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All over joint pain from herpes?

After several unprotected sex acts with an old ex I began to get sick about six weeks later with slight fever, diarrhea, fatigue, and then small bumps on gentials along with burning pee. After another two weeks I went to get tested for all STD's including HIV. All came back negative except herpes. Turns out I contracted HSV 1 AND HSV 2. My doctor said that it was recent because the ratio was extremely high. Fast forward eight months later and I started having sudden joint pains all over my body everyday for almost two weeks. I don't exercise even though I am a healthy young woman so I know the joint pain is not due to working out. Can an informed and knowledgable person tell me if sudden achy joints can appear even if there is no visible outbreaks? I have heard of achy muscle and joints with herpes, but not much said on them if they occur when you are not having an outbreak. Any thoughts???
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I contracted hsv 1 10 months ago. I have constant body aches and especially serious during OBs . I had OBs after contracted +3 weeks, +2 months, +4 months, +10 months. The recurring outbreaks are without blisters but have urination pain, tiredness, serious back pain, itching. I took all the natural remedies but no acyclovir valtrex meds. I would always like do tell myself that this one is going to be the last one but it seems like it does not stop. Now I guess the only hope is the vaccines that are under trial. Maybe available in 2-3 years
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I test positive for hsv1 but not Hsv2 after a small finial outbreak several yrs ago.  They gave me Valtrex and it cleared up quickly.   I've been blessed that in the 8 yrs since I was diagnosed I only had one more genital O'B, however I DO get bouts of all over body aches that are so painful it limits my ability to get to the gym.  I do try to work thru the pain and I don't take anti inflammatory meds due to their liver toxicity.   But what DOES work is L-Lysine!  My naturopath prescribed a combo of L-lysine and red marine algae during OB, but I take just the lysine for the body aches and it does help.  ALSO , I had a small patch of shingles last January and Lysine stopped it in its tracks.  Check it out. It may help some of you.
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I have had genital herpes for over 30 years contracted from my ex after he slept with someone else. The first outbreak was the usual blisters, I didn't know anything about herpes and didn't tell anyone for a long time. Every 2-3 years I would get a small outbreak and then it would go away again but about 4 years ago I started to get the herpes more and more accompanied by terrible aches and pains in my ancles, knees and legs. I'm taking Aciclovir meds every day but if I go off it for a week or two the pain in my joints is horrible!
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Please note that everyone should start a new thread with their individual issue.

There is essentially zero chance that you have of genital herpes.

There is a zero chance you were infected orally during the episode.

Could you have oral herpes? Yes that is possible from an infection in your youth. However I doubt any of the symptoms you describe have anything to do with herpes.
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Yes, my partner has herpes on her lips and I have them on my genitals. She got them from her family when she was small and I got them from a sex partner before I met her. We have been together several years and it is obvious to us that our outbreaks affect each other. Even if we do not let the affected area come in contact with the other person (which we never do), just being intimate with each other (or even not being intimate) when one of us has an outbreak can lead to the unaffected person developing an outbreak. I think that virus in one person's body communicates somehow--perhaps chemically--with the virus in the other person's body. It's almost as if the outbreaking virus in one person sends a message to the dormant virus in the other person encouraging it to also outbreak. The evolutionary reason would seem to be to create lesions in the other person so that it has a higher chance of moving on to infect the other person. There is also a benefit to the dormant virus, as it too can now have a chance of moving on to the person who has had the initial outbreak. It's a win-win situation for both colonies of viruses. One could nearly imagine the two colonies saying to each other "Since these two people are being intimate--or even have a chance of being intimate--let's both help each other out by having simultaneous outbreaks. That way we both have a better chance of spreading and passing on our genes!"
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I take colloidal silver 25ppc. Really helps with symptoms. I also mix up a solution of distilled MSM with colloidal silver and use that as a spray. You can just use silver as well. I have not had an out break since I started using it. Better than medication and cheaper to. I take 20ml twice a day. Spray areas of outbreaks every day.
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to all you fellow sufferers, HERPES SUCK. I have had it for 8 years, sad story, dating a guy who didn't tell me he had it. I was fit (I'm overweight now) when I had my first unbelievably painful episode...then things stated going down hill rapidly with my health. Every time I am about to have a breakout...I notice the same things....loose bowels (run for the bathroom, RUN!), SEVERE joint pain and swelling (Hips,knees, ankles and lower back being the worst) and I don't complain because, I only get one sore, in the same spot every time (top of my *** crack...completely itchy, but so manageable) ...my weight gain is due to ....the knee pain, the hip pain is so bad it seriously cripples me. I cant even get out of a chair! I was doing yoga and Thai chi when this started, 5-6 times a week...I can't even get down on the floor because I can't get back up if an episode is coming on. Some of these episodes last a month and I'm crippled the whole time. I've been tested for everything else, EVERYTHING and other than a few pounds that need to go...I'm in great shape...YEA, right. 1 in 5 people have herpes. Somehow we should band together and demand a cure be found. This is the worst **** ever to have to "live" with.
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I have had herpes for 5 years. I have severe body aches, especially in my legs. I also get a scratchy throat. That is my first symptom before a breakout . I also get very sick to my stomach and get very loose bowels for a couple days. The blisters are very painful. This all lasts about 7 days from start to finish. Valtrex helps with the symptoms but gives me a horrible headache. Herpes sucks. It is painful and depressing.
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I have had herpes for 5 years. I have severe body aches, especially in my legs. I also get a scratchy throat. That is my first symptom before a breakout . I also get very sick to my stomach and get very loose bowels for a couple days. The blisters are very painful. This all lasts about 7 days from start to finish. Valtrex helps with the symptoms but gives me a horrible headache. Herpes sucks. It is painful and depressing.
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Just a comment- it may help or may not.  I have sacral herpes and for years had horrendous breakouts every couple of weeks that valtrex didnt even keep under control.  I was at my wits end and after some research, asked to get the shingles vaccine.   I had one major huge breakout right then and have only had one tiny breakout in the last 11 months.  I had quit the valtrex after that initial breakout.  The doctors said it wouldnt help, but I figured I didnt have much to lose; it was worth it to me!
On the other.....my doctor was quick to attribute my ra to herpes- even though i had suffered with very painful joints since age 12 and didnt contract herpes until i was 20.   I did notice it was worse during breakouts, but I dont think it is DUE to the virus.      
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This is an old post, but boy can I relate.  I was diagnosed 25 yrs. ago.  It has since stopped appearing on my genitals.  Reappeared on my spine in the middle of my back.  First NP said it was a spider bite.  Well that same spider bit me in the same place for 13 years about every two months.  Who knew they lived that long? JK....Now it no longer appears as blistering on the back, but has taken an internal route.  Same place on the back, but more debilitating.  Can't turn my neck, lift my arm, etc.  Problem is I can't find an MD that is that knowledgeable about Herpes 1 or 2.  I am even willing to travel to find someone.  It rules my life.
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Well let me tell you something. Last week I woke up to painful joints in my hands and I thought it was arthritis since I crack my knuckles. First time the joint thing has happened, ever. A week later I felt an itch inside my vagina and experience abnormal discharge down there. The next day there was burning everytime I pee. Then I noticed an itching just above the clitoris, scratched it and it turned into a bright red bump. Went to the doctor for a urinalysis since I thought it was UTI. Then I saw three tiny blisters on the red bump.

I told the doctor that my husband tested positive for HSV-2 last year and aside from UTI, I was worried that I may have finally contracted the virus. So she gave me a series of STD tests and the results have yet to come out, but as of the moment, I am burning with fever with horrible muscle pain I have never experienced in my life. My whole body hurts so bad from head to toe that it brings me to tears, and ibuprofen only works for three hours max on me. And what I'm going through right now actually brought me to this thread.

So yes, I believe the joint pain could be related to HSV.
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Well let me tell you something. Last week I woke up to painful joints in my hands and I thought it was arthritis since I crack my knuckles. First time the joint thing has happened, ever. A week later I felt an itch inside my vagina and experience abnormal discharge down there. The next day there was burning everytime I pee. Then I noticed an itching just above the clitoris, scratched it and it turned into a bright red bump. Went to the doctor for a urinalysis since I thought it was UTI. Then I saw three tiny blisters on the red bump.

I told the doctor that my husband tested positive for HSV-2 last year and aside from UTI, I was worried that I may have finally contracted the virus. So she gave me a series of STD tests and the results have yet to come out, but as of the moment, I am burning with fever with horrible muscle pain I have never experienced in my life. My whole body hurts so bad from head to toe that it brings me to tears, and ibuprofen only works for three hours max on me. And what I'm going through right now actually brought me to this thread.

So yes, I believe the joint pain could be related to HSV.
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ok, im sorry, i will post right now, thank you
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3149845 tn?1506627771
Hi, please make your own post and we will reply there.
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Please, i need advice.
Since one year im suffering from headaches , neck pain , weekness, small rush on my pennis wich is not going away with anything and white spots also( and the skin looks like crecked all around ).
Recently i have small white spots on my tongue , also lot of cracks on the tongue and since one year tongue is white color and saliva very sticky.
I feel dizzy somethimes and also some joint pain in my right leg.
I tryied treatment with acyclovir and valtrex, also acyclovir cream pr the rush, but is not working, for pennis only the bethadine is working a little but just temporary. after few days is back, and the white small spots looks like spikes.
i did hiv test 4 times in this year and it came negative.
the test came positive last time for hsv 1.
Anyone has all this sympthoms with headache and neck pain and dizziness ?
Is there any chance that it cand be something else than herpes ?
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Herpes can cause joint pain...any latent viruses can. I am not positive but I believe a high viral load activates the natural immune response in the body...one of which is inflammation. I have had HSV for about five years. I was taking a daily antiviral and didn't seem to have much of a problem. I recently stopped taking a daily and have notice a tremendous change in my physical body. I haven't had an ulceration, BUT I have noticed my sacral region and my finger joints HURT!!! If you read the link, it is called viral arthritis. IT SUCKS...BAD!!!
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Yes, you are absolutely correct. Herpes can cause joint pains before, during, and after an outbreak. It has all happened to me. I've had this for 28 long years! I'm 48 now and it STILL wreaks havoc on my life. I've gone years without any symptoms unless they are hardly noticeable. Then I'l go a couple years having them every single month or even back to back. My husband gave it to me when I was 19 years old, he contracted before he met me and never told me. Now divorced, (we stayed together 17 years though) he giving this to me has carved a different path in my life. I get all the symptoms that the first outbreak causes even now. I still get a painful nauseating headache before outbreak, tingling, nerve pain anywhere in the body, burning urination, feeling sick, etc. I also have many urinary and bladder issues that I now wonder was related to this herpes damaging my bladder and urethra. I have gotten migraines since the time I contracted this so now believe that alot of of my migraines are related to having herpes. The headaches are excruciating. Some people affected never get an outbreak or rarely. They are so very lucky. Many doctors don't know a thing about herpes or they only say you'll get sores that will go away. They have no idea whatsoever what all this virus causes and the suffering it can cause to the person. Lysine does help to shorten duration. I just wish I just got the sores and nothing else. Its the sick feeling, headache, and pan that gets to me more than anything. I find that disrupted or lack of sleep and stress are my main triggers.
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I'm not sure if you have herpes or not or are in the medical profession or not, but your information is incorrect. I've been a registered nurse for 16 years and I have had genital herpes for that amount of time as well, given to me by my husband of 11 years (he was previously infected, but had no outbreaks). Joint pain is a very real symptom when you have an outbreak. Please do not post medical information if you do not know the answer to it.  I don't care how bored you are. It makes everyone look bad and young people have no where else to turn sometimes except the internet for questions of medicine. Have a great day!
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6939574 tn?1390927849
Awesome breathslowly, sounds like you are really using this to your advantage to better improve your life.  Good for you, and way to take charge of situations and conquer them.  I wish you well, I too will be going vegetarian again!  Tea instead of coffee is always a good choice.
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Had one breakout..it was very painful (7 years ago).
Got diagnosed from lesions, HSV2 only.
Took Valtrex for a few weeks and stopped once symptoms disappeared.
Never had a the typical 'visible' outbreak, however; did have a paper-cut-like area on my backside below my tailbone leading to the anus.
This would come and go and would produce a dull aching pain and a burning sensation from the open lesion.  It was almost as if my *** split.  :)

Those symptoms disappeared about 3 years ago.  Now I have RA symptoms but only in my back, knees, hips, shoulders and the symptoms occurred in just that order about every year a new part of my body starts to ache.  My only other stigma is acne from oily skin.  I take no medication.
I'm 5' 10"  155 lbs male who used to participate in a number of physical sports and have worked many jobs and wreaked havoc on my own body.
It's time to slow down and heal.

I'm changing my diet and eliminating dairy, beef, and poultry.
I'm substituting coconut oil for vegetable oil/peanut oil.
Drinking more green tea and less coffee.  More water, more vegetables.
Sleeping and relaxing more.  Feeling better every day.
Going two months now and my wife has
even lost 10 pound since Jan. 1 2014.  She hasn't been this happy in quite a while.  I plan on exercising once my energy level is back to where it used to be (I do feel more energetic) But I know I need to rest right now.

FYI in case this helps anyone out there.
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Wow,not everyone is overweight that doesn't hit the gym every day.And for the record I've had herpes 1 for 13 years now and definatly have a hard time healing from workouts in my joints AND muscles.for the record I love working out but just cant stand being crippled for days after.No,its not regular recovery time.I worked out for many years befor that.Herpes is a weird one because although I have had only three genital breakouts in that time it has shown up several times between my boobs.( Trust me,it feels exactly the same and is juuust as ugly as genital disgusting festering sores ) I used to live in the country for a while and thought it was just poisin oak (lol), but after moving to the middle of the city and it happened a couple of times,well...I haveto add that it has shown up on my scalp as well several times and my belly I think twice. Swollen lymphs in my neck and pelvic region came and went pretty frequently befor I totally cleaned up my diet which was already good but is almost impeccable now.In fact right now I am having a little struggle with swollen lymph glands,mostly due to stress triggers which is like a formal invitation to herpes I think.Tuff year.The virus lives in your lower spine after all so it would figure that it would cause joint pain and often in your lower back but this ***** can show up anywhere. It's the gift that keeps giving...
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In spite of the fact that this is an old post, i was glad to see how recent posts have kept the conversation going and feel inclined to say that I found this thread after doing a google search on "HSV2 arthritis connection". I got HSV2 11 yrs ago and it was so bad that it drove me immediately to my gynecologist. I thought i had a severe bladder infection! It was over the holidays, the week btwn christmas & new years so the test results were delayed and so was my prescription...everything below the waist was in pain. It was flu-like with the most aching joints ever and nothing like an over-worked joint, but rather like a "viral ache".  While the doctor saw & tested a little white dot down there as an active sore, i still had to wait for the actual test to come back from the lab and took advil and salt bathes a lot over those 5 days. Aside from that sore that I later saw with a mirror, it was just the burning during urination, the redness & swelling all around the vaginal area and the aching joints of my legs and my hips. Maybe not everyone gets such an unmistakable 1st breakout (in hindsight this was probably my second breakout..the first showed itself a few months earlier as a bladder infection). I should also point out that the person I got it from was a steady boyfriend of 16 months and that we both "got tested for everything" before we stopped using condoms in our relationship. Later we learned that didn't include a Herpes blood test as you have to specifically ask for that one apparently, or at least back then with our stupid doctor. My BF never had symptoms/breakouts, but in hindsight he occasionally got fatigue that would last up to two weeks. I since think those were his "breakouts"...it's just how the virus manifested itself in his body and that continues to be the case with him. I write all these details about how I found out so that others might find this and know what they might have, to point out that not everyone breaks out or knows they have the virus, and also to explain that I definitely got an actual swab test done at that time and since then when I insist I get blood tests for "everything", i always have doctors include the Herpes test, and it has come back positive via the blood tests as well over the years. I have always preferred Acyclovir over Valtrex. I find that taking it in double dose (2 pills twice a day) works great and kicks it out of my system very quickly...Valtrex, while it contains more medication in one pill/is a higher dosage, takes twice as long for me. Also Acyclovir is much cheaper. Taking Lysine regularly helps as well I feel. I don't get outbreaks anymore either...I got them for maybe the first couple of yrs and ran to my Acyclovir each time to nip it each time I felt an itch. I also took it for two years straight since that time so I wouldn't get any breakout feelings, and to make my next partner feel more comfortable, but didn't like to continue to put daily pills in my system.

Lately I get joint aches in my hips or lower legs/knee area. It's the exact same kind of feeling I had that very first time and In addition to yoga/stretching and leg lifts/hip openers, I take Acyclovir for it and treat it as an outbreak. I'm now in my mid-40s and I believe there is absolutely a connection to HSV2 to arthritic conditions. Doctors would probably look at me like I have no idea what i'm talking about and I am hopeful someone somewhere will do more studies about this. The studies I have come across seem to be conducted in the reverse...They seem to be saying that those with RA are more likely to test positive for Herpes in their blood and this could be brought on via a number of reasons. I haven't found research where those with Herpes, already diagnosed, are more prone to getting early arthritis or even RA! I don't just think we are more prone to RA, I think we are more prone to inflammation in certain parts of our bodies, and I think it's the parts of the body that were first attacked by the virus. I also think how quickly the virus was medicated matters down the road. Some people aren't breaking out initially so badly and as a result they aren't running to a doctor as quickly as I did. At this point, I'm concerned about these long term implications in my body caused by herpes. I am thinking regular detox is important, regular strengthening exercises and watching my diet. Those are all great things regardless of why I have been experiencing this joint pain, so it's all good either way of course. It's just a little too ironic to me that my joint pain is in the exact areas that were first affected yrs ago and that taking acyclovir makes it go away. Doctors can say there's no proof or no relation, but I know my body, I know I'm healthy and fit, I know what a breakout feels like for me and I know when I'm shedding..I know that tingly "viral" feeling (as I call it), and I know that my joint pain goes away in the exact same time frame that a traditional breakout used to go away with the pills, and that I no longer get traditional breakouts. The Virus is manifesting in different ways these days..and that started 10 yrs in. Who knows how bad it could be 10 yrs from now!? Steroids are awful btw...take tumeric and other natural anti-inflammatories for as long as you can before accepting the medical communities solutions for prednisone, indomycine or other anti-inflammatory drugs. Those drugs also have long term side affects like stoke.
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I have been diagnosed with herpes for about 10 months, I noticed severe vaginal and anal itching for about 6 months  to a year before the diagnosis, which I always treated with yeast infection medication and itch cream, it would  clear up after only a couple of days worth of issues and then come back during my menstrual cycle.....I had the shouting pains in my legs, tingly feelings where the sores eventually broke out, then I had a typical outbreak...sores, pain, flu like symptoms, swollen glands(especially in left hip)....since the initial outbreak, I have have one small recurrent outbreak with sores, but every month I had the unbearable itching and burning along with vaginal numbness....for the past two months I have been itch free, but have been still experiencing the vaginal numbness and pain in my left hip or groin area....and pain in my right elbow that can radiate throughout my arm from shoulder to fingertips....I am glad I found this site...it seems that I may not be going crazy after all...I have some Valtrex that I only begin taking when I feel itchy, but after reading this...I am curious that if maybe I take a a regimen of it maybe it might lessen these syptoms....I will post back on the results....thanks for the candid info
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.