weird and I hate it, but am glad that I'm not alone! Has anyone had this properly diagnosed??
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Thank God for internet is right. Eggs followed by precisely symptoms mentioned here. My mystery is sometimes this happens to me and sometimes it does not but last two days have been awful. Eggs muffin yesterday and hard boiled egg today - stomach cramps and sore back. Greek Yogurt helps me. Very annoying. Just started out of the blue last few years.
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This is why I love the internet! Just like all of you, I have spent hundreds on doctor bills just to be told I need to see a shrink. Right now the pain has subsided just enough to pick up my phone and google that exact line "why does my stomach and back hurt so bad when I eat eggs". I used to think my mom was nuts for avoiding them and I have delt with the pain for years thinking it was something else. The worst of it is the overwhelming urge to either vomit or go to the bathroom but with no ability to do either. I get really horrible bloating to the point I feel and look 5 months pregnant. I have found that acaci berry clenses help to keep my gi system moving as with the sensetivities to so many foods, my bowels seem to just freeze for a week or more at a time. I havent found anything that helps but to avoid eggs. I find icecream relieving as well. And lots of water. Facinating that you mention cold coffee. Happens to me too and my last doc did call me nuts when I said that. Wow! I dont know what possesed me to eat that one egg this morning for breakfast but I regret it. Thankfully my husband is the best and knows that Im not lazy even though its noon and I am in bed...I feel for those of you at work with it!
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Hi, I just been searchin net trying to find out why I get so much pain after eating egg and so shocked to see im totally not alone suprised to see how many others suffer the same. Mine seemed to start after I had my baby who is now almost 4yr old n still have it thought wud a just wore off but getting worse like mayo is a no no now n certain dips which I used to love n never had prob with. I take gaviscon but if pain has already started it doesnt work, like a lot of u have said how sick u feel n cant move its hard to eat or drink anything but I made myself drink can of full fat coca cola n that seems to help me, tho did take me almost 5hours before I could actually get up to go get it. If I ever find anything else that works will certainly let u know. Take care x
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I am going through the same thing, I try to stay away from eggs, but today I figured I would try egg whites since it has been quite a few months since I last had eggs, and well now I am miserable, and at work. I have also noticed this awful pain after eating certain raw fruits and veggies. Not sure what the connection is but it's an awful feeling. Wish I had a way to relieve this.
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I suffer from the same things.  I had a reaction to a sulfa drug years ago so I haven't taken it since. One day after eating eggs for breakfast I had excruciating pain in my back. I went to the chroirpracter and he relieved some of it and he also (crazy as this sounds) massaged my gall bladder from under my ribs. When I set up from the table, I literally belched out loud.  I somehow felt better after that.  I have noticed that some wines cause the same symptoms too.  I received a bottle of wine tonight and for the first time noticed it contained sulfites, go figure!  Now I have to make sure which ones I can drink.  Hopefully one day the doctors will figure this out.  Good luck to each of you.
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I have the same thing. Can't have eggs, chewy baked goods, or even mayo. I have found mylanta will help me slightly, but when I have to stop the pain right way eat a few bites of ice cream- vanilla or chocolate. Something in the ice cream soothes my stomach like it coats it right away. I assume its the heavy cream or the fat content in regular ice cream that helps. WorKs way faster than mylanta. Give it a try, I know when the pain gets so bad you can't move let alone want to eat anything..
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Reading this post was like reading about myself!  I have all of the same symptoms, the doctors are stumped, and I am tired of dealing with this pain all the time.  Have you found anything that helps?
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681148 tn?1437661591
Well, you can have food sensitivities without testing positive for true allergies.  A lot of people, including doctors who don't specialize in allergy or immunology, don't realize the impact this can have.

Eggs are actually a common allergen.  You might not have a true allergy to them, but you can be sensitive to eggs.  They do have a high sulphur content in them, so it makes sense why they bother some peoples' GI tract.

I know what you mean, because my list of food SENSITIVITIES is quite long.  I test negative for lettuce and spinach allergies, but if I eat them, I feel the same way you do, so I know how lousy that feels.

The thing with food sensitivities is that the only way to deal with them is what you've already been told, and that is avoidance.  It's quite maddening, too, I know.  

Oh, about the alcohol:  You probably don't want to hear this, because a lot of people equate a lot of drinking to their celebration type of parties.  But, if alcohol bothers you, you probably can't deal with the sulfites either.  I learned this the hard way.  I knew I couldn't really tolerate alcohol to drink.  I made some wine chicken (coq au vin) and was sick for a week.  I felt like I had the flu with the body aches and the stomach pain and the whole nine yards.  So, be really careful if you are eating foods that have been cooked with any kind of beer, wine or spirits, because the sulfite content will be more concentrated.  You could have a bad reaction to the food, even though there isn't really much alcohol left in the food.  This would be the real reason for being careful about giving such foods to kids.  It's not so much the alcohol content and keeping kids safe from the alcohol, because the food is safe in that regard even for the older kids.  It's the concentrated levels of sulfites that can get sensitive people.
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I get that feeling sometimes with alcohol. Luckily its very rare and no other foods really cause that. I actually felt like that a few days ago and thought it might be a dairy thing. So I have been staying away. So weird the pain in the back. Laying flat on my back sometimes helps?

Do you have a sensitive stomach? I do, and when I start eating like crap my stomach easily gets upset. Eating too much at one time does it to me too.
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Thank you for sharing this info. I have that also and it starts 3 years ago but never thought it because allergies :(
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