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Level of hiv combo result had increased

I had oral sex with a normal Polish student girl. We met in a bar with her and she came to me place. I did not have condom and because of that she didn't want to have vaginal sex with me. She said she never do this without condom. But she had oral sex with me. I licked her clitoris and fingered for few Mints. Than she slept. After than I took shower and brushed my teeth. I have bloody gums after brush. Then I went to next to her. After a while like 20-30 Maybe 40 mins I don't remember I was drunk she woke up and we had oral sex again (69) I worried and I licked her only for some seconds and than only my fingers in her. And she swallowed my sperms. I got really worry after that because if she swallowed my sperms that means she does to often. And I asked her about that and she said yes she does that sometimes. After she has gone I could not sleep about thinking if I got hiv from her. After few days than the girl I had bloody gums again. And it made me worry. 5th days after the sex I went for hiv combo test and it was 0,56 negative. And I asked her to go for blood test and after 12 days than our sex she went for blood test (hiv, hepatitis and syphilis) all of them were negative. She says she never has sex without condom even for one second but she she she had same oral with three different guys in last three months before the test. I know one of the guy he said she dine same thing to him three days before me and she had been in period so it was only oral sex with him. And I know that guy he never has sex without condom.  Than I went to dentist and Dr said I have gingivitis and I got teeth clean. But before her my gums were bloody only if I brush them. And that day I saw I had inflammation on my tonsils. And I went to another Dr. Gave me antibiotics for it. I took them for a week. After 2 days there was no any whitish spot on my tonsils but I had still bigger tonsils. Three weeks after the oral sex I went to specialist again and she said I got mono and she send me for blood test and for IgG Episein bar virus result was 567,00 (negative <20) and I had painfully neck and ear. And Dr said I need to rest for two weeks. 4 weeks after the girl I had one white dot again on my tonsil. (i was drinking alcohol and smoking a lot because I was really scared if I got hiv) and I went to hospital again they said it is tonsillitis and they gave me antibiotics again for ten days. After two days the white dote passed. And last day of the antibiotics I got fever. I felt cold my body. I was thinking I took a walk on beach it was Baltic coast and windy and cold maybe because of that. It passed after one night. And after 6 weeks and 4 days than the girl I went for second hiv combo test it was 0,81 which is close to middle line 0,9 between 1. Nurse said it is negative but I got really worry because it had increased. I got the result ten days ago. And I am really worry. I think like it is getting increase day by day and I am going to become positive. In this Web side it is written that oral sex is not way to get hiv but I just read another website one gay got hiv from oral. And on another website one Dr says one of his patient had got hiv from licking a girl. Please who feels expert him or herself can say something about my situation? Am I getting hiv pozitif? I am really scared to go for third test I can't sleep I only drink vodka and smoking everyday and reading forums. Even yesterday I got fever and my body was shaking. All my friends say I got insane. I have not just I make mess in my brain. Are they right? Or I am pozitive?
12 Responses
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15695260 tn?1549593113
Hi.  You've had a conclusively negative test result for a non risk exposure.  There is nothing to add to that so we wish you the best and are closing this thread.

^^^^^^^^^                    Thread Closed                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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I have gone for hiv combo test at 10th week and 11 weeks 4 days after all of them are negative:)
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You are conclusively negative.
No if, and, or buts.
Don't let this rob you of peace of mind any more.
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Thank you very much. I have another morning that i am drunk because of thinking about this. I understand from the post even if I had high risk my 6 w 4 d hiv ab/ag 0,81 result shows that I am healthy, I am hiv negative. Am I right? Last week when I saw that value had increased I lost my mind I started to think if I get another test after few days It is going to be over that  1,0. Even the nurse said that value is doesn't important important thing is its negative. She said antibiotics or Epv or angina can affect this much increase but ad I read from forums nothing affects this results. I don't have mental power to have third test. I don't have any time that I was scared this much for anything. Do you believe that I can trust the result? Am I healthy?
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13276481 tn?1451146767
Strange works for me.

W Hook, MDBlank
Dear doctor ...
good morning, first of all sorry for bad language, but i'm not native speaker.

i had oral sex with girl(she's sex worker) she kiss me deep kiss and she sucked my lips (for 2 minutes and the saliva transfered between us) after that she sucked my dick (for 3 minutes) and i ejaculated inside her mouth.all of this it was in the early morning and she told me she was with another customer before me and i saw her when she left the home for the other customer (i think she had a sex with him & they did everything). i'm so affraid if the custumer infected by HIV or the girl also.

after 4 days i saw rash on my body under armhole and on the right , also after few days i had •Diarrhea(little) + fatigue +Muscular aching(for 2 days) +•Sore throat(little).

now i did 3 tests here in United Arab Emirates (test name: HIV p24 ag - Combo Test"including hiv1 + 2 ab" ).
i did these test after 23 days & 32 days & 42 days (all of them negative).

the lab technician told me 100 % reialable and i don't need more tests and this test is 4th generation and new and they bring this machine in the previous year from roche company it's new machine.

in these days i see small lymph on my neck.

i'm so so affraid , pleaze doctor help me what can i do.

may be the symptoms Anxiety symptoms or no .

pleaze advice me.

thank you very much.

Edward W Hook, MDBlank

May 26, 2011
Welcome to our Forum.  I'll try to clarify things for you.

First, you did not get HIV from the exposure you describe.  I say this for two reasons. First, none of the activates you engaged in has EVER been associated with HIV risk, not ever, in a scientifically proven manner.  That is true even if she had just had sex with another person who had HIV. Secondly, your tests are totally reliable and should be believed.  The DUO tests are entirely reliable any time more than 4 weeks after exposure.  Believe the test results.

A final point of clarification.  In reviewing the advice you received on the HIV community site, I note that you have been told that test results are not completely reliable until 3 months following exposure.  Please understand that the advice on the Community site may differ from the advice we give. The community site provides the recommendations based on information from the CDC and other official, governmental organizations.  Sometimes this information is overly conservative and out of date.  Dr. Handsfield and I provide our information based on the latest scientific information and on information we get from scientific meetings.  Thus there may sometime be a difference between the two sites.  We believe that our data is more up to date and is a reflection of having worked in the field for over 30 years each.  At the same time, we feel it is appropriate for the information provided on the community site to reflect national recommendations and guidelines.  I hope this explanation is helpful to you .  

Take care. EWH

May 29, 2011
To: Edward W Hook, MD
Thank you doctor for your reply, but i want to ask you three questions:

Q1: you told me HIV P24 Combo test after 28 days 100% reialable, but what about symptoms i have i'm so affraid and if any person do this test any time after 28 days it's ok or no (ex. if i want to do this test after 60 days it's ok or no).

Q2: is true this test will give us good results only in the first 20 days or no, because some people said p24 antigen will dissappear after 20 days and the others said p24 antigen stay for few months, so pleaze doctor can you explain for me the procedure for this test and p24 antegin it's stay in the blood detectable for how long (the period).

Q3: do you advise me to do the test in another lab (do you think may be i got wrong result )
because i did this test three times after 23 + 32 + 42 days all of them negative, but untill this moment i have some symptoms.

Sorry for bad language.

thanks alot.
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May 29, 2011
To: Edward W Hook, MD
Sorry Doctor, just i want to add last point when the girl kissed me i tasted from her saliva something like sweet ( i don't know may be this her blood and it's trnasmited to me through her saliva ).
300980 tn?1194933000
Edward W Hook, MDBlank

May 29, 2011
1. Believe the tests.  You have seemed to missed our repeated statements that the symptoms of the ARS are TOTALLY non-specific and when people experience "ARS symptoms" they are much more likely to have something else, usually some other, more typical virus infection.  When this has been studied in the US, less than 1% of persons seeking medical care for "ARS symptoms" are found to have HIV, the remainder having symptoms due to other processes. In contrast, over a given year, there is almost no one who has not had a viral illness, night sweats or both (sometimes on multiple occasions).  In addition, it is also important to realize that many persons who acquire HIV do not experience the ARS.  For a person to try to judge their HIV risk based on "ARS symptoms" is a waste of time.

2.  This is beyond the scope of this Forum.  At 4 weeks an beyond, either anitbody or p24 antigen is present in all persons with HIV an in many peole both are present. Believe the tests.

3.  No, your exposure was NO RISK an now you have a highly reliable test which tells you that you do not have HIV. Repeating the test will not change the answer.  

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I Can not connect to the link:( can you copy past please?
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13276481 tn?1451146767
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Thank you very much for the answer. What do you think about my 6 w 4d result. Can it show also antigens? Is it acceptable about that and antibodies?
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13276481 tn?1451146767
Values fluctuate so any repeat test will have some degree of difference.
Nothing effected it.
P24 antigen becomes detectable around 14~20 days and peaks at 28~30 days. Her test offers some encouragement.

I honestly think you're fine and it's generally stated here that oral is not a risk and doesn't warrant testing.

It's your call to retest. What brings you peace?
I'm no Dr so I'm only sharing what I've learned from my window period experience. If you decide to test, any antibody test at 12 weeks is conclusive.
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I am confused why it had increased.is it normal? What it can affect it? Should I retest? As I mentioned she also went for test it was negative but she had had oral sex with three different guys before the test. With a guy three days before me. If we don't count me she had hiv combo  the test 15 days after the that guy.
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13276481 tn?1451146767
The Drs who used to answer questions here have not seen one confirmed HIV transmission through oral sex.
With that said, she would need to be hiv+, plus she would need to have an infectious viral load.
And that still does not guarantee you'll get infected.
So your risk factor is low to zero. Dr. Tan and partners rate this so low they can't put a number on it per 10,000 exposures.
Your 4th gen test at 10 days was to early.
Your 6 wk 4 day 4th gen test is the test that matters.
It was negative. The value you are concerned about does fluctuate but as long as you remain at the negative level, you are negative. Most experts consider a 4th gen test 28 days and after conclusive.
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Is there anyone who can answer me:(
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And she says her pediatric health is good because she goes to dentist once in one month. And she is a med faculty student she says she cares about her health
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Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.
Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats?
Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging?
Frequency of HIV testing depends on your risk.
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) may help prevent HIV infection.