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Transmitting HSV1 to my body parts now after 20 years of oral infection

I  have had oral hsv1 for the last 20 years (since childhood). I am married for over 10 years to my husband who is HSV 1 neg and HSV 2 neg. He has only been with me and married his first gf.  I started developing frequent ulcer type sores around my genital region, pubic area, butt, and once on my labia since a few months ago. At first, I just thought they were bug bites or ingrown hairs or irritation but now that they keep coming back in different areas I think I may have autoinoculated myself.
I also now have a blister on the dorsum of my hand which is new.
1 Responses
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207091 tn?1337709493
It is very unlikely that you would transmit hsv1 to another part of your body after so long. You have antibodies that would help protect you from doing that.

However, only a test would tell you for sure if this is herpes or not. Have you seen a doctor? Whether it's herpes or not, you should really get it checked out. If they think it's herpes, make them do a type specific culture or PCR swab.

Let us know what happens.
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So I have been having sores on my genitals (including my lower back, butt, pubic area, labia)  since March.  They haven't looked like classic "blisters in a cluster" so I didn't think much of them until I got ulcers on my labia. They burned and weeped fluid and I did go in to the doctor's office the day the sores leaked fluid to get it pcr swab tested for HSV.  I will say the result came back negative but I have suspected it was a false negative because I was taking valcyclovir 500 mg twice daily at the time for my frequent intraoral sores.  
I was eating food with my hand and believe I may have autoinfected myself with my hand which I am guessing had saliva with virus on it (i accidently scratched my genitals after eating without washing my hands first).  

I am married to a man who has only been with me (he married his only girlfriend) and we have been married for years. he does not do oral sex and he has been blood tested igG negtive for HSV-1 and HSV-2 so I know I did not get this from me.

Also, i noticed my dorsum of my hand blister last night, and I can't help but think that i yet again infected my hand recently with my hsv1.  It is so frustrating and scary to think I have spread it all over my body.  I have sores on my mouth, lip, genitals, and hand...and it is getting harder and harder to live life with herpes being so active and all over my body.  

I don't know what to think anymore. I am off the valtrex because i want to get another swab pcr test for herpes while off of it to confirm that i have ghsv since that is the only thing i can think that would make sense of these recurrent sores.
So first, the PCR swab is very sensitive. It is unlikely you'd get a false negative on this.

Testing on antivirals is only an issue on blood tests, and only if you take them from the start of a new infection before antibodies develop. That probably doesn't apply to you.

It is extremely unlikely that you'd infect your hand if your skin is intact. The skin on the back of your hand - or anywhere else for that matter - is too thick for the virus to penetrate. Also, it wouldn't just appear there, as herpes infects nerve groups, and none of the nerve groups from oral herpes or genital herpes affect the hands.

You've had oral hsv1 for so long that infecting yourself by eating a sandwich or something, with saliva, is so unlikely. It's unlikely to get a brand new infection from just saliva. It's unlikely that even someone with a new infection and no antibodies would transmit it this way - the virus dies very quickly once exposed to air.

The only thing I can suggest is to get a type specific IgG blood test. Perhaps you have type 2 that you weren't aware of before. We've had people who suddenly get frequent outbreaks of that after getting the covid vaccine or getting covid, even after having no symptoms for decades.

Or you have something else entirely going on. Maybe it's a disorder called Behchet's.



It could be an allergy to something. You need to keep working with your doctor, though. I'd doubt it's herpes since the PCR swab came back negative. You can certainly try that again, but if you are getting no response to the Valtrex, that's another sign that it's not herpes.

Thank you for  responding. I really appreciate your input as I feel like I'm alone in my worries

Regarding false negative PCR results, I read Dr. Hunter Handsfeld write in one of his responses to a question that HSV PCR swab can be falsely negative due to the swab being done too late (not in my case- I did it as soon as I saw a fresh, painful and open sore) and if someone is on valcyclovir.  I mean to mean it seems that a fresh open sore should have viral DNA on it otherwise how else is there a sore there? So, I am not able to fully trust the PCR swab result until I am off antivirals for at least a week.  What do you think? Does that make sense?

I was eating fruits at the time I think I autoinnoculated my gentials. And as i was eating the fruits I sometimes touch my mouth and my saliva will get on my hand (not a ton but some).

As far as my skin on my hand. Unfortuantely, I have been having cuts on my hands due to excessive hand washing (I wash my hands with soap many times a day) to try to prevent the spread of herpes such as after I eat and any time I use the bathroom, after I brush my teeth, etc.  That is why I fear I may have somehow gotten hsv in my hand....I know it is not likely but so is spreading it to the genitals and I still believe that is what I have done until I am proven wrong with testing.  Believe me, I want to be proven wrong, but I think it will take a couple of PCR neg swabs off antivirals and a biopsy to convince me this is something else at this point.

Yes, I have heard of Behcet's as I have been doing a lot of research into what is going on with me. I don't really have canker sores, my sores have pretty much been on my hard palate which I have read is more likely to be HSV rather than canker sores.  I have been having genitals sores so if my PCR Swabs for hsv come back negative i plan to go get a biopsy for help with diagnoses.  I don't have any eye issues or other possible Behcet's symptoms other maybe papulopustular skin lesions  possibly, but then again that could be herpes.  

Lastly, I have already tested my blood for iGG antibodies. My results were positive for HSV-1 around 40 (I already expected this since I have had oral HSV for 20 plus years) and negative , <0.9 for HSV-2. I know I don't have HSV-2 as I don't sleep around (married for many years) and again my blood igG was negative for this a few months ago when I got tested this past spring.  

As you can imagine, I haven't had sex with my husband given my worry and very frequent sores on my body. I am afraid to transmit any of this to him as he does not have HSV1 so I have been abstaining from sex. Seems like I always have something around my genitals so never comfortable to even have sex with protection.  If I do end up having HSV genitally and it is confirmed with a swab or biopsy or whatever, I will 100% go back to taking valtrex of some antiviral. The last thing I want to do is spread this virus any further on me or anyone.  

For those people who have had frequent recurrences after COVID infection or vaccine., how long did it take for there body to go back to their normal baseline? What helped them in those cases?

"So, I am not able to fully trust the PCR swab result until I am off antivirals for at least a week.  What do you think? Does that make sense?"

I can see why you'd think so, but if you have a fresh new blister, I can't imagine a PCR swab missing it. But if you need to for peace of mind, go off the antivirals, get it reswabbed.

So you think you infected your genitals from lack of hand washing, but your hands are raw from too much hand washing? I can't tell you how much it doesn't work this way. Unless your hands are coming into contact with an actual sore, you won't infect other parts of your body. You have antibodies. Autoinoculation is not common.

I certainly wasn't implying that you were promiscuous. I don't assume that people with hsv2 are - I have it. I got it from a long term, serious relationship with a man I knew had it. Some people who've had it for decades had partners prior to marriage.

In any case, you tested negative, so you've already ruled that out.

Those that suddenly started getting outbreaks after a covid vax or covid itself had it calm down in a widely varying amount of time. None of them had spread like you do, though. It was just frequent outbreaks in one place. Some responded really well to Valtrex, others did better with acyclovir. All just really needed time.

I am not a Behcet's expert. I'd at least want to see someone and get that ruled out for sure.

You're avoiding sex with your husband because of hsv1? You don't even know you have that yet genitally, and while I understand not wanting sex while you have active sores of anything, hsv1 is an incredibly common infection. 67% of people under 50 have it globally. He could have it, as the hsv1 IgG test misses a full 30% of infections.

I don't mean to sound harsh, I really don't. I talk to a lot of people here who are just 100% convinced that what they have is herpes, and it turns out it isn't, and they've spent a lot of time suffering when they didn't need to. I don't want that to be you.
Yes I wash my hands a lot but that one time I didn't wash them first before scratching down there.  I usually wash my hands but that was one day I didn't do it and I had just ate with my hands where I assume my saliva was on. I mean how many minutes can HSV live in saliva on my hand?  I feel like I touched my genitals about 5 minutes after I ate... maybe more it is hard to say since it was months ago.  I first started out with itching and what I thought was neuropathy symptoms in my genitals and then a couple months later I start getting sores here and there.  I know autoinoculation is a low probability after all these years but I have also heard people have reported it so that makes me think it is a possibility for me. I know it seems so unlikely and I pretty particular about cleanliness and wash my hands regularly.

I am waiting for a new fresh sore in my genital region to PCR swab at least a couple more times. If i have a few more negatives., then i plan to get a biopsy and figure out what the heck is going on.  As long as I can rule out herpes, I can move on. But I feel like I haven't reached that point yet.

I had a small blister like looking thing pop up on the dorsum of my hand and went to go to get it pcr swabbed yesterday, because I started worrying i got whitlow. I will get those results back and let you know what they show. i think for me getting PCR swab tests done (while off the valacyclovir) is the only way to get my answer.

Yes, I am very afraid to have sex since I have having sores in my genital region that I have not yet been able to rule herpes out. I don't think i should wait until an official diagnoses considering there is not much else that would be able to explain my sores short of some super rare autoimmune process. I am having new sores all the time and they don't heal that quickly. Right now I have around 3 or 4 spots going on so thinking about sex seems so far away...if I have herpes then I could use condoms and antivirals and try when I am outbreak free for a while but right now i haven't been outbreak free for enough time to feel comfortable to even try.   Yes, I want to have sex again and now i feel like i want it more because I don't feel like it is an option.  I understand what people who have sexual dysfunction feel like. I took sex for granted and I took my health for granted.

I will update you with any PCR results.  Thank you for your guidance again.

"I mean how many minutes can HSV live in saliva on my hand?" - this is literal seconds, not minutes. If your hand is dry, the virus has degraded enough or died, and can't transmit.

Let me know what the PCR says, for sure.
As i had said I was eating fruits and my hand was wet from juice on fruits. I don't think my hand was fully dry, maybe it was but if it was not, can I transmit in that case?
No. as I said before, it is direct skin to skin contact, and you have antibodies that protect you from this anyway.

Saliva is a poor transmitter of herpes, if it's possible.

"The risk of you getting herpes from possible saliva is so low, that I don’t think it’s worth worrying about. There is a difference between something being conceptually possible ( and I guess could fall into that category) and something being an actual risk."

That's from Terri Warren, one of the world's leading experts on herpes.


"Once you have established herpes in one location of your body, there is very close to zero chance that you would get it at a new location on your body."

That's also from Terri Warren.


Given that it is saliva that you are concerned about, and that you have well established antibodies, I just can't see how this scenario results in autoinoculation.

You are also on Valtrex, and it's not responding to it, and it wouldn't spread over your body like this. It's limited to certain nerve groups. For your own sake, please investigate other possibilities. Don't allow yourself to suffer longer than necessary.
I appreciate you giving me these answers with links to Terri Warrens forum. I thought that the HSV-1 virus does shed in saliva and therefore could be spread via saliva. That is why people don't share drinks, utensils, etc.  Isn't that how you spread it via kissing, via saliva?

Maybe I didn't autoinnoculate myself. Maybe I have had HSV-1 genitally for years and was asymptomatic until now...I guess that is a possibility. I have had oral HSV-1 like I said since I was 14 or 15 and years before I ever had sexual intimacy (started in my 20s).   Is it possible I may have autoinfected myself as a teen by accident, touching my sore and then touching my genital not realizing i was infecting myself? I wonder if people have done that and then only start to get genital symptoms later in life.  I have also had oral sex done on me in the past so maybe I got it from then (many years ago).

I know that this is all so unlikely, but I can't seem to find any other reason why I would have recurrent ulcers on my genitals, butt, back, and pubic region. I have never had sores like this before.  And now it is the kind, you can't miss it. My husband saw them and he did agree that they were something...not just small areas of irritation.

I will continue to pursue to confirm/rule out herpes as a diagnoses first before I investigate other possibilities.  i have read herpes is the most common cause of genital ulcers so it makes logical sense to rule that out first before I go on a wild goose chase seeing all sorts of specialists and getting tests run to get an answer.  

Anyways, I really do appreciate you providing me with your responses because they are helping me feel some glimmer of hope this is not herpes.  As I said before, I plan to get a couple more swabs done on the sores and remain of any antivirals and if those  PCR swabs are negative, I will go get biopsy and see a specialist doctor.

One thing to consider is that on the off chance that this is herpes, it's not responding to meds, and is spreading. This could indicate something is wrong with your immune system.

Whatever is happening, some basic blood work wouldn't hurt.
I did some basic labs earlier in the year.  I even saw an ID doctor.   I had  a basic metabolic panel done which came back unremarkable. HIV was neg.  HSV-1 igG was 44 and HSV-2 igG was , <0.9. (neg).

I had an immunoglobulin profile done testing ordered by ID doc for Ig A, G and M it came back normal.  My PAP was done and came back normal, neg for HPV.  I didn't do any other testing other than that.  

I think the part that is freaking me out is if this is herpes, why in the world do i have such a terrible case of this where my body keeps getting sores. I mean I am young, eating a clean diet, drink only water, I even follow the lysine diet (avoid arginine at all costs) since February, I sleep and prioritize my health. Most people that know me would have no idea this is going on in my life because I eat healthy and am slim and look young for my age.  I don't look unhealthy and have always been health conscious. I don't know what I did to lose my health like this.  The only thing that would make sense is COVID or the vaccine because it was shortly after that (January of this year) I started having frequent oral sores (intraoral rather than on my lip). I have previously only had them on my lip to my knowledge, so have no idea why they all of a sudden changed to inside my mouth. I did take valacyclovir which was prescribed by ID who said I should take it because I am having such frequent recurrences in my mouth. It did seem to help reduce the severity (less painful and not as long lasting) but the frequency seemed to be unchanged.  I know you said for those that their sore frequency increased after COVID the time to return back to baseline varies, but for me it has already been 8 months and counting... Does it last this long for some people?  Time is not making much difference in my case. who would have thought HSV1 could be so nasty and frequent?  I am off the valaciclovir because i want to get more testing without it altering my results but if this is herpes, I will jump right back on valacyclovir or acyclovir or whatever antiviral is best on the market.  Do you think it would be worth trying acyclovir later on since valacyclovir is not preventing outbreaks for me?

Valacyclovir is a prodrug of acyclovir - it turns into acyclovir in your body. It's unlikely that you'd have a significantly different result from it.

You are doing everything right if this was herpes. Every single sign points to it not being herpes. It's not responding to any herpes treatment. You already have hsv1 antibodies, and your husband is neg for hsv2, as are you.

Your PCR swab was negative. If your hand swab is negative, I think you have to accept that this is not herpes and move on to find a different cause.

You have an ID doc - what do they think? Have they done any swabbing of the sores in your mouth?

I can't really help you if you are only willing to look at herpes as a cause.  Every single sign is pointing to something else. I'm not entirely sure why you are so tied to herpes as a cause for this, but I hope you investigate further beyond it.
The swab on my blister on my hand result just came back negative for hsv. So it was just a random pimple or blister on my hand I guess..so weird. I don't get blisters or pimples on my hand.

Yes the ID doctor swabbed my mouth sores 4 times in total. 1 out of 4 swabs came back positive for hsv. So he said that it was cause of my mouth sores. Unless i just happened to be asymptomatic shedding hsv that 1 time but how likely is that.

I am less concerned about my hand. I think that was just a false alarm and I didn't think it would be but I went just to make sure...

The genit region is a whole different story and much more remarkable as far as the lesions there. I am still going to carry on with plan for doing hsv pcr swabs down there when a fresh lesion pops up. I will report back to you. I will look and am open to testing such as for behcets if my pcrs if genital lesions are negative.  If I have something else trust me I would want to let others know and share my story so others who go through what I am can get help and answers sooner. Thank you for being patient with me. You are helping me and I appreciate your feedback every time. I needed ito be told those things badly.
"Unless i just happened to be asymptomatic shedding hsv that 1 time but how likely is that." - actually, quite likely. Any time you have a cut, sore, irritation, etc., it can trigger shedding.

This is why it's unusual that your genital PCR swabs came back negative. You had a fresh, new sore and the PCR swabs were negative - not even shedding was picked up. I know you were on antivirals, but you were in the midst of what should have been a high viral load on the skin, and it didn't catch anything.

Definitely let me know what the next tests say. Good luck.
Thank you for letting me know your thoughts.  I asked my ID doctor that how likely was it my PCR swab of my mouth sore was asymptomatic shedding, and he said to just assume it was the cause of the sores so that is what I did.

I am waiting for a new fresh sore still to show up down there (it will only be a matter of time since they have been coming very frequently) that I can get a good swab sample.  My doctor actually gave me 2 PCR swab kits to be able to do this from home and then just drop it off at the lab the same day.   I want to catch it when it's early and open and raw so that I don't have to second guess if the timing or collection was good enough for a true result. Also will make sure that i get any liquid on the swab since that is what I read online you are supposed to do.  

So far, I only have had one PCR swab done on my genital area- and it was on my inner labia. I should have tested more sores in my genital region earlier but I got stuck in the fear of not wanting to get off the valtrex. I was too afraid that my sores/outbreaks would get worse. therefore, since i was still on valtrex I even upped it to 1 gm twice a day for a few days at times I figured there was no point to swab testing then (because if i got a neg I would always question and not believe it due to being on  valtrex). I am now not afraid to get off of it as obviously i am off it for almost 2 weeks.  I think it is more important for me to know the truth rather than to run and hide from it even if I risk having a bad outbreak at this point.  I am still trying to remain hopeful because the more I read, the more it seems unlikely I autoinfected my genitals using my fingers even if I had just eaten food and had saliva on them and may have had viral shedding in the saliva.  I know it had been at least 5 minutes since since I ate.  

I know this may sound crazy but I actually hope it is autoimmune rather than herpes because then at least I wouldn't be infectious and worry about transmitting this virus to my husband.  I think it would be comforting to know I could at least have sex without worry about transmission. I know I have oral HSV1 (that is a fact since I have had classic cold sores on my lip). I don't perform oral sex on my husband ever- I actually am really paranoid to spread oral HSV1 to him in any way orally or genitally so I am pretty closed off what I will do and he is in agreement with me, no oral sex from me ever because he does not want to get genital herpes from my oral herpes.

I'm glad your doctor gave you some swabs - that's great.

Has your husband ever done a Western Blot? It saddens me that you live in this fear of transmitting something to your husband - your husband! - when he may actually already have it. It's hard to reconcile giving up things that bring you closer for fear of transmitting something that is so common and likely would have no real impact on his life.

This fear is so out of proportion to the impact.
No he has not ever done a Western Blot.   He is my husband but he did not sign up for me having genital herpes. In other words, when we were dating for years I never had any sx of genital herpes so he married me with the knowledge that I had no STDs. I only recently started having symptoms a few months ago. I would feel pretty bad if he had an STD show up in our marriage as I would be afraid to get it from them so it's just an unfortunate situation. He would have never have married me or even considered dating me if I had genital herpes so a part of me is feeling terrible that he doesn't get a choice now to avoid this situation. We have kids so he will never divorce me but honestly genital herpes really is something to be taken lightly.

I know I probably have fear that is out of proportion to what is an appropriate amount of fear but to me risk of transmission to him is a real concern.  I just don't want to cause him any pain and suffering especially if it can be prevented. I have had so much already dealing with herpes all my life that I don't take it lightly and don't consider just a "skin condition." I am not so caught up with the stigma of it but I do feel it is a gross condition and would do anything to prevent spreading.
So first, I have to correct something. Herpes is not "gross". I've had genital hsv2 for about 20 years. I'm sorry you feel that way about a condition you have - as you have oral herpes, and genital herpes is very similar, just in a different location.

"He didn't sign up for me having genital herpes." Maybe not, but you don't even know if you have it. You didn't sign up for a husband who won't be intimate with you.

He won't even take a simple test to find out if he actually has it. You aren't asking him to do that. I don't know why. Your marriage isn't my business, and you didn't ask for advice on it, but you are perpetuating a lot of stigma with your posts. Hsv1 is super easy to find. A loving marriage is not. He married you knowing you had oral hsv1.

I'd never settle for someone who would refuse such intimacies with me.

All signs point to this not being genital hsv1. I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, but you are saying things that I can't let stand. For the vast majority of people, herpes is a skin condition and it is not "gross".

When you find out what is causing your sores, please update with a new thread, but I'm asking that this one be closed. It's reached an end.
This discussion was closed by the MedHelp Community Moderation team. If you have any questions please contact us.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.