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Is this HSV2?

Two days after unprotected sexual encounter had burning pain in penis and sharp pain in head. Severe pain in groin or groin lymph nodes for two weeks. No lesions no redness. No fever or flu symptoms. I have prior HSV1 though. I am having now three months out tingly thighs when laying down at night and tingly in testicles kind of when sitting down during the day. This can go into legs too. Never experienced this before sexual encounter but anxiety is high about it. Lymph nodes never swelled to be big just peas in groin like they’ve always been. I’ve had similar pain when touching them before encounter and had ultrasound done normal size doctor said even though I can feel them pretty well. Nerve pain twitching tingly is new. As well as intermittent shaft groin and testicle ache from sexual encounter. IGM at four weeks negative. IGG HSV2 negative six weeks. I am sure this is new HSV2 on top of HSV1 but not 100%. It was one time experience with partner and they were STD checked weeks prior not sure about herpes. Do symptoms sound like HSV2? Especially prior HSV1 causing no lesions to happen due to having antibodies already. Need opinion. Also would 12 weeks Elisa again rule this out most likely?  
3 Responses
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15695260 tn?1549593113
Our member has helped you as best they can at this point.  Please work with your doctor and we wish you the best.

***  thread closed ***
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207091 tn?1337709493
Sex could trigger it, stress could, another illness could, fatigue, sometimes you never know what triggers it, and you'll hurt your head trying to figure it out. I don't get a lot of hsv2 outbreaks, but I'd guess maybe half, I have no idea what triggered them. I no longer try to figure it out.

If you are convinced you didn't notice an hsv2 outbreak, it would stand to reason you didn't notice a ghsv1 outbreak, which are usually much milder, and this is far more likely given you are testing negative for hsv2.

In any case, you need to find a way to treat this. A neurologist can help. If ghsv1 did cause this, it's called post-herpetic neuralgia, and be prepared to defend it to a doctor, because while it happens a lot with shingles, it's not that common with herpes.

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Would a western blot be feasible at 16 weeks for HSV2? Just in case IGG isn’t catching my seroconversion?
Sure, you can do that. You'll need your doctor to order it, or you can get it through Terri Warren on her site - https://westoverheights.com/getting-a-herpes-western-blot/

I don't think you need it, medically, but I think you'll do it to put your mind at ease, which is fine.
this weird pain and tingling is scaring me too much and seems like HSV. I def will get IGG at sixteen weeks then western blot. I saw person online who had tingling worse when sitting and tested negative first eight weeks then around nine or so tested positive it was huge jump from .18 to 2.39 or so. So I feel like that’s going to be me and tingling is sign i definitely have it. just started two antibiotics for h pylori stomach infection, so I’d imagine if this is somehow bacterial like chlamydia or bacteria infection Or prostatitis this would clear it up as well and help? And if you say post herpatic neuralgia is possible then it could be from HSV2 internal initial infection or it going into my nerves when infected? I just don’t want to get someone else infected either and just move on when I clearly had something happen after this sexual encounter which was unbearablely painful and now I got tingling. You can see me concern
2.39 is still low enough to be considered a false positive, and if he or she was talking to me, I'd encourage them to get that confirmed.

What antibiotics are you on? When did you start those? I don't know if they'll cure any of those without knowing what meds you're on.

If you had an internal hsv2 outbreak, it would HURT to pee. I don't have a penis, so I haven't experienced this first hand, but every account I've read about urethral herpes outbreaks says that urination is excruciatingly painful - like they go to the ER painful.

I understand that you don't want to infect anyone. No one wants to transmit herpes. You shouldn't be having sex when you have symptoms of anything, though, until you know for sure that what you have isn't infectious.

At 12 weeks, the IgG is 92% accurate. This is as good as it gets, as the IgG misses 8% of hsv2 infections. If you don't believe it, get a Western Blot and don't waste more time on an IgG. Your doctor can order that, or you can go through Terri Warren at the Westover Heights Clinic - https://westoverheights.com/getting-a-herpes-western-blot/

You know I don't think you need one, but you think you do, and you need to do what you need to do.
Amoxicillin Two twice a day and clarythmyacin one Twice a day. Misses 8% and the index is borderline to .90 or just doesn’t even have a kind of risen index like no seroconversion in that person?? My hsv 1 stung badly for sure but this wasn’t as bad I think it hurt to pee for a little though or just a little. So it could of been internal...
Would western blot at 16 weeks definitely rule it out??
And in addition the groin and upper thigh pain was want to go to ER painful
With this only occurring coincidentally after sex, it can’t be anything else. If I didn’t have sex this would of still happened? Tingly in testes and legs butt?
No, none of those would cure chlamydia, gonorrhea or NGU, but you can't test while on the antibiotics. (You can test for herpes, though - antibiotics don't affect herpes testing.)

How long have you been on those meds? Is that very recent? Did you have the tingling and such before you took these meds?

"Thinking" it hurt to pee is not the same as excruciating pain while peeing.

Yes, it could have happened without sex, depending on what's causing it. If you have a pinched nerve, that could have been caused by a lot of things. Maybe you injured yourself during the sex.

Yes, a WB at 16 weeks will be conclusive. If you plan on doing that, start setting it up now. If you plan on doing that with your doctor, it may take him/her some time to order the test, and setting it up now will allow it to be ready for you at 16 weeks. If you do it with Terri Warren, setting it up now will make sure you aren't waiting for an appt with her.

Meds are very recent the other day. Tingling before. Just very constant even in my sleep. The pain is head of penis was awful I know that, kept tryna squeeze it or touch it to make it go away and it was sensitiveee. That’s why I’m nervous it was internal. I ordered kit it’s getting mailed. Now I’ll have my doctor fill out the request form for the lab and tell him my situation and anxiety of needing the test done. Do I need to contact terry or can do it with out?
If your doc will do it, you don't need Terri. How did you order the kit? Is this for a Western Blot for herpes?
I called and they send to address then I believe you have doctor give the form to send to lab with it and then mail to u of w
Oh okay.

Well, let me know how it goes.
This crawling and tingling is so bad in back of thighs butt and testes especially back of thighs. It’s definitely HSV2 :/ amazing how no outbreak but just severe pain. I’d believe it wasn’t if it wasn’t in my testes and just legs but it’s not and two sides not just one sided. Will let know you
Realized I got tingly in testicles even when standing up or doing things :(
Again, that doesn't sound like herpes, and you should really see a doctor about it. What if you spend all this time thinking it's herpes, and it isn't? You can still get your WB, but at least talk to a doctor to rule out anything else while you wait for your WB. Why are you making yourself suffer? That seems foolish. You won't get a doctor to take you seriously for PHN until they've ruled out everything else, so at least get that process started, and even if it is PHN, maybe you'll get an effective treatment while you wait for the WB.
PHN from HSV2 ?
Or ghsv1.

Have you ever heard of this happening? And it coming back positive on western blot for hsv2 when IGG at 12 weeks doesnt. Or seroconverting after week 12 around week 16? Could I be the small percent that seroconverts late or even after six months or never?
No, I've already said that 12 weeks is as good as it gets. I've never heard of anyone seroconverting after that. If you have hsv2, it's because the IgG missed it.

The WB is a different test, and it will find it if you have it.

I haven't personally seen that, but since the IgG misses 8% of hsv2 infections, I assume it happens.

Just get the WB and make an appt with your doctor. Take some actions steps. Talking it over around and around is just feeding anxiety. You won't know until you get checked and get tested. Don't let yourself suffer any longer.
I am waiting for doctor to answer on if he’ll fill out the WB form currently. Ahh legs buttocks tingling twitching feeling so bad last night still this morning even around my mouth and lips! Is it on my lips too??
Also had it tingly in arms mouth scalp last night sometimes body twitches or back twitch and tingle
207091 tn?1337709493
This doesn't sound like herpes. You wouldn't have the nerve pain without having an actual outbreak.

Genital hsv2 wouldn't cause sharp head pain, either.

Since you are having pain in your testicles while sitting, and pain in your shaft, has your doctor suggested a prostate exam? Those can be symptoms of prostatitis.

Have you had other STD tests done, like gonorrhea, chlamydia and NGU?

Helpful - 0
I was worried HSV1 was preventing lesions from appearing. But the groin ache and genital pain was pretty severe. I have not. No discharge or nothing like that was ever apparent either. This did go on for like two weeks then dulled down. Now it’s occasional. But definitely notice tingly back of thighs legs and testicles more at night in bed more on my side or sitting in chair.
Forgot to mention it was almost like my skin hurt not hurt to pee really though
Positional pain (where you feel more pain in a certain position) is not likely to be herpes. That sounds like prostatitis, or maybe even a pinched nerve, inflamed disc in your back, anal fissure - the list is long and varied, but you should really follow up with your doctor.
As I’m sitting here tingly sensation I’m tested and lower legs thighs. Should I test again at 16 weeks for HSV2? I just got Elisa done just now at over 12 weeks mark now, waiting for results.   I just think it’s too coincidental this happened right after new sexual encounter with bad pain and symptoms right after it. Odds seroconversion is just not happening? Would IGM of at least elevated for a month after encounter for new HSV infection? (I know IGM is basically pointless ive heard). And lastly can sex cause Prostatitis? Herpes neuralgia ?
Yes, the IgM is pointless.

Sex doesn't cause herpetic neuralgia - herpes causes that. So far, you don't have that. None of your symptoms suggest that.

You are really focused on herpes, and I'm not sure why. There are easily a dozen other things that could be causing your pain, and herpes is way down at the end of the list. You are doing yourself a disservice by focusing on herpes and not looking into other causes.

Sex itself doesn't cause prostatitis, but infections can.

Really, you need to see your doctor.
I am focused on it because of my prior HSV1 antibodies. I know this can cause you to have mild symptoms and prevent lesions form happening, almost masking any apparent signs of HSV2 so I’m concerned because I don’t want to spread it. Along with my tingle my sensations in testicles and legs that many HSV2 people seem to suffer with. The groin and penis pain was very severe after the encounter for weeks.
People don't get the tingling and pain from hsv2 without actually having an outbreak, though. If your hsv1 is helping keep an hsv2 infection mild, you wouldn't have those symptoms from it since you aren't having outbreaks.

Does that make sense? It wouldn't happen both ways - you can't have mild symptoms - as in no outbreaks - and neuralgia.

You need to see your doctor and look at other causes for your symptoms.
I understand. I was thinking went it entered it caused my groin and genitals to ache and my nodes. Then laid dormant into my sacral plexus causing nerve issues now. But never breaks out because of antibodies from HSV1 so it never makes it to the surface of my skin. I can’t seem to think of anything else especially with the on and off groin nodes ache and Genital pain. Then with tingly and thigh tingling.
You could have an anal fissure, sciatica, a herniated disc, a pinched nerve, a cyst on a disc, an inflamed prostate, etc.

What would the particular weeks of Groin ache and genital pain after the encounter have been, any idea? Infection? HSV1 reoccurrence from friction? Never had pain that bad or a reoccurrence. And should I get a western blot now that I’m past 12 weeks to see if it’s HSV2?
Your hsv1 is oral, correct? You wouldn't have genital symptoms from a oral infection.

I have listed several things that could be causing your symptoms. Are you reading my responses?

You can get a WB test, but you have absolutely no need for it if you have a 12 week negative IgG test.

If you can't let go of herpes as a cause, despite medical science proving otherwise, it's time to see a counselor. I say that with compassion, not criticism.
Have you had any other STD testing than herpes? If you haven't, you should.
Its GHSV1 not oral. It initially a year ago was G when it first got it too I didn’t have it oral before that. Well my IGG Results comes back this Tuesday I believe for HSV2. which would be the 12 week mark. I just don’t believe in my findings I’ve seen any other STD or problem after sexual encounter cause these symptoms. I do have anxiety and Hyperchondria for sure but am realistic too and don’t see this being anything else. Especially with the tingly in testes and legs. It’s an first infection for sure. I have not had other STD tests as she got tested for them weeks prior negative. And I had no discharge or lesions or smelly urine so. Figured virus is only cause. I’ve seen many people never have lesions only nerve pain online and had it. I’ve tried stretching hip muscles too, no help. Now that it’s latent I’d imagine it’s causing these nerve symptoms.
How do you know it's ghsv1? Did you get a typed culture in the genital area? Most people get hsv1 as children from well-meaning adults who kiss them, or in daycare or school when we are at the stage when we put everything in our mouths. If you never had a test before that one, you can't know that it's genital unless you have a culture that says you have it genitally.

90% of people with oral hsv1 will never have any oral symptoms.

There is no such thing as latent herpes.

If you aren't relying on your partner's tests to know if she has herpes or not, how do you know to rely on those tests for other things?

You can have almost any STD without symptoms.

You may have seen other people talk about nerve pain without actual outbreaks, but have they actually tested positive? We've had lots of people here swear they have it, too, but never test positive, and they've had all kinds of tests, including the western blot.

If you are convinced you have it, I'm not sure what you need from me. If you aren't getting counseling for the anxiety and hypochondria, please consider that.

I meant that I had GHSV1 a year ago. It was swabbed and IGG showed negative so it was new. I was assuming now this time this is a new HSV2 infection as GHSV1 doesn’t really reoccur. It’s been a year since my first GSV1. Although this was different different from that one such as tingling And no lesions it has similar features but it did not cause this discomfort and sensations for that long. This one was extreme pain penis groin and thighs testicles days after encounter.  So that’s why I was thinking HSV1 is masking the 2 so much other than these atypical symptoms or hsv2 just didn’t present with lesions which I know can happen.
Also forgot to mention I do not know the status if she has heroes or not but I do know her basic std testing was negative weeks before our encounter and she did not have partner after her test. the fact that she has the test to get checked is scary meaning she’s been having partners that May have gave her HSV2 without her knowing then gave it to me.
Ok well, this changes this.

Ghsv1 can absolutely recur. It doesn't recur with nearly as much frequency as ghsv2, but it can, for sure.

What was your unprotected encounter? Did you have penis in vagina sex? Penis in anus sex?

Are you still having extreme pain? I'd be far more worried about testicular torsion or something than I would be herpes if the pain was that bad.  If you are still having extreme pain, that's an urgent medical situation and you need to see your doctor. By urgent, I mean it feels like someone is stabbing you with a knife, or you can't stand upright, or it feels like your testicles are being squeezed - things of that nature.

The fact that anyone has been tested only means that she is responsible for her own health care, and that of her partners. It doesn't imply anything about anything else. She may have been with one person prior to you, and she just thought it best to check. You don't know.

It was normal sex. Not extreme pain no just weird sensations and aching and tingly. It waxes and wanes. Sometimes gets kinda bad but other times just not that bad but annoying pain. No stabbing or insane pain where I think I need help immediately. It reoccurring after this encounter then causing this tingling from it seems highly unlikely compared to it just being a new HSV2 infection, no? And it changed this situation how so? That it can definitely be dimming down HSV2 to no lesions just nerve pain?
No, you getting nerve pain from hsv2 with no outbreak is not possible. It just isn't.

You seem convinced that this is hsv2. Nothing I say will change your mind. I'm not sure why you are so focused on that when there are so many other possibilities, but that's for you to work out. I do hope you get to a point where you can find answers and relief, no matter what the cause is.
You’ve never heard of a case like mine or similar and have read thousands of these posts? crawling is all over legs back of legs butt lower legs testicles. ache randomly on and off in pelvis groin and penis or testes. Pretty constant now. When I walk or run or move around not as bad. I’ve read a lot of posts like my case or at least no lesions and only nerve pain so that’s why I think this and just have a sense about it
To add to that post I found this clinic said herpes most notorious for causing nerve damage after infection for months or years
I have heard of nerve pain, from herpes and from other causes. I have never read a case from anyone that had this kind of nerve pain with no outbreaks and ended up testing positive for herpes.

Yes, that link mentions herpes. It doesn't give much of an explanation, or it would say that you'd need to have an outbreak first to get the post-herpetic neuralgia.

You'd also have to test positive.

I've also never heard of it being improved by movement, or changing positions. That sounds like a pinched nerve or something. I'm not saying something isn't wrong with you - I think there is. I just don't think it's herpes. I wish you'd see your doctor.

I just got back results 12 weeks with Herpes select IGG Elisa Test which I also used six weeks after. It is negative. But I cannot see the index values to see if it’s rising. I just don’t know what else could possibly cause tingly and nerve twitches in back my thighs Legs buttocks and testes. Especially when this all started Couple months After I had that horrible aching and burning in penis and groin days after the encounter
Does it just say negative? That's fine. That's all you need to know at 12 weeks.

I have given you plenty of other options of what could be causing this. I don't know if you chose not to read those, but if you read the thread again, the alternatives are there.
It’s .114 with threshold to be positive at .600. I guess I Atleast have some index number though shouldn’t it be lower if it wasn’t rising? Well the crawling and tingly isn’t just on sides it’s all over butt and legs and testes. I’ve never heard of anything else causing this. Sciatic is one side and not testes. I stretch of hips and piriformis muscle a lot. Pelvic floor issue would be more urinary incontinence and other issues not tingly. Idk if it’s just sitting or I’m more distracted standing so I think I don’t feel it. Still weird discomfort in groin and testicles and penis too. Just seems like I’m not seroconverting yet. I saw a person had tingly and worse sitting they knew they had it but tested negative for a while then positive months later so do I just wait to test again at week 16 then again at six months?
You can test again at 16 weeks if you want, but there's no need to test again at 6 months.

You are very quick to rule out other things, and seem stuck on herpes, based on symptoms. Herpes can not cause these symptoms without an outbreak. Nerve pain comes from herpes due do nerve damage from an outbreak. You haven't had an outbreak.

You are doing yourself a disservice by not investigating other causes.
Isn’t an outbreak without lesions possible? Just with burning aching in penis and groin as testes?
No, the definition of a herpes outbreak is when you get blisters.


"Herpes sores usually appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals, rectum or mouth. The blisters break and leave painful sores that may take a week or more to heal. These symptoms are sometimes called “having an outbreak.” "


"When blisters and other genital herpes symptoms show up, it’s called an outbreak."



"Symptoms for herpes can come and go. When you do have them, it’s called an outbreak. It may start with tingling, then blisters on or around your genitals, anus, thighs, or buttocks."

Herpes causes blisters or sores. That's just what it does. Some people don't get symptoms, but if you don't get symptoms, you don't get any symptoms.

Why are you so sure that it's ghsv2 causing this, and not ghsv1? About 40% will only have 1 outbreak of ghsv1, but 60% will have recurrences. Maybe you had one that you didn't realize.

"The appearance of blisters is known as an outbreak."

I was maybe assuming I did contract HSV2 but didn’t notice the one lesion? Or the lesions were only on the inside? If tingly can happen in things buttocks groin testes before outbreak why not after one as nerve damage ?
Also, valid point to consider wow. It’s been a year with sex with the same person since Hsv1 outbreak so sex was never a trigger but Since being single could this encounter just happen to trigger it? From friction?
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