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homeopathic cures for Hep C

I was diagnosed with hep c several months ago, went through the normal horror, and then found this board through the extensive info search that I'm sure we all go through. I then put myself back together, found I am type 3a, am looking into the LabCorp's Fibrosure test instead of biopsy, and got a hepatologist that I see next week to replace the disgusting monster GI that I had for a few months. I know now that a hepatologist is the way to go. Last year I felt pretty bad, fatigue etc, my viral lode was 1,050,000, AST 152 ALT 98 approx, and then started in on my homeopathic treatment.
My husband's doctor in Italy has treated many Hep C patients, and I was very willing to give it a try after reading about the horror stories of interferon. Some doctors in Europe (mine included) think our Hep C treatment here is not only useless but dangerous. He is even completely against live biopsy's.
I have been treating with homeopathic meds, unfortunately here we are brainwashed to believe that is all hocus pocus, but I'll tell you, my viral lode is now down to 119,000 AST 95  ALT 55, and I feel better than I ever have in my entire life.
I will know more later of coure as a few more months go by.
Homeopathic is scientifically proven, and it's just a shame that you never hear about this option here in the US, I know the traditional treatment here is big business so 'options' are
'dismissed' as not viable. Just wanted to put my homeopathic 2 cents in to see if there is anybody else out there that ever considered this route?
Am looking forward to my new Hep Dr 'reading' my ultra sound!
55 Responses
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1747881 tn?1546175878
Welcome to the group, janedoe has not posted on the forum since 2006, if you go to the top of this page and use the green post a question button, it will start a new thread and you should get better responses to your questions, just an FYI there are absolutely no homeopathic cures for HCV,
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Hello, thank you for sharing your story. I am looking in to homeopathic treatment for my husband as well. Could you share your doctor's in Italy information, who treated so many patients in one year?
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Again, please start your own thread to get better answers.  Stage 4 is cirrhosis.  They wouldn't have treated you if your liver wasn't still functioning so keeping your liver from deteriorating further is very important.  There are many people here who can offer excellent advice on that but not if they don't see your question.  Copy your question and paste it into a new thread where people will pay attention.
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You've posted at the end of a very old thread.  It would be better to hit the Post A Question button at the top of the page and ask your question there.  It will get a lot more attention than it will here.

There are better minds than mine around here to answer your question but I'll try anyway.  Yes you can treat again.  Successful treatment for geno 1 under current SOC is 50 to 55%.  Being level 4 lowers the odds even more.  But, treating for 44 weeks gave your liver a break and perhaps it was even able to heal a bit.  There is a new drug expected (not guaranteed) to be released in May or June.  It will be in addition to the treatment you've already tried, so it will probably be just as difficult.  But it offers a much better chance of success.  Since you have relapsed, you will probably have to do the full 48 weeks again.

I'm sorry that you relapsed.  But there is hope.

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I was diagnosed with hcv in 2001 and and said to do nothing until 2010 when I was at level 4 and Gtype1. At a viral load of 2 1/2 million and level 4.
I started Interferon and Rebavirin for 44 wks and quit but close to that time my Dr. said I should go for 72 wks. My viral load was at O when I quit taking the meds. I just could not go on with the pains and feeling so weak. I was working long  hrs.(8-14) a day and was doing all I could to get to work. I have been off the medications for 4 weeks at this writting and took a blood  test and I was told my HCV was back! My question is this can they put me back on the meds. And if I choose do nothing ,,,,how long can I last.  Please someone give me a straight answer or guess.
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Thanks!  I'll do that.

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Too much time has elapsed, and people usually don't return to old posts. Try to catch her in one of her newer posts.
Also lots of confusion here lately, because med help is trying to open a second hepc board.

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Say, so sorry to spam the forum like that.  I thought my browser was giving me errors with posting.  Was pretty frustrating and I was about to give up posting that second one, but now I see it all went through and with plenty to spare!  ;-)

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Dear Jane Doe,

Just a couple more notes for today:

1) My Hep C patient is a genotype 1a case compared to your easier to cure 3a case.   We were talking more this morning.  He used to run Hep C forums like this and worked as a drug addiction counselor.  Hasn
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Dear Jane Doe,

Just a couple more notes for today:

1) My Hep C patient is a genotype 1a case compared to your easier to cure 3a case.   We were talking more this morning.  He used to run Hep C forums like this and worked as a drug addiction counselor.  Hasn
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Dear Jane Doe:

I would be very interested in corresponding with you and hearing more about the work of your Italian doctor.  I engage in a great deal of research into classical homeopathy and advanced classical homeopathy in three areas:  1) Counter-Plague utilities; 2) Oncology utility; 3) General Medicine utility.

I am not here to waste my time with the naysayers on this board; for their opinions on anything are of no relevance to me.  Homeopathy does work.  It is a highly subjective affair which can never be proven all that well by the all-sacred, double-blind, placebo trials; for our doctrines can't work well like that. There are, however, a great many inept fools in the profession who make wild promises while engaged in mediocre methods.  And, there are a handful of true masters to the subject.  This is the true problem with homeopathy.  

The vast majority of homeopathy's critics aren't even competent to complete a deeper study of the field, and, where they argue the serial dilution question, they don't even argue from a modern physics perspective.   Just a big, round robbin there and a variety of folks making too much chatter on things they've rarely ever personally researched and experimented with.  Oh, they've all read the drivel others report but have usually never directly engaged in research themselves.

Now, the reason I am interested in you is not to sell you anything.  I don't charge patients anything.  If they're happy with my work, they're welcome to donate.   But, at this time, I am not taking on anymore Hep C cases without further research.  I would be interested in studying your case, though, and following it in great detail.

The reason I want to talk to you is because, to date, I am having a very difficult time finding any case data on the cure of Hep C by homeopathy.  I have a pending information request to a true master of homeopathy -- a man I consider among a rare handful in the world capable of having cured Hep C or knowing someone who has.  Still waiting to hear back there.  True masters study from him.  

In the meantime, all I read is variety of conventional medicine b.s.  If not that, I see homeopaths on the net making near promises of cure.  I see others displaying their anti-Hep work in greatly reducing viral load, yet, as with the PCR comments of those on this board, I also agree.  There's a lack of case data available on the web and I'm still looking for it.  The supposedly credible, conventional med databases are all filled with **** and junk science on homeopathy.  Just the other day, I was reading a load of it cranked out by some low-grade academic dweeb whose idea of determining homeopathy's efficacy came from "metanalysis" (fancy word for researching biased computer archives).  "Well, no such cases of cure in this database. Therefore, homeopathy does not cure and has no merits."  Junk science you call that.  Skewed observations at the very least.

The Hep C issue is important, not for just the sake of Hep C patients, but simply because it is a very difficult virus to defeat.  Homeopathy has an awesome counter-viral history, but Hep C is a tough one.  Future plagues will be equally tough. Need to know what's going on here with Hep C.  Maybe someday American enemies will toss modified strains at us?  If we can't engage Hep, we damn well can't save cities from far worse.    

I'd like to see what's taking these homeopaths so long in rendering cure.  I'd like to hear about some failed Hep C cases that underwent strictly classical homeopathy.  And, most of all, I'd like to hear more about this doctor in Italy who says he can cure you -- not as an enemy, but to examine his methods if he has been truly curing it.

I have one patient out here with Hep C, numerous symptoms, and liver damage.  He quit conventional medicine over a decade ago and -- according to his testimony -- is one of the longest running Hep C cases in the world.  Conventional medicine made him very sick, didn't do much, and so he deviated.  He blew through some $500k on Alternative treatments that never did much good.  Some of that was spent on classical homeopath visits which helped him some, but never cured it or gave stability.  Oriental Medicine he says gave him the best results, but he simply could no longer afford to keep up all these methods which gave him no cure.  Best he's been able to achieve is longer lifespan, pretty good function overall, continual living with the illness, and he is by no means cured.  

As for me, I have only been treating him a couple weeks. I've managed to take the edge off some of his pains and make him feel slightly better overall, but he has been going through a down period now that his conventional physicians cut out some addictive prescip drugs.  Still pushing him back up.  

Can I cure him?  Oh, I don't know.  I am a student of methods that I consider better than those used by the majority of homeopaths in the world.   Never have I cured a cancer case, but I have squashed it down well a bit (among one of the most difficult cancer forms on earth) and some of those tactics apply to counter-viral matters.  My research is scattered over a variety of areas and pain relief tends to be my area of most coverage (since most chronic diseases have a bit of that).  

I don't give a damn about winning any Nobel prizes.  I don't care to argue with conventional medicine sorts nor publish in scientific journals.  Most my confidential research is not at all for public consumption.  Curing cancer, AIDS, Hep C...these aren't even an interest to me other than any counter-viral aspects relevant from such studies.  And so, I am not at all a threat to the pharmaceutical industry and allopathy.

Can cancer be cured by homeopathy?  Oh, yes, it can be and has been done to various degree..depending upon the form and individual.  You won't find any such case data among the net or respectable journals, though.  One has to look well and research over a year or more before finding such obscure information.

Can Hep C be cured by homeopathy?  Theoretically, yes.  In practice?  I have not yet seen such a thing, but would like to and am still hunting for that information.  

It is not important to me if your doctor cures Hep C or only near-cures it. I just want to know the overall state of patient improvement, repeated viral load counts if any, and also all other proof of cure.  If he cannot prove cure in those 30 cases and they only exist in near-cured status, that is fine to me.  I would like to know more about his remedies and tactics applied --dosing methods, reasons in remedy selection and use, etc.

The significance of any nearly curative work by homeopathic methods alone points to the potential to integrate that with other anti-Hep naturopathic methods (herbs, vitamins, supplements, etc.) and any relevant conventional drugs.  For example, 40% improvement by allopathy, 30% improvement from naturopathy, 60% improvement from homeopathy, and 60% improvement from oriental medicine approaches leaves us with a hybrid, Integrative Medicine model capable of achieving well in excess of 100% curative capacity in Hep C cases.  

One of the flaws to the majority of homeopaths in the world is a fanatical, "homeopathy only!" nonsense which is fine in theory but not practice.  The average homeopath is about as arrogant and incompetent as the M.D.  They're both historical rivals.  Then again, it is not proper for me to say I know all there is to know about all the homeopaths in the world; for I haven't personally met them all.  I only know that it is very rare when I meet a humble one who isn't much like the inept M.D. in thinking he knows all there is to know about the field.

If you have time to correspond with me, I would like to study all homeopathic remedies and tactics this Italian doctor is applying in your case.  You say that you have seen lab data on this man's patients?  I would like to hear more on that no matter what you do or don't have there.

In regard to this board argument about whether or not Homeopathy can cure Hep C or any particular illness... that's not even a logical question.  It bears a kind of drunkeness in allopathic, mechanistic-reductionist thinking.  The name of a disease has no more relevance to us than it does to an acupuncturist.  We don't give a hoot about your viral load counts or PCR tests.  For us, "Cessat effectus cessat causa!" (Cure the effects and you can cure the cause) is the only guiding law.   What do you care of the disease name if all your symptoms and sufferings are extinguished?  Perhaps a germ still remains in the system and contagious for years more after reaching one's best state of health possible.  Perhaps it is truly cured.  Perhaps it is not.  All that matters is reduction of patient suffering.

The overall strengthening of the patient is the only relevant thing.  If a cure is possible, it will occur at that point far away and likely years off (depending upon how deeply chronic the ailment), not in these early stages anyhow.  

All I have seen reported on the net to date is one report of viral load reduced by a factor of 8.  Whether true or not, that is only one test (as far as I know).  It is not cure in any case.  If the patient is more functional and living well, that's good enough for most cases.  Cure to PCR standards, 6 month standards, and all that ****...that's all just allopathic standard-setting of no relevance to our way.  Our standard of cure is when the patient is fully symptom free.  From there, you can measure all you like and it could be some years at that state before the body clears out the Hep C strain.

Of this Italian homeopath you report, he is either:  1) A liar; 2) Delusional; 3) Or, someone with credible wisdom on the matter who I'd truly like to learn from.   If he's at least well improved 30 cases of Hep C, I'd like to study how he did that and perhaps I might share with him a few of my own tricks against some of the more difficult cancers.

So, if you would share information with me, I will share with you everything I can think of relevant to your case of Hep C.  Homeopathy at its best, however, can NEVER cure Hep C. The disease name is simply not the whole patient. Surely, homeopathy can cure people here and there of Hep C whenever it is practiced properly and probably some better tactics need to be added there.  But, in other cases, it will not.  

I can tell you from personal experience with chronic illness (that I'm still trying to cure in myself and have mostly cleaned up) and from helping many others....talk of "cure" is a cruel thing to do with people.  It is good to get them thinking it possible, but you never promise it.  That is why I am suspicious in regard to your Italian homeopath.  

If a true homeopath encounters 100 chronic disease cases, these are very complex mental and physical conditions making cure so very difficult to achieve over time.  Mental barriers, patient loves and hates, patient lifestyle, all sorts of vices ... these areas of the mind often weaken the body long before chronic illness sets in.  Anger, for example, trashes the liver and health more than anything.  I can help my friend's Hep C in many areas, but I cannot erase his bad childhood.  I cannot erase his hatred for his mother.  I can't erase years of drug addiction -- illegal and prescription. I can't undo all the destructive touches the M.D.'s have applied. To even think I can cure such a case passed to me after the M.D.'s have badly butchered the patient up... that's not realistic.  

All you can do is deal with the conditions the patient presents at the time and do your best to render cure.  As you make that curative touch, the disease picture shifts again.  You then adapt again.  The picture shifts again.  You adapt again. Eventually, if you can carry the patient back to a much higher state of vitality and function, perhaps cure will come.  But, in the end, cure is not rendered by the homeopath or any doctor in the world.  If the homeopath cannot do it, I assure you no conventional M.D. ever can.

The average homeopath is nothing more than a strange form of medicinal acupuncturist with tools more powerful than their needles, and yet with less competence than the average doctor of oriental medicine.  At best, if we have truly mastered our field, we are on par with the finest doctors in the orient.  If we have all that and remain less fanatical while integrating anything that works well -- particularly in the supposedly impossible cases -- then, we have more curative capacity in our toolbox.  

But, can we render cure to some theoretical disease name?  Nope.   Heck, I can cure the common cold in many, many people faster than any homeopathic or conventional drug you'll find on the market.  I cure the common flu in some people within 5 minutes.  In others, within 30.  Often with just a single dose.  Others take more dose repetition or higher potency.  Others require a totally different remedy.  We cannot ever say that a certain homeopathic remedy is what will cure a certain case of flu.  Best we can do is keep a genus of remedies, study the total picture to the patient at the time, and apply that remedy.   For some, Belladonna is best.  For others, Nux vomica.  For others, Bryonia.  How can you double-blind study that?

Do I have a cure for the worst of Influenza virii?  No, I have many POTENTIAL cures and approaches for them while every patient is different.  The worst forms of plague in people are not at all like the common flu, though.  There is a depth of severity per overall disease picture that roughly matches a disease classification in allopathic terms.  Per patient, however, that disease pattern is then blended with their existing disease patterns.  It's very much a constructive and destructive interference issue.  Hep C in you is a totally different form of Hep C than found in any other person in the world. There are many commonalities to the overall Hep C signature and then many individual specifics.  You cannot treat Hep C, but must tend to the patient and his changes over time while also working a suitalbe and flexible remedy strategy from the start.

It simply is not responsible to say we can cure Hep C or that we can cure it in you just because we have done so in others. Every case is a venture through new waters.  Truly experienced homeopaths know that.  There is, however, a Remedy Epidemicus and Genus Epidemicus approach while Hep C is an epidemic.  

Since the majority of homeopaths in the world are incompetent, I would not expect them to be able to deal well with a tough strain like Hep C.   Likewise, it is not sound for anyone on this board or anywhere else to say that homeopathy CANNOT cure Hep C just because we cannot find any evidence of such.   I am still looking for data on a cured Hep C case and have only started.  Surely, one case is out there somewhere cured, but, even when I find it, that case may not meet conventional medicine standards. Further, all such data there provides me with only general homeopathic information on remedies and tactics of POSSIBLE utility to a new case.  Even at zero viral load and full cure by conventional medical standards, that is irrelevant to homeopathy's ability or inability to cure other Hep C cases.

Questioning homeopathy's ability to cure at a disease category level is like asking a bachelor if he will marry a pretty girl soon?  The optimist will say "Yes!"  The naysayers doubt it.  The question must be, "Would you marry THAT girl over there?"  Then, you can have a yes, no, or maybe answer.  What is that bachelor's ability to marry?  Or, rather, what is his capacity to cure the disease of womanly lonliness for the whole world?  None can say.  He cannot say.  His critics cannot say.  The bachelor must kiss every girl in the world before we have a true measure of his statistical ability to marry or not at the larger scale. "Oh, he will never marry and cannot marry Ms. Hep C." is the statement of idiots. Individually, we can know when the wedding day is done.  For the condition of marriage in general, we cannot say.  You simply cannot carry out double-blind, placebo-controlled trials to such a highly individual question.  We cannot gauge it.

All the same, it is valid to ask if there have been any cases of Hep C in all the world ever cured or near-cured by Homeopathy.  Anything done there would be interesting to know.  

Best I can tell you is that, in the Hep C case I work now, I have alleviated many of his symptoms only while under the remedies over the last 2 weeks.  Therefore, because some of the disease picture is being extinguished, some of the disease is extinguished.  This is not cure, however.  It is not even a lasting improvement because the pull of the Hep C condition and its impact upon vitality is so great.  All good done there in the last 2 weeks has also been overpowered by withdrawl of just one prescription drug by his conventional physician, and so we have a totally new disease pattern which is still a summation of Hep C and other conditions.

Theoretically, if it has taken some homeopaths out there 10 years to near-cure Hep C cases....this is a very bad sign. Ideally, a chronic ailment you've had for 10 years should be NEAR-CURABLE in 10 months.  That's if everything is perfect to the case, the patient, and the methods applied.  Just a rule of thumb.  By more advanced methods of classical homeopathy, we can speed that at times to about 1/2 to 1/4 the time -- possibly correcting a 10 year chronic disease in just a few months work. Again, that's some diseases and not all.  The number varies per chronic disease overall picture of entrenchment.   But, if it takes respectable homeopaths 10 years to near-cure someone who has had Hep C for 10 years, this implies a severity to Hep C about ten-fold that of other chronic ailments and even cancer.

Right away, that explains a lot to me:  1) First, it'll usually require higher potency prescribing;  2) Second, there aren't that many homeopaths competent in high potency prescribing.  That's like asking already bad car drivers to run the Indy 500.  

I would expect to see, not just failure to cure, but many deaths caused.  I would fully expect to see dishonesty and unwillingness to disclose physician victories and failures. A great many homeopaths have such poor case follow-up skills and organization that they don't even know how their patients are doing if they don't check in.  They could be dead and they don't know while they only think they're doing so well due to the cases that do come back for repeat business.  

Curing Hep C immediately strikes me as about as difficult as curing the worst cancer and other deeply entrenched chronic ailments.  On top of all that, I would also supect most homeopaths flopping at Hep C do so among excess "constitutional prescribing" methods (treatment of the whole you and all that ****).  No, no, no.  

In advanced stage cancer, you rarely have the chance to render a constitutional approach.  That's an objective down the road, certainly, but, in those late stage cases, the severe pathology and resultant exhaustion tends to dwarf all these constitutional prescribing issues.  Bottom line: any effective methods would likely have to deal with the issue of the liver first and then attack at the whole you over time (pathology layer by layer working back to the constitutional).  Being also very "one-sided" cases -- especially in early stages -- this says nosodes (homeopathic vaccines, essentially) would also be critical to any such strategy.

...All of that, Jane Doe, is outside the realm of maybe 90% of all homeopaths in the world -- particularly in the United States.  Way above most homeopathic heads.  And so, I know that this Italian you mention -- if he is providing any kind of great results for 30 patients so far -- must be pretty damn good.  Or, he's full of b.s.  

If that man has rendered improvement to 30 homeopathic cases in anything less than 10 years for most of them...he would have to be at the level of a true master in our field.  There are only a handful of such men in the world. He's either one of them or he isn't.  Their generation of students amounts to maybe around 1000 total in the world right now.  Maybe more. Maybe less, but not that many.  That's all I know.  

The question you should be asking that homeopath is not whether he's cured to PCR standards and all this allopathic drivel.  Ask simply how long -- on average -- he has taken in rendering about 90% cured and mostly symptom free status to those 30 cases?  If 10 years he states it takes him, then he's closer to the world's average capacity.  If he's done so over just a couple to a few years in most cases, whether he's cured Hep C or not, this is the sign of a very great homeopath in my opinion.  And, if an honest one, he should be fully willing to give you the contact information or case details to all 30.

In any case, I would be happy to study your homeopathic progress under any physician and perhaps pass you some tips of my own or learn from their work if it is valid.   Regarding these remedies you mentioned:  were they applied individually, in series, or all together?

Warm regards,


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Dear Jane Doe,

Just a couple more notes for today:

1) My Hep C patient is a genotype 1a case compared to your easier to cure 3a case.   We were talking more this morning.  He used to run Hep C forums like this and worked as a drug addiction counselor.  Hasn
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Dear Jane Doe,

Just a couple more notes for today:

1) My Hep C patient is a genotype 1a case compared to your easier to cure 3a case.   We were talking more this morning.  He used to run Hep C forums like this and worked as a drug addiction counselor.  Hasn
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the phosphorus is CH15, I'm taking that every 2 hours.
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I was very happy to hear your comments. Especially since you seem very familiar with homeopathic meds.
As for the strengths, I don't know! I knew very little about homeopathy before 'this'. I will tell you what it says on the bottles and maybe that'll help? Vincetoxicum OFF. Scalare Progressivo 4ch-9ch-30ch-200ch. The sulphur is the same.
The iodum lmo 180. Does that help? I am taking the others I mentioned, in the caplets under the tongue, the hep c is also lmo 180.
So you think the viral lode drop is good, so did I, but I wasn't sure because I've never been 'here' before. My Dr. Franco was very happy, and very much expecting these results.
He was also very happy because he is always after me for certain blood tests, the protein eltrophoresis he is always watching, and was especially happy with my gamma globulin being down to 1.1. As for others asking for his info. There is nothing more that I want than to eradicate this virus, do it the homeopathic way, and then be able to share this with others.
Dr. Franco was a God send for me, I believe that. It has it's strings however. First of all he is 80, he is in Italy, he does speak English, but of course his Italian is much better than his English :) My husband is Italian so of course he speaks Italian. I visit Dr. Franco once in a while, we have family there, so you can see it's doable for me to have this Italian doctor. IF I can clear of this HIS way? I would feel obligated to share. Would Dr. Franco want to help others? I am sure, this is what he does. There would have to be a way. Like for starters, can we get these homeo meds here? Remember you have to have a homeopathic Dr. that knows what he is doing, just like any other doctor. One thing I do know, my belief is the FDA does NOT like this way of healing. Someone had mentioned that IF this was a viable way to cure, the FDA would package this and sell if for alot of money. Not so. It's already being 'sold' for not much money. I hate the FDA, they care about money, not cures. I have not researched getting these meds in the US because my doctor is there, and my mother in law either ships them to me, I get some when I'm there, or she brings it when she visits. Either way, I suggest I clear with this first for the others who asked about my dear Dr. Franco, and then go from there. One other thing, those who claim that homeopathy is just hocus pocus placebo? ... http://www.newstarget.com/z001951.html
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Better batton down the hatches!!! Keep us updated if you will. jerry
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with your log drop in viral load, it seems that your homeopathic medication is working.  this is indeed very exciting to see.

what potencies are you taking the vincetoxicum, sulphur, phosphorus and iodum in? like 30X, 6X, or 200X?

i have taken phosphorus 30X and iodium 30X, 3 times a day prior to interferon treatment.

i also took carduus marianus mothertincture, chelidonium 30X, lycopodium 30X, china 30X.  (but PLEASE PLEASE don't take these extra ones, i think you are doing very fine with your regime).

this is very interesting that you mention vincetoxicum.  

i have never encountered it being used for any type of hepatitis before.  i think your old-timer doc is a "circumstantial" genius.  hailing from europe(the birthplace of hoemopathy), i think his family practice homeopathy seems to stem from deep knowledge.
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me too... tried tx and it did not work i am stage 2/grade 2 and just taking milk thistle now...
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Hi Jane, I'm open to alternative treatment -- how can I contact your doctor in Italy?

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Yes I had HCV-RNA (PCR) tests - sorry for not bringing it up, it was the one thing I had in my favor. Baseline was 8,650 IU/Kl or 3.94 log.  Test on 10-2 came back Not Detected (<50), Had a HCV-TMA test on 11-20 which also came back Not Detected (<10).

Dr. tried to convince me to go back on the Peg/Reb Tx following the rebound in labs. I disagreed, my logic being: potentials benefits no longer outweigh risks of contraindication, and why not just get HCV-RNA tests routinely and if no sign of relapse why punish my body (and MIND) any further.

I've listed a couple web sites below for reference material.


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Hey, I for one am very interested in your input. Just "feeling better than I've felt in my entire life" counts for something! Shoot, I could go for a little of that!!! This board tends to be more than a little pro SOC but most agree that current treatment options pretty much SUCK. If some alternitive treatments can improve liver function, hinder, halt, or even reverse damage, well that may be worth pursuing. Cure is a very strong word, one that even successful treaters  seem lothe to use. I mean the word "cure" doesn't have an "s", an "r" or a "v" in it. Alternitives may buy time for those of us who are hoping for some improvement on documented treatments. The problem is finding someone we can trust for advice. There are many "snak oil " merchants out there. I seriously doubt that your 80 year old Italian Dr. is one of them. Hey, get my liver #s in order, reduce my viral count, stop the dragons' advance, make me feel good again, ---I"LL TAKE IT!! (for now, what we all want is a CURE)
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I would have done exactly what you did. As long as your PCR's are showing UND repeatedly, why ingest this ****? I'd do the same thing, use the alternative options and do a PCR several times then at one year if it remains UND,you beat it. I guess his logic is that the virus must be hiding or something? I'd tell him "doc, if it ain't broke don't fix it"
Maybe it is just that he has not seen this happen to anyone else so he doesn't trust it, but heck, you have PCR's to prove it and that is that! Sometimes doctors aren't as open to miracles happening as they should be!
I have heard stories of people showing a viral load after finishing tx and then having it completely disappear when they are tested later on and they remain SVR. Maybe the IFN was able to train your system and now your immune system has conquered it or maybe it's the supplemental support added to it, who knows. That is so wonderful! After all you have been through, you sure deserve SVR. I hope to join you soon. Im sure all the positive health efforts you are making are good for your overall health. I know HCV did get me on the healthy eating wagon. I hope you continue to visit the site and keep me updated on how you are doing. Such an interesting story you have. Take good care of yourself, it's nice talking to you.

thanks so much for the sites!
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Today was on the computer phone with my doctor in Italy.
He may be old in years, but this guy is sharp sharp sharp, his father is still alive, a little over 100 !
Thankfully he has much patience with me. I've been so freaked out the past months over this. He calmly always tells me that I will have a negative test to HCV, I just have to be patient, and understand this will take more months. He is not just talking about a 'lowered viral lode and better ast's and alt's, he says ERADICATED AND NEGATIVE.
He reminds me all the time that he has MANY hep a b AND c patients that he has cleared, and he checks them yearly to make sure they remain 'negative'. I have so many mood swings about this, understandably so because my doctors here completely scoff at what I am doing, and of course I have a new hepatologist that I have to face on Monday, I'm nervous about meeting him at all, going through the whole 'story' again, and then of course I have to tell him that I am on this 'treatment'.
Well? The facts speak for themselves. When I said I feel great these days, I was not exagerating at all. It is unreal how 'normal' I feel. And although I still have elevated ast's and alt's, viral lode high still, bottomline I have come down from 1000000 to 119000. My doctor says next stop viral lode 600. That is our goal, and he simply expects it. I'm just curious, IF and when I come down below 600, would that help support that I really WAS getting better with some of the nonbelievers on this board?
I don't think a viral lode would come down that low on it's own, right? I hesitated for a few months to post here, I didn't know how I would be 'received' with my homeopathic bag and old Italian doctor and all, the whole thing does sound rather out there.
But the only reason that it doesn't seem that out there to me is because I'm living it.

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Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.