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537777 tn?1281988562

just Diagnosed w/ HSV-1 AND HSV-2 Help??

Hello everyone!!  

I'm here looking for information & support. The dr's office called & told me my results were positive for BOTH HSV-1 & HSV-2.  They told me as if saying, "go to lunch"!! I was terrified & uninformed. HELP!!!! I have NEVER had an outbreak etc.!  But, am scared of passing the HSV-1 onto my nephew, mother, dad, cuz's just by luvin' on them??  And my roomate & I share a kitchen. :(   All the nurse said on the 3x i called was it's possible even though i don't have a cold sore etc. that there's a 5-10% i could be "shedding" & he CAN get HSV-1 from silverware etc.! WTF??????  I said, "Well, I do put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher.  And that i should NEVER EVER kiss/peck ANY family memebers. WTF??  I can NEVER show my family love???? That does NOT seem right.  

Along w/ ALL my other health problems this is a major SLAP in the face. One that i don't know if i can handle. I've lost most of my family members.  But the few I have i'm EXTREMEMLY close 2. My mom is battling her 3rd. cancer tumor removal. And i'm the glue holding this fam together. And everyone hugs & kisses on me. I'm TERRIFIED  I could be "shedding" even though i have no cold sores etc. inside my mouth??????

Can I EVER tongue kiss again?? Can I ever show my family love by giving them pecks on the mouth like we always do??? How can I explain that I can no longer do this? I’m scared to kiss my family YET scared to tell them why I can’t any longer. I don’t want any of them to think I’m scummy, dirty or sleazy. Though, I know they love me & won’t think that. It’s just SO horrible. I have SO many other ailments. I HATE this. I’ve ALWAYS used protection. And I got into a serious relationship & stopped & was on b.control. I’m 35 never married & haven’t had any kids yet. Now I’m afraid I won’t ever even be able to conceive.

Sorry if this is overwhelming. I'm just hella angry & at my wits end. Any advice or facts would be greatly appreciated. I'm leaving work right now & taking about 10 pgs. of info home. I pray to god some of it will give me some hope.  God Bless you all & keep the faith. This is a hard disease/virus to have. They SO need to find a cure for this; it's ridiculous in this day & age there hasn't been one yet.

Peace & Love
17 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
I know - sometimes you just have to wonder just how that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" saying ever came into existance - I mean just how much stronger do we sometimes have to get?

I hope you can get at least relief with this one part of things. One less thing to have bugging you when you already aren't feeling well :(

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537777 tn?1281988562
WOW 2 think ALL these umpteen yrs. it's "possible" these boils are related to herpes.  To NEVER get one again would be a godsend.  I haven't had one for about 2 yrs. & the last few were quite small etc.!  I'm on 11 persc. currently & I'll have 2 check out the side effects of suppressive daily therapy meds. BUT it wouldn't hurt to add one more med to my long list.  And to never or rarely have boils again. WOO.... HOO....

Ya know it's actually comforting to think that may be true. SINCE getting my results on Fri. the 13th. :(    ((SAME day my mom had a major seizure from a brain tumor))  See...... I've been awaiting an OB.  Now it's somewhat a relief to think i've had the major 1st. few OB's.  Since they tend 2 be more severe.  This is all POSSIBILITIES until i see my dr. & discuss it w/ her.  My blood results for HSV-2 were quite high over 4.   SO maybe the antibodies have built up. *LOL* At least that's what i'm telling myself for now.

Now onto conquer my daily chronic back pain associated w/ my firbro, back/neck surgeries etc.!   I'm getting stem cell testing soon for my growth hormone defic., seeing a neurologist for my Arn. Chiari intense headaches I've had for 13 yrs.!  I have a butt load of health stuff.

God only gives us what we can handle. I GUESS he/she assumed i could handle an abundance of health problems; not 2 mention i'm the glue that holds my disfunctional fam together!  ;)  

Take care Grace & thanks again for the link to the handbook. It rocks & so do you!!!

Peace, Love & Happiness
God bless you all
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101028 tn?1419603004
I know - it gets frustrating going there all the time :(  Hopefully you get answers to what is going on where here within the next several months and can start treatment and get better relief.

Have you considered suppressive therapy at all in case these are herpes related?  why have them if you don't have to?

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537777 tn?1281988562
Yes the boils etc. DID start AFTER i became sexually active. I will DEFINITELY get a lesion culture next time i get one. I WROTE that down so i don't 4get. Heck i go 2 the dr. EVERY month so, i'll be sure 2 bring it up w/ her.

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101028 tn?1419603004
Did the boils/carbuncles start after you were sexually active?

At this point the only way to know would be when you have one the next time - be seen within 24-48 hours of the appearance of the lesions for a lesion culture.  

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537777 tn?1281988562
Something's been really bothering me since i got my positive results.  I've had boils off & on for yrs.!  They range in size, color & severity.  The 1st. one i had was 19 yrs. ago on my tailbone & had to be lanced.  It was DEFINITELY a boil/carbuncal.  A dermatoligist diagnosed these well over 10 yrs. ago.  

YET i'd say over the last 8 yrs. or so, they have gotten more severe!   More painful & are generally in my inner thighs & sometimes right on my "patch".  Okay, i'm gonna stop going on & on..... YES they "somewhat" scab over somewhat 2 heal. BUT they aren't anything like the SCABS i've seen in pics etc.!  They don't fall off etc.!

In ANYONE'S opinion could this be an OB???  

I'm going 2 stop asking ? about medical stuff on this board. It seems I have possibly bothered OR offended some.  That handbook is the shiat & tells alot. BUT i still have many more questions!   I DO have a dr's appt. coming up. And if she doesn't answer my ?'s satisfactorily i'm heading to the bigger city where i see my specialists for my chiari/arthritis/scoliosis etc.!

Thanks 4 u'r time in reading my post
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101028 tn?1419603004
It sounds like your man needs to learn to go to the doctors a lot sooner when he's sick.  Also I don't think he had just strep A which is the usual cause of strep throat - even if you don't treat that in adults it goes away on its own eventually. sounds like he had something nasty going on!

Unfortunately there are lots of sites out there that aren't updated and reputible.  Some of them are started just to make money only :(    If you find a site that is listing links to all sorts of alternative remedies - it's probably not the kind of site you want to be getting your info from. Here we usually recommend the herpes handbook at www.westoverheights.com and also the herpes info at www.ashastd.org and at www.cdc.gov . All are reputible and updated regularly and aren't out to sell you anything!

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537777 tn?1281988562
Thank you for confirming the step throat thang. It's weird though... since he had ACTUAL white infection strep that actually ATE AWAY his tonsils ALL together. That's weird that that site isn't very reputible. That's kinda scary.
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101028 tn?1419603004
That website is not very reputible.

Strep throat is completely different than hsv1. They are not related.

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537777 tn?1281988562
Thanks SO much again.  A big' ol' Cyber ((((((hug))))))) 2 you Grace!!!!  I thank GOD i found this site & thank you for taking the time to write me back.

If u don't mind have u ever heard of that strep throat thang associated w/ HSV-1 be4?? I read it on i think www.herpes.com
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101028 tn?1419603004
Yes your results are positive and well above the results where false positives are frequent so there's not really any need for additional testing.  


ps I meant hug the stuffing out of folks, not hug the suffing out of them...he he he  damn fingers!
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537777 tn?1281988562
I don't have my results RIGHT in front of me. BUT it was @ labcorp & it was a blood test. The newer one. My dr. is great & i've been going 2 her for about 5 yrs.

The HSV-2 was 4.32
the HSV-1 was 2.23

I ?'d the nurse about the results & she said the are DEFINITELY positive. The guy that i'm SURE gave this to me had a big ol' crusty cold sore that didn't heal for over 2 wks. And he had lil' blisters on his penis along w/ lil' white pimples on his butt. He thought all these were VERY odd BUT i just thought they were zits, general cold sores & shafting etc.!! He also had this weird strep throat, white things on his tonsils for yrs. SO bad it ATE his tonsils away. i read online this is associated w/ HSV-1!???  

Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mcuh Grace!! You've been a life SAVER!!  The nurse @ the dr's office informed me that i could NOT peck etc. my family. And that i had to use EXTREME caution int he kitchen w/ the roomate & workmates. WTF??  So, u'r info is a LOAD off my conscious! I"m NOT WORTHY.. I"M NOT WORTHY!! *LOL*  

SORRY ABOUT the threads!! I didn't understand exactly what the "thread" thing meant. But, now i do. ;) So, i'll be sure NOT to do it again.

Peace & Love
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101028 tn?1419603004
please keep all your questions in one thread. You currently have 3 threads going and it's just too confusing for folks to keep up with.  

You really don't have to worry about your hsv1 oral infection when it comes to showing luv to friends and family members. As adults it's almost always transmitted thru good old fashioned romantic type kisses. Feel free to keep on hugging and pecking away :)  When you have an obvious cold sore then just air kiss but hug the suffing out of people.

Your genital hsv2 isn't an issue to anyone you aren't having sex with but since you've gotten a chance to read the herpes handbook I"m sure you've figure out that part already :)

If you can get a copy of your numerical results from your blood test and can post them here I can better help you see if you need additional testing or not to confirm them. I'm assuming you really haven't had any genital symptoms - this was just a general screening?

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537777 tn?1281988562
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537777 tn?1281988562
WOW  Don't mean 2 be rude; but i was expecting a post or 2 by now. I'm REALLY sorry if i offended anyone. It's just devastating that i have HSV-2 & 1 & ALL the other medical stuff i have. I awake & go 2 sleep w/ Chronic daily pain. I take percocet, morophine, clonopin & zanaflex daily. Along w/ 10 other meds for arthritis etc. I have always been my families rock etc.! And right now i literally have ONE yeah ONE f*ckin' person 2 talk to about ALL of this.  So,  can some1 please PLEASE throw me a bone??

***I understand just about EVERYTHIUNG aobut hsv-2 IT"S the HSV-1 that scares the hell out of me. I Can NEVER french kiss again???????????????????????????

****I can NEVER peck my nephew or my cuz's or babies?????????????????

****I work w/ my family & need 2 know how careful do i need to be in my work environment, as far as washing my hands, the kitchen; i'm hella freaked out here & need some help??????????????????
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537777 tn?1281988562
OMG.... I CAN NOT express how VERY grateful i am for your help in reference regarding this infection. Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!! I printed out that handbook & found quite a few things that were NOT mentioned on other websites.  I have a hot tub & my cuz was worried she may have gotten it from me a few weekends ago when she was here. And she was fearful for her 13 yr. old daughter & we were worried about my nephew.  

Can i REALLY not EVER give my teenage nephew pecks??? We are VERY close & loving. And he is getting older YET keeping up w/ the affection w/ me & isn't embarrassed by it. I would be horrified if i gave him HSV-1 & he gave it to his g.friend. Then, possibly had oral sex w/ her & BAM he's got HSV-2. I'd just wanna kill myself. SERIOUSLY!!!!

It's REALLY difficult as you said 2 lean on ppl for support etc.! So, i'm glad to have found this place & you.  I'm a bit suprised though that you have been the only one to repond so far.  Maybe in time i'll get a few more answers.

MAINLY my concerns are ABOUT HSV-1!! Since the HSV-2 is genital & i'm abstaining for now & plan on NEVER having sex w/ out a condom & spermicidal foam when i don't have an o/b. I've NEVER had one 2 my knowledge. BUT the guy that gave it to me SURE did. :(             ((Oh.. god.... i prayed SO hard i wouldn't have this & I cried SO much as i prayed SO hard)) I guess it was my intuition telling me i did have it. I dunno but w/ my fibromyalgia, arthritis, deg.disc disease, herniated lumbar,thorasic & neck disc w/ 2 & 1 neck fusion surgeries i can't take anymore. I'm a VERY positive thinker. That meditates & does yoga etc.! BUT my god i can't take much more. I didn't think i could take this though.

May god be w/ you & bless you all  
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Please I am new at htis site as well. I was just diagnosed on May 26, both type like yours yes I was sick out of mine head wating on test results only to be told to get the bad news. I even think I  know the time it happen to me and the day after having sex with mine b/f I notice a soar on his penis so I panic and told him it look like herpie . He said no you crazy it is not herpie so his said his was going to get it check at the Dr. three days test came back postive only signs his was having was jock itch until the soars. So I know on the 14 days I started having tingle , itching, painful. no soars, etc. The reason while I know his gave it to me I had all std test done during pap smears in 2007. But I cry wanted to just died angry hated sex can get over 47 years old never ever had a std ever in life. I cuss him out and blame him hated him etc. Yes I have a grand daugther and child I all so  in fear about her using mine soap or towel or fork etc.She love to kiss me on mine mouth and she will drink behind me. I just tell her I have germs and I do not want her to get sick. When she try to kiss me I just let her kiss me on mine face now. But I all so was feeling like a big disease, nasty etc. there is no one I think I could ever tell. In fact I went to a different Dr. to take the test to shame to let mine Dr. down to know I been so safe now getting this. And it is so painful for me it stays with me for about 20 to 25 days of pain because mine immune system is weak due to mine system is damage from lymphdemna. I know who you feel but I wanted to die. Now that I got more information on it and knowing it is a virus like chick pox. But I saw the image on line but I  was told that they are the bad cases of herpie. I do not get soars but the pain of tingle and jock itch around mine hips burning pain so bad. I was told of a site by reading the post it really help please read it. Thanks God for this site it really help me get stuff off mine mind. Sorry for being so long but this is mine only outlet. I will pray with you for a cure. And even shame with the meds. It will be mind secret in life hard to trust people wiith this information.  Please vistis this site. www.westoverheights.com
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.