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HSV 2 Positive none isolated test result

I am the sad recipient of a positive Herpes Simplex Virus Typing culture test.  Just received the results yesterday.

My partner and I were tested in November 2010 for all STDs (blood tests) and we both did not have any STDs according to the results.

Then in January (latter part of the month) we did anal sex (my first time) and he went from anal back to vaginal (found out that was a big no no) and used tons of lube and baby oil.  I got symptoms of itchy anus and vagina, burning, discharge (white and clear), painful urination, a sore (which hurt) on my vaginal wall etc.  Used Peroxide, hydrocortisone cream, and A&D ointment, but the syptoms were just getting worse.  He said it is a fungus/bacteria (he's a Veterinarian) and that I needed an antibiotic.  I had four 400MG amoxicillin pills, so I took those, and the pain from the sore (which had been getting increasingly more painful) almost immediately abated, so did a lot of the other symptoms---but not entirely.  I had a lot of relief and figured I could now wait for my already scheduled upcoming OBGYN visit.

The symptoms however seemed to get increasingly bad again, but not to the extent as they were before.  I went for my annual OBGYN visit and told them about the symptoms and was treated for BV (given Metragel for 5 days).  I did not ask for my sore to be tested since the doctor noted that I had relief from symptoms with the antibiotics.  However the Metragel didn't work and my symptoms continued to escalate.  I tried the Metragel for 2 more days but started to get a clumpy cottage cheese discharge in addition to my heavy clear white discharge.  A month had passed without improvement so I went back to my OBGYN again and by this time my discharge was yellow and I was still passing cottage cheese like cIumps that was often in my urine.  The doctor swabbed my sore for a culture (said there were now one on each side of my vaginal wall and that it could be herpetic in nature) and gave me another Rx for 5 days of Metragel and 1 dose of 150MG fluconazole.  

I waited 9 days and was given the results of a Herpes Simplex Virus Typing test.  Test said:

HSV Type 1 Flags: none Results: Negative Ref-Range: Negative
HSV Type 2 Flags: Above High Normal Results: Positive Ref-Range: Negative
Herpes Simplex Virus Culture Flags: Progressive Results: Above high normal Ref-Range: Positive None Isolated
Wet mount positive for clue cells, shows increased WBC and alkaline pH.

The None Isolated is written twice and has me very confused as well as the diagnosis in general.

Doctor was not available today but nurse said he is going to prescribe Valtrex.

I continue to have an itchy anus, vagina, the sore(s) and pass cottage cheese clumps.  Been with this same person and never had an issue until he went from anal to vaginal sex.  

I have been having the same symptoms and the same sore (although I apparently got another one on the other side of my vaginal wall) for 8 weeks now.  There has not been any scabbing and I do not have clustered bumps and they were never liquid filled.

Could this diagnosis be false positive?  I thought (and please help me if I am wrong) that you had to have an isolated result to be positive.  There are no number values given.  Just what I wrote.  

Please help.
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My OBGYN called me because they put in a prescription for Valtrex so I could start therapy.

I got concerned with whether or not I could take the Valtrex and the Diflucan simultaneously.  Also wasn't sure if taking the Valtrex would effect future testing in the event that the Center for Infectious Disease doctor wanted to give me the Western Blot.  So I called them to see if it would be okay.  They told me over the phone (they had a doctor call me) that my iGG came back negative.  I had a .53.  He said it said no antibodies detected.  They did not have their culture back yet but he said the doctor that I saw would reach out to me on Friday(instead of Thursday) and give me the results of the Fungal and Herpes culture.

I of course was so happy to hear the negative Igg results since it was more inline with my testing done in December.

I don't want to celebrate too soon because facts remain that I have a positive virus typing test.

This doctor also said that he doesn't understand how they could say my results are positive without them isolating the virus.  The test says "none isolated" two times.

Oh god I hope that they are right!

I don't have results from my partner yet.  I don't think he's even gone yet actually :-/  
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101028 tn?1419603004
herpes has never been a big deal to me.  It's just a viral infection that reoccurs.

you really don't have to worry about spreading your genital herpes anywhere. just washing your hands after using the bathroom or touching yourself intimately like you've probably always done is all you need to do. you really are not a walking biohazard!

no reason to stop working out either. it's not an issue.

definitely read terri's book - I think you'll get a lot out of it :)

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Am I still contagious?  I contracted this (I think) in late January, but I still seem to have a sore, extreme itchiness (vaginal and anal), constant discharge (like an endless supply), some burning (not as bad as it was).  Are these indicators that I am still infectious?  My appetite is all but gone (I usually eat so much you'd wonder where I was hiding the food)---but I am not sure if the lack of appetite is just because I am sad, nervous, and pensive--while trying to stay positive.  That could do it too lol.  

I am using a lot of topicals and washing my hands like crazy.  So concerned about inadvertently spreading the disease.  

What is the "rule of thumb" on contagiousness?  

GracefromHHP, how long did it take for you to get your confidence back?    
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That is very encouraging GracefromHHP.

I admittedly think of shedding and being infectious and my mind just starts to spin with what ifs and will I mistakenly spread the disease to my eyes or any other part of my body (like I see people have done).  Will I mistakenly give it to someone else----that would be so awful.  

I will definitely take the daily suppresive therapy.  I wonder if I should start it now.  I was thinking that I'd wait until I finished the Diflucan first.  It does seem to be helping and it's only been 2 days.  He gave me a 10 day prescription.  This is my first bout with BV and although I can't yet compare it to Herpes because I have no idea yet which is a Herpes symptom and which is from the BV!  I've been using A&D ointment, but will try that spray that you referenced :)  I just got well after a hormonal problem with my thyroid (caused me soooooooooo much havoc) and was finally feeling myself again.  

Do you still feel yourself with Herpes?  How is your energy?  Does the medicine affect you at all?  Which do you take? How bad do your OBs get?  What makes some peoples Herpes look like those awful pictures on the web?  I workout 4-5 days a week, will I have to stop?  Is sweating bad for Herpes?  Could it cause an outbreak? Are you married or in a LTR?  If so, how does he feel about wearing a condom all of the time?  So many guys can't wait to make the relationship a no-condom relationship.  This is the first time I complied Ha.  Figures! :(

I know that I will probably get a lot of the answers that I am worried about once I read Terri's information.  I just am in complete disbelief.  I have always been a disease phobe.  I can't believe I was so silly for a guy I don't even love.

Well like I said to Mistakeguy789, I will post the blood results and my partner's too once we get them.  
Thank you!

last question---when did you stop crying about it? I know it's not the end of the world, I just need to get my hands around it I think.
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Thanks so much Mistakeguy789!

That's what makes me doubly upset.  I still insisted that he wear a condom after we were tested, but he just wouldn't.  I am of course regretful that I would let his whinning and bad mood change my mind.  I relied too heavily on the test results.  I hope that you are right about there being other guys who won't hold it against me.  I of course feel doubtful right now (because I was guilty of it myself and my friends call Herpes 2 the bad herpes).  I should have respected myself more.  Thought I did, but I must not have I guess.

So many guys don't want to wear a condom!  It is shocking to me.  I have always let it be known that if we got to that point a condom is non-negotiable, yet I couldn't get this guy to do it and it makes no sense that I didn't walk.  He and I don't really get along.  We enjoy one another's company at times, but it has been more of a relationship of convenience than anything else and was not for the long haul.  So I have an STD from someone I don't even love and from his refusal to wear a condom, apparently doesn't care much about me either.

I'll definitely read Terri's handbook and book.  I feel like I know nothing.  Scared that I'll look like some of those awful pictures on the web :(  Don't want to tell me friends or family and this guy is already not being nice about it.   He is learning about it for the first time too so he no doubt is scared and upset as well.  

Your reasoning is sound and if I get a positive blood test result on Thursday, it really wouldn't matter what the number is at that point---probably doesn't matter much even now but I have to kind of keep a glimmer of hope alive.  The doctor seemed so positive that the test could be wrong lol.  I have no idea why, but since he retested everything and is willing to go as far as the Western Blot, I am going to remain hopeful until Thursday says positive, and I move on and deal.

I'll definitely post the results either way so you'll know.

Thanks again!!!
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101028 tn?1419603004
with a + hsv2 igg and a + herpes culture, odds are you really do have herpes on top of what all is going on down yonder but certainly let's see what the numeric results of the hsv2 test are ( if there are any, if the lab uses the immunoblot there won't be any ) as well as your current partners status.  If need be you can retest in a few months to confirm.

I hate bv worse than I could ever hate my herpes!!  My herpes is fairly easily controlled with a few pills a day but I had issues with bv for years until I finally got rid of it :(     You might want to try a barrier cream to the itchy areas in case it's the medication and the discharge further irritating things at this point - desitin, a&d, aquaphor etc.  dermoplast spray ( the blue can for the genital area, not the red can ) is under $10 at most drugstores and is also helpful to spray on periodically for itching ( since we gals can't itch ourselves all day long at work...lol ).  If in a few weeks the itch is still there, make sure they check again for yeast infections - sometimes it's hard to break the yeast /bv cycle to - treat for bv and get yeast. such fun being female sometimes :(  

what is day to day life like with herpes? Well usually it's completely normal. If you chose to take daily suppressive therapy, you have to remember to take a pill once or twice a day.  nothing you can't do sex wise with a partner either.  

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.