351724 tn?1267537018

Could this be heart related ?

Hello , 3 days ago i started to get this real sharp stabbing pain in the middle of my chest between the breasts . at first i thought it was gas  so i was taking anti acids . so far not helping . i did try and see what exactly is causing this . i thought maybe it was after i ate well it is but not all foods , i noticed hard crunchy food ide get a sharp stabbing pains, but i get them at any time of the day wether im eating or not . i also noticed  they are worse in the mornings they basically wake me up sometimes also  its like having contractions but in my chest ! i do feel a slight heaviness in the back of my neck and in my back . like ive got something leaning on me . Also when i get these pains sometimes it can take my breath away  because of the pain . also i noticed somtimes when i lay down i would get s sharp pain to. But all these pains they only last for 5 secs or so but comes in waves like a contraction. also i noticed a cpl of times after i get these spells my hands get sweaty and i feel light headed  ! can someone pls help me with this . i am a smoker , i drink vaighly . im a 33 yr old female . my father has heart disease  (chf ) dont know if thats considered the same  or not and he is only 54 yrs old ! i think he got it a few yrs ago .
6 Responses
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712042 tn?1254569209
Go to a doctor. Then pick up information about what smoking does to the cardiovascular system.Don't ignore your signs.You need to be checked. Joan.
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1008941 tn?1263307862
I agree with Joan. Nothing to mess with or take lightly - get with your Doctor pronto.
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351724 tn?1267537018
thank you i made an apt for today , still having the sharp pains ,but its not constant  it comes and goes , anytime of the day , probley like 4-8 x maybe . i do have a dry cough its not sever or anything . i do smoke so its probley cause of that. sometimes i feel if i lay flat , or if i lay on one side . i do feel it in the mornings, and sometimes while im eating or drinking. or just even ever . they last maybe 5 secs or so then go away . before this i was having pains in my lower left side ,back and front  around my ribcage , i have some sort of lump on left lower rib , doc thinks its possible cartilage build up. but i do feel in my left back area some sharp pains . it very well could be my ribs causing all this ! he prescribed me muscle relaxers several wks ago and they didnt help . i did call the nurse back but she never called me back to see if the doc called me in anything . so i just left it be , and now like i said 4 days ago i started with this pain in the middle of my chest !
I have no fever , no nasua , or vomiting , no changes in bowls ,i did have a head cold a few wks prior to this chest pain.  sometimes the pain in chest can be very pianful to where it takes my breath away or can be weak . sometimes i have 3-4 in a row or sometimes it just 1or 2 ! . but like i said i make an apt for today and ill let ya know what he says !  thank you both for your response !
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351724 tn?1267537018
oh yeah forgot to  mention had my hubby listen to my heart right when or after having one of those sharp pains , he said heart was sound ok but then he heard it go faster then stop and go at normal rate again  he heard that happen 2x  . while lsitening to my beats !
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351724 tn?1267537018
well i went to the doc and he thinks its asthma but im not having trouble breathing ! plus when i went my bp was high 145/90  when i went to him 3 wks ago it was 136/88  but normally when i go to the docs it reads normal rating . today i took my bp  at home  and it read 136/88 again !  i am gonna keep tract of it . to see if there is a pattern of high bp .  doc gave me an inhaler and lortabs for the rib cage pain , he said the rib cage pain is costochondritis  inflammation of the ribcage joints . he said he didnt want to give me naproxen cause he thinks it will worse the asthma . he did a spiro test on me and he said it looked ok but something about not enough air going in or out im not sure ill have to get my test results on it ! like i said i cant se ehow i have asthma if im not having breathing problems . just the sharp pains and rib tenderness . and mod to high bp !
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am a girl of 25 years old suffering from chest and back pain. i have been to the hospital twice and i was told that is gastric and the doctor priscribe some drugs which i thought. for the first time i felt better and after some times it came again so am wondering if some other person has ever had this pains like i do?
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