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543518 tn?1245322027

Do I have the right to request my 4th week vl be given to me over the phone?

On Thursday I will be going to the NP and will be having blood drawn for my 4th week on tx.  She told me at our first visit she would not tell me over the phone what the results will be.  That means I have to pay for an extra appointment to get these results, and I'm on disability, even before I found out I have hep c, 1a. That means an extra co-pay for my appointment.  I feel like I'm the consumer, it's my body, my tx, I pay for the health insurance, which pays them, so she should let me know asap if I want.  She told me that I didn't need to know what my labs were, because she would worry about the numbers, after all "[do you think you will be a hepatologist] when this is over?"  A little condesending (I can't spell anymore), wouldn't you say?  Well, anyway when I went down to the lab, I signed a release to get a copy of the first results; however, by the time I get the numbers, she has had them for a number of days.  What the heck????  I found out my parents died by telephone, my baby son had died, I had skin cancer, I had hep c all by phone, why can't I handle my vl by phone; I know the odds???  As you can tell I'm getting a bit scrappy and need a good logical argument for tomorrow.  I suppose I can wait the extra time to get my results in the mail, but I don't want to.  What to say?
22 Responses
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479244 tn?1271563659

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568322 tn?1370165440
Only if you want me to be....LOL
I answered your iron querstion.
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479244 tn?1271563659
r u who I think you are?

I should have known, sounds just like you.

Welcome to med no help!

hey ,what did you think of my iron question?

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568322 tn?1370165440
ROFL....be nice bandman...or I won't explain the uric acid results to you....LOL
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479244 tn?1271563659
I never said to call in ask for results, don't be ridiculous.

I said to call and say, I am so  and so, I will there this afternoon to pick up copies.

They of course confirm I am  who I say I am , pretty ez to do, when you are a patient!

please read my posts  carefully.

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568322 tn?1370165440
What if.....

Let's say....your boss calls your doctor's office and says, "Hi, my name is bandman and I would like you to tell me the results of my last blood test".

And there's no way in hell the nurse can recognize every single patient's voice and be sure it's the patient, right?  

So what it they give your test results to your boss?  Would you be pissed?

And THAT, is why they can choose not to give blood test results on the phone.  Because they can get in trouble if they violate your confidentiality.
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179856 tn?1333547362
I'm so glad you are back around and posting again.  You have too many valuable things to share with the many many new people that are on the forum to disappear.  Not many of us old timers left around and certainly not many with your sense of humor too :)

It's been a hot humid summer but is finally starting to cool off a bit. I can't imagine what my electric bill is going to be but turning the AC off has been out of the question.  I used to HATE AC but not can't live without it this year!  And since I gainned weight after treatment I don't even want to go to the beach (I live right on the ocean) cause that would require a bikini and with all the jiggles I got jigglin'  fuggid abowd it!
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223152 tn?1346978371
wilful - sounds like you are getting with it.  I know I was intimidated by the doctors at first, but now they all just make copies for me.  Good luck

trinity -- I hear what you are saying about the hepatolgist.  I wouldn't Have one myself were it not for my relapse and getting "booted up the chain" so to speak (my doctor referred me to a specialist and discharged me).  At my last visit (350 mi one way) I asked my heppo if -- should I decide to treat again, would she consider consulting for my GI in my town so I didn't have to make the journey.  She said she would.  We also had a discussion about hepatologists and the lack thereof.  She said they had to stretch themselves with PA's - this is why I was not even scheduled to see her.  So, even if you have one, that doesn't mean that you will always see him/her.  

I believe strongly in advocating for yourself.  Maybe it is something about this disease or even this forum that causes that reaction.  I know too many people who have "something" but cannot even tell you what it is -- it is all in the hands of the doctors and they don't want to know.  Not me.  Give me the nuts and bolts.  THe internet has changed medicine in this world.

ny girl - your clinic is ahead of the curve with the ability for you to receive all your reports online.  Hopefully that is where we are headed.  I think it has just been recently in our town that doctors could easily access medical information for patients (MRI's and bloodwork, for example) online.  Hope you are well -- I hear the humidity is a oppressive  up your way this year

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I have bandman -  if it weren't for the people on this forum telling me about treatment durations when one hasn't become UND at 12 weeks I would have never known about the current studies all indicating treatment should be extended to 72 wks.  I will be armed with an arsenal of studies when I see my doctor again because he really is behind the curve on the latest treatment protocols.  As I've said before, this will be my last time with current SOC so if I'm UND at 24 wks I am willing to give it my all but only this time. The odds with SOC right now just are good enough for me to consider re-treating.  Thanks
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479244 tn?1271563659
with all the knowledge available on line, you really don't need a specialist.

Just watch everything and if you see something out of the ordinary, don't hesitate to bring it up to your caregiver... be a gp or nurse.

Many times they are very open.  Having your blood results will allow you to help make decisions and suggestions.

I do like the teaching hospital but I live in a big city... if I lived in a remote area I would still be the same, watch everything, question everything, read everything.

One doctor in a small town may not have the time to stay up to date regarding hcv.
They will not mind if you present things to them.  Print it out.  Cite studies.

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It is said over and over on this forum to seek out a hepatologist and usually but not always they are located in a teaching hospital.  It would be great if we all had the opportunity to be treated by a renowned hepatologist at one of the many teaching hospitals but there are those of us that don't have the resources or time because of long distances to seek out treatment by them.  It can become an all consuming quest to try and eradicate this disease which I would love to happen but I don't want to uproot my life with only a 40+ percent chance of reaching SVR.  In my case I live 250 miles away from the closest teaching hospital and that's one way.  No hepatologists in my immediate or surrounding area and I did ask my doctor about it as well as research the area.  It makes me sad in a way to know I'm not getting the best standard of care but it's all I have to work with and I try to keep current with all the latest protocols.  Just wanted to say that I'm probably in the majority here but doesn't mean I consider myself fortunate to be there.  
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543518 tn?1245322027
No, bandman, she isn't from India, but she sure gets flustered at my questions.  I have been on the phone with the lab, and as long as I sign the release forms when I get my blood work done, they agreed to fax me the results as soon as they get them!!!  It is so awesome not to be meek; I like using the sx of my meds for positive results lol.
Thanks all.  And nygirl, I did speak to the lab about accessing my labs from the computer, but they don't have it; however, the woman in the lab loved the idea, as she said there is so much needless paperwork.
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479244 tn?1271563659
my new nurse gives me my bloodwork copies that day!  and I have the blood drawn at their facilty.  Everything is taken care of in 1 visit!

the way it should be.
leave and go to a teaching hospital... incredibly efficient!
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479244 tn?1271563659
the exact same thing happened to me... the doc is not a lady from india is she, with and insane wanna be succubus nurse called "Lucy" is she?

Anyway, same story,... I was told "that is not the way things are done"... not wanting to wait 2 weeks,  I finally talked to the doctor personally, and told her I was coming down that afternoon and I wanted copies!  She said come on, and when I got there they ran me copies... I still kept my appt. 2 weeks later and it was nice knowing what was going on.
I think they think we are too stupid to read the results.  Or it is a power trip.  Or they think it would be so upsetting they should tell you in person.  who knows.

anyway, I left that doctor due to her inept staff and went to a teaching hospital... smartest move I ever made.

On top of all this they had my lab worked done at a lab that was not part of my insurance system.. end results... I owe over 1000 bucks for a non-approved labwork!

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By law as was said before they can not keep your medical records from you,  THEY MUST give you copies. PERIOD, i get mine by snail mail, I get copies of everything, Sometimes she forgets, but a gentle reminder works.

Your body, ask her if she is afraid you    might understand your blood work better than her. Or has she already been embarrassed by a patient with her lack of knowledge?

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87972 tn?1322661239
I use two labs here locally for different needs. One lab refuses to fax or mail results due to HIPPA laws; however, they are more than happy to hand them to me in person, provided I sign a release relieving them of liability.

The other lab faxes the results to me as they are completed, then follows up with a hard copy by mail. In this case, I had to have my doctor include me in the CC list *in writing* on the lab order. My labs were standing orders, so he only had to write this one time.

I don’t blame labs a bit for not wanting to issue phone results; they have no way to verify if the person calling is actually the patient, and opens them up to liability.

As to you relationship with your doctor’s office, you might want to speak with your doctor on the phone and ask him to direct his staff to release info to you; and also to re-write your lab orders (or contact the lab) to include you, the patient, as authorized to receive results.

These facilities are governed by medical privacy acts, and are frightened that your personal info might get into the wrong hands.

Best to you—

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179856 tn?1333547362
I agree with Friole what an egotistical lousy b-i-t-c-h!  You have EVERY right to your own medical records they are YOURS!  

If you continue to have problems with this I would ask immediately to speak directly to the doctor and tell him (nicely and politely) that you are an intelligent human being, it is your body and you feel you have a right to see your own results (my new medical group has a feature where you pay $25 a year and ALL of your med records are accessible on the internet - I no longer have to even call to ask for the results...I can look them up on line ANY time I want to and can see them the MOMENT they come in!) otherwise you will be looking for a new heptologist and NP.  Seriously, it is IMPORTANT for you to know where you stand so you can help make EDUCATED opinions on your own treatment!

MANY of us in here found that our own doctors were sadly lacking and hadn't yet learned of the newer studies that advised new and better information on how to treat. Had we not had access to our own records we would have failed treatment. It was MY decision to extend to 72 weeks - my doctor had NO idea about anything until I showed him all the studies! Without having seen my own info I would NEVER have known I needed to do such a thing to get to SVR.  

There is absolutly NO reason that you would not be able to see your own test results - I do believe it is the law - but either way I would NOT settle for a doctor that would disagree. I would think most doctors would say "who cares they won't understand the results anyway" (LOL Hahahaha) but that is how most doctors are!

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543518 tn?1245322027
I wish I had been so quick--it would have been a great response.  I beginning to wonder about these NPs and their control issues.  I wonder if they are feeling threatened by patients who advocate for themselves????
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223152 tn?1346978371
What a nasty b-i-t-c-h.  I understand how hard it will be to be civil here, but I agree that it is the best option.  I am not sure what it is with NP's but I have seen the same thing with the PA in my hepatolgist's office.  I flew 350 mi to see my heppo for an annual appointment and when she (PA) was done with me I said, "You mean I am not going to see the Doctor?"  I believe she was insulted, but I did then see the doctor. When your NP said you will not be a hepatolotist at the end of your treatment, your response should have been, "neither will you."
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543518 tn?1245322027
Thanks for responding and will take your advice.  And thanks jmjm  I forgot the c.  I think I will ask her for the full service if she is condescending again lol.  copyman, I like your very direct approach and will try to be very civil and civilized as I speak those words.  It is how she will respond to me that may have me flapping my hands and having a temper tantrum to get what I want ( I really won't do that, but what a visual!)   : )
Thanks again,
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Tell her "by law" you have a right to "your medical records"! And you want them as soon as available. Tell her you prefer to get the results over the phone but will accept fax, email or regular snail mail in a timely manner. Good luck
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First, you might call the lab to see if you can get the results faxed as soon as they are ready. If not, perhaps talk to the doctor and nicely explain your situation and that you were told that you have the right to your medical records (federal HIPPA act) without making an extra appointment and would be willing to sign a form to have the blood results faxed to you when available. Lastly, if feasible, you might consider looking for treatment elswhere, or perhaps changing NP's within your group. Frankly, I couldn't deal with such a condescending attitude and it could be a harbinger of what may come in the future when for example you might need Procrit and bring it up. Is your NP going to say "she will worry about your anemia"? Maybe she will get out of breath for you. Full service.
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