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hospitalized with 120bpm heart & pulse & other symptoms (sori new 2 this)

hello 2 u all & thx 4 yr time very gr8 full,  1stly plz forgive the lenght of this an the very bad spelling im new 2 this 1st time on any site regarding my health, dont know where 2 begin im at my wits end with all these new symptoms im having i couldnt get any more things going wrong if a was a horse bin put 2 sleep long time ago lol, 2 begin these im stating 1st cus ive bin sick 4 quite a long time long time with them all now an just mybe any of these long ongoing illness of mine could b in relation 2 these new 1's,  im a 37yr old mother of 3, i suffer from fiboramaralgia,siatica, chronic fatigue asthma,athritis,severe depression,very bad nerves along with the daily painc attacks ect, but about 7 r 8 months ago i started taken kidney infections 1 after another, but way b4 this at least 8 months b4 en my leg pain beacame more an more sore en my left foot,ankle an lower part of left leg began 2 swell more redness came an went, en the swelling went 2 the knee no redness but quite sore at times en i lost near 3 stone without as much as trying the odour of my urine was awfull, was never a bad asthma sufferer in end june needed 2 use my inhalers more 4 the 1st in long time,leg swellon & pain just b4 at staring 2 come more often starting getting i cudnt swollo & breath proper was making panic attiks worse well ats wat i was thinking, pain in my left side an my summy stated,an left lung area i was putin it dwn 2 the kidney infections,asthma had got worse & so did the panic attaks as i new the feeling of panic attacks all 2 well then my left arm especailly palm of the hand & fingers became real sore 4 about 3 weeks i suffered is of an on mainly on untill 1 nite i got a gripping feeling round my heart area same in lung area breathing got worse scared me i put it dwn 2 an asthma attack untill it was getting real bad i was so very weak i thought by 12.30 at nite i was aving r gona av a heart attack the feelings wer all different from wat i was used 2 i barley made it 2 bed by morning i felt quite a good bit better but ad a g.p a/ment anyway 4 the problems with my legs but my doc was shocked wen she saw me an checked me over my bp was very low, but usually is low anyway en she told me i needed 2 go 2 hospital a.s.a.p was defo no asthma r panic attack my heart & pulse rate was 120bpm,my tmp was up a bit she seemed quite concerned,frightned me cus i felt nothing like i had done the whole 24hrs b4 at, went 2 hospital few tests dun was kept in heart trace was ok but cudnt get the h/rate dwn even though i was in bed started me with sum injection in my tummy cus ey suspected i cud av a clot in the lung area i was baffeled i didnt feel half as bad as i had at home ey dun sum kind of scan on my lungs wer ey inject u 1st with something came bk clear so ey sent me home i was glad as this was 6 days i was in with hardly anything r any kind of doc coming 2 c me was told by a jnr doc it was a chest infection ive ad chest infections b4 i no im no dr but 2 me no way was is a c/infection even though i was taken antibiatics oraly & threw iv i was sent home with more 2 take 4 the next 4 days doseage per day was over 3 & a hlf thousand mg, that was jus over 4 weeks ago an i av bin barley bin able 2 get out of bed frm it i feel 10 times worse at the time i never knew my heart was racing so fast i hardly felt it bk then, but now every day is a total struggle i can certinaly feel it now racing, im sweating that much my bedding was soaking i ad 2 b helped geting a bit of a wash over as i couldnt even get in 2 the bath ive bin at weak, my back every day crippels me with pain at trying 2 do the slightest thing, an a new thing ive ad 4 over a week now is even wen sitting i cant fisish i small converstaion without aving 2 stop a half dozen times im at breathless 4 the past week my foot, lower leg swellen as got so bad i cnt even touch it cus its at sore the swellen goes up an dwn but most of the reddness doesnt i feel like somthing is crushing & burning by lung area of my bk not so much the frount wen it gets real bad i sit an cry its going in 2 my left side of my neck frount left side an is mite seem so weird but pins an niddels in the same part of my back ive so many symptoms this is day an nite now not always the same extreme pain but still there, im so weak,dizzy,tired & sore i avnt went bk 2 my dr's yet im scared as well as i try not 2 bother the dr unless really nessasary & 2 b honest avnt the energy 2 even perpare myself get out of my p.j's ect 2 go c her, ive become more depressed now more than ever cus from leaving hospital i feel like death warmed up,  im really so very,very sorry 2 all of u 4 me going on an on so much & taken up so much time with this 2 whom may ever read it im hoping someone will av the time 2 id b so very g8 full indeed as this is like reading a book 2 any 1 who wud read it cudnt blame them if they didnt read it, i just needed 2 hear from someone who's mybe the same r can enlighten me as 2 wat 2 do, mybe sum 1 as the same things wrong with them then i will no wat 2 do i dnt know wer 2 turn 2 i keep things bottelted up i dnt want 2 b going on at family r friends 2 worry them they av a nuff problems of there own i thought exspressing how i felt ect this way i could learn more instead of bothering ppl with this, now a while bk i wud av said with something not that important, but i know something is going on with me an its not right its not my older illness symptoms mite think im nuts but i know my body is telling me theres someing really wrong somwhere with me & i just cant stick it all any longer living like this
thx so much 4 all yr time & understanding god bless u all
1 Responses
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976897 tn?1379167602
Your heart was probably reacting to the emotions you were feeling and to be honest with you, with that much going on, your heart behaved admirably. A heart rate of 120 is not
really a concern and is easily achievable in most people, including my 15 year old son.
If I've been sitting down for a while and suddenly get up, my pulse can jump to 120 but
will then ease back down. If you had a heart rate of 200 or higher then I would be
concerned. During exercise my pulse used to jump to 186 and I felt fine. So, don't let
120 bother you.
You are really getting so many problems because you are totally stressed out. I can tell
that by the tone in your letter. When you are stressed, you get high blood pressure. This
causes many problems long term in the body. When you are stressed your immune system is suppressed, causing you to be more likely to get infections.
When someone in a case such as yours accumulates several problems, then they tend
to start to develop anxiety over their health. They start to try and analyse every twitch,
every pain and every feeling. Having no answers for their cause makes them even more
anxious and stressed. I know that raising three children is not easy, I've done it myself
and know how stressful it is.
My advice, and I know it isn't easy, is to eat a healthy diet, stop thinking so much about
your body and enjoy each wonderful day of life. I have nearly died twice now and so I
can tell you how wonderful life really is, I used to think it was a nightmare. You need to
change your outlook on the world around you. Try to find the funny side to things, there
normally is one. Try to stay relaxed and if you feel anxious, take slow deep breaths and
calm down to train your body to be healthier. Even playing your favourite music for a
few minutes can be enough to distract your mind from the unhealthy things.
Long term stress kills, you should remember that everytime you feel wound up. We are
genetically close to gorillas and chimps, look what happens to them when they are
stressed for just a few days, most of them die. We live with stress for years and wonder
why we get so ill.
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