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Hep B vaccine

Hi guys and gals.  It looks like I will be getting the Hep B vaccine again. My recent results ..   <3.0          0.0 -8.9

Inconsistant with immunity      < 9.0

I remember the NP had mentioned that if I didn't develope the antibodies I would then get a double dose next time. I am wondering if getting the DD at this time (relapse) would be hard on my immune system. But I don't really want to put it off because if I have to go to a dentist (if my gums keep buzzing) I wouldn't want to have any type of a procedure where there is a possiblity of getting hep B. You can contract it that way? If something wasn't sterilized properly right? It doesn't matter about low odds - that don't always work with me. The odds were high for me to svr and we know the end of that story. I will ask my doc of course but just want to know if anyone has had this experience and then was given a double dose and you developed antibodies. Thanks
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LOL I didn't want to remind you that you suggested 16 weeks. I knew you remembered, but even if I did 16 weeks and failed, I would blame no one but myself because in the end its all my decision. You were looking to help me by cutting down time on interferon cause actually who really would think I needed more than 16 weeks with my stats 0 damage, white, not overweight etc. yeah it would be nice if this next lab comes back und. It would also be nice to think that this sweating thing that is going on is my immune system at battle and WINNING. Well thats the picture that I will keep in my mind for now rather than worrying. That worry cr@p is over. I just have to take each day as it comes. I truly thank God for my husband. That man would die for me if it would rid me of the hep c. I am truly a blessed woman to have a husband that loves me as much as he does. I wonder why he does sometimes, but he does. And now I am shutting this computer off. Have a good night.
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MO: you know me,,imagine if I did only 16 weeks??
LOL. And I would have disappeared from the forum to escape your wrath, since I suggested 16 weeks, but at least I had good company with the 'northern' doc. As to the stalled drop between weeks 2 and 3 -- I had something similar between weeks3 and 4 and weeks 4 and 5 before I went UND at week 6.  Viral load actually went up a little. I think that's the nature of the beast if you track it weekly. (I heard the 'contamination' song as well but not sure I buy it since I had two weeks like that).  But yes, you seemed to have a legit RVR and that really sucks you didn't SVR. But I'm still hoping that maybe something was wrong with that last test. Lastly, you did exactly the right thing treating 24 weeks, given the whole picture and 16 weeks was suggested by arguably the best hepatologist in the country, so don't ever look back with 'shouldof/couldof'. You did treatment like a trooper and sometimes it just doesn't work.

Be well,

-- Jim

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MCV- mine was high. I just saw on one lab it was normal. Here's the other info...
My VL before tx  Jan 4th   VL 8,220,000     6.9  
                         Jan 18    VL           474      2.68  - results from 2 injections
                         Jan 25    VL             96     1.98   - results from 3 injections
                         Feb 2nd  VL            <5     <0.70 -   results from 4 injections

I didn't have a test for the first week results. Too bad cause if it showed 600 or something like that, it may have proven my theory below. Each lab I had before the day of  the shot and the 4th lab the morning of.

Pretty stinky that the above resulted in relapse huh? This post should be a scratch and sniff post. It would stink to high heaven. Did you ever smell pig poo poo? Well the above is sad, looking at how I was RVR and yet I am not SVR, so thats why this post stinks as bad as a pig farm Jimbo.

On a serious note, I didn't and still dont' like the way that 474 only went down to 96 the next shot.It should have been gone. I expressed my concern to the NP when I saw that. I said I smell trouble. I asked her how could the first 2 shots knock down 8 million and then the next shot can't even clear 474 - leaves 96 behind. I said these guys are hanging tough and I think if they are then there might be a back up army somewhere - lymph glands etc. She said no that 96 is probably contamination etc.

I think 40 weeks or 35 or something would have been better, but who knew and plus geno 2's just do 24 if clear at 4 weeks, so no sense in me saying I shoulda woulda coulda. Jim, ya know what,,,you know me,,imagine if I did only 16 weeks?? OMG, I would not have the peace I have now, not me. The doc up north said he would be happy even if I only made it to 16. So glad I finished or else I might have been kicking myself at this moment or sticking tooth picks under my finger nails or banging my foot with a hammer while pouring hot water from the tea kettle on wounds self inflicted by my husbands old boy scout knife. LOL Well I'm not doing that because I chose the right path - 24 weeks of interferon to heal my 0 damaged liver. Nah but I'm just chalking it up to dems the breaks and hoping that maybe those lab techs made a BIG MISTAKE and gave me someone elses lab.  My body is starting to emit buckets of water as I sit here. It actually just started this minute. My hands are so wet that I am having trouble trying not to slide off the keys. But at least its a quick way of getting all the riba out of my system. Forget about 6 months to rid my body of riba. There is so much riba sweat on the keys that if I licked the keys I would probably become anemic.

Alright gonna go Jimmmmmie. Any thoughts on my lab let me know. I'll be back tomorrow and let you know if I got a hold of my "team." Take care.
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Thanks for your response!...I needed that reassurance!! :-)

As for my 'nerviouskid' handle on the forum, it was deliberately spelt like that.  It's a story...not really worth sharing though. hehe

I'm nervous about all these disease yes...i can't help it sometimes when I read posts that gets me nervous.
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Don't really know the significance of "MCV", but FWIW, mine was within normal range before, during and after treatment. Sounds like they didn't give you an EOT PCR. What weeks did they test your viral load and when was the first time you were UND? Still crossing my fingers on your next PCR. One of the problems of this early testing is that by def it's a lot earlier than they used to test in the old days. That said, it appears to be accurate but certainly hoping in your case it's not.

-- Jim
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I use Lab Corp - insurance dropped Quest. The UND test was performed on 7/18. My last shot was June 15. I had posted one time that it was June 24, but I was looking at my calendar and I had "24" written in the June 15 box - meaning my 24th shot.

I'll see if lab Corp will fax it to me or at least mail it if they want the doctor to see it before I do.

The doctor up north probably won't get a chance to read my email immediately so the few shots won't make a differnce probably by then, but I will ask. I might email his associate because he will forward it and if the doctor sees his email address it will catch his eye quicker than mine would.

My husband is hoping this PCR comes back UND of course, but now I am thinking I shouldn't have told him I was getting one again. I think I am dealing with it better than he is but thats because he was so sure everything was going to be fine. I was also until all the symptoms started.

Btw I forgot to mention this. My MCV has always been out of range even before tx started. I believe that is cell size. I noticed that most but not all labs that are posted also have high MCV . Mine was 103 on that 7/17.   Did you notice what yours was prior, during and post tx? None of the hep offices that I have been to have ever mentioned anything and I always forget to ask. I also noticed that my MCH was a tad high on that report also, but I don't know what that stands for. I'll look it up later.

Take care

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There will be a line on the Quest requisition form that says "Send Duplicate Report to" or something similar, with space for name and address of doctor. Simply have the nurse write: Fax report to __________ at _________ on that line. It's that simple. Since I always take my requisition form to a Quest Center for the blood draw, I never have to guess that they filled in the duplicate report line. And if they do, of course I fill it in myself, with their permission, of course. Something you may want to think about. And, just to be extra sure, after the Quest Center tech enters my info into the computer, I ask them nicely if they put down the fax number in the duplicate form line --unless of course I saw them do it when I looked over their shoulder :) I'm glad you emailed both of your doctors. Please let us know what both say. Do you remember the test (or sensitivity of the test) you took at week 4 that gave you an UND? Did you have an end of treatment viral load test? Really sounds like you just ended up in that 10% but we're all still keeping our fingers crossed that your immune system didn't take the Labor Weekend Off and is still fighting this thing. You might want to ask the Boston Doc about a few more shots, as long as you're emailing him which I think is a good idea. See ya too.

-- Jim

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Thanks Jim. yeah I agree, I would like to wait if possible to get the hep b vaccine. The NP even said that she would want to wait until I was finished with the interferon once she saw that I didn't have antibodies- this was mentioned when I was still tx - not implying I heard from them since the relapse. If a medical person thinks there might be problem with the interferon interfering with the vaccine, they shouldn't be giving hepb vaccines before tx, though my first 2 shots were at the office I almost tx with,not with this office. I'm not in a category that they would consider high risk so maybe the shots would have been better after tx. I am going tomorrow for PCR. This time I will see if I can have MY fax number on the req form also or at least my address or something. I don't want to have to rely on my hep office faxing me or even contacting me cause it may not happen. I did send an email to the doc in charge. I'll probably send one up to Boston too. I would think or hope this would be information (geno 2 relapse) that would be documented or put to use as to update the percentage rates of success and or failure with the studies.I would think they would want to know at the very least for their own records. The skinny -white girl theory that I was told went out the window, but I can't blame him for that. There is that 10% that don't make it. But maybe tx should be longer for geno 2's being we can't seem to always rely on RVR- but the good news is MOST of the time RVR is a good sign towards SVR - I don't want to scare anyone. See ya.
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Just read complete thread and see you got the three shot series. Your second shot should have been within a month of your first shot. The third shot should have been within six months of your second shot. Did you get the twinrex -- hep b and a combo? IMO getting immunized for Hep A is just as important as your chances of exposure to Hep A (food prep for example) can be greater. But again, I'd hold off on any vaccine shots until you've totally given up on SVR. FWIW, my liver enzymes shot through the roof around five years ago, right after my second hep b injection. I also took some Chinese herbs of unknown origin that same week so it's unclear what caused the elevation. My doctor at the time felt it could have been the herbs, the vaccine, or a combination. Dead virus or not, the vaccine obviously is having some effect on the immune system.

-- Jim
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How many vaccine shots did you have? How long after the last shot were the values you posted?

Given your situation -- and the low  but possible chance your immune system is still fighting for SVR -- I really thing this is the wrong time for a hep B shot -- be it asingle and especially double.

Why don't you wait until you have another PCR before deciding on whether to take the vaccine. There is no rush in terms of the vaccine timing -- and as to your dental procedure, you won't have the hep b immunity (even with a double shot) for some time anyway, if you get it (not everyone gets the immunity).

-- Jim
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Holy smokes, Batman, it's nerviouskid and he's nervious
Steve, You had me laughing when I read that. Too funny. Thanks for your response. I had the 3rd of the series done in Jan so I guess antibodies would have shown up by now. When I had the 3rd shot they didn't have any B vacines in stock so the NP gave me 2 doses of what they give to children instead. I wonder who does takes inventory of their stock. I wonder if it's equal to a full shot, but I will put that question on my list that is growing.

Thanks Meki, I'm hoping I don't have to go to the dentist at all. Fortunately my teeth are in good shape and I have been avoiding dentists for years out of fear of getting some type of disease from something that may be be sterile. Here I was worried about THEM and I was the one who was carrying the hep unbeknownst to me. But this buzzing and numbness that has been going on with me, I don't want to go to the dentist without being immune to HEPB.

Nerviouskid. Your just getting the series done again. It doesn't sound like he is going to double up. If this series that you're getting doesn't work then I guess he would have to do the double.
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181575 tn?1250198786
Holy smokes, Batman, it's nerviouskid and he's nervious...Sorry, can't help myself.
Really...calm down, it's no big deal.  Your doctor probably wants to make sure things are done correctly.  It's not an overdose.  You can't get HepB from the vaccine.
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this thread actually freaked me out again.  

The doctor is re-assigning the whole Hep B shot series because I missed my sequence between the first two shots.  I don't want Hep B...it's not overdose right????????
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181575 tn?1250198786
From my understanding and communication with others, most individuals will deveop the HepB antibodies after doubling up.  I don't think doubling up will be hard on your immune system since the vaccine is not made from live HepB virus.  The odds are in your favor in all accounts, least that's good.  Good luck.
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217229 tn?1192762404
I can't answer about the experience - My first round worked for me.

However HEPB is highly contagious - (at least comparatively to HCV).

It is in bodily fluids - all of em. So yeah - if you need it - get it...  But don't know about the immune issues. You'll need to talk to StevenNY about that.

Good luck sweetie - super hugs - and hope your gums stop buzzing.

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