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HIV - Low risk lot of symptoms

Hello all. I am heterosexual male and really need some expert opnion on my exposure.
Around 9 weeks back i had incident in massage parlour. There was no penetrative sex vaginal, anal  or oral. However there was lot of mutual masturbation involved . She masturbated her self and than same hand with vaginal fluid masturbated me. I also fingered her inside vagina and than same hand placed on her breast. In the end she made me cum with her breast where there was vagina fluid already from my hand and her hand.
Now as per my understanding it was safe sex because fluids are not considered infectious outside body atleast thats what every literature says on internet and expert forums...but unfortunately i think this was not the case in my case or may be i am going to be super unlucky when i had almost everysingle symptom of hiv starting 5 days uptill now 9 weeks.

5th day mild throat itching - didnt notice lasted 1 week.

7th day extreme burning hand and feet lasted 10 days ( could be early neuropathy)

14th day severe sore throat and flu for 2 days with mild diarrhea no fever.

16th day : Fungal infection in groin which is recurring till date

20th day started severe body aches and headache with stomach growling

26th day pick rashes on hands and fingers.

28th days rash on painful rash on penis shaft.

35th day 4 pus filled blisters on pubic area.

45th day extreme headache and pressure in ears with ringing in ears.

Following are the tests i have done till now.

10th day post exposure (HIV 4th generation & HIV 1 rna  detection limit 40copies ) both negative

21st day ( HIV 4th generation) negative

23rd Day ( HIV 4th generation and HIV 1 rna detection limit 40 copies) both Negative

46th day (  2 HIV 4th Generation and 2 HIV Rna 1 limit 40 copies  from 2 different labs) both negative

58th day ( HIV fourth generation ) Negative

I know what i am doing is excessively.excessive testing but i swear i want to stop but i am having each and every symptom of HIV. I have recently done blood work to see immune function and my CD4:CD8 is quite low less than 1 which mostly in case of HIV and its written in report that patient could be in immune deficiency state.

Please help me did you ever see someone infected in this way?

Did you ever see someone with so much combination testing 8 weeks of HIV 4th generation and RNA negative turning positive later?

Can it be HIV 2 which is not covered with HIV RNA 1 and takess longer time for antibodies?

I have been to many doctors and no one is able to help me getting out of this situation.

Thanks for reading.

2 Responses
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3191940 tn?1447268717
You didn't have a low-risk event.  You had a NO RISK event.

The only risks for HIV in adults are:
1) Having unprotected (no condom) penetrative anal or vaginal sex, OR
2) Sharing IV drug equipment with other IV drug users.

You can't get HIV from someone's hands or breasts, even if there is fluid on the skin.  It isn't a matter of being lucky or unlucky - HIV transmission methods are straightforward and well established.

As far as your exhaustive list of symptoms and testing, I am NOT reading all of that because none of it is relevant for a person, like you, who was never at risk for HIV.  If you are having medical issues, see a doctor, but the issues have nothing to do with HIV.
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Thanks alot for quick response. Though i could imagine this response even before posting but perhaps i needed some reassurance from expert like you.

1 final question. Did you ever see someone on Hiv RNA and 4th generation test 6 weeks negative and 4th generation test again 8th week negative becoming positive later?

Your situation involves personal contact with an object in air  ( hand, maybe blood, maybe cut, maybe fluids, mouth, breast milk, vagina, finger, etc. ). You will be happy to learn that you had no risk, because you can't get hiv from personal contact except unprotected penetrating vaginal or anal with a penis, neither of which you did and you didn't share hollow needles to inject with which is the only other way to acquire hiv - there are ONLY 3 ways to get hiv. Note that 2 of them require a penis and the third requires a hollow injecting shared needle - there are no OTHER ways to get hiv. Analysis of large numbers of infected people over the 40 years of hiv history has proven that people don't get hiv in the way you are worried is a risk.
Hiv is a fragile virus in air or saliva and is effectively instantly dead in either air or saliva so the WORST that could happen is dead virus rubbed you, and obviously anything which is dead cannot live again so you are good. Blood and cuts would not be relevant in your situation since the hiv has become effectively dead, so you don't have to worry about them to be sure that you are safe. Any hiv test would be a waste of time.
There is no reason for a person to test when they are safe. The advice took into consideration that the other person might be positive, so move on and enjoy life instead of thinking about this non-event. hiv prevention is straightforward since there are only 3 ways you can become infected, so next time you wonder if you had a risk, ask yourself this QUESTION. "Did I do any of the 3?" Then after you say "No, I didn't" you will know that it's time to move on back to your happy life.
No one got hiv from what you did during 40 years of hiv history and no one will get it in the next 40 years of your life either.  You can do what you did any time and be safe from hiv.
The other person's status is irrelevant when you have no exposure to live virus.
No risk=no hiv disease=no ARS symptoms.
You should have moved on from this non-event 9 weeks ago, however instead you keep ignoring science and only believe your own ideas - despite having no medical training. At this point your anxiety is a bit of a mental health issue so see a therapist instead of continuing to waste your time by asking for someone here to create non-nonsensical placebo testing guidelines.  
Thanks for your detailed response. This is my biggest wish that whatever you said should be the case and all of this should just be something else.. Though i undersood everything what you said i would have never gone this far if i would not get these symtpoms in orderly fashion exactly according to timeline.

Just to update.

10th week 4th Generation duo Ag/Ab negative.
10th week RNA HIV 1 PCR Negative.

Going to test one last time after 13th week and than put it behind. Will update my 90 day result too i hope it will stay negative.

There is no need for further updates. You didn't have a risk for HIV, so of course this test and any other test you take will be negative. We do not need get updates on tests that you are taking for NO medical reason, but solely because of your anxiety.
Since you didn't answer the QUESTION, I'll do it for you. No there wasn't a penis in my anus and the other person didn't inject me with a hollow needle during the activity so I should move on instead of ignoring ALL of the advice and instead of continuing to tell us that you are the only one who knows about hiv.
You have no medical background so you should have zero faith in your own ideas, however you ONLY believe in  your own ideas - which makes zero sense. Your ideas are unscientific, which means they are illogical so that is likely why you are unable to accept the science based advice given here.
See a mental health therapist because at this point your unscientific fixation on your cold, or itch (or whatever you feel you have - which should be seen by a doctor - if they really exist), instead of you continuing to post your made up and unscientific diagnosis then trying to convince people here that you are correct  is a bit of a mental health problem.
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At certain point of severe anxiety you do your best to confirm to your self that  you are +ve hiv . I think you have such problem , you do not need to retest but you really need to take appointment with psychiatrist who is special in such problem of fixing hiv . You do not have risk and you know that, even you mentioned  every literature confirm that hiv not transmitted this way . Even if you have risk you were overtested to confirm you that you do not have . Please do not waste more money for fixing hiv and instead use the money for psychiatry visit .
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Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.
Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats?
Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging?
Frequency of HIV testing depends on your risk.
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) may help prevent HIV infection.