1470662 tn?1287789856

Can HIV be transmitted via a nitrous balloon?

Hi Doctor,

I attended a "rave" like party on 8/21/10. At this party, nitrous balloons were being passed around. I took several hits...And now I am wondering if there is any chance I can get HIV from sharing a balloon.

I took an oral HIV test at Planned Parenthood on 9/30/10. It was negative.

I tested for other STD's, negative too. Pap smear was normal.

I have not had unprotected sex in over 1.5 years. My fiance was a virgin, and we have never had unprotected sex.

I have read that HIV is not transmitted via saliva, but I'm wondering if there is any chance of infection if I shared a balloon with someone that perhaps had an open sore, etc. Am I paranoid or is this a valid concern?

I developed a sore throat that doesn't seem to go away. I've read that's a symptom of newly HIV infected persons.

I made myself quite sick for 11 days prior to testing. I didn't eat, sleep, suffered anxiety attacks, nightmares, etc. You would think that after I got my negative test results I would be relieved, on the contrary, I began questioning the accuracy of the oral rapid test. And now I find myself crying and feeling nervous all the time. Please help.

30 Responses
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186166 tn?1385259382
you paid money for a hiv SPECIALIST to assess your risk.  listen to him !
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It's time to move along. You never had a risk.
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1470662 tn?1287789856
Really? Wow! You would think an MD working at a large HMO would have common knowledge or be educated about HIV/ AIDS, but you might be right. I've been reading about the virus and saliva, and most reports claim that saliva has proteins and enzymes that make it difficult to transmit the virus via saliva (unless blood is present). I guess that was my biggest concern...

That I might have shared a balloon with someone who perhaps had bleeding gums or an open mouth sore. I was also concerned about the nozzle on the nitrous oxide tank. Lots of balloons being reused.

He did tell me it was a low risk, but would not rule it out a "no risk".
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186166 tn?1385259382
something to remember...just because one has a M.D. after their name does not mean they are hiv educated.
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1470662 tn?1287789856
Thank you again and keep up the great work! We need more people like you in this world.

@ reallyregret, you have put up with my drama for a few days now. thank you!

@ vance, thank you for the honest opinion.

God bless!
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Totally agree with Dr. Hook.
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1470662 tn?1287789856
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...According to my doctor, I don't have a sore throat. I have acute sinusitis. He prescribed Amoxicillin 3x per day, 14 days.
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1470662 tn?1287789856
FYI, this is the last comment from Dr. Hook:

Your fears have taken over your common sense.  HIV is not spread through dental cavities, just as it is not spread in gases such as nitrous oxide.  With each answer your "what if" questions become less logical.  Since my answers appear to be fueling this downward spiral, it is time for the thread to end.  Further posts will be deleted without comment.  The thread is over.  I urge you to seek help in dealing with these unwarranted fears.  EWH
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None at all.
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1470662 tn?1287789856
Wow Teak! I read your profile...You're amazing! Thank you in advance for the HIV/AIDS education you provide to youth and forum users.

So you too don't see a potential for contracting HIV via a balloon?

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None what so ever.
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1470662 tn?1287789856
Well Kaiser Permanente is an HMO...what can I say?

But seriously, you don't see any potential risk in the balloon game I played?

Thank you much for the feedback.
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Your doctor is incorrect. Saliva is not infectious and contains over a dozen different enzymes and protiens that inhibits HIV transmission.

Non-Infectious "Bodily Fluids"
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1470662 tn?1287789856
I had the same thoughts as you when I was sitting across from the doctor describing my concerns. He was quick to answer that HIV is transmitted via saliva. However, he elaborated by mentioning "deep kissing" as a potential way to contract the virus. Immediately thereafter, he mentioned the most common ways: semen, blood, mother's breast milk, IV drug use, and blood transfusion. He also gave me the example that infected blood cannot enter unbroken skin BUT if someone touched infected blood then rubbed their eye, then that's a risk to contract the virus.

Ok so do I need a "cyber slap to the face" for all my craziness? Perhaps. Maybe.

I'll retest later this year. I'll keep you updated. Thank you again.
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I hate to say it but your Dr is an idiot. Basically he/she is saying that kissing is a risk for HIV if he/she is saying that this above situation is a risk. No Dr who knows anything will say that it is a risk.
DO NOT RETEST. YOU HAVE NO REASON TO RETEST. GET A NEW DR ASAP. You are going to believe your Dr over an HIV EXPERT like Dr. Hook? Seriously?

Also see a therapist for this anxiety issue.
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Hi Vanessa1013,

To be honest, if i were a doctor, i too, would say the same thing. Simply because doctors have a duty of care to patients and are expected to provide proper advice, as experts. And as experts in the eyes of the law, they are legally liable for the comments they make, one wrong move and woosh goes their licence to practice. It's the same thing for bankers, lawyers, and a few other professions. So it's perfectly understandable that they play it safe, and tell you to test for something as trivial as your balloon game.

The more realistic answer to your question, is please, forget about hiv already, it's not your concern, ever. Seriously! At this moment, you probably need a big slap to the face to wake up, rather than more hiv tests. Wake up!

Take care.

May God bless

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1470662 tn?1287789856

I just saw my doctor at Kaiser Permanente. I asked about HIV being transmitted via saliva, he said "Yes". I described the "balloon game" and he told me that the probability was very low, but that he could not say "no risk" because there has never been a specific study based on the activity a described.

However, he did confirm that the OraQuick ADVANCE® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test is pretty accurate. Considering I haven't had unprotected sex in almost a year, he told me that I should believe the results. Nonetheless, since I took the test 40 days after the party, he ordered that I re-test by 12/1/10.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Hi Vanessa1013,

Glad to be of help. I'll take your word for it!

I hope you'll trust what the doctor told you and move on entirely from this episode.
Have safe fun, and all the best to you and your fiance.

Take care.

May God bless

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1470662 tn?1287789856

Though you're a total stranger...You have my word: I will NEVER partake in balloon games ever again! I have way to much to lose. I hope others reading this thread realize that participating in idiotic party games can result in life long regrets. I'm a person of faith. Life is good! No need to complicate it...

By the way, this is the response I received from Dr. EWH:

Welcome to the HIV Forum. I agree with all of the comments made in response to your question at the HIV Community site. As mentioned, HIV does not survive well in the environment and is not transmitted in saliva or through aerosols.  Inhalation of the nitrous, while perhaps not the greatest thing for your health for other reasons, is not a means by which HIV is transmitted..  You have nothing to worry about.  Believe your test result, it serves to confirm that you did not get HIV.

Take care. EWH  
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1470662 tn?1287789856
thank you again for your patience. as you might already figured out, i am paranoid!

i posted my question on the "experts forum"...hopefully a doctor will confirm the balloon game as ZERO RISK situation.

again, muck thanks for the continuous communication.

God Bless,
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Hi Vanessa1013,

No worries, i was just curious.

If you are looking for a doctor, you can pay to have your questions answered.
That will be in the 'Experts' forum.
In this forum, you've got everyone else other than the doctors.

As for your exposure, my opinion is the same as NickOne7's, 100% sure that your balloon game is a no risk situation.

Zero risk.

Please rest assured.

Take care.

May God bless

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1470662 tn?1287789856
@ really regret...i didn't mean to sound ungrateful for your help, but i was really hoping  a qualified doctor would provide an answer.

i, too, i'm horrified of possible exposure.

how certain are you that the balloon game is a NO RISK situation?

God Bless,
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Hi Vanessa1013,

Hmmm, why are you concerned about my medical background?


- I was/am like you, worried and very anxious about a possible exposure. I am still trying to recover from it. I have to admit it is not easy.

- Had studied medical biology, so i know some stuffs, but not all, of course.

May God bless


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1470662 tn?1287789856
@ NickOne7...thank you again for confirming.

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