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I am interested in finding others that may have had similar experience. I was dx with SVT 7 years ago and seemed to have infrequent episodes that were terminated by vagal man. or carotid massage. In Sept I had what I thought to be another attack of SVT but EKG showed AFib w/ a rapid ventricular response. Adenosine,cardizem,lopressor and digoxin were tried but were not able to convert. When my Bp dropped to 60/30 it was decided to cardiovert with 100 joules. I subsequently had an EP study and flutter line ablation and attempted ablation for AVNRT. I was unable to tolerate the Flec. 6 weeks ago today I had another RFA, very close to the AV node, EP was thrilled as he was unable to illicit SVT after making 9 burns. 2 days later I was readmitted due to atrial tach w/ 2:1 conduction.
I have not felt well since the procedure and at my last appt. was found to be in a junctional escape rhythm. Dr decided to put me back on an event monitor to follow me daily. After reviewing tracings that I sent, he phoned Tues eve to touch base because he was now going to be off until next Tues, he said that I had a potpouri of different things going on, but no evidence of SVT. He said that he'd check in with me next week.
Yesterday as I was leaving for work, I felt the onset of SVT that knocked me for a loop. I had tunnel vision, I could barely swallow and felt like my heart would litteraly explode. I sent the trace through the phone and was told that it was definitely sustained SVT rate was 300! Needless to say, I was and am devisted by this. Have any of you had similar experience?

5 Responses
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Ahh i see about the beta blocker.. thats VERY fast for AVNRT, anything above 300 is ususally considered fib.. I personally suffered from AVNRT, and my rate was sustained at 250 and my ep described it as the worst avnrt he'de seen.. But i step down for you! lol

After my ablation, i had one reocurrance of SVT, and was told this is not out of the realm of normalcy when recovering from an ablation.. You may also have more than one re-entry loop that they didnt find during the first two ep studies.. I understand how devestating that can be..Maybe another ep study is the best course of action, as it doesnt sound like meds are helping you much.. Personally, i can do without ever getting another dose of adensoine for the rest of my life.
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I was on 360mg of Diltiazam but was switched the other day to Verapamil. I cannot take betaclockers because of asthma. As far as the hert rate the other day...The cardiologist careully measured the distances and said that it was ireggualy regular not ireggulary irregular. My SVT was classified as AVNRT.
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if the rate was that fast it would probably be classified as AFIB... which is a kind of svt.. ask your doc to clarify.. You should probably be on a beta or calcium channel blocker
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I was had my procedure at Tufts NE Med Ctr. in Boston by the director of EP. Yes, I am very frustrated and need releif as I have not felt well since Sept. I lead a very healthy lifestyle but lately not able to participate the way I would like to. It has been tough on my family(husband, 2 kids 9&17) My 9yr old has asked santa to make her mom's heart better:(, talk about a tug of the heartstrings. At this point I'd fly to the moon if I had to!
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61536 tn?1340698163
Have you gone to Cleveland Clinic?  If not, it's time.  I'd get there no matter what it took (plane tickets, long drive, anything).  They're the best of the best in heart care.  This has got to be frustrating beyond anything I can comprehend.  I hope you find relief from this so you can live your life outside of constant arrhythmias and symptoms.
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