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611067 tn?1458591483

What do we have in common?

I went to Glenn Beck's "Common Sense" tour last night at a movie theater here (it was live from Missouri).  One thing that really stood out to me was Glenn saying (paraphrasing) "can't we just find the things we have in common and run with that?"  We keep giving ourselves labels of Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal and the list goes on.  But, those of us who are Americans - aren't we Americans first!?  I would say that we have more in common than we have different when it comes to the basics of freedom and the love of our country.  I can understand saying that someone has a conservative view or liberal view on things - but should that tear us apart?  I don't believe in abortion - but does that mean I can't agree with someone who does believe in abortion on other issues!?  I personally believe we have more in common than we have different.  That was Glenn's major message last night!  He also explained the history of America in such a fabulous and inspiring way - I left there feeling energized and excited to be an American - it brought tears to my eyes!   He said that if we all found the common ground we would be able to accomplish so much more than the fighting over what party is correct and better!  Because quite frankly, both parties have lost their way as far as what's best for us "the People!"  Let's get back to the basics and become accountable for our own actions and stop blaming everyone else.  I think "We The People" are just as much at fault for the problems in this country - it's never just one person (i.e., the President!).  Have we truly become a nation of people who think they are entitled to have the best of everything?  Common sense!  Just something to think about!

I'll close this post with the following:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "  

Our forefathers really had a wonderful vision for this great nation and I believe these words still mean something today!  
29 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
He is amusing isnt he and hes perceptive I like listening to him , That O Reilly gets mad yesterday he really went for a woman who thought late abortions were okay forget her name , I thought he was going to have a fit.,,.but I like him .
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Yeah! I saw it Margy! And ya know what? Personally I like the guy! I do not agree with him, but I like him the person. I do think he is a little strange acting with the tears and all, but he is intertaining to me. So, why would I bash him?  I simply think he is another misguided soul, but a funny one! I also watch O'Reilly from time to time and Hannity as well as fox.  In fact I watch cnn and cnbc and capture the rss feed as well. I like to be well balance, get the info and make my own decisions. I never was much at being a follower of anything or anyone. I think you know what I mean, right? I must say rush limbaugh is disgusting tho! Ew! Personally just cannot stand that man, fat pill popper he is!
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535822 tn?1443976780
Darn it I missed 20.20 last night so I didnt catch if they were going to do any Glen bashing,did anyone see it?
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363281 tn?1714899967
Oh, by the way, I too, listen to Hannity, Rush, and O'Reilly. I listen to Fox News only, the other channels just will NOT give the truth and it sickens me. They are so far left it is disgusting.
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363281 tn?1714899967
I think Glenn is awesome, and I feel he is "right on" on his remarks and beliefs. I would have loved to have seen him, but there was not a theater near me that carried it. I subscribe to his e-mail letter and also his "Fusion" magazine, they are great.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I have just heard from Glen Beck on his morning radio show  that they are doing a talk  about him tonight on 20. 20 sounds like it will be a fair expose, he asked his listeners to watch it. Wanted to let you know .
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No, I did not "clearly read" anything, as I am an educated woman and have an excellent command of English syntax.  I did, however, read the post clearly and I stand by my response.  It does not surprise me that you will not engage in dialogue with someone who does not share your opinions.  Thank you for taking time from your busy life to demonstrate the accuracy of my observation.
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765070 tn?1384869794
Actually jdwithhcv,

you obviously did not clearly read mikesimon's post.  But, i am not going to argue or discuss these issues regarding our country and the President.  I have better things to do with my time than to listen to such nonsense.  
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It is not a "problem" that someone listens to Hannity and Rush, nor did anybody say it was a problem.  The assertion was that it explains such listener's expressed viewpoint.  This is fair comment and I daresay many people could make a similar observation.  That you listen to Hannity and Rush also explains why a person considers an unvarnished observation about his position to be criticism.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
LOl you are so amusing... I expect you watch MNSBC avidly or Katy Curric .......no point in returning an attack ...
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765070 tn?1384869794
First of all mikesimon, what is the problem with someone listening to Hannity or Rush? You watch CNN and MSNBC and that is your right to choose what you listen to.  So, if you think that Obama is so great then you can support him but I or anyone else that does not want to support him that is our right.  He is our President but that does not mean that we have to agree with what he does.  I will not buy a GM or Chrysler and I do not really care what you have to say about it.  Basically, buying any of these types of vehicles will just be supporting the Government and the UAW.  No Thanks.  You can still buy a Ford, Lincoln or Mercury since they are American made and not owned by the government.  Just because someone chooses not to buy GM or Chrysler does not make them unamerican it just shows that they have common sense.  You can have your opinion and we can have ours but do not criticize us for having opinions when you are not being attacked for yours.  

I would prefer to be in that 21% so you can have your socialism and your 60% approval rating.  
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Utter nonsense! That's why 21% admit to being republican. Obama's approval rating is >60% and with all that "s happening to the US".
"... it has been said this President will change the Bill Of Rights. Well, that's a good source.
It has been said that cows can fly too Margy - should I look up and expect to see one.
A few nuts say a lot of stuff and none of it is ever true.
Change the Bill of Rights? Unabashed poppycock!
This is so insipid I cannot even imagine what you think or read or listen to. Yes I can - Hannity and Rush.
Thank heaven you're in that little 21%.
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535822 tn?1443976780
So much misinformation and propaganda out there now ...The media is terribly biased as the papers are, I cant believe this  is happening to the US I would have thought the People would stand up  to protect our rights,  you know, I hope it was a rumor,.but it has been said this President will change the Bill Of Rights. What happened to" Life.. Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
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Anyone turning down social security? -I mean it is socialism. Or Medicare? No one turns that down, at least not in my small world. SS has been around since the mid 30's and America somehow survived.
When I see people advocating not buying GM or Chrysler because of the bailouts I know I don't have that in common with them. I drive a 2008 Cadillac CTS and I might buy another one if my dealer can get one in - they are in demand or maybe they have no product left. I am going to queue up. Yeah, don't buy GM so it fails and more Americans lose jobs. Even if you were against the bailout does that then mean that you should boycott GM & Chrysler? I have heard that recently - I didn't like Obama so I hope he fails because that would save America.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Yes thats what we  want  definatly I agree with your take on it, and I hope it is shared by all Patriots ,I guess its his remaking story that unnerves me,and this huge rush to change everything that has made America what it is.
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765070 tn?1384869794
I think that we all want the freedom of what America is about but we all just have different decisions and ways of how to get their.   We'll that is what I want.  I just do not want America to be socialized and will fight to keep what this country was founded on.  So, That is what my take is on this.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
Okay so can you tell me any of the shared values I would like to hear what we consider they are in light of what is happening, not meaning to be contentious just wondered what you all mean...I am not wanting the same things if it means the path I think we are going ,for instance I dont want nor do I feel that America needs remaking..so sorry guys I may be out of order but I certainly dont want America remadse I came here for what it was .restoring it may be good.
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765070 tn?1384869794
I have listened to Glenn Beck and I do agree that some things he says can be out of line.  But, after he does say something wrong he will be the first one to tell you and everyone that what he had said was wrong and that he is sorry.  We all put our foot in our mouth many times but it takes a real man or woman to admit when they are wrong.  

Mikesimon and jdwithhcv,

I do absolutely agree with you that we are all wanting the same things and defintely just disagree on how to get there.  Also regarding the embracing the shared values.  
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I agree with you on that point.
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"Those comments Glenn Beck made were taken out of context..."

It is difficult to imagine what context would make those remarks anything but hateful.  However, I agree that embracing shared values is a desirable aim.
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I have listened to him quite a bit and my opinion of Glenn Beck was not hastily formed nor was it based solely on the quotes I posted.
If people like him, as they obviously do, (he does have huge audience) that's OK with me. I'm sure I like people who many here disapprove of -  to put it mildly.
I was merely making the point that I see reasonable evidence to question that his purported search for shared values is born out by his actions and speech. But, that's the way I see him and I can understand and accept that others see him differently.
Regardless of how we feel about him I agree that we should search for and embrace those values which we share. I also believe that beneath our political ideologies we are not that much different. I believe that we all basically want the same thing - we just disagree about how to get there.

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535822 tn?1443976780
Those comments Glenn Beck made were taken out of context I agree with you... for what it is worth he really tries to get people to be unified for the same good. He is a true Patriot and he is concerned about the road America is taking,  , I listen to him sometimes to get a differant view ,he has a voice and he uses his freedom of speech right to say what he believes.
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611067 tn?1458591483
I can understand that you don't like Glenn or his ideology and I honestly did not make this post hoping people would - but was hopeful that the message would at least spark some unity.  

However, if you listened to him everyday - you would know that those lines are taken out of context, especially by the media.  In fact, I read the NY Times critique of his Common Sense tour and it was the furthest thing from the truth.  It was written with such a slant that it was almost funny!  I am someone who listens every morning on my way to work and catch the replay for the last part on the way home at night.  He is NOT a hater.  He has a quirky personality and says things in jest and jokes a lot to prove a point (if people think he is serious with some of what he says they just don't listen to him everyday and that's fine - but if someone doesn't listen to him every single day or at least more regular to get to know him then how can they make judgments they know nothing about).  If I don't listen to someone who has differing ideas than me, then I certainly could not judge them or whether they are sincere or not.  So, if I choose not to listen to someone that others find enlightening - I would not be able to comment as I would not take what the media would say about that person until I listened to them myself and then I would form my own opinions.    

I do not agree with everything he says, but I sure do agree we need to stand united and not divided.  That was the whole purpose of this thread.  I'm thankful that you agree with the idea of looking at what we have in common. I personally believe that when Americans choose to stand united on the things they agree on - we are a formidable force!  :)

Have a great day!  

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If Glenn Beck said that we should strive to find and explore what we have in common then I agree with him. I do not have any respect for what I have seen from him so this comes as a surprise. Here are a few quotes from a guy saying we should focus on what we have in common.
     * Every night I get down on my knees and pray that Dennis Kucinich will burst into flames.” (2003)

    * "I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it." (2005)

    * "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." (2005)

    * “The only Katrina victims we’re seeing on television are the scumbags.” (2005)

    * “Let me tell you something, there ain’t nothing better than looking at a hot, naked chick.” (2006

   * “I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.”
    ~ Glenn Beck on why people who lost their homes in 2007 forest fires in California had it coming

I don't think he's principled, intelligent or funny but he definitely is financially successful and I believe money is the motivating force for all of his material.
Even though I distrust his sincerity I do agree that we should indeed look for what we have in common. Beck just isn't one of those things.

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