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What are my Chances

Hi. I had unprotected sex with woman of unknown status(european). She keep saying that she is allright, but i dont known if i can believe her as my problems started after this. It is already 2 and half month since. I am hipochondric person which is searching all the sympthoms. I am going crazy since last two months.I am having panics attacs quite offenly and i am in deep depression and anxiety. My body is itching me, legs,hands,head,back. I have chills and i dont feel confortable in my body. I have some rash on my face(i always used to have a problem with skin). I have also some red dots on my hands. My heart is going crazy rate. I have pulse 90.I did three tests: 1st at 34 days Alere Determine quick combo...negative,2nd at 41days Alere Determine quick combo...negative, 3rd was a Duo test after exactly 9 weeks (blood taken from vein, laboratory testing) at hospital emergency. I went to get results after one week. All std negative with a hiv index 0.20. At emergency doctor check me up. No lymphatic bigger, no temperature. Since the two months i am mesuring myself temperature, range from 36.0-37,3 no diarea. What are my chances? Doctor called the hiv specialist and he said without seeing me that i am allright and hiv free. They did my blood control all was in the norms. I am just so much scared as i dont know what to believe, having all those symphtoms. I will definatelly go for the quick test in three weeks. Could somebody coments what are my chances?
2 Responses
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20620809 tn?1504362969
Your issue is anxiety.  We can't help you here with that.  Get help for your own sake with your mental health. You've been answered you don't have HIV and testing was conclusive at 41 days.  Nothing else you add will change that so please seek out some type of therapy for the anxiety.
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For those reading, hiv is a risk when someone has unprotected vaginal or anal sex or share IV drug needles. But, it is a low risk with less than 2 percent transmission (less than 2 percent!!!!  I repeat) from a single episode.  Very unlikely is another way to read that.  And then testing is done to find out if someone did have this type of exposure. Testing is very clear as to when it is accurate. At 28 days and beyond, all Duo 4th generation tests are accurate.  And symptoms are never used to diagnose people. Because anxious people attribute every bump, pain or virus to HIV due to the anxiety.  And all of those things happen to anyone whether they ever had a true risk or not.
Thanks for answers. So reagdless symphtoms, risk situation, 3 tests done at 34,41 days (Alere Rapid combo) and 9 weeks (Laboratory Duo) are correct and i am clean? I should stop worring than?
Yes. That's a great idea. Another good idea is to keep seing your therapist diligently to address anxiety issues, because only professional help can make you overcome this issue in longer run. We wish you a good luck. You're fine, don't worry.
I have feeling that i am dying. I feel really bad, i cant do nothing, i am constantly making a film in my head. I am going crazy. Nothing makes me happy. I have pain in my head, spots, totally not happy with me. I am confused deep inside. I have all symptoms. Scared as hell. Scared as hell to go for another test in 1week. Dont know what to do
I am sorry you are going through such tough time. I understand it's easier said than done but the only person who can help your self through this is you. You need to make that move to reach out for help, believe me, help is available. Medicine and therapy can provide relief.

We have already established that you never had a risk to worry about and since this forum is only specific to HIV prevention, we will have to conclude this here. We wish you good luck.
Correction: We have already established that you have tested conclusively negative*
Thing is i dont know if i can believe that girl. I pushed her to do test, but i havent seen her since than. She is acting the bizzare way. She told me afterwards my 9week test that she is glad, but she started to mention that she had a bad depresion, that she lost everything after separation of her boyfriend, that she is having some trauma she went trought, so i dont know what to think. I did those test but i am still scared. I had a sex with her, and i had realised afterwards that i cuted the skin on my penis, so i was exposed to her vaginal liquids. I did three tests so far, the last at 9 weeks, all negative so far, but i am scared because there is this 1% still. 9 weeks should be allright, but i have very strong imunite system and i hope that eaven thought, the test would catch it. I was eating loads of vitamin C 1000mg per day. So i hope this didnt change my results. Sorry to keep on going with my anxiety. I have also pain in my nose some kind of infection and in my ears. I dont know. Maybe its really anxiety. My body as well is itching me. I am going mad.
One more question please answer. If i had a hight risk with a woman which is on meds. I think i cuted my penis on her hair, i dont know how long that sex lasted. I definately come into the contact with her vag liquids.  I did tested 34,41 days alere quick combo test...neg and i did one more test at 9weeks mark 63days( laboratory Duo test). Is it conclusive ? While i am having symptomps as red marks on my front head. Head is itching me as well as body, legs.I have nasal problem for a while now, plus i have many veins in my eyes( feeling discomfort) i am having headeaches on and of. I have pain in a back of my neck and genneraly i am not feeling well. I am in anxiety as well. Could you please respond to my question ? Or should i really be comfortable with my results and believe them ?
As noted, you never had a risk for HIV and, in any event, have tested conclusively negative.  Our forums cannot offer support for anxiety, and hope you take the advice to seek therapy.

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188761 tn?1584567620
You have over tested and tested conclusively negative at 41 days. Your symptoms have no relation to HIV. Please see a therapist for your hypochondria.
Helpful - 0
Thank you very much for your answer, last test i did was exactly 9 weeks after exposure. Laboratory duo...result negative. I have many red dots on my face. I havent had them before. I have some sores in my mouth, they come and go. Sometimes during the day i have feeling that there are ants running around my face and head. I have some red spots on my back and body. Front and back. So should i believe my test? After 9 weeks? Is the 9 weeks enough? Thanks for answer
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Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.
Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats?
Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging?
Frequency of HIV testing depends on your risk.
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) may help prevent HIV infection.