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Normal CBC, TSH, multiple painful lymph nodes, neck, legs, arms increasing in size

2 years ago, I first brought to the attention of my GP painful lumps mainly in my legs. He didn't examine them (early covid days) but said they were probably lipomas given I already have some at my ankles. At another visit, I insisted he look because the lumps felt different than lipomas and they were getting bigger and more painful. There were some in my arms at that point as well. He was not impressed but noted it in my chart.  
GP retired.

Two years later I've lost 12 pounds (10% of my body weight) without trying. Also have hot flashes and night sweats but I'm 53 y/o female and perimenopausal so chalked that up to hormonal changes.

However, in the past month I noticed pain when swallowing. My neck has some tender areas and slight swelling. I'm not sleeping well so I'm tired all the time. Sometimes I wake up sweating. Not much appetite lately. Often light-headed and irritable.

New GP examined the lumps and confirms they do not appear to be lipomas, but lymph nodes and ordered CBC & TSH labs. She also ordered CT of the thyroid since that seems inflamed and tender in some spots.

She said it is most likely infection or thyroiditis but considering weight loss, increased size of lymph nodes over time, etc, she said we need to rule out cancer.    

CBC was normal. TSH3/4 also normal.
With a normal blood work I would think that rules out infection, thyroid AND cancer, no?
Or is it possible cancer is still on the table?

CT of thyroid was done but waiting for follow up visit to get results.  

Specific areas where nodes are noticeably enlarged and painful are: behind knees running up back of thighs, inner elbows, neck. There are a few areas of increased skin pigmentation that have appeared over the past few years (face, arm, forehead). There appears to be another swollen area (not sure if it is a lymph node) in my abdomen and I've experienced some constipation.

Just 2 months ago I had terrible abdominal cramps, pain, some bleeding. GI doctor suggested diverticulitis although I never had that before. He rx'd antibiotics and a colitis diet of brown rice/potatoes, etc and it seemed to resolve in a few weeks. My typical diet is relatively healthy (mainly organic or home grown vegetables, very little packaged or restaurant food, occasional non-caffeinated soda).  

In the past month my ortho rx'd a course of prednisone for pre-existing back pain (failed SI fusion, waiting for treatment plan and possible revision surgery). That did not happen to affect any of the lymph nodes and although in the past steroids have provided relief from back pain/inflammation, this time they only seemed mildly helpful for a day and a half.  

There are other painful lumps forming in my legs which do not seem to correspond directly to the lymph nodes, mainly in my calves and thighs. It's terribly painful mostly at night. I can't feel the definitive outline of these as I can the obvious lymph nodes but if pressing hard enough I can feel the lump.

Confused since the lab results seem normal but symptoms are getting progressively worse.
WBC 9.3, RBC 4.67, Hemoglobin 14.1
Platelet count 425, platelet volume 10.6
Neutrophils 6.3/ 67.8%, Lymphocytes 2.2 / 24%, Monocytes 0.5/ 5%,
Eos 0.2/ 1.8%, Basophils 0.1/ 1.2%, Immature granulocytes 0.02/ 0.2%
TSH 0.53   T3 3.82    T4 1.17

For reference, 2019 TSH w/Rflx FT4 was 1.9 (don't know if this is helpful or not)

In 2019 my AST/SGOT was low: 8. This has not been rechecked since (yet, anyway).
In 2020, ANA was normal, CRP 3
I know, these old numbers are pretty useless without updated tests.

Any insight appreciated.

(NOTE: I have multiple herniated and bulging discs. Failed SI fusion. Spinal cord stimulator implant in place since 2018 in case it's relevant)
37 Responses
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1081992 tn?1389903637
"I'm on a mission."
Perfect. I'll help you as much as I can. So many people have been here, I knock myself out replying; then they just silently go away without a word.

mastcellmaster is the Theoharides I'd mentioned. I've got another ref for you, from JAMA which is ultra *authoritative* - for mastocytosis. BRB.
Helpful - 0
Still here.
I've been recovering from trips to doctor appointments, one requiring 4 hours in the car. Pudendal nerve got very angry. That's new. I bring a foam pillow everywhere I go but this time it didn't help.

At my follow-up, Dr. resident was receptive. I asked if she's heard of MCAS and she said, "that's interesting -- I hadn't thought about that...." but then we were joined by another new attending dr. End of MC discussion.  
Introducing Dr. attending nbr 3, an Integrative Med MD. He did a quick exam but wasn't interested in looking at the spots on my back. He was very interested in GI history, previous infections/antibiotic RX and 2018 sepsis. He wanted to do a SIBO test but since no insurance he said he'll assume it is positive. We discussed drug/food allergies and sensitivities, supplements and low-fodmap.  

Flushing started during the consult, which I thought was fortunate timing.  I hadn't noticed but my legs were a bit purple/mottled red/pale as well. It stood out against several swollen pale spots from the previous day's mosquito bites. Once brought to my attention, I remembered seeing this before a few times, typically in the shower or right after. It somewhat resembled livedo reticularis -  but no lacy connections - just blotchy purple/red/pale.
Docs didn't seem concerned with it. They were focused on GI.
Does this ring any MC bells?

We briefly discussed the US. Report notes both lumps behind the left knee as either "poorly encapsulated lipomas or fat necrosis". Dr resident said, "good news, they only found the 2 lumps". I took a deep breath and gently reminded her that she only directed them to look at those 2 lumps, specifically. The pain I get at night in my legs (tearing pain, not the sciatica) is in my left arm now too. Probably another poorly encapsulated lipoma on the way...  
Of course we are leaving the lumps alone.  

So docs sent me home to wait for an email with a Tx plan. The email was headed by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I'm frustrated because the first time CFS showed up was in May after Dr. attending 2 RX Cymbalta (despite me noting previous issues with SSRI/SNRI meds). Granted, I experience some level of fatigue any given day due to poor sleep, caused by poorly controlled pain, night sweats and generally feeling crummy, but that episode from May was a new level of zombieland I hadn't experienced before.

Under CFS they noted that I have a "blown fuse" caused by burn out from major illness, multiple life stressors, surgery and sepsis/colitis from 2018 as well as gut bacteria imbalance and disrupted sleep rhythms contributing to fatigue.  They noted this is why I feel better with steroids and "your body should be making sufficient steroids internally to help you function." so I need a "reboot".

OK fine. Getting more sleep would be great and leveling out GI function would also be helpful, but that's like 8% of the issues.

For sleep, they want me to concentrate sedating meds at night and for gut bacteria imbalance I'm to continue magnesium and add Atrantil (expensive herbs) to "restore normal bacterial balance in the gut". The ingredients are peppermint, Quebracho Colorado and Horse Chestnut and it's pricey.  

Have you heard of this product?
I'd rather not spend money on something that is growing outside. I've got plenty of peppermint, spearmint and other herbs. I've got  several dried herbs and roots, including frankincense tears.

They said that later they will address the pain and headaches which they note is "pain hypersensitivity" which "amplifies pain signals in the body above & beyond what is appropriate." Down the road they want to add Vitacost Mitochondrial Energy Booster (so, vitamins and co-Q10, L-Carnitine, etc) and D Ribose and suggested I follow up with surgery & pain management.

If I find "that they are offering very little to reduce your pain, then we need to continue to look beyond biological interventions (pills, drills, injections)."

Gee, that sounds like we are entering the "it's all in your head" territory.  I'm so frustrated.
What part of "failed SI fusion", several herniated discs and disc bulges are inappropriate sources of pain?
I'm at a loss.

Does MCAS have any relationship to tooth loss? I found an old message board discussion about MC PT's teeth crumbling but IDK if this is officially recognized characteristic. Some thought it was due to the antihistamine use causing dry mouth. I've struggled with dry mouth all my life and have had a dentist or 2 tell me allergy meds can contribute. However, I have had permanent crowns just pop off, 2x in the last 5 years. The dentist said it may have been pressure from inflamed gum tissue that pushed on the crown so that the cement didn't set properly.

But, this keeps happening. I've had fillings just fall out within a year and teeth crumble. I lost a filling this week and the tooth next to that one broke. I gave up a 3 soda per day habit many years ago. I don't chew on ice or anything harder than a carrot. I use a sonic toothbrush, prescription fluoride toothpaste, brush picks, floss and a waterpik. Though I slack on flossing sometimes, at cleanings I'm usually told that I'm doing a good job of cleaning at home.  

In 2020 I had a crowned molar pulled. It crumbled so the dentist had to pull small bits out at a time and along with it he pulled pieces of my upper jaw bone. That led to several return trips to have the sharp edges trimmed, pieces of bone removed from the wound and stitches. Eventually, I wound up sterilizing tweezers and pulling out the last shards of bone myself. Anyway, I'm guessing these issues might be related?

Dx is just as important as Tx right now.
While there seems to be plenty of overlap between CFS and IBS to MC, I need to be properly and officially diagnosed so it is in my records. This is crucial or I am up a creek. No do-overs. New hearing will be scheduled soon and I need all my records up to date and accurate.

Other than bringing up MCAS again and potentially coming across as a hypo who searches Dr. Google all night, do you have any suggestions of what particular combination of symptoms would jar them from CFS? I did mention long covid but they weren't moved.  

I am not covered by the medical charity any longer so it doesn't matter if I stay with this clinic or venture out elsewhere, especially since I don't see the same Dr consistently there anyway. I ask every white coat I see if they have heard of MC. Not one has. One dr gave me the name of a new rheumatologist moving into the area but no idea if he has heard of MC either.

If I resort to cold calling from the "yellow pages", would I have more luck under rheumatologist, allergist/immunologist or endocrinologist?

You mentioned IL-1. Is this a simple blood draw? Or is this one of those special mail-across-the-country for several thousand dollars type of tests? Maybe I could ask Dr. resident/attending nbr whichever is there this week to humor me. If it's simple, and doesn't cost more than my car, and since there's no insurance company to get cranky over pre-auth, maybe this can be accomplished. From what I've read this isn't definitive but nothing is. Maybe it would be helpful -- or is that less impressive to achieving Dx?  

I keep remembering things that might be pieces to the puzzle. Moving and changing doctors didn't do me any favors in this regard. For example, I remembered around 2014 that I had a mild reaction to contrast dye. It may have been after a CT.

The reaction was mild, thought I felt light headed and nearly passed out.
Compared to anaphylaxis, I suppose everything else seems mild.  
1081992 tn?1389903637
...and long Covid might be post-viral MCAS. Hearing that might perk a curious doc's ears up.
Helpful - 0
1081992 tn?1389903637
Strawberries have fisetin, which for some seems to be a better MC stablizer than quercetin. Powders of either will have much more content than foods, though.

"today... communicate with the resident dr..."
Oh well, I wish I had known that. You won't see this before then. But I'd focus on the dermatographia (aka dermographia) and the flushing episodes, since they are more specific. Yes, MCAS can cause enlarged nodes; but so can a zillion other things. If it was me, I'd de-emphasize all investigations into nodes and/or cancer - since that is just diverting limited resources of docs' time, etc. from the real cause of your problems.

Only after discussing those 2 specifics, I'd next bring up that bad episode you had with the high histamine food - as a way of nailing down the Dx.

You also need an 'authoritative reference'. Here's a recent one, older stuff should be avoided since researchers were stumbling around. E.g., any insistence on serum tryptase testing is possibly harmful, because there are many false negatives (refrigeration is required throughout, but often not done - plus serum levels are not constant anyway).  
'Diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome: a global “consensus-2”'
The 'first author' Afrin is well known in this field, because of his talks and book. Unfortunately, that's probably not a high impact journal - but better than nothing

Just FYI, many women who are pregnant have their MCAS disappear for the duration. Other women say their CFS disappears - that's likely because their CFS is MCAS.

There's a really apt saying about MCAS patients going to doctors: Many are seen, few are recognized.
Helpful - 0
P R I N T I N G    N O W .......  thank you!
I also found this one: https://www.mastcellmaster.com/research.php  

I'm a mess. lol  Fits and spurts and still in a lot of pain so I type, lay down, return, clear the fog from my brain, then type.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Happy about the berries. Truly. And definitely will try tomatoes and everything. I'm like that. I will just be more deliberate about anything others have found to be troublesome.
I'm on a mission.
1081992 tn?1389903637
It turns out that DAO is very expensive. So here's a possibility: https://healinghistamine.com/blog/dr-joneja-natural-diamine-oxidase-for-histamine-intolerance/

Sprouts raised in the dark. (I've kept this very short since there's no indication of being read.)
Helpful - 0
Excellent. I started sprouting a few years ago and have gotten the hang of with alfalfa so I will try peas and other legumes mentioned.  
1081992 tn?1389903637
Well, comparing your photos to urticaria pigmentosa is equivocal, I guess. Maybe online photos are mainly of severe cases of UP. But keep this in the back of your mind.

How can MCs cause pigmenttion? They have mediators to stir up other cells, like melanocytes. They also can summon cells by using chemokines. Likewise they can summon and stir up fibrocytes, as with your adhesions.

"some narrow lines like a pencil mark"
burrowing mites

"The dermatologist said the discolorations were unrelated to scabies"
That made me LOL  :)

Helpful - 0
1081992 tn?1389903637
"It is almost impossible to find a curious mind. I'm grateful and cautiously optimistic. (I know, I still have lots to do) Thank you"
You are very welcome. The only way this can go badly is if you give up. So don't give up. That typically is when somebody says, "I have a doctor's appointment coming up, I'll just wait for that."

If you feel like your head is going to explode, you are doing this right :)

I only type out about a third of what I could say, because there is so much to address. So let me switch to a more clipped staccato mode, for efficiency sake. I'll leave out words like, "Well, I think maybe you possibly should..."

and instead just say, "Use quercetin capsules, you can't eat enough q containing foods. But still eat the food." It's being fast, not imperious, okay?

Your best immediate course is to immerse in a low histamine life. Check every food, and sites can disagree. Also avoid anything that inhibits making DAO, like alcohol. You should become expert, and with your mind that should be easy for you. Buy and use DAO. If this produces quick and large benefit, you will be super motivated to go on and on.

Forget everything you know about 'healthy eating' for now, your needs are separate and specific.

Liquid calories are usually best for not losing weight.

Your MCs might not like having a very full stomach, so eat frequent not large. Your MCs probably didn't like your belt pressing on the scabies on the waist, so your reaction was MORE than the dermatologist knows about.
"The role of mast cells in treatment of scabies"    1995

"sepsis in 2018"
probably MC related. Their role is to be involved in almost everything. HST makes linings (as in urinary tract, etc) more permeable, so bacteria can inadvertently get through to circulation.

"brown rice colitis diet"
probably should have been a low HST diet

"I happened to imbibe in A&W"
root beer? sucrose is excellent for peri-workout

"almost biopsy"
if you didn't get it, then great! that's good luck. unless they suspect an infection and are looking for that. but it's probably just a cyst from MCs. There was some other thing where you retained water (weight gain from systemic edema?) MCs make for capillary permeability.

"I used a butterfly closure"
your toughness is a great asset because you have to save yourself, no magical MD or PhD or ND with a magic test and magic pill is around the next corner.

"After caloric needs are met..."
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are better than 'healthy vegetables'  (unless sugar stirs up gut yeast)

"...the histamine question is even more complicated"
You might learn it well in a week.

"I absolutely love avocados"
So let's figure what is in it that is so appealing and try to maybe get that elsewhere

"oddly enough, not emptying my bladder when I should"
Probably MC's sensing the pressure but also any acidity and/or other irritants in the urine. There is such a thing as sterile cystitis and doc might Rx an Abx when there is no actual infection.
Helpful - 0
The almost biopsy turned into an ultrasound. No report yet but the images of the larger and smaller lumps are here:

My follow up is today. I hope that I can effectively communicate with the resident dr what I've learned here. She is a curious one but if attending dr nbr 2 is on site, we may be derailed. He is the "it's hormones, give her prozac" doc while the other one is open to possibilities and tests other than the Rx pad.
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