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About to start Hep C tx

I am about to start my first shot tomorrow night 8/6. My dr put me on zoloft two weeks ago before I start hep tx. I am constantly tired becasue of Zoloft and I also am a diabetic taking pills. I am a little nervous about getting sick, being tired, and possible hair loss. I will be using the Redipen injection procedure from sherring plough or something like that.
If I am feeling this lethargic before starting the actual treatment, what will it be like when I am on tx? I have never been sick with Hep c except maybe a little tired but nothing major. My viral load is realtivly low and I have had it since 1982. Thay called it Bar epstein then. Im just nervous and unable to concentrate on anything right now. I am a 50 year old mail and in relativly good health until Diabeties in May and this hep c thing. Any thoughts anyone.
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Hang in there.  Let's not anticipate all those sides you don't have yet.  A lot of your anxiety will be over tonight, after that first shot. It could be that Zoloft is not right for you and you should talk to your doctor about it.  Unless you have suffered from depression before, you may not need it.  He may have put you on it for your pre-treatment anxiety. THe Hep c plus the diabetes must have been a lot to swallow.

What is your genotype and length of treatment? Did you get a liver biopsy - if so what is the condition of your liver?

I will do shot #4 tonight, and I will be thinking of you.  My sides are light, although I do admit I am getting tired.  However, I am going to stay on top of the bloodwork and make sure that if I become anemic, we can take care of that quickly.

Post tonight or tomorrow, and let us know how you do.
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I echo what Friole says. I took a drug similar to Zoloft (Prozac) about ten years ago. I took it for two weeks and all it did was make me sleep all the time. I went off it. I had the same experience with St. John's Wart.

Some of us are on Ads, and some choose to wait and see. Of course, if you've had a history of depression you probably need something.

Talk to your doctor. You might want to change ADs or just get off the Zoloft for now. You might even want to delay tx a few weeks until you have more energy. Tx can make you very tired all by itself -- and if you start lethargic, it may be too much.

-- Jim
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hi, this is michelle...i was so tired when i was diagnosed,didnt know why.  i was falling fast asleep after work and going to sleep at bedtime with ease.  i hace been on AD or quite sometime and it wasnt that.  it was the hep-c.  anyway after tx started i was tired in a different way, more of a weakness.  i stopped taking naps and just sleep now at night.  i also take zoloft but know im in need of an AD.  im now on week 17/48 and have pretty much alot of sides - some worse than others...good luck with ur tx,,

hey friole -- i just arrived at my sisters in new york city with two of my girls. my sis is in a play off broadway and we're going to see it tomorrow night,  always have fun when  we're here and my sister is good about my tx - she'll let me veg and takes the girls on the town,,,,im on her laptop and typing is hard....tell our fellow bf i say hi - i cant seem to get on there.,  chelle
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The anticipation is hard, I know. But for many people, the side effects are annoying, but tolerable. Most can be dealt with successfully (advil, skin creams, anti-depressants, etc). Some people barely feel the side effects. I'm about to start week 22. For the first several weeks I felt virtually no side effects. After  6 or 8 weeks I started to feel the effects of the Ribavirin. I'd say 90% of the side effects I get are from the Ribavirin. But everyone's experience is different. Just remember, you can do it. Other people have been there before you, and they've made it all the way through. There's some great people on this board who will share their experiences and the techniques they've come up with to help cope. I know reading this board from time to time has helped me greatly, and I'm thankful I found this site.
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I just did shot 24 of 24.  I had quite a lot of anxiety beginning treatment...didn't really feel "bad", just got wacky...sort of hyper and out of control.  I started taking Lexapro 10 mg, and for the next 3 days and nights, I slept.  That was certainly no good, so I cut the pills in half, which has been good for me throughout treatment.

So if the Zoloft is making you groggy, maybe you could cut back to an amount that might work for you?

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WOW! you are done? great!
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Last shot? Twist and Shout! YOU are the CHAMPION!!!
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That must have felt good doing the last of the last.  Won't you miss it (not)?
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Thanks Everyone. I did have a Biopsy and the Dr. said my Liver was inflammed but not badly?? My virile count 519000. I dont know what geno type I am. I think 1 but not even really sure what that means. The Zoloft is probably what's messing me up. My wife was unsure that I needed an ad. I have never suffered depression before but the dr said tx would cause me to be depressed and wanted me on it. I appreciate the advise about lets wait and see what the sides are rather than anticpate over nothing. (smile) I might call the dr and ask about reducing the dose of Zoloft. Tonight is my first shot. Pray for me and I will be praying for all of you. Thanks easywriter.
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Good luck on your first shot and all to follow. Cool name you chose. frank
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Did your husband purposely wait until you were through to decide to treat?  Does he already know his VL and geno?  Maybe you posted but I forgot.

You know, my hubby had his regular doctor visit this week and I pressed him to take the hep c test.  Said he didn't want to know.  But in the end he did take it.  The nurse called him a couple of days later to tell him the doc wanted him to start taking a cholesteral medicine because his HDL/LDL ratio was bad.
WELL WHAT ABOUT THE HEP C RESULTS, I ask.  Oh, she didn't say, he says. Duhhhhhhhhh.  These medical providers **** me off.  I am hoping that means it was negative, but I cannot believe they didn't tell him.  I am just going to type up a letter for him to sign authorizing me I get his labs.  That HIPA sucks.

Let us know about your man

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Good luck tonight easywriter....I'm sure you will do fine.  I will tell you from my experience that my anxiety before starting treatment was far worse that what I had experienced after starting the tx.....so possibly your tiredness is from all the pre-tx feelings we all go through.  It is very intimidating to start into this journey with alot of unknowns but remember that everything you will encounter there are solutions to help you through it. Also remember not everyone suffers terrible side effects from the tx....MOST however will suffer some fatigue from the tx and anemia.  As far as your doctor putting you on Zoloft before starting tx I have another personal feeling about this. It seems like alot of doctors out there recommend one starting an anti depressant before tx but mine laughed at me when I suggested it telling me WHY on earth would he do that if I'm not even on the tx yet and getting depressed.  His words I look back on now that I'm week 27/48 and think he was SO RIGHT!  I have never gotten depressed on tx and the added burden of having more drugs in me as a preventative didn't make sense.  So I would qeustion if you really need to be on the Zoloft. Of course if you already were depressed before your tx then maybe your doctor saw the writing on the wall you would need the helping hand through tx. Ask youself if you are depressed before tx(now) or if it is anxious moments because you have yet to start tx...they are two different things....I also tried for a very brief depression period many years ago Prozac and was very tired all the time from it...I got myself off it as it wasn't helping the depression and it was making me always tired...so talk to your doctor about your Zoloft, if it is really needed now, and if so what other drug he would be willing to try you on to ease the tiredness.
You have a great place here to come to ask qeustions as you go through your tx.....lots of great people with wonderful information they are willing to share.....and listen.  We have all been in your shoes ....either are, were, or going to be, so we understand.
Good luck with your first shot tonight.....hope it goes well. Good luck with the beginning of your journey to become virus free. Scott
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My doc put me on Zoloft within the first 4 weeks of tx, suppose he saw some changes in me that I was not yet aware of or not yet ready to admit...although my family had seen noticeable changes as well.  Zoloft made me tired and sick, so I stopped taking it a week later.  I tolerated tx well, good days and a few not so good days..but at 16 weeks, my tx was stopped because I was a non responder. Now that I am somewhat back to "normal", I look back and realize the changes that took place in me over that 16 week period.  The family is glad that I finally realized the changes too.  I have never been depressed, thought I was a tough girl and could do it on my own without an AD.  However, I will be starting Infergen tx in a few weeks...I will most certainly do what I can to manage these sides...I will suggest trying a different AD to help get me through the next 48 weeks.
My best to you tonight...it'll be much easier next week...it was most difficult those weeks before tx actually started. :)
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Thanks, you all.  Yes.... yesterday I kept telling everyone:  "this is my LAST shot! (hopefully)".  And, "I've had my LAST blood draw for 6 months! (hopefully)".  I'll take riba all next week, so I'll still be full of this **** for awhile, but it does feel SO GOOD to be here.  I'll be glad to have my strength back soon, because I got a feeling my Huz will be treating soon.  Biopsy on Monday.

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Do you have a history of depression ? If yes, maybe another type of Ad ..if no you may want to discuss this with your MD . Zoloft isnt tolerated by everyone. Many have the sx you experience. Also , you may want to ask for somthing for anxiety.
And .....how are you feeling this morning?
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Laika....congratulations.....I'm so happy for you.  Get out and celebrate...and I hope that Riba gets out of your system very soon! The Riba is worse than the Interferon!  And I too look forward to the day you are at.....you got through it and I'm sure SVR will be yours.  Wonderful news Laika.
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Thank you.  I'm sorry you haven't had a smoother road of it, with becoming anemic so fast and the infection you had.  But it's all in the attitude, right? and you have a great one.  I'm glad things are rolling along a bit better lately, and it won't be long before you're getting your last shot behind you too!  I'm so proud of the people here who try hard and show good attitude, no matter what the outcome of their tests or treatment.  It's really inspirational.  I never thought of myself as a fighter...still don't.  I'm a peace lover.  But I'm proud to be in this group of people who tough through this difficult time and help each other out.  Good luck to you, too, Artgal.

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No...he didn't purposely wait.  I think he was in denial.  I had tried to convince him to get tested, but he has some other health problems that worry him and I think he just didn't want hep C on his plate too, you know?  He has to get colonoscopies every 3 years and had decided to switch to my gastro.  Of course, since my gastro was in charge of my hep C treatment, he would certainly ask my husband if he'd been tested.  What could my husband say?  "Oh no, don't test me for that!"  So that's how I imagine it happened.

I'm glad we're not going through treatment together...better this way for us, I think.  He is geno 2 also, thank God.  Don't ask me how that happened.  He doesn't seem to know his VL or any other details, like whether his ALT & AST were elevated.  (Although if he'd had elevated ALT & AST, surely a dr would have tested him for HCV long ago.)

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Thank you for your good wishes, Scott.  I am very excited about being so close to the end, but reading the thread above about withdrawal makes me fret...how long to feel normal again, whatever that is?  But I've learned some patience with this treatment...somehow you just have to keep plugging on, and I can at least begin the detox process (no more of these damn meds) in one more week!

I know you've had some difficult sides with your treatment, and I sure hope things even out for you.

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I'm so glad that you have completed (well almost after the final ribas) your treatment. Just wanted you to know you were one of the first people to help me out with your words of wisdom on this site. I appreciate you and wish you SVR forever!
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according to some of the studies out there, 2/3 do not experience a severe mental health issue on tx.  That means 2/3 do not need intervention due to a clinical condition. The inserts in the meds have those numbers listed.  The tx makes you feel crappy and achy and that alone would make anybody moody, (hey, kind of rhymy), anemia, once it sets in, can also cause mental depression. So if  the aches and pains, plus the anemia get treated appropriately, you  should be able to manage without ADs.  Unfortunately, anemia and the pains from meds are not managed by many drs, so it is easier for them to just pop an AD in your mouth to keep you mellow about them.
If you have no familial hx of mental illness or haven't had any yourself, question the move to medicate you before they know you need it.  The tx does make you edgy and short tempered, but you can learn techniques to cope with that. Most Mental Health organizations reccommend treatment that involves both counseling and medications as the best approach. Yet, you see these GIs just pumping pills into people. Tread carefully and don't accept everything drs dish out. You are the one in charge of your health.
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I was on Peg/riba for 48 weeks and will tell you 2 things
that clearly helped me. I drank at least 12 bottles of water a day and took Ibuprofin the first few days after the shot each week. The water is very important for the joint pain and your kidneys and the ibuporfin helps with the flu symptoms.

stay tough and good luck
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