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I am getting myself prepared for the surgery and am wanting to know the cons and pros. Will I still have orgasims? Will my bladder fall? I have pcos and endometrieosis which makes my cycles very painful. I am on birth control for the pcos and the endometrieosis. I have dealt with this since I was 16. Is this the best route for me to go?
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I am sorry you are suffering from both PCOS and endo that is leading you to hysterectomy. I assume you already know that hysterectomy is not a cure for the insulin resistance of PCOS or for endo. Some women do get relief, either temporary or permanent, but some don't (I don't know the percentages).

I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago at age 49 - absolutely the WORST thing that has ever happened to me but I did not have a chronic pain condition. The hormone HELL alone has been life-shattering. I aged so fast it was shocking. By 4 months post-op, I had lost most of my hair and it has never stopped falling out, lost a lot of skin collagen, subcutaneous fat, and muscle mass. I even developed sections of gray hair (had no gray before surgery). HRT cannot make up for what was lost (if ovaries are removed or fail due to the loss of blood flow after hysterectomy) PLUS you have to pay for HRT. Our ovaries never stop producing hormones. Sure, estrogen falls after menopause but the ovaries continue producing quite a bit of testosterone that can be converted into estrogen as our body needs. There are numerous studies that show the long-term harm of ovary removal or post-hysterectomy ovarian failure. Do a web search for "bilateral oophorectomy long-term health. Or go to overy dot org and pay particular attention to the link that shows 400+ citations.  

The removal of the uterus can cause some nasty problems in the long-term too. The severing of those four sets of ligaments does a number on the figure (you should be able to tell in the figures of most women who had a hysterectomy years ago). The bladder and bowel are displaced after their "place holder" uterus is removed. This can cause bladder and bowel problems including incontinence. I have had bladder and bowel issues since surgery. There is no good support for the vagina either so it can prolapse (mine is certainly falling). Many women report loss of libido and sexual dysfunction. My sex life was destroyed. Thankfully, my vagina was not shortened too much so I can have sex but it is much less satisfying - no more uterine orgasms and when I can climax it is usually through foreplay, rarely during intercourse. Breast sensation is gone too due to severed nerves. This Medscape set of articles on the long-term effects of hysterectomy explains some of this but you may have to register to read further - http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/805517.

Best of luck to you in getting your issues treated.  
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I know this is an old Post and I will keep researching but if you get this. Old before my time,  can I get your email to ask some questions? This is spot on to issues and they are treating Pelvic floor but I still think we need to go to Mayo Clinic.
billdeptuch - You can private message me. Just click on my username and it will take you to my Medhelp profile. At the top right of my profile, there is a "send message" option. Click on that. I should get an email notification that I have a Medhelp message and will respond to you. Thanks.
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I had a hysterectomy last June. They took my tubes but left my ovaries. I had fibroids, and the surgery has helped me amazingly. I still have orgasims and crazy sex drive
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My pelvis story ~ (the short version)
By Tina Diane

This is my pelvis story of living over 25 years of my life with pelvic pain, my true pelvic pain issues began when I was in my early twenties (although I had heavy bleeding even as a child – I started my period at 11 years old) and as most women would do I started with my primary care physician who did my pelvic exams.  At first, I complained that I was having extremely painful periods to which I was told “it’s normal to have pain with your period take Midol” but it did nothing for my pain. So I spent several years with this same dr. telling him of my painful periods, then on to painful periods with huge blood clots and I was dismissed.  At one point I began complaining of back pain and was given chiropractic type therapy for the back issues as this same dr. was an osteopath. I knew something was wrong, but I was young and had never really gone to Dr.’s other then for my annual female checkups, so I continued to struggle thinking this must  be normal to have all this pain with my periods even though deep in my heart I felt it was way to extreme to be considered normal. I searched the internet but there really was not much on the internet way back then!  So I finally decided it was time to see a female Dr. whom I saw for a few more years and complained of the same things I had been complaining of with the first dr. as well as pain with sex and constipation had now become a problem. So she did order some tests where I found out I had a tilted uterus and a fibroid on my ovary so we were going to just watch that and check with my next check up in a year at this time I began having break through bleeding no matter what birth control pill I was on so the Dr. kept putting me on stronger and stronger birth control pills. The next thing that came up is I had started having what felt like UTI’s but never had the bacteria but did have blood in my urine so I was sent to a urologist and was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis I had DMSO instillations which did not do much other then agitate my urethra with having to be catheterized weekly for 24 weeks.  I was having joint pain, but to look at me you would not have thought I could be sick because I was active and stayed in pretty good shape so I then was sent to a rheumatologist the first one I saw was an older dr. who was about to retire, but he basically looked at me and said “so you want to have something wrong ok ~ you might have Sjogrens syndrome” He made me feel like he felt I was making up my pain issues and he put me on Plaquenil (a VERY harsh drug) and sent me on my way.  I then went to a gastroenterologist because blood work had shown my ANA titer was high as were my liver enzymes so I endured a liver biopsy which showed I did not have autoimmune hepatitis but he wasn’t sure what was going on and I was again dismissed and told nothing was wrong! At this point I had developed TMJ disorder and was sent to a TMJ specialist by my dentist because I was breaking teeth due to bruxism. This Dr. was truly a Godsend at this point in time because by now my stress was beyond high I had not gotten anywhere with any doctors and I was now having my monthly pain that would linger on even without the period as well as the jaw pain daily…so he put me on vicodin and sent me to see a psychiatrist. So before I knew it I was on 19 different medications and feeling much worse struggling to  just get through my days as well as try to figure out what was wrong with me even though I was beginning to feel perhaps it was all in my head and really was doubting my sanity.  But my TMJ Dr. told me to try to find ways to cope better with my stress and suggested books for me to read, yoga and self healing as well as pt for my jaw. This doctor was the one who got me to try yoga, but I was still in so much pain I quickly learned to use my vicodin to get me through my bad crying in the fetal position 3 days of my period. Do to the fact that my jaw joint was deteriorating my TMJ Dr. sent me to another rheumatologist who seemed sincere and really did try to help me. She felt I had lupus although my blood work did not show this so she diagnosed me with undifferiential connective tissue disease put me on prednisone but did not want me to stay on this, so it was on/off prednisone for a few years, until she finally said she did not know what more she could do for me, so I never went back after 4 years of working with her and although my blood work did not ever show lupus she finally diagnosed me with lupus. I felt so much better on steroids so life was going along a bit better other then those horrible periods. I had joint pain and just over all pain, but according to the psychiatrists and psychologists it was just in my mind, lack of serotonin, I was depressed and I needed to give the antidepressants more time. So I went with that and practiced everything I could find to relieve stress…quit working, (I was lucky in that at this point my husband was able to support us and had good medical insurance)  practiced yoga, tried lots of herbs, did acupuncture and most vicodin was in those first 3 days… I then started having bleeding from my rectum so I then had a colonoscopy which showed nothing but internal hemorrhoids and a redundant torturous colon. This dr. actually told me “be very sure you want to be in this medical system because once you get in you never get out” well this Dr. was a friend of my husbands and when he said this I knew he did not believe me about my pain either because I told him all the issues I had told the gynecologist. He also put in my records “anorexic?”   So I left after finding out it was nothing more than hemorrhoids and that I needed to get off all the medications I was on as well as up my fiber, water and exercise…mind you…it was the Dr.’s putting me on all the medications. So I slowly began getting myself off all medications. It was not easy as my body was dependent on them even though I was assured they were NOT addictive, I dealt with vertigo and all my symptoms pre-medication came back with a vengeance as well as some new issues. But I managed to get my meds down to just the vicodin during my period because my period pain was so bad I just could not handle the monthly pain without it so I just continued using my vicodin, but I did up my fiber, exercise (yoga and running), water and in all this time I continued researching trying to figure out what was wrong with me!  I had by now had doctors giving me complete opposite advice…one would say sit on the toilet and read, let things relax, another was saying don’t sit on the toilet so long.

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Finally one day I googled “severe period pain with large blood clots” and endometriosis came up and I immediately knew this was what I had and I immediately called my gynecologist and set an appt. I went in and told her “I am pretty sure I have endometriosis (this had never even been mentioned in all these years) I would like to have a laparoscopic surgery to confirm or deny it. So she referred me to another oby/gyn because she no longer did surgery. So I go to this new male dr. and he does ultrasounds and several other tests. When we went over the results he said “well, I doubt you have endometriosis because nothing shows up on the MRI or vaginal ultrasound”) this was very discouraging because I figured he knew what he was talking about he was after all the doctor! So we scheduled the surgery, and I left hopeless and filled with anxiety that it really was all in my mind!  So finally in Oct. 2004 ( remember I started seeking help at 23  years old) I  was finally diagnosed at 38 years (so it took 15 years to be heard) I had my laparoscopic surgery done only to find out I was at the most advanced form of endometriosis. I had 3 choices, wait and watch (well, I had already done that for 15 years and I was tired of living in pain!  Lupron ~ I had read enough about that to know this was not something I was willing to try, hysterectomy with bso (ovaries removed) which would cure my endometriosis so since my husband did not want children, so I agreed hysterectomy was what I wanted/needed to get my life back. I asked the dr. if it would affect my sex drive I was told, “no it should not change my sexual function”, but it did in a huge way!  Pelvic organ prolapse was never mentioned so I proceeded forward with my laparotomy hysterectomy (the bikini line cut around 6 inches between my hip bones) in November 2004. When he got in there he said the scarring was so bad he thought my appendix had burst, but upon removing all the scar tissue my appendix was just perfect under all of the scars. After the surgery the pain caused by my uterus was gone and no more periods was nice, but I was suddenly put into a state of early menopause because I had been castrated even though the Dr. put a estrogen patch on me right there in the operating room I seemed to deplete the estrogen very quickly. So I worked with my surgeon trying to get my hormones ok and in the meantime I became a suicidal crazy woman! LOL ~ I truly became what the Dr.’s seemed to think I was ~ it had become my true reality! The nurse even asked me if I was doing my hormones correctly…well, how hard is it to put a patch on your butt I told her and that yes, I was…but the Dr. decided to do injections to see if that would work better and my body went through the estrogen that should have lasted a month in a week. The deeper we got into the HRT the worse I was feeling so I decided to go to a naturopathic dr. and he helped to get my HRT at a more tolerable level to the point of my no longer wanting to kill myself! All those other dr.’s that deemed me crazy should have seen me because I really was crazy at that point!  Unfortunately even though I did not have the horrible painful periods about 1.5 years out from surgery I began feeling that gnawing endometriosis pain again and was having problems with constipation, thrombosed hemorrhoids, bleeding from my rectum and fissures…so I went back to my gastro dr. so he did another colonoscopy, an endoscopy, transit marker test, and some other things because I was having acid reflux as well. The tests all came back within normal range (whatever that is supposed to mean as we all have different normal’s), so he gave me prilosec and a steroid/lidocaine cream, which I used for a while, but I continued to struggle so he then sent me to Mayo Clinic of Scottsdale AZ where I went through another colonoscopy, endoscopy, transit study, defogram as well as pelvic floor dysfunction tests, I was tested for pylori, gluten intolerance …you name it they tested for it, I saw a rheumatologist, gastroenterologist, colon/rectal surgeon and neurologist. The rheumatologist at this facility who spent 10 minutes with me said I did not have lupus…but had fibromyalgia and undiagnosed what the rheumatologist who spent years with me diagnosed me to have in that 10 min., the neurologist diagnosed me with essential tremor and the colon/rectal surgeon, gastroenterologist diagnosed me with a rectocele, but did not feel it was an issue due to the fact that I did not splint to have a bowel movement, but did enemas or colonics instead. This was because splinting hurt due to having endometriosis even though this could not be possible according to these doctors because I had the hysterectomy with ovaries removed. So I left in tears and with no real answers to my problems. I gave up for a while and just lived the best I could until the symptoms again became unbearable and I felt emotionally able to handle it again. So I went to another colon/rectal surgeon because since I had no girl parts any longer and it seemed to be my colon giving me problems it made sense to see this type of dr. this dr. actually told me “well, if Mayo can’t help you ~ I certainly can’t” after that one I saw another colon/rectal surgeon who did another transit marker and showed me the x-rays pointing out the stool that was accumulated in my colon, but she said “it was not a problem” I still don’t see how this is not a problem to have stool (waste/toxic matter) sitting in your colon unable to come out! I went to here because I was having anal tears (fissures) and wanted them to cut the sphincter muscle, but she was afraid it would cause too much damage and make my problems worse. I also had seen another colon/rectal dr. in the same practice when I first started having hemorrhoid problems, but he quickly dismissed me as I was able to squeeze/relax my muscles around his finger without a problem. I then went back to my regular gastroenterologist and asked him (because Mayo had suggested Pelvic floor retraining – but to drive 4 hours several times a week for several weeks was just not something we could afford for me to do) so my gastroenterologist  sent me to a uro/gyn who does not do surgery, but does biofeedback, estim and acupuncture nerve point training with tens machines so it’s now 2006 and I do this for 21 weeks and it did tighten up the muscles down there to a point I was no longer able to have a bowel movement naturally or even with stimulant laxatives at all any longer so I managed to remove the stool from my body with enemas and colonics and sometimes digital removal, I became very good at restricting my food.
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I did a pelvic floor yoga training with Leslie Howard to try to learn how to fix myself and quietly continued to search the possibility of endometriosis coming back after a hysterectomy/bso or any other possibilities as well as the rectocele and in 2006 it was pretty unheard of but with time I began to find other women who did have it come back after the hysterectomy/bso…so in 2011 I found a Dr. who actually listened to me and took longer than 10 minutes with me, he went in and did Davinci on me only to find what I suspected which was endometriosis, my organs had glued themselves together~ the dr. explained it like this ~ when you make spaghetti and don’t put oil in it and let it get cold the way the spaghetti glues together is what happened in my pelvic organs.  My colon had hooked to my side body, so he cleaned me up, pathology showed endometriosis on my side walls, right ureter, pouch of douglas and my appendix (which was removed at that time).  He wanted to do Botox because my anal sphincters were so tight (pelvic floor dysfunction), but at that point my insurance would not cover it and it was just too much money for my husband and I to manage so we did not do the Botox. After surgery I felt better for about 8 months although my issue of pooping still had not resolved,  so this Dr. wanted me to see his PT, but it was not covered by my insurance and was rather expensive and again 4 hours round trip so I declined, but went to 2 different pt’s closer to home, but they did not know very much about pelvic floor dysfunction and were actually going to a lot of the same trainings to learn that I was going to in order to find healing for myself. These were yoga training courses. The pt’s also treated like it was in my head ~ I had one look me directly in the eyes and say “if you don’t believe this is in your head then I cannot help you” so I quit because I knew it was not in my head!  I was just not ready for surgery again…

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so I joined an endometriosis board and was telling my issues with my colon and only being able to get my BM’s out with enemas or colonics and my battle with endometriosis. One PT in the group was basically saying it was PFD from doing enemas/colon hydrotherapy, but thankfully another Dr. reached out and suggested I might have pelvic organ prolapse and I told her of my diagnosis of rectocele in 2006 and my above history. She actually was so patient in answering all my questions, trust me with my history and struggle I had lots of questions, as well as trust issues with Dr.’s! We talked off and on for just over a year and in the meantime I was seeing and speaking with other doctors trying to find a dr. I trusted to know their stuff and be able to help me resolve all my pelvic floor problems in one surgery! I went through much distress in trying to find a dr. close enough to handle my extensively damaged pelvic floor, but did not find one.  I also saw another pt who did seem to know her stuff better then the other’s I had been to, but she was not under my insurance either and I truly felt I was beyond physical therapy fixing my issues so I saw her twice just to make sure I truly had tried everything, but when it did not work I traveled from Tucson AZ to Seattle WA to have my surgery done by this Dr. who understood endometriosis, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction because after this many years of having so much damage in my pelvic floor I have dealt with all of it! She was willing to fix everything all at once which most dr.’s don’t like to do!  This surgeon did extensive pelvic floor reconstruction surgery lasting 6.5 hours on me in December of 2013, in her notes she made a comment about the extent of my pelvic floor and it not being mentioned by the previous dr. that had performed surgery one year earlier.
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I had cystocele, rectocele, entrocele, vaginal vault prolapse, intussusceptions (a form of rectal prolapse) as well as endometriosis and adhesions. The surgery was a Davinci surgery as well as a 3 inch vertical incision to remove a large portion of my colon…so I had the sacralpoperinopexy (with mesh), adhesiolysis, endometriosis excision, rectopexy (with mesh), left hemilectomy (colon resection) and went from not being able to have a natural bm to being able to go potty like a big girl…4-8 times a day! all seemed to be going really well until 9 months when I started having excessive pelvic floor dysfunction that would not allow me to open my bowels (botox had worn off by then) or fully empty my bladder and the vaginal valium I was on helped some, but I really needed another round of botox to force the muscles to not respond to the nerves in hopes of breaking the brain/body dysfunction. Unfortunately by the 11 month things had changed and I feel it was because of the pfd causing too much pressure in my pelvic floor so I now have developed a low (distal) rectocele and perineal descent…I wish I could  go back to my original surgeon, but in realizing this was not most likely going to be a onetime fix my husband and I do not feel it reasonable to continue to flying out of state for surgery as well as because vaginal valium is a controlled substance I need a local dr. in order to have access to this drug and I am communicating all being done with my surgeon to make sure she feels I am being well cared for and not brushed off. I had my suture vaginal repairs for the new pop issues June 10th 2014.  I am at the 4 month mark for healing from that surgery and my repairs seem to be fine. I just had my gallbladder removed July 30th, 2014 and it had adhesions attaching it to other organs as well as it had become scarred and necrotic and though the pain from my June 10 th repair was good and things were seeming better this new surgery has caused the pfd to flare so pain is a huge trigger for my pfd… My body seems to always want to challenge me even though I do every right (for the most part ~ lol) …
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the journey has been long and hard, but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. So my journey continues and though things are much better and I have no regrets for the pop surgery as it has made things so much better, things are still not as good as I think they can be. I have managed my pain pretty well without much medication, but rather using yoga, acupuncture, myofascia release massage in hopes of not hurting my body and breaking the patterns in my body, I do use the vaginal valium and pyridium as needed but try to use this when it’s really high pain. I am not quite ready to give in and give up as I think things can get better. This has made me realize that pelvic organ prolapse is most likely something I will need “touch ups” to keep my pelvic floor in its optimal condition so I now have this local uro/gyn I had hoped that the first long pop surgery would be the end of this journey, but that is just not the reality it seems with the extensive damage my pelvic floor now has thanks to the endometriosis monster! I am ok with this and will do my best to stay strong, well, healthy and happy one day at a time with both western and natural methods of allowing the body to heal (acupuncture, yoga, and myofascia release). I have realized that although my body may never be perfect I can still find happiness and continue to take care of me in whatever way it takes to make my body better! I do not think most of the doctors who I went to were bad doctors ~ I think most of them just did not know and did their best to help me. Not all of them (Mayo Clinic is supposed to be the best of the best, but I would NEVER let them near me again)…some were really bad, but over all doctors need our help to help us be well! The reality is that we need to seek and find the very best doctor for what is going on in our body in hopes of having the best results possible, but if things change we also must be willing to adapt when necessary! I am so thankful that I went to the surgeon I did for my Pop issues, I wish I had handled my endometriosis much differently as my life could have actually would have been much different…so now my goal is to get me as well as possible as well as share what I have learned so maybe you can avoid some of the bumps in the road I had to go over! Ladies…NEVER GIVE UP HOPE and remember you have to be your best advocate, no one knows your body like you do, so don’t be brushed off if you truly feel something in your body is amiss! With Hugs, Love and Prayers ~ Tina Diane
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UPDATE: October 13th 2014:
Still dealing with the pfd in big ways…dr. just upped me to 5 mg of vaginal valium 3 times a day because as long as my pf remains in spasms my repairs are at risk…I am continuing the physical therapy and it is helping some but because of the central sensitization of my nervous system going on for over 20 years we have decided to try the interstim to help and a surgery to repair/replace the interstim device.
so my story is a bit extreme and although there are many others...I am in the 19%...so if at all possible get into the proper medical hands...I wish I had as my story could have and would have been very different!
my nerves and muscles communicate better…time will tell if this will work…I continue to try to be hopeful, happy and keep a smile on my face…
If you have any further questions please feel free to pm me!:)

The interstim has helped somewhat but unfortunately the wires have most likely migrated or broken so I don’t know what this means for me yet…I will see my dr. in a month to figure out what our next plan is…I am hoping to get botox but will most likely have to have botox
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Update: 9-1-15
so my interstim is not working as well as I had hoped…it still helps some but I am back to 100% enema dependant. Which is very sad considering how hard I have tried to get things back to a better place and though this is happening I am still better then I was before the Washington surgery…so I am not unhappy with my choices, just wishing the outcome would have been longer lasting and better…but this is not my journey I suppose…so next step
October 9th I will be going in to what is considered minimally invasive surgery and having 300ml of Botox injected into my pelvic floor muscles in hopes that it is just the pfd flaring it’s ugly head, I am hopeful this will work but I am not convinced that this is just pfd…I feel as though things have begun to glue back together in my pelvis and that something has fallen again to the base of my pelvic floor.
My Tucson Dr. says I have pretty significant perineal descent and pudendal nerve damage which means this will be something I will have to manage forever and it’s not fixable…so if the botox does not work I will be seeking a dr who will do a procedure called the ACE procedure (or Malone’s procedure) it’s a major surgery but I am hoping it can get me off the surgery merry go round and out living life again…since this is not fixable according to the Dr. then they need to do this so I can eat  and eliminate food rather than having it sit in my body pushing on nerves causing pain and making me feel sick as my waste is absorbed into my blood stream…so hopefully the botox will be the fix, but if not, I always try to stay one step ahead of my body (and the Dr.’s) in order to feel better…this is my life after all and I should be able to feel as well as possible despite the fact that  I won’t ever be completely better!
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As I write this my battery for the pelvic floor pacemaker is causing pain…so I don’t know what I will do on that plan to send my Dr. and email this week...to discuss that and my upcoming botox surgery…my how I would much rather be putting it in my face rather than my pelvic floor! ;)
October 17, 2015 (UPDATE)
So I finally had my botox surgery! The dr. put 200 units in all of my pelvic floor muscles and my pain has dropped significantly and my PFD is much better! I will see the Dr. in November and plan to set my next botox surgery for 4-6 months from this one depending on what he allows…I have seen some say every 4 months others every 6 months the botox lasts 4 months so I am hoping to be able to get it at the 4 month mark and hopefully if the nerves and muscles have a forced relax phase in time I will not need to do the botox surgery any longer…so hopefully we are to the stage of just managing my pelvic floor journey and the worst of it is over!

If you have endometriosis I recommend going here to learn the current research on this dreadful disease!  http://endopaedia.info/redwine.html
So your journey is much easier than mine and many women who were misguided by uneducated dr.’s!  

This is why I stay in these forums helping women..Dr.'s do NOT always know what is best for your body!
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Endometriosis is terrible i have /had both prior to hysterectomy leaving ovaries. Until today my hips have not been hurting seems like every thing dropped again plus gas and constipated afraid to assist it. I hope this gets easier soon
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I had a rectocele, enterocele and vaginal hysterectomy5 weeks ago. I had no prooblems with my uterus, but the surgeon and the gynae suggested it as they were working laparascopically. I am having a lot of pain up my rectum and I am still having bowel incontinence quite a bit. I am so depressed about this. I don't know if it is normal or not. Will it improve with time? I had a lot of adhesions which were removed and they used the mesh in the repair. I don't know if I could go through that op again!!! Can anyone with a similar experience comment PLEASE.
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I did not have a rectocele or enterocele but did have a hysterectomy. It is a shame they removed your uterus since that can itself cause bowel (and bladder) problems. I developed diarrhea shortly after my surgery that lasted a very long time. And my bowels have not been the same ever since. I wish I had pushed for answers long ago. You should definitely see your surgeon to figure out what's going on.
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Get ready for awesome times ahead, since my hysterectomy I've had great sex, lost weight and best of all no worries about getting pregnant!  Feel healthier and never have to worry about periods is like winning the lotto!! Especially having PCOS and endo. I am 38 now and a word of warning, the first two weeks sneezing coughing farting etc are not fun at all. Not to mention your first bowel movement after the op.  But still totally worth it.  Best of luck
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16days after laparoscopic hysterectomy kept ovaries had no pain in hospital  a week after discharge i thought possible infection or uti. Lets say the last week nightmare. I just hope this goes away and my hip doesn't get worse. 33 osteoarthritis in hips right needs to be replaced
16days after laparoscopic hysterectomy kept ovaries had no pain in hospital  a week after discharge i thought possible infection or uti. Lets say the last week nightmare. I just hope this goes away and my hip doesn't get worse. 33 osteoarthritis in hips right needs to be replaced
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