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535822 tn?1443976780

your guys to Afganistan

Okay we yelled at Bush , me too, when our troups wre sent to Iraq and kept there, , but so is it okay they now be sent tro Afganistan, so why is it so differabnt and how much is this going to cost..
31 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
Congrats Lizzy and welcome back you have dragged up an old thread of mine ....LOL LOl ...
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my husband spent 9 months in iraq. 2 hours..just TWO HOURS after he got to iraq his caravan was in a roadside bomb and his friend who was attached to the unit with him was killed. after only TWO HOURS there. he's actually thinking about resigning and going back. of course the kiddos and i will be going with him but.....yeah.
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712964 tn?1287076618
hey yall i thought for sure i was gonna get shipped off but thank god we didnt my company got mixed up so we werent schedualed to go till may but unfortunently i couldnt go im on medical leave im 2 months pregnant i just have to look forward to being shipped off afterwards :(
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THANK YOU for fighting for our country. I will keep you in my thoughts n' prayers.
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712964 tn?1287076618
i know how yall mean im being shipped out in 2 weeks im with the South Carolina National Guard im afraid but i will fight but its for a great cause to fight for the country for which i love the USA
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585414 tn?1288941302
  I would agree that there weren't any terrorist attacks in the United States during that time. I wouldn't say that was neccessarily because of George Bush. There were terrorist attacks in other parts of the world. They had attacked us and had other agendas in mind. Also I have never refered to George Bush as "evil". Misguided? Yes. Thinking of the oil industry over America in Iraq? Yes. That's not "evil". That's just a shrewd and corrupt businessman whose family is well connected with the oil industry.
     However, I know some people respect George Bush. Oliver North was involved in the Iran Contra scandal. He betrayed America completely. I was a young person when that happenned and I well remember it. I'm sure Oliver North will continue to visit the mideast and be involved in corrupt dealings there. George Bush avoided active duty in Vietnam so honestly I can say I respect McCain more. I may not agree with him but at least he is sincere in his principles, fought for our country was captured and tortured in prison. I'd feel wrong putting him down for that.
   The economy won't "take care of itself'. I can't say Obama is doing the right thing but I would not say a reccession will end automatically. The economy is our nation's number 1 priority. Ask anyone who is out of a job. Fighting terrorism is essential but we must defend our country to the point where its safe and then back out. There are corrupt dictators all over the world. I did vote for Obama but I'm not going to automatically agree with him. I respect him as a president but I don't assume he'll do the right thing. I honestly don't know if sending this amount of troops to Afghanistan is right or wrong. Time will tell. Remember the goal of terrrorists is to instill fear in Americas and make us believe that they have much power and that we could be attacked by them at any time. In actuality they are a bunch of ragtag anarchists and thugs but the more we inflame the situation in the mideast the more power we give them. The network of Al-Qaeda only increased when Bush invaded Iraq. Now its worldwide. If we spend that much of our lives thinking about terrorists and what they'll do then in some de facto sense we've let them win. They aren't from one nation, have no boundaries, no fear of death and no sense of morality and will spread hatred and despotism the more people give them publicity. Maybe its time to put the fire out. For good...
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My post was addressed to "Plateletgal".  She mentioned that President Bush "was never out of the country before he became president".  I simply pointed out that he had been to other countries before he became president.  THAT was my point. As for what Bush was doing there I could careless, just as I could careless why Obama visited Pakistan in 1981.  However, I do care that Obama during the primaries only once went to Iraq to visit our troops while Mc Cain went there 5 times during the primaries.  Colonel Oliver North who was not running for office and is retired from the military spent more than one Christmas without his family because he wanted to spend Christmas with the troops in Iraq.  That is how much  Colonel North and McCain respect our military.  Colonel Oliver North also made numerous trips to Iraq, and will continue doing so.

When Obama was in Berlin he didn't even have the decency to visit our wounded troops at Landstuhl.  At the Pentagon's website or was it the DOD website I do not remember Obama was told that they would welcome him at Lanstuhl but he could not bring any photographers.  Obama decided not to go, he had better things to do I guess.

Time will tell!  He has to earn the trust of our troops, and he knows it, he even admitted it.

Time will tell what he will do for our active duty, retired military, Veterans and disabled Veterans.  

Time will tell what he will do if and when we god forbid should get attacked again.  Keep in mind Bush kept us save for over 7 yrs.  The "evil" one as so many call him kept us from evil.

I hope that he will keep us save.  The economy will take care of itself, but if we get attacked again all the bailing out wont mean anything should the attack be larger than the last time or as in nukes.

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585414 tn?1288941302
First of all people who compare Bush to Hitler are people I wouldn't take seriously. Yes I am liberal but I'd never compare a president of the United States to perhaps one of the most evil dictators in history. Again Obama incorporated not just the secretary of defense but many of the staffers in the Bush administration from the armed forces. He respects their decision and is willing to negotiate. Now as for those countries you listed Bush visited what specifically is your point? What did he do there? All of those countries are our allies. They could be visited for a vacation, public relations, etc. Trying to figure out what you are trying to point out. Yes McCain was more of a hawk so of course he's prefered among the military but Obama did incorporate many of them into the current government which is a historical rarity. I believe that shows he is a negotiator and whatever one's political perspective that gives me more respect for him in itself.
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Just wanted to point out how most of our military people feel about Bush and Mc Cain compared to Obama since so many Civilians think that Bush is evil, Hitler, war monger, and the list goes on and on and on.  

You need to do some research about which countries President Bush has visited BEFORE he became president:

QUOTE: According to Bush staffers, George W. Bush had visited these countries
before becoming President:


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750172 tn?1256147076
I agree completely with you all.  It's time to start looking at our troops.  I know many friends who signed up for National Guard to get their schooling paid for that are now over in Iraq.  NEVER do I hear them grip or complain about what they're doing for our country.  They just want to come home!!!  I personally think we need to start focusing on those who are part of our country (our troops).  They will be the ones suffering long-term consequences of this war!!!  
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I'm not sure why this is relevent or what this has to do with the war in Iraq or Afghanistan ????
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But 68% of our military in an ANONYMOUS Poll said that they would vote for McCain.  

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The Bush administration has known all along where Bin Laden was hiding... this is nothing new. A few months ago, an elite officer who served in Afghanistan questioned a decision made by his superiors (and probably George W. Bush). They knew where Bin Laden was... but this officer was told to not go ahead with the mission in an attempt to kill Laden.

source: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/02/60minutes/main4494937.shtml

We shouldn't criticize our commander-in-chief for "lack of experience", especially when Bush hardly served (AWOL) and considering the fact that Bush had never been out of the country until after he became president. Obama never supported Bush's war in Iraq and that was a wise decision.

What I'm concerned about is the troops. After 5 1/2 years.... they are exhausted and I'm concerned about their mental status. You know how many soldiers have killed themselves because of PTSD ? Many of these soldiers aren't comfortable with discussing their mental health status with their commanders. I agree with HelpinUtah.... despite our political differences, we need to support these brave men and women who are fighting for our country !  
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611067 tn?1458591483
Personally, I believe that when Obama was briefed on the middle east - that's when he changed his tune.  We aren't sitting in the oval office hearing all the real details!  But, what's interesting is that experts say they think Bin Laden is actually hiding in Pakistan - so where do we go?  Some others say they think Bin Laden has died by now - kidney or liver problems?  So, who knows at this point.  

I do feel badly for our boys and girls who have died, suffered from the wars, but I'm thankful that they were willing to serve their country.  They are brave men and women!  I'm proud of them and whether you agree with the wars or not - they are to be honored for their service!  
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Time will tell, we'll see.  Its now leaning toward 23 months.  Obama who never wore the uniform should pay attention at General Petreaus and others who are actually in theater.  I know, I know he is our commander in chief,  with no experience.... except for  communtiy organizer and a few short year as a Senator which he spent most of the time campaigning. THAT is what scares me.

We'll see one year from now if Guantanamo Bay will be closed, and 16 months from now if all of our troops have been withdrawn from Iraq and sent back to the U.S. and not sent to Afghanistan instead.  They need 30.000 troops in Afghanistan, so far Obama agreed to send 17.000 from the States, where do you think the other 13.000 will come from?  There will be re-routed from Iraq to Afghanistan IMO.

We'll see, if I am wrong I will admit that I was wrong, but I am not holding my breath.

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Your post is nothing but assumptions. I will just address your first assumption that Obama cannot withdraw troops from Iraq in 16 months.  Just last month Obama spoke with military leaders and asked them to draw up plans for a responsible U.S. troop withdrawl from Iraq.

In early February (source below), Obama drew criticism from a couple of generals because he wanted to keep his pledge to withdraw all troops from Iraq in 16 months.

Obama is smart. He has already stated that if the situation in Iraq changes, then he will have to go back to the drawing table and come up with another plan. But as it appears now, our troops will be home from Iraq in 16 months.


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I've always supported sending more troops to Afghanistan. Of course I never supported the unjust war in Iraq, because it was quite obvious the real enemies and the real threat was along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border.  I'm not sure if people have been keeping up to date on the latest in Afghanistan, but we have no choice to get involved.  Pakistan has been giving into the Taliban recently and actually making deals with them !  In Afghanistan, the Taliban is trying to take over again and we cannot let that happen.

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495284 tn?1333894042
I still think they should of put Bush on one camel and Bin Laden on another and they should of met in the middle of the desert.............
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585414 tn?1288941302
Actually of course we did try to invade Cuba in 1961 and it was a disaster. The Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis brought us to the brink of a nuclear war. Anyway, Castro may be a despot in his own country but he hasn't ordered the deaths of thousands of innocent people around the world. And he is not president of Cuba anymore and will likely die soon. He is no longer of any importance. My main concern is the extension of the war from Afghanistan into Pakistan which does have nuclear arms and is making peace treaties in local areas with the Taliban. Its very hard for me to say because I support pulling the troops out of Iraq in the time frame Obama named but I can't say what's right to do as regards Afghanistan. We can't abandon the fight against terrorism but we can't put innocent American lives at risk. Anyway, in carrying over the same secretary of defense from the Bush administration Obama made it clear he would carry on the same agenda and from what I believe the generals requested more troops in Afghanistan. I certainly don't want to see more American lives lost (or innocent lives on the other side) but I can't say what is the right thing to do.
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203342 tn?1328737207
Sounds like a politician to me. Should we be surprised? They all make promises they don't or can't keep. We just have to wait and see what happens, I guess. He is our president for at least the next four years.
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When Obama was running for Prez he told the people what he thought they wanted to hear, but now he is the President and a different wind is blowing.

For example while he was campaigning he promised that he will withdraw our troops from Iraq within 16 months -  this will never happen and he already hinted it real strong that this is not possible.

Guantanomo Bay he will close in one year -  again, it will never happen because he doesn't even know where to put these terrorists.  Europe does not want them, Europe who screamed the loudest about how we "mistreat" these "innocent" detainees.  Nobody wants them not even Ft. Leavenworth.  "Signing" to have Gitmo closed and actually "deliver it" are two different pair of shoes.  Talk is cheap!

Obama is not doing anything different than Bush when it comes to the wars.  Except for kissing a.... on Al Arabya.  What did that get him?  Criticism from the muslim world including Iran that what Obama did on Al Arabya showed a "sign of weakness".  They hate us, we are the infidals, and no matter what Obama does or says will not make a difference or change their (radicals) hate for us.  Bin Laden's #2 man already called Obama all kind of names and criticized him for "leaving his muslim faith".

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203342 tn?1328737207
What I don't get is why we didn't do this to begin with. We should have been actively searching for Bin Laden since he first attacked us. I don't think we ever should have gone in to Iraq.
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535822 tn?1443976780
So guys is it okay under the new President that we send a few thousand troops back to what we were  protesting about ,what is the differance now betwen Obama doing this and  Bush...Maybe I am missing something enlighten me please.
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