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What to expect post-op SVT ablation surgery

OK, I am gettin ready to have ablation surgery for SVT. What should I expect post-op? I am seriously freaking out about this. I have never had SVT until 9 months ago when I took Sudafed. My doctor says that I was born with SVT and that the Sudafed just triggered it. Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
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I'm having SVT ablation done tomorrow morning and I'm freaking out. I've been suffering with SVT since I was maybe 8, and now I'm 26. How long is the recovery time and was anyone awake during the procedure.
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I had ablasion surgery at st. Luke's along with dr. Paulo Angelini from the Leachman cardiology group in Houston Texas. Call texas heart and they will recommend and guide you to health. With a genetic defect and not being able to walk and in pain, I was diagnosis with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy obstruction. We packed a suitcase and flew from Florida to Texas late Sunday night in February 2012. Scheduled testing office on Monday early morning, Tuesday we met the doctor at 8:30 a.m. And took the elevator to st. Luke's and at noon dr. Paulo Angelini was doing an alcohol ablasion. Scared, an induced heart attack and two blockagesinnthe chamber of my heart I was extremely lucky to have made 56. A temporary pacemaker, a leg brace to make sure my restless legs didn't move the wires of the pacemaker I layer awake all night hoping not to die. Made it through the night with fabulous care and ended up in an MRI for 2 hours and with fabulous results was discharged on Thursday afternoon. I had so many extra beats in my chest but was told come back in 6 months. Longer for theses beats to stop, debilitating wasn't even a strong enough statement. We flew back to see the doctor in October 2012 . Scheduled tests in office and an appointment with the doctor the following day. Scared out of my mind, the doctor prescribed coreg cr, well not convinced as to what would happen with this beta blocker after trying a beta blocker from my Florida doctor and feeling like I was going to go into a coma, I felt I had to try. Dr, Angelini promised the 20 extra beats per minute were not going to kill me and there are several time released medications to stop this madness of beats banging like the forth of July in my chest and back. With samples in tow I ran to water fountain and swallowed this tiny capsule and figured lets see what happens while I'm still in Houston and the doctor is 2 blocks away from my hotel. Well let me tell the world of readers, get your hands on this drug! It's now day 7 and the heart must be bathed in glory, as the pounding, the fireworks, the jiffy pop popping is faint, the back pain gone, the fireworks gone, the fear of being stopped dead in my tracks gone. It's not perfect , I still have a little bubbles in my throat but mt lord the rest has quieted down and I almost feel so normal that I don't know how to act.
Coreg cr is a beta blocker chosen for me in a time released cr. run don't be scared, I'm so greatful I ran and tried another beta blocker and didn't stop although scared that my pressure would drop and I'd go into a coma. I feel almost normal.ni feel excited. I feel less scared. I feel hope and joy after months of despair and devastation. Run , see your doctor, you too can feel happy and safe and relieved and start living life!
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have to undergo Supraventricular tachycardia - catheter ablation.
Is it life threatening risky ? any major complications?
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease suggest...Pls
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I have had SVT my entire life!  I didn't know that I had anything wrong with me, because it would only happen when I lay down at night to sleep.  Then my heart would race!  At about 44 years old, it started happening at different times of the day, so went to the ER, then Cardiologist.  After a month on an event monitor, I was diagnosed with SVT.  Was put on Atenolol, which slowed me down to almost a standstill.  Quit taking it.
Just 3 weeks ago, my supervisor took me to the ER because I had it at work for almost 4 hours.  Tried the face in ice water method, but didn't work this time.  
New Cardiologist suggests ablation, and I am going for it!  My sister has a fib, and it didn't work for her, but I am told with the SVT there is a 95% success rate.  I will be calling the electrophysiologist today for an appointment.
My husband was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and I think the added stress is causing this to happen more often.  I am a cancer survivor, almost 7 years in remission, so hope that doesn't complicate anything, but can't wait to have this done.  :)
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I had my ablation about a month ago in London. Doctors and nurses were very good, they said 'it was successful' but... I passed out after the op when tried to go to toilet, and a month later I still feel pretty unwell...

I'm 39, I had supra-ventricular tachycardia. I took amiadorone for about 15 years (doctors in Portugal told me I should take it all my life when they diagnosed me with SVT); 3 years ago, doctors in London told me to stop the Amiadorone immediately and they've put me on Beta-blockers which didn't really stop the tachycardia episodes and would put my blood pressure really really low, making me tired and without energy. So I decided to make the ablation.

After the ablation, for the first 11 days I could not stand up, I couldn't walk at all! I would try but my legs were so shaky and painful that I would just start to cry. Then I started to walk very slowly, like a baby and then, when I could, I started learning some Tai Chi Walking exercises, which helped to gain strength, now I'm using ankle weights, and I can now walk nearly normally.

Since the ablation, my heart felt also very weird, odd beats, pressure and constant pain.

About two weeks ago I thought I was having an heart attack and called an ambulance. Doctor found out I had an inflamation of the muscles around the heart and I have been taking Ibuprofene which really helped with the pain. The heart feels better now, not so much odd beats anymore and had NO SVT.

But no one could explain why I couldn't walk at all...

I can go for small walks since last week but I feel very overwhelmed with sounds, cars, people etc, generally I'm just exhausted all the time and it's really tiring to do any activity. Had to cancel work and just staying mainly at home and in the garden.

Also since I started to go out of the house I notice my eyes really hurt and get tired (in particular doing small little movements, like in the supermarket); eyes get blurred, I start to sweat and have to leave. Now I notice this is happening also on computer, can't deal with facebook and browsing the internet, writing or reading is extremely tiring.

Does anyone had any of this? I called the doctors and they say it's not normal, that I should be fine after a week... I wonder if some of it could be related with side-effects/detox of the tablets I took for so long...?  

Also, I read here many people saying that realistically it takes up to 3 months for full recovery. Is this what I should expect?

Many thanks


To build up my energy I started to take Ginseng tincture, and for circulation taking Ginkgo Biloba, plus Garlic pills, started these 3 days ago and I do feel some improvement.

Also it's great to find this forum, thanks everyone for sharing your experiences!

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I had an ablation in Dec. Of  08 after I started having problems thr day afteramd once went into a fib they said my heart was just swollenfrom the procedure and after being in icu for a week after the procedure I was doing okay butbthey put me back on toperol or hoe ever u spell it. Now recently 4 years later I'm having problemsnot so much episodes but my heart just feels like its pound real hard... my whole stomach moves when my heart beats. Ialso stomach problems ulcers and stuff. Butmy resting heart rate is high usually around110 bpm  . I haven't had an episode but I was wondering if anyone experiences this too or if its a sign that it wasn't completely fixed.  I will randomly get chest and arm pains too and sometimes I feel like I'm having premature valve contractions . Can anyone relate or maybe know if Therese are signs that my svt wasn't completely fixed or maybe just a bad case of anxiety any remarks would be helpfullythanks
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