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Confused and Negative

High? Risk Exposure: HIV+ Blood/on Wet Penis Head Several hours ... 'Sex Toy' (Blood Dried for Day or 2 at least)
Usual, Drunk so Didnt Realise till Too Late.

Exposure: 6 Months Ago
Chronologically.. 1-2 weeks after, Phayngitis/Dry for 6 weeks...Dx Cough Viral Type Tonsillitis.

@ 8 Weeks ..Bilateral Subclavicular Gland Pain/Very Mild Cold? Cough Goes. Tonsils Still Large. (Continued for 4 months before settling) Antibiotics Obviously Useless.
Rapid Test Week 12  Abbott/Mirates/Corediagnostic ....All Negative

Feel Free, THEN Symptoms Get 10x Worse, Huge Swelling in Neck Nodes. Acute Fatigue. More Swelling in Armpit/Neck Over Next 6 Weeks. Pain Only Lasts 2-3 Days in Each gland. EXTREME (Bedridden) 'Sleeping 15 hours a Day' Type Fatigue. May Have Suffered an Addisonian Type Crisis Due to Prolonged Stress aswell as alleged Seroconversion. TOTAL hearing Loss/Left Ear, Transient Pins and Needles/ Oral ITP. (Sensorineural Hiv High Viral Load Effect?) No Ear Infection detected.

@14 Weeks Oral Saliva Test Dr.Thom. .Negative
Fatigue and Gland Disconfort/Oral Spots Continue
Raft of Oral Symptoms/ Ulcers/Legions/Persistant White dots in Cheeks/ Purple Petechiae ITP, Brown Blotches on Gums.

Re-Test @23 Weeks Oral Saliva Test Dr.Thom..Negative and a Standard Elisa/P24.

Diagnosed By 4 Dr's /CFS/ Non-specific Viral Illness/Psychosomatism/Flu.. Definately HIV Negative by a HIV Specialist...........Confused and Unwell!!

Good Points:
Theoretically Dry Blood='Dead'
Test @ Post 12 weeks Negative (Negative by Definition)
No Rash/V.High Fevers/Myalgia/Arthralgia Noticed
Timing/Duration Not Consistant with ARS
Most Symptoms attributable to Anxiety/Stress Non-Specific

Bad Points:
Definate Exposure/Length of Time/Hiv Positive Blood
NEVER Had Swollen Lymph Glands Before EVER, (Medically Confirmed) Now Persisting Over 3 Months Now. Mainly One Cervical Node. On/Off Pain. Rest Decreasing and Painless.
EXTREME Fatigue-Bedridden for 7 weeks..Slowly Recovering.
Throat Swab for Mono, Negative.
Usual/"normal"  CBC/ESR/LYMPH/HAEM Levels (GP's Swear by ESR) But No HIV Expert Does
No Consensus

Ongoing Fustrating But Decreasing Fatigue/Malaise, Ongoing Discomfort from Jaw/Swollen Cervical gland and Deaf in One Ear.

HIV NEGATIVE -No point in Testing/ But Maybe I'll Try One More Saliva Swab/ First Diagnostic.com (Peace of Mind/More than Anything)

CFS Diagnosis Sounds Dubious, No Muscle Weakness.
Not "Flu" Iv Had Influenza, No Sneezing/Runny Nose etc.
Getting Blood Test for CMV and EBV. However These are Common Anyway.

Fed up, Taking Vitaminc/B/Wheatgrass etc. Fatigue SLOWLY going, Node Pain Persists. Painless White Dots in Mouth Persist ( Anti-fungals Had No Effect)

Now "Guessing"
Rationally, CMV/EBV in that Blood or Maybe Some Other Virus/Reactivation by Stress
Herpes Type 6/AB/7etc.
Parovirus B19......... Etc

Irrationally....Against Overwhelming Evidence...Mutations/Strains of Hiv/therefore undetectable antibodies by current tests. Reconstitition of Hiv Particles etc.
(Refused Cell differential as I am Negative.)

Main Problem..Lack of Diagnosis, Unsympathetic/Arrogant Dr's referring me to Counselling (Not Helping really).
Physical Node is a Constant Reminder, Making it Hard to Move on.

I'm Praying Symptoms Disappear/ But Worried About Immune System Damage/Future Aids/Infecting other People and Awful Fatigue and Nodes. Hard to Believe Chronically Swollen Glands (Diagnosed by 1 dr, dismissed by another, Pain felt by me.) Dosen't Mean Infection and is Psychosomatic.  

Opinions, Suggestions Greatly welcomed, There Seems to Be Many Like Myself, What was the Final Verdicts, Did you Ever Recover Fully?
21 Responses
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Hepatitis B was False Positive.

For All Those Who THINK they Have HIV:

Had Nearly All Symptoms.
Extreme Fatigue for 3 Months
GENERALIZED lymphadenopathy in 7 Places at 2 Months.. Which Then Re-occured 1 Month Later with No Fever, I Collapsed.

STILL Have "Shotty" Nodes in 3 Places Neck/Armpit/Elbow.
Symptoms of Addison's Due to Extreme Stress. (Acute Gum Discolouration) Mistaken for ANUG
I Have NEVER Had Swollen Glands in All My Life.
Even Triggered White Spots in Mouth (Fordyce Sebaceous Spots) Mistaken for Leukoplakia.
I Even Went Deaf in One Ear !!!!!!! Mistaken For HIV Sensorneural Hearing Loss.
A False Positive Hepatitis B Test......  

I was Negative at 3 Months PCR/DNA + Antibody
and 6 Months .......Antibody + P24

I Was /Am Negative With ALL This.

It Took Me 6 Months to Overcome the Generalised Anxiety and Obsessive Thinking. I Still Have Shotty Nodes Which Were not there before, I Never Found Out Despite Spending 1000's.
There is Hope.


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I Have Gone.
I Don't Read the Posts/Questions Anymore.

I Only Come Back to Update My own thread So Others Know
Symptoms Don't = HIV Disease.

Owe it to the WW's and My Conscious.
If I Had Read this Message 6 months ago, I would have NEVER have gone though this HELL.
If It Helps 1 Person, It's Good Karma For Me!!!!!!!!!  

(If You Havent Done It, Check Hep B/C Too)

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Man In The Moon,

I am Not Panicked or Confused Anymore.

...Little Pissed Off, that 10 Doctors All Jumped to The Conclusion I Was Imagining Symptoms.
But Reading Some of the Wacky Posts Here....  

All Along I Have Been Suffering Acute Hepatitis B. Dx@ 7 months.

Remember. I Had Real Generalized Lymphadenopathy.  

I Had Real Acute Retroviral Syndrome "ARS".......Due to Hepatitis B Virus.

Your HIV Test at 6 Months Will Be 100% Negative,
Just Like Mine.

Don't Persevere on HIV If a Test is Negative after 3 Months.
6 Months is Just Icing on the Cake if you Had a REAL exposure to HIV Fluids.

If You Have Persistant Symptoms, Psychological or Pathological Look for Other Causes.

Repeat after Me..Every Morning and Every Night!!!!!

After Tomorrow, You Will See What I mean.
You Dont Even Need Luck.
I am the Living Proof.

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Go watch, Mystery Pick up . Artist, become a MPUA...

Hell with this ThaiHO GIRls, stay away from that
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WTF u still doing here. I though you were gone. Son of a gun.

U are neg.
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210246 tn?1204900247
hey man ;
we talked already about our issues, tomorrow i ll get my 6 months point result.
i had all symptoms and now shortness of breath, neural problem(jolting muscles) and dry mouth ...
i m almost sure that tomorrow recieve my + result, but still pray and hope for a little chance from god.
i did 7 test so far and all negative ... monitoring myself and my symptoms , comparing them with while i was healthy, kind of crazy job to do every day.
listen, it seems u are fine ... do nt be panic and confused.
lab technician told me that almost all of the HIV neg people have the same problem ,and get overtest, till they go crazy lol , and she suggests me if i get neg result by tomorrow , directly go to see a psychologis.
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I Was Right:

Hepatitis C antigen/antibody NOT DETECTED
Hepatitis B surface ANTIGEN DETECTED

"Your hepatitis B result suggests the presence of active infection of Hepatitis B virus"

My "HIV" Symptoms/+ lymphadenopathy

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Thanx. I know.  Going to Dr Right Now. HIV anxiety has Gone.
I Would Have Had Some Leukopenia/Neutropenia. From CBC My Immunity is Fine Biochemically.

I Hope to Find Out, So Hopefully Other people Realise Symptoms Don't= HIV

Already on Hep Forum ,Done!!

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219662 tn?1223858560
Friend, one thing is pretty clear - you don't have HIV.
You may get more help with the other issues on other MH forums (like a Hep forum).
Good luck to you.
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Waiting For Hep B Results.
At 23 Week LFT's Show:
Normal Bilirubin 10umol/L (Normal 3-17)
Normal ALT 23iu/L (Normal 8-37iu/L)
Normal ALP 69 iu/L (Normal 44-147)

High Total Protein 85g/L (Normal 60-80)
High Albumin Level 51g/L (Normal 35-50)

ESR Has Decreased From 6 to 4 (From 2 @6 Months ago)

C-Reactive Protein - < 3

CBC-All Fine.
WBC 7.80/ Lymph 2.59
Platelets Up 315
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Finally, a Diagnosis For Persistant White Spots:

Fordyce Spots, or Granules.   Sebaceous Glands. (Idiopathic)

I Had a Negative Hep B Test Just Prior to Incident
I Dont Remember a Vaccination. It's 3 Shots.
It Possibly Could Indicate Past Infection/Immunity/Vaccination. Hence Paying to See Specialist.

The Test was only a Screen, Finding Antibodies, Meaning I Have Built Immunity Only.
(No Antibodies Usually Means, Chronic Infection)

Reason I did Test:
I did Notice Very Dark Urine/Light Stools/Diarrhoea/Yellow Eyes at Weeks 19/20
But Put it Down to Stress/High Alcohol Intake Due to Hiv Anxiety/Dehydration/ My Fatigue/Nausea and Gland Swelling Were Made Worse by Alcohol, Even at 23 Weeks.

I am Seeing a STi Specialist to Confirm Wether I'm Hepatitis B  

May have Cleared Antigens By Now, It's 6 Months and Symptoms are Declining.

Stopped Alcohol, Taking Vitamin B Complex/Milk Thistle/Vitamin C/Plenty of Fluids,

Symptoms/Fatigue are Declining.  Some Viral Illness Has Damaged my Hearing.

Will Report Update

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219662 tn?1223858560
A.  Your HepB antibodies may simply indicate that you have been vaccinated.  Make sure you check with your doctor if the correct test was done.
B.  Almost everyone has IgG antibodies to EBV and CMV.  That test doesn't mean squat.
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I am in the similar boat to you.  I Pray for a full recovery regarding Hep B.  I was told I had hep B and then I was told I did not have Hep B.  Now it is hard to get my HMO to recommend an heptologist. So I double check to make sure my liver is ok.  If you get a chance, you may want to post to convincedOne's thread about exposure and symptoms.  I think it is good for the public to be able to assess one thread with various situations.  I am still having stomach problems.
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Isaac its weird I have the same symptoms, I have tested neg for hiv and ebv. Had a sore throat now for almost 2 months, gland just under my ear is up and I have gone deaf on one ear occasionally. Been feeling fatigue for a month as well.
Got swollen nodes in groin and armpit confirmed by doc.

Did you find out what yours was?
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Regarding White Dots/ Oral Symptoms
For Complete Story:


They Were NOT Leukoplakia/or Oral Candidiasis. None Actually Knows.

For People Who "Think" They Have HIV Symptoms:

WARNING: Photos are Distressing.
I Realised My "Folliculitis" Was Just Spots..These Poor Kids Have HIV.
We Should All Do What we Can to Educate and Help Eradicate/Prevent this Disease.
A Negative HIV Test Makes You Appreciate You Are LUCKY.
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I Left Medhelp For The Sake of My Sanity!!

However, on a Hunch:

1) I Found I Have CMV/EBV IgG Antibodies in My Blood.
However This Only Indicates Infection Over  3 Months Ago. However These Viruses Can Re-activate During Extreme Stress. Which I Had.

2) I Did a Hep B/Hep C Screen
Results: Hep C Ag/Ab Negative
             Hep B Ab/POSITIVE

Note :(I Was Hep B Negative 6 Months Ago)

Going For Further Tests to Investigate If I truly Have Hep B.
Hep B /Clearing ( HbcAg/Past Infection or HbsAg Vaccination)
and ENT for SSNHL Viral Hearing Loss.

HepB Can Cause Fatigue and Has Incubation 1-6 months. May Also Cause Cervical Adenopathy and is 100x More Easily Caught Than HIV Even Dried. Due to Hiv Anxiety, In Hindsite, Alcohol Abuse/Extreme Stress/Repiratory Tract Infection Has Probably Weakened My Immune System to Produce HIV-Like Symptoms.

My Main Symptoms Now: Lessening Fatigue/ Oral Coldsore/Ulcers/Dots/ Occassional Cervical Gland Twinges. Symptoms of GAD/Hot Flushes

95% of People Clear HepB and Become Non-Infectious. Hopefully I Have found the Main Cause of All My Problems. I Hope This Will Be Me.
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Negative at 6 months ( 24 weeks )Fatigue/Sleepiness gone, Back to Good ol Insomnia!!

Still Have White Dots in Cheeks/ Cervical Gland Hasn't gone down to original Size on One side. Totally Deaf in Left Ear!!  No Causes found.
It's Not CFS, Obviously had some virus & post viral fatigue and a lot of stress.

So, There is Hope even if you have Every Symptom in the Book.

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Thanx, I thought about the amalgam theory too, Usually Lead or Bismuth Poisoning can cause a discoloration below gingiva, but Generally Fillings are Inert. Iv had Loads for years. Ruled Out Thyroid/diabetes, The last dr said it's Viral so I could spend 1000's and still Won't be a cure Anyway, So don't worry!! I dont seem Stressed, but I am subconciously and Internalizing the stress, This is making things worse. Fatigue has been exacerbated by Stress, but the Nodes? Weird. Don't want to wake up in 3 years with PCP!! I Feel like i'm in Limbo, CFS, just Seems Nebulous, CYA Dx. I doubt the Health service will do a Spect scan, I Feel Like iv Been Left to Rot by the Doctors
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Thanx, I'm Trying to Get out and about. Before This Saga, I was working 60 Hours a week, Running 5 miles, 3x week. Quit Work last 3 months, Went on Holiday, after 3 month test, Got 10xworse!!
I am So Shattered it Hard to even Keen awake, But i'll Keep trying. Just finding it so hard to believe the coincidence's, because of gland pain in 4 different places over 3 months and fatigue.
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First of all, yes I agree with suns, 6 months negative after all those tests and specialists should be good enough to reassure you that you are negative!

Sorry, no idea about what causes the other symptoms. There is an undiagnosed symptoms forum here on medhelp where people may have an idea of what you're going through.

I myself have a supposedly low risk for hiv but am suffering multiple symptoms and wondering what else could cause them. Am getting tested next week, hopefully negative. I just found out that even mercury/amalgam dental fillings (of which I have many and not been replaced for years and bad dental hygience) can cause many symptoms and even damage the immune system). I hope this explains it for me, I am at my wit's end.

I'm not saying this is causing your symptoms but just that there are so many conditions out there. Now that you ruled out hiv, maybe the only other way to resolve your issues is to rule out all other conditions one by one that cause fatigue, lymph nodes (like other autoimmune diseases like lupus, thyroidism, or diabetes, anemia etc). May take some time and money to see all those docs and the tests but worth it to get peace of mind.
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stay off the internet and all will go away. Go out and enjoy the fresh air. YOU ARE HIV NEGATIVE
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Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
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