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Am I going to die from my PVCs? 24

Hi guys I am a 24 year old female with a history of PVCs. I first started getting them in nursing school due to high amounts of stress I suppose. I use to only get them at rest, doctors said it was nothing to worry about because my PVCs were occasional. Now as I am older it's a different story. I get PVCs every time I exercise or exert myself like going upstairs. I did an exercise test last year that showed them but they weren't worried. I get them during and after exercise which I hear is a big indicator of increased sudden cardiac death. I have awful anxiety. I take half of my beta blocker but I don't want to be on it. What is causing my PVCs to start happening all of a sudden during exercise or exertion? I've never had this problem before until last year. I'm terrified I'm going to die anyway. I just got married and desperately want a child. I had a recent echo which was normal. I don't know what to do I am at my wits end. I honestly can't live like this anymore sometimes I'm so depressed I cant even get out of bed. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. This is ruining my life
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Hey so I’m 17 and have had these for a year first felt it laying in bed and than running on a track and I’ve had every test I’m crying rn bc of these things I have a normal structure heart and everything else but all my dreams in football are gone bc these things are scary the most I’ve ever had was 700 in one day and than I can go to two weeks with only one. I’ve had fast heart rate episodes but never had a monitor on when I’ve had this happen but the all 7 of the doctors I’ve seen said even if it was some run of pvcs they wouldn’t do anything. I was a star football had to quit and haven’t exercised in a year and was in the best shape of my life and the best tome ever. I got one pvc today and it was 2 weeks since the last one and made me think of the runs I used to get I even have night terrors from these . Can I just try to train my body not to feel them and I’ll stop feeling them just like everyone else who has them they just don’t feel there’s.
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Hey I started getting my PVCs at your age. I was very active in highschool and only had them when I was resting. If you only get yours at rest that’s a good thing. I get mine with exertion which can be dangerous. Idk what caused it but my doctor thinks it’s over production of adrenaline and its irritating my heart. I’m on a beta blocker but it doesn’t help with the PVCs when my HR goes above 100 I’m throwing PVCs every other beat. Doctor doesn’t want to do anything, I’m at my wits end i seriously don’t even want to live anymore because of these things. I’m going to just get on antidepressant and see if it helps with the way I cope with them. Maybe you should try an antidepressant. 700 a day is nothing compared to my thousands a day.
I get thoundands now these things suck but benign
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Hey there,
I have been down a similar path as you and have lived in the fear that you are currently living in. Since the age of 19 I have had multiple episodes of Afib and since my early 20s I have had episodes of PVCs, PACs, and runs (10 beats or more) of all kinds of things. Mine have come in different periods of my life and have had different intensity. I have gone months with getting them every day and it feels like all day. Then they stop. I am now 27 and have finally found some type of acceptance regarding my arrhythmia issues. At first I spent every waking moment consumed by this fact that my heart would beat out of rhythm and that I could, “technically”, die from one badly timed PVC. However, I never did and still haven’t. I would spend hours of my day looking at websites to see what others had experienced and to see if I could find some magic cure that would get rid of my condition. But, unfortunately for me, there was no magic supplement or cure for my arrhythmia; however, once I finally accepted the issue as a part of who I am and learned methods to deal with the stress and the symptoms, I regained my life again. I spent the better part of 5 years worrying almost every day about this in some aspect. Truthfully, it is still uncomfortable and worrisome for me at times, but I know that I was able to get through it before and I will get through it again. So, first and foremost… live your life and do your best to accept what is going on and trust your docs. Once they have tested for everything and confirm that these palpations are benign, move on as best you can. I have found that my palpations are worst when I am stressed about getting palpations. I know that sounds crazy, but your mind is such a powerful organ. I learned, through talking with a psychologist (which I would highly recommend for health anxiety) that the mind gets addicted to the adrenalin and stress from worrying. Then your mind constantly desires to be in a state of anxiety, however, the effects of that on other parts of the body (ie. heart) are not great. I am not saying that if you stop stressing, your arrhythmia will go away…. But it will be less of a hindrance on your life. You deserve to live a normal life, so let yourself do that.  Its uncomfortable, but totally achievable. Do your due diligence getting checked out, try a beta-blocker and/or supplements (magnesium maybe), but then get your mind and anxiety straight.  
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I should have also explained more... "technically" anyone could die from a badly time PVC. But if the tests (echo, EP study, MRI, Stress test etc.) say your heart is structurally normal and without extra electrical pathways that bypass the various nodes (ie. control centers), then it is nearly impossible for your to die of a PVC. Every EP or Cardio I saw said the same thing... Don't worry about it, it won't happen. Even with an abnormal heart, the chances are still very low. Think of the millions of people who have seriously damaged or abnormal hearts that go on to live rather normal lives or don't ever know that they have a problem. My point is, this is rare. Finally, last thing.... get in to see an EP (Electrophysiology) and not just a cardio. EPs spend their entire career only dealing with arrhythmia issues.
Hey I just saw your post. I have switched over to an EP, I saw him about 2 weeks ago he did a 48 holter on me and wants to see me back in the month. I’m currently taking 25 mg of atenelol that helps most days, I also am considering going on antidepressant because of my constant stress and worry over these things. The PVCs get worse when my HR goes up, I thought this was considered very worrisome but apparently it’s not that uncommon. He said when my HR goes up so does my adrenaline and that my PVCs are mostly adrenaline caused. He wants me to lose weight and slowly walk and do meditation. Problem is even with my beta blocker, anytime my HR goes over 120, BAM, PVCs start. The thing that really confuses me is I was an thlete in highschool and never felt these things only when I was resting. Now the PVCs are better at rest and increase with exertion or exercise. Don’t know if this is because I’m a lot more out of shape and not healthy. I have developed a fear of exercising because my PVCs start when my HR goes up. It’s just a vicious cycle I wish I could get out of. My EP says to reduce my stress but it’s hard when I work 40 hours a week with a job that is very strenuous. I can’t just quit my job. I’m very depressed, I can’t even go on walks in my neighborhood without getting these things. I’m only 24 I shouldn’t be having these problems. I feel like my life has been taken from me. I want to have children but I don’t see that happening with my PVCs being so bad
20748650 tn?1521032211
Everyone is correct that death from PVC's is rare and almost never occurs without some other condition along with it.

A visit to a cardiologist for the following:
1. Stress test
2. Holter monitor
3. Echocardiogram
4. Lab work (electrolytes and CBC)

Will rule out pretty much all of these.

It is normal for humans to experience PVC's during the 'Cool down' or 'recovery' phase of exercise. Fortunately only a fraction of people actually feel these PVC's.

I have yet to meet many human beings that do not have at least 1 PVC after exercise.

It is abnormal to see an increase in PVC at PEAK exercise, while working out, however to not see any in recovery would be just as strange.
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I saw a new cardiologist. He thinks my PVCs increase with increased HR due to excessive adrenaline. He said since I already have anxiety I most likely have lots of adrenaline in my system at all times. Funny thing is I’ve had anxiety for 5 years and even during my panic attacks I wouldn’t get PVCs. Now just walking around I get them. I have no idea what it may be from. Doctor also thinks it’s because I’m out of shape and very overweight. When I was younger I was more active and not as heavy. I guess The increase in PVCs may be from deconditioning? I just had a 48 holter monitor I’m hoping that will give some answers. I’m currently taking 12 mg of atenelol and debating whether to start an antidepressant again. I’m trying to lose weight but it has been really hard since I started my beta blocker.
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I'm in my 50's and have had these all of my life.  You have done the right thing seeing the doctor and having the tests.  It's not easy but you do get used to the PVC's.  
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Well that's reassuring to know you've had them all your life as well. I just read all these articles stating if you get them during and after exercise your at risk of death. I get them just walking up the stairs and it scares the crap out of me. I'm terrified I'm going to die. I get a few thousand a day but only feel a couple of them. I just want to have a baby and I'm scared I never will be able to because of this
I'm not a doctor, but I think the link between sudden death and palpitations in young people is due to a thickening of the heart muscle due to a VERY rare inherited condition.  The echocardiogram test will find this, it's an ultrasound of the heart.  I had this test years ago and I was OK.  

I went through a period in my 30's when these palpitations really got to me.  I became reclusive and depressed on occasion.  Now I'm in my late 50's and I'm still going strong.  I really regret what I allowed the palpitations to take from me back then.  Don't hold off any plans because of them!!!!
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I’m 24 andalso suffer from PVCs and palpitations. I didn’t know I had PVCs until this year. I just was calling them palpitations but they were really extra forceful beats. I stressed to my cardiologist how scared I was and they informed me that it’s good that I’m feeling them. That means that my heart is healthy. All of the echos, stress test, holter monitors were normal! I don’t get them as often anymore. I guess because of the new meds but on days I’m really stressed out or nervous they really bother me. They also happen sometimes when I wake up in the morning. I was up with a really fast heart rate and then it will feel like my heart is skipping a beat. They said it’s not, it’s just PVCs but it feels super scary to me! Hopefully you will feel better soon! We are too young for this!
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Do you get them during and after exercise? Every time I even go upstairs I'll start getting them. I guess it's the adrenaline irritating my heart. People in my family have heart problems but not until their much older. They say PVCs are harmless in a normal heart but what happens when I get older and develop heart problems? I just feel like a death sentence waiting to happen

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