343006 tn?1314446471

who has problems on Toprol xl ?

My Question is :  who has problems with being on Toprol xl  (side effects )  so on..
or am I the only walking zombie on this stuff ?    please let me know im not alone !  

im weaning off it ,due to adverse side effects and a few unwilling Doctors who wont help me ! get off it . or even change it to another drug...  so to say im at the end of my rope here !!  

yes the sky is falling !  
36 Responses
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343006 tn?1314446471
That is one big dose of Toprol ! - I was on 200mg then after 4.5 years cutt down to 150mg - I feel for you, as I know your haveing side effect after side effect from this Nasty Bad Drug Toprol !!!!  
It hard to belive some Doctors, do things such as your Ankle  and cast then code blue on top all that !  omg !!  talk about Malpractice !
I was a skinny guy before the toprol - I gained very rapid when on the toprol - in less than 8months at least, 12 lbs.  and I ate like a bird..
and walked daily- 2miles ???  its the Toprol doing that .. no way around it-  the baldness is common of beta blocker medication.  get ready if you stay  on it,  to become a American Bald Eagle -with beer belly.
its Insane !!  
It took me 8 Doctors - 4Years of Demanding to get off the Toprol xl.
before I found a single Doctor, who cared and is willing to work with me
Im in a state of Shock now ! due to that fact !  

If your in a hmo plan or ppo plan,  it will be hard to find a Doctor who will take you off the medication/ or switch it to another type.
I had to cancle my old hmo plan and switch to top grade ppo plan.
with another insurance company -  It worked doing it that way..
No matter what , you have a right to change medications.  as gee wiz..
your paying for service and care.. and getting more less bent over !
and abused !  no worse than that.. due to the code blue you had..

hang in there, and try to be strong, I know its hard to do and deal with.
as its like being a living zombie on that stuff.
I really feel for you.. and sorry to hear of such problems!!

Good luck - and keep demanding to get off or change the meds.
someone will listen and help you.. never give up !

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I took it for two days and had a terrible reaction, I was a zombie, my dizziness got so bad I was confined to a bed and because of my asthma (beta blockers sometimes are bad for people with asthma) I couldn't breathe very well. Also my heart rate dropped to 40-50. This is the third beta blocker I have been on and my doctors finally concluded that I can not take them. :(
Beta blockers are one of the only medications that they can use for me, so I'm pretty much left to deal with the heart pain, tachycardia and palpations, on my own, until they find out more of whats wrong with me. I'd just like to have surgery and get it over with.
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I've been on Toprol XL 400 mg and have no relief from constant heart palpitations so bad they feel like my heart is doing somersaults and is going to jump out of my chest. I've never had HBP but in 3/2000 I had DVT after breaking my ankle and having it casted too tightly while it was still swollen, cut off the circulation, and literally 100's of PE's (as seen on a venous doppler scan) in my lungs. Almost died, stopped breathing, had a code blue called for me, very dramatic and embarrassing! Now I have a lot of scar tissue in my lungs and my normal heart rate is between 80-120 bpm. I was put on Atenolol, didn't work, then I was put on Toprol XL 100, then 200, then 400, still not working. I have chronic insomnia, and sometimes nightmares when I do sleep. I get horrible headaches, infrequent IBS, I'm constantly short of breath and tired. I rarely get dizzy. I did gain a LOT of weight, but I'm not sure if it's due to the medicine or not being able to exercise because of the palpitations being so extreme. And I can vouch for the XL being definitely extended release, as soon as 23 hrs go by from my last dose (I was told to take the 400mg all together in the evening) my heart starts doing a dance that would challenge any hip hop dancer! After reading everyone's comments, I am definitely going to ask my new doctor her opinion on whether I can wean myself off this high dose and maybe start losing weight and feeling normal again. My last echo showed my heart was "generally" ok, whatever that means. And I really can't see how losing weight and getting sleep could be any worse than how I feel while on this medicine!
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I tried Toprol XL for 4 months on an unrelated diagnosis and had a few bad dreams and other stuff.  I was taking 150 mgs.  I started getting some hair loss in the non male pattern baldness areas, and did a little research of my own.  It is one of only 26 pharmaceuticals of the millions out there that causes hair loss.

Silly me, @ 31 years old, I choose an elevated heart rate and a full head of hair.  But I looked damn good in that ER the other night.  I have a nasty Hiatal Hernia that causes my bad heart mojo.  But yeah, bad dreams and hair loss for sure with Torprol XL.  Alot of people say that too.
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All that being said, I'm still worried about the sky falling thing.  Are you pretty sure about that, or, are you just playing with us??  Inquiring minds NEED to know.

Glad you're feeling better.
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343006 tn?1314446471
I have been off Toprol xl and diovan now for over 4 weeks - went to a good Doctor who helped me ! and cared and took the time and understood my problems with adverse side effects ! hes one out of 8 Doctors iv seen over the years!  I was put on ccb verapamill - and its working fine - my doctor is working with me weekly and were adjusting the medication to my pulse and b.p readings.. so far no big side effects
other than I get out of breath here and there when doing something fast
as running but if I stop its fine and Im normal - doc says its just me adjusting to the meds it takes time.. shortness of breath is a side effect
of this drug ! if dose is too high , so it needs adjustment again.

I feel fine , but did have to deal with about 8 days of withdrawal effects
from the toprol xl .. as that drug is one of the worst ever drugs iv taken
for h.b.p.  no way around it !    

a ansure to above poster..  yes I did get nightmares from toprol xl
and vivid dreams and no sleep some nights !  
toprol is a nasty bad drug to take ..   It took me 8 doctors and 4years
to find one good Doctor .. in my insurance plan.

thanks to everyone for ansures and questions here. it helped me
and im doing well now  off the toprol and diovan.  
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