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Please,I have hepatitis B and C positive but HCV RNA negative.What can I do?I'm from Croatia.Thank you
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Medium, okay. Just got a call today telling me I have hep c. Suffers in here for starters as I am the new kid on the block. Any suggestions?
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I can not remember this, but my mom was with me during delivery and stated that they gave me blood products, this was 1989. I lost a lot of blood during labor. I can't remember the IV, so I want to confirm it. Plus, IF i got hcv then, who else in this county got infected from that hospital. They have been closed for years now. Suspicious.
Of course it could have happened back in 1980 also, but I did not get any aches and pains until after 1989.
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Tried Prevacid briefly and Aciphex 2X day for 4 months. At that point the sides from the drugs were as bad as the reflux which it only helped somewhat. I may try Nexium within the next week or two to see if I get better results. I've been stubornly waiting for this to go away without another PPI but am about to give up. In any event, pretty sure this will resolve (or at least get a lot better) once treatment ends. Wouldn't be suprised if the Procrit is part of the problem. Thanks for the suggestions.

-- Jim
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Glad to hear your first shot went well, hope it stays that way throughout...

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I'm wishing you very smooth sailing on this crazy treatment voyage, and praying hard for your brother's full recovery.   Watch those doctors like a fish hawk, okay?
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YOU GIVE HOPE TO US ALL ABOUT TO START!  i hope it keeps on going and going this way for you all the way through!
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73878 tn?1214053207
The benefit was an absoulte HIT!  We all had a great time, (I poured the tap beer) sold them for a buck a piece and called them "Hurricane" beer.  Left alot of foam on top so the  wind would blow it off!  LOL!  We are suppose to have a meeting this week to find out how much we raised.  I will let you know.

NO SIDE AFFECTS from my first shot.  Amazing!  Not even sore where I did my injection.  It have been NOTHING so far.  Took 2 tylenol pm at 10pm last night, got up and peed 2x and went right back to sleep.  Had cheerios this morning with strawberry yogurt mixed in it and took my Riba........still no problem.....Gonna stay home today just to see how the meds affect me today other than that should be able to go to work tomorrow. I went in the clinic with a attitude of confidence, did my own shot, (they were amazed I already had it figured out)and I am going to keep the same attitude! BRING IT ON!  I AM GONNA WHIP THIS DRAGON'S ASS! oops.....nasty word!

Bud (Bro) is still in the hospital, they have had him on IV antibiotic, want to send him home today after cat scan athough there has been no improvement in the swelling of legs and feet (so bad can't walk)and they have no answers as to why, said no blood clots, no diabetes, good circulation and they are not even washing his legs with anything!  Weird huh?  Suppose I have to be careful being around him now and try not to touch him and wash hands all the time.

Take care, chat at ya'll later!
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul, dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.
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And did you kiss that last hurricane beer a fond goodbye?
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People w/cirrhosis should limit protein-animal or vegtable.  People w/cirrhosis should eat a low sodium, low fat, low protein diet.  That leaves fruits and veggies and whole grains.

  Some of us avoid dairy b/c dairy rreadily converts to ammonia which is the cause of the encephalopathy.  I still eat yougurt and use butter in cooking-I know, I know-I mix w/olive oil-and a little cheese creeps in now and then.  and count the butter as added protein-only 2-4 oz a day.

I still have a protein fruit 'smoothie' every morning and we use brown rice protein powder.  That's when I add liquid vit/min and 'joint juice' and in the cold season we add liquid golden seal, etc-what ever.  That's where I use the yougurt, raw egg, banna, berries, etc.

W/cirrhosis, one wants to have the liver get the max nutrion w/the least amt of work.  Lightly steamed veggies and juicing are the best, actually.  Back to your inner hippy!  Brown rice and green tea and organic honey!

As to nausea and depression and insomnia, I'm a medical marijuana patient.  Need I say more?  problems solved.  I was infected via transfusion in 1967, dx in  9/2001 and cl'd by day 18 in 5/2002. 2b and now not 2b.
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what sides and how you will feel them have mostly to do with your individuality. Good health prior to starting is a plus, as is milder damage to the liver. A proper mental attitude is also an important key.
Whatever works for you to continue on tx, do it, as long as is not harming you or others.
I indulged in ice cream(Breyers), cookies, cake, and Starbucks Latte with brown sugar when I could tolerate it.  Candy bars, yum! Also chicken, rice, beans, some vegetables(mostly raw?, fruits and soups in the winter. Whatever your body is craving,  listen to it. Mine craved high energy carbs, and I did not lose any wt or gain any, but it kept my energy at an acceptable level.
Now, if anyone has a wt problem, control the sweets, especially when the end of tx approaches.  
When we start as babies, colostrum and later breastmilk, are very sweet foods, they are energy as well as comfort foods. As adults, we sub with what is available, for the same reasons. Of course the  former is more nutritious, but they are not available in a store near you.
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Disclaimer to Jmjm530:  This article below has nothing to do with Adika's question.  I'm simply posting it here because there aren't any open threads.

VALENCIA, Spain (AFP) - The trial of an anaesthetist, suspected of drug addiction, who is accused of infecting 276 patients with hepatitis C, began in a court room specially designed to accommodate the plaintiffs, their 600 witnesses and 171 lawyers.

The Valencia public prosecutor is seeking a sentence of 2,214 years for the doctor, Juan Maeso, 63, a former chief anaesthetist at the local La Fe maternity hospital, after an expected year-long trial which got underway on Monday.

The prosecution claims that Maeso, a hepatitis C carrier, infected 276 people, at least three of whom have died, by administering anaesthetics using needles he had used to inject himself with drugs.

The infections took place between 1988 and 1997 in four health centres in the Valencia region.

In 1997, faced with an explosion in cases of hepatitis C, a liver disease passed on intravenously which can lead to cirrhosis and cancer of the liver, doctors from two insurance companies requested a review of sterilisation procedures in the private clinic where Maseo worked.

The scandal came to light a year later when the virus carried by the anaesthetist was found to be identical to that which had infected the patients.

In April 1998, the public authorities opened disciplinary proceedings against him for using opiates and suspended him from his duties. Maeso has always denied being an addict.
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So, the journey has begun.  So glad your first shot was benign.  Your brother -- how awful.  I have heard about the bacteria carrying water and here is a real live case.  I am glad he is under your care.  How went the benefit this weekend.  I hope you have gathered much to help the people of Biloxi.

I am so excited.  I wish me doc would do the 12 week test early.  For my 4-week PCR they said results in 1-2 weeks - the test gets sent off to California.  Since you are in CA maybe next week.  I can't wait to hear.

Re the arrogant anesthesiologist
I guess I will never understand the mindset of some people.  However, addiction clouds all judgement.  Cuteus - what happened at the birth of your daughter that you would like to find the records on?

Food -
At first I found that my taste for sweets was gone (yeah - good) however, it is coming back.  I have been a weight watcher for years, so am trying to continue eating that way - except that I have added a lot of high fat yogurt to my diet. That is what I have in the morning with my Riba. My diet is normal except that my hubby does say that I am eating less and making him feel guilty becasue he is still eating long after I am done -LOL.

directed at Jim re Riba Absorption
For the life of me I have been trying to find some concrete documentation for your statements that you can take your Riba 3 hours apart and that it is not detrimental to the treatment.  I looked on the internet for a couple of hours the other day.  I did find the reference to the absorption being 70% greater if you take it with high fat food. However, I still think that does not extend the time it optimal in your system. The Rebotol manufacturer has a chart for multiple doses vs one dose.  However, I saw nothing that said the Riba accumulated in the plasma better with one dose.  This is from that websight.  Maybe you can treanslate it for me:

" Ribavirin Single- and multiple-dose pharmacokinetic properties in adults with chronic hepatitis C are summarized in TABLE 1 . Ribavirin was rapidly and extensively absorbed following oral administration. However, due to first-pass metabolism, the absolute bioavailability averaged 64% (44%). There was a linear relationship between dose and AUC tf (AUC from time zero to last measurable concentration) following single doses of 200-1200 mg ribavirin. The relationship between dose and C max was curvilinear, tending to asymptote above single doses of 400-600 mg.
Upon multiple oral dosing, based on AUC12 hr , a sixfold accumulation of ribavirin was observed in plasma. Following oral dosing with 600 mg BID, steady-state was reached by approximately 4 weeks, with mean steady-state plasma concentrations of 2200 (37%) ng/mL. Upon discontinuation of dosing, the mean half-life was 298 (30%) hours, which probably reflects slow elimination from nonplasma compartments. "

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You might not be putting the needle on tight enough. It happen
to me once.  Just make sure it's tight.  Adele
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LOL to the disclaimer, better safe...

as for the scandal...there are no strong enough words that are acceptable in this forum to express the feelings invoked by the article. maybe fry in hell? but that would not be too Christian, I guess.
I think it has happened all over the world and the USA is no exemption. I would love to get hold of the records from the hsp my daughter was born. The center is long gone and who knows who has the records now.
Does anyone know if the Dept of Health in the various states take over the records of closed hospitals?
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Yeah...so much for the Hippocratic oath: "Do no harm."  What kind of psychopath would deliberately do this to his patients?  It's beyond comprehension.  And there's no way we can protect ourselves from predators like him.  Ugh.

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My subject line on the above post was cut off and it was supposed to be addressed to "Everyone", not Adika.
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Several people posting lately with questions on cirrhosis.

There's a moderated chat tomorrow night tuesday sept 13th, 8PM Eastern, over at Hepatitis Neighborhood.

Moderator is Julie Rose Smith, MHS, PA-C. Maybe she can give additional insight to your questions.

Link to chat: http://tinyurl.com/8apfc

-- Jim

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Today I had my 12wk vl drawn Wednesday will be my 11th shot but the doc said it takes along time to get results back so do now.
Like some smart person suggested on this forum I asked for the

results to be sent to patient. Now,Hurry up and wait.  Have good wk :) Darcy
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I have been thinking about you today. GOOD JOB! All that stress and you just did it. My best to your brother & family. keep us posted Darcy
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73878 tn?1214053207
Forgot before I posted to ask if you ever asked your Doc about Nexium?  It REALLY helped for me.
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73878 tn?1214053207
Well I did it today, took 1st shot at the study clinic at about 5:30.   It's now 9:30pm, just got home from Dinner & took my Riba.  No effects yet!  Maybe I won't have any!  The shot was NOTHING, I gave it to myself, no prob, no anxiety, was a breeeeze.....

Was really thinking of not going thru with it due to the fact my Brohter is her as a victim & refuge of Biloxi Ms, as I had explanes begre.  Had to take him to the ER last night due to teh fact we think he might have the "Black Mud Disease from teh cuts on his legs and swimming thru the water and mud to escape the house.  His legs and feet are SO SWOLLEN with infection, he cannot walk.  He in getting IV Antibotics right now.  There is nothing I can do for him except be there for him as best I can untill he recovers.  I need him here w/me!

Anyway, did anyone else start treatment today?  If not those are are on treatment, please help me keep a good attitude about this!  And also good luck to you all!

God Bless,

The pain of Discipline is easier than the pain of Regret
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I imagine if you've been healthy on a veg diet with adequate protein before tx, you should be OK on tx. Probably wise to monitor your hemoglobin very closely in any event and make whatever adjustments are needed.

One thing I'll mention is that the bioavailabity of ribavirn can be increased up to 70% with a high-fat meal. So don't take the ribavirn with apples and oranges but rather  with peanut butter, high-fat tofu, (eggs, cheese, butter, high fat fish,  if you eat them) and the such.

As to my own diet, it was pretty good -- actually very good -- pre-treatment. I wasn't a vegetarian but ate very litte red meat or saturated fat,  with protein mostly from white meat chicken, fish and tofu. Lots of fruits veggies, salads, etc.

So you'll probably be suprised when I tell you what my diet is on treament. For breakfast I usually have a cheese omelet, bacon, home fries, toast spread with butter or dipped in olive oil. My second meal (only have an appetite for two) might be a dark meat chicken sandwich  with mayo and macaroni and cheese. Pretty horrid huh. LOL.

What happened is this...

Around the third week of treatment I developed a bad case of nausea, completely lost my appetite and my sense of taste became altered. On top of that I developed a horrid case of reflux which most fuits did not agree with. Foods I enjoyed before such as fish, tofu, vegetables and salads not only became unappealing but I could hardly even look at them. For a while the only foods I was able to eat were the "comfort foods" when I was a kid like lamb chops, mashed potatoes, poached eggs on toast, etc. Then I started overdoing and finally tiring of even of those foods. Meal time became a huge chore and the effort of getting the food down was starting to wear me out. At my low point I would actually have to meditate on different foods for close to an hour before I could come up with something I could get down.

At times I various "healthy" food combinations, and more frequent, smaller meals,  but either they didn't work with my reflux or they didn't have enough calories and my weight kept dropping. At one point I lost close to thirty pounds (mostly muscle) from my pre-tx weight. I was getting so weak that walking stairs was difficult and the doctors were getting concerned. Testosterone therapy and anabolic steriods were discussed to build me back up.

I've finally stablized my weight at 153 pounds with the above horrific diet. But it works! It gives me enough calories, the foods have enough "taste",  and doesn't seem to make my reflux any better or worse. Most important it allows me to stay on treatment.  And staying on treatment becomes the bottom line for many of us whether we have to take AD's, sleeping aids, or in my case bacon and eggs. :)

The good news is that the interferon has knocked down my cholesterol dramatically even with this diet. This happens to some. If it hadn't I'd probably be more at risk for a heart attack than any liver problem. :)

My case is probably extreme, but loss of appetite and taste alteration is fairly common at least in the beginning of treatment. Be prepared, be  flexible, do what you gotta do to stay on tx.

When tx is over, I'm sure my normal appetite will return and I plan to go back to my previously healty eating style. Gosh I used to love sushi, now it tastes like cardboard. :)

-- Jim

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Welcome to the discussion group. Always nice to have a new member from far away.

It sounds like you do not have hepatitis c. You only have the antibodies. So there's nothing to worry about. Just repeat the PCR HCV RNA viral load test in six months and then six months again to be sure.

Most of us here have hepatitis c, so we don't know a lot about hepatitis b. The good news is that's it's curable. If your doctor in croatia can't cure it, try and seek care elsewhere if possible.

You can also ask the same question here. The doctors at the site know about hepatitis B. http://www.thebody.com/Forums/AIDS/Hepatitis/

Lastly, it can be confusing posting on this forum but try and put your new posts into the same thread. In other words do not use the "post a question" button more than once or twice a week. However, you can post within the same thread -- or any other thread -- as much as you want.

Hope this has been helpful.

-- Jim
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