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I am a 53 year old woman who had last period March 2008...
Just a few months ago I started getting severe hip and lower back pain...Could this be related to
menopause or would these symptoms have started right away?
Thank you do any advice...
24 Responses
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This is so strange. I'm 53 also had my last period April 2008. I just returned from the dr. with the same complaint, still don't know what it is. If you find out anything PLEASE let me know would greatly appreciate it.
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HI...I dont know whats going on!  I do have a very good Dr who said it might
be tied into Sciatic pain..He sent me to a Chiro...He is very good..I dont trust alot
of them but this Dr is with a Major League Baseball team..the pain has not
gone away, but has not lasted as long during the day...When I get an
Epidural Steroid injection the pain goes away...I would see if you can also
find a really great Pain Mgmt Dr for that..Lets stay in touch!
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Sounds good to me.  You can chat with me anytime i would enjoy that.
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Also, what meds are you taking?  If you arent taking Tramadol, you should try it.
And of course, nothing like the good ole heating pad or laying in a float at the pool
I alternate heat and cold and it seems to help!
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Hi! I take Wellbutrin and xanax Ihave anxiety really bad to go along with my menopause. Isn't that just great. What is tramadol?
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458072 tn?1291415186
have you had a dexa scan? The hip pain could be osteopenia. You really should get one to rule this out or to begin treatment if needed.

Tramadol is just a bandaid, that conceals the real problem.
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Tramadol is jsut a bandaid...I wish there was something else but I have had every
possible test and they cant find anything, so of course it has to be fibro,,,
I jsut cant believe everytime someone has unexplaned pain, thats what they say
now...I have also started a new muscle relaxer at night..Amrix..But, mornings are
still miserable...I go for my 3rd Epidural steroid injection today which gives me
such relief...Its a bandaid too, but gives relief that keeps me going while I continue
to fin out what the heck is wrong with me! Of course, Im a woman so most DR's
thinks Im just depressed, have anxiety ot Im depressed..AAgggggh!
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458072 tn?1291415186
I am so sorry you are in such misery. I know what that is like, when it just goes on and on.

BTW, did you have a dexa scan to rule out osteopenia? Oh, and I know what you mean about being a woman. I am seeing a female and she is no better. I think they get some kind of complex and just don't listen.

I hope you feel better.
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I really hate to use the "Im a woman" card, but its so true in medicine.
I just came back from my Steroid injection and the relief is so wonderful
I did see a Rhuemy months ago but he spent 5 minutes with me and said "fibro"..
Not going to see him anymore...I have appointment with new one early August
and hopefully she will order a dexa scan, but I think mine is nerve related for
some reason....Thanks for caring!
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458072 tn?1291415186
I know what you mean about the woman thing. Get this, I am seeing a dr that is a female, and she is just as terrible as the men that I have seen. I sure hope she gets a good dose of this mess so she can hopefully get a bit more compassion.  I saw her today, and she is just horrible. Does not like it when you ask questions, just wants you to walk in there, take what she gives and get out.

Anyway, the reason I suggested a dexa scan is because osteopenia has as a main symptom hip pain. Hope that is not what it is, but maybe you can get the scan.

Hope it works out for you.
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I had my 3rd steroid epidural shot yesterday...My legs were weak all day but
not lower back or hip pain yesterday to today when I woke up..If feels great..
I know it doesnt last, but liek I said, it sure gives you a breather..I hope you
guys get practive and get rid of Dr's that are not nice to you and dont respect you.
Have the tests you need, and if they come back negative, pleae find a reallly
great Pain Managment Dr in your area...You can probably call the hospital nearest
you and they should have one, and if not, ask your DR or just Google..
Dont spend as much time as I did going from Dr to Dr..It just gets you even more
depressed...Talk to your gyno too and rule out things like fibroid or ovarian cysts
by getting an ultra sound....Something in that area can also cause pain..
Keep in touch!
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So glad to hear that you are feeling better if only it last a few days. Hey it is well worth it to just have a few days with no pain. I don't care what you have to do to get it. Alot of women go through this -------- with no problems then there is  the fortunate ones like us that has it all. The lucky ones LOL. Well keep in touch hope you continue to feel better.
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Hey Sassy...Have you noticed that you have a "flare" after being upset..?
My hips and legs really flare after a bad day at work or home issues..
If you do, maybe its tied into nerves like I think mine is...Another good pill that
I take when I have really bad pain is Combunox...Its part opiod part antiinflammatory.
You might give it a try...It doesnt knock you out too bad, and helps alot..
Not someting you should take all the time..I did have to go back to Dr today
cause my legs are still weak...He wants me to see a Physical Therapist again.
So, Ill go because he is about the only Dr I actually trust..
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Sorry it has taken me so long to get back with you. I work as a waitress and somedays it really gets the best of me. Hope you are doing well today. Ok have a good day and will talk to you later.
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594293 tn?1222655980
Have you been checked for endometriosis?  I have heard that can cause a lot of pain in places like your lower back.  Worth getting an ultrasound I would say.
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Hi, I know this post is much later but I have been experiencing the same type pain and mine even goes into my buttocks especially on left side.  Had to postpone my Dexa
scan for today because of bad weather.  Will schedule it after I have my
d&c on Feb 24.  No insurance and bills have been mounting up between  CT scans
medications  MRI etc. etc.  I am  just wondering if it is tied into decreasing hormones in
body.  I will be 63 in March.  Take care- Belva
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Hello All,  I came across this post while searching for solutions to my similar pains.  I'm turning 50 next month.  I had a hysterectomy in Feb 2006.  The year following was great.  I was working out, lost about 15 to 20 lbs and things were going great.  I slowed down with the winter weather, as a lot of us do, and got busy with lots of business coming in.  By Sept 2007 I started having hip pain that was so excruiating that after my doctor won't see me I went to my OB Gyn.  She ordered a pelvic MRI.  It only showed mild disk degeneration which they said was normal for my age.

By March 2008 I started trying to get back on track with walking and added a little bit of running.  A couple of day later I started having pain above my right knee which radiated up my right side and into my hip.  My new doctor sent me to a Orthopedic Specialist whose only goal it seems is to be to collect an office fee and bill the insurance company.  He said he could do nothing for me.  He stated I had a condition which was normal for my age.  There goes that word again, Your Age.  Wow I was only 47+!  What was 50 going to bring?  After months of knee and hip pain I finally had my family doctor send me to another Orthopedic doctor who was retiring but saw me once before doing so.  He finally prescribed physical therapy.  I also, have budging disk in my neck so I had them incorporate both issues in the physical therapy.  2 months with Lucia and I felt like a new woman again.  I fell off the wagon and have put on more weight.  I began walking and got back on weight watchers on my own this past week.  I already see the difference in my energy.  I also take Women's One A day, weight Smart with energy.  My mom suggested it and Lord what a difference.

I see that the pain is more than likely associated with Peri Menopause which my OB Gyn informed me I'm in last year. Even though she did leave my right fillopian tube.  I was told by a couple of older women that even in their 70's their still going through menopause symptoms.  These women weren't working out though.  If you can do any form of exercise, even if its stretching you may find that you will get some relief.  I love swimming but don't have the time to drive across town to do it like I want.  Treadmill, not good at that but I have one love walking outside.  I bought a Wii with Wii Fit and am trying to stay motivated.
I'm sick of medicine and since Phyiscal Therapy and continued streching  I was able to get rid of the many pain pills the doctors kept handing me.  I run my own business and can't nap everyday like one doctor suggested.

Get motivated and motivate someone else along the way.


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Thanks for the post.  It's good to hear how others are dealing with this.  

I'm 45 and have been in peri-menopause since 38.  Since last fall I've been having hip pain, mainly on my right side.  It seemed to come and go whenever I ovulated.  Now it is nearly constant.  It is not at the point of being debilitating but it is annoying.  It feels more like a sore muscle.  Other than that, I'm generally healthy, eat well, slender and get about 30 min of walking on most days.  I can't figure out what the cause is other than hormonal changes and working in a cubicle on a computer for too many years.  

Like you, I find great relief from excercise and stretching.  I've started doing yoga and hip stretching exercises.  It helps a lot!  And interestingly enough, I've started taking Belly dancing classes and feel so much better after all the hip movements.  The pain comes back but exercise can bring relief for several hours.  I prefer to not use medicine to relieve symptoms unless it is absolutely necessary.
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I came across this post while searching for answers to my many symptoms and issues and I feel compelled to share my situation that is so very similar.  I am 46 years old and I went into full menopause 3 years ago.  About 6 months ago, i started experiencing hip pain that has continued to progress to severe limping most days.  I also have scoliosis and have had on/off SI joint pain and sciatica in the other leg for the last 10 years.  I assumed the hip pain may be connected to spinal misalignment.  I began seeing an orthopedic spine surgeon 2 months ago.  He ordered an MRI and Xrays and confirmed I had scoliosis (which I told him was diagnosed 10 years ago), spinal stenosis and bone spurs (that's new), but he didn't think that was causing the problem, so he referred me to a hip specialist.  He said I have some hip displasia but I'm too old to have any corrective treatment for it.  He prescribed steroid injection in my hip joint which I got 2 weeks ago.  Well, that helped the hip joint but now I have worse pain in my thigh and above in my entire pelvic area.  Some days I feel like I'm going to collaspe if I'm trying to walk more than 20 feet.  I'm not sure if this is connected to all the back and hip pain, but strangely I started menstruating heavily 2 days ago (remember I'm 3 years into menopause without periods).  This is all getting very scary.  It seems the doctors can't seem to connect the dots and treat the whole person.  Can anyone suggest a medical professional that would look at all my symptons to start pinpointing a diagnosis?  My family doctor has been quite useless in all this.

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This doc publishes a good newsletter:
Here is another website with some resources, have not tried their program yet but free emails are good and it seems worth checking out:

Hope it helps, good luck to you.
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I start with the severe hip pain at 50.5yrs. old when I started noticing per-men. symptoms.  The pain was so bad that I could only walk a 1/2 a block.  I was and have been on pain meds for years for chronic pain d/t fibromyalgia and mixed connective tissue disorder but my usual meds just stopped working!  
I tried the injections and they were expensive and didn't do anything.
Now 2 years later I'm still suffering, plus have GI issues too.  The only thing that seems to help on a balanced, daily basis is to change my diet and consume UltraInflax (a medical food you mix with liquid to make a smootie).  It contains lots of good anti-inflammatory natural ingredients like turmeric.  Plus stop eating all wheat gluten and gluten containing products.  You may also need to stop all diary since it increases inflammation in the body.
It's a daily deal but what else can we do?  Hope for the best and look forward to those few good moments of no pain, anixety, sweats, and fatigue.
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I will be 53 in Dec. and am still menstruating regularly. I have been experiencing muscle aches and pains in my shoulders, neck, back, and hips & buttocks for a few years that come and go and move around on me. They have gotten much worse in the past few months or so. My hips and lower back especially hurt, and it's worse first think in the morning. Stretching and walking help to relieve the pain & stiffness. I've been prone to tendonitis in my elbows during this period too, along with knee pain. All these aches and pains would come and go and move around my body. Recently, I also began experiencing weird sensations in my legs and tingling sensations in my feet. Blood test revealed I was low in vitamin D and I'm now on a vitamin D supplement for that. I still have pains in my hip, buttocks, and lower back however. I just got two periods back to back with only about 5 days between. Normally I had been very regular with the monthly periods. My hormones must be really screwed up right now and maybe that's why I'm having all these aches and pains, mild headaches, and weird muscular sensations. I feel basically, icky! I've read hormone fluctuations can cause all kinds of different symptoms including aches and pains in muscles and joints. I've also read you can get a simple blood test to see where your hormone levels are. I haven't had success at my family doctor over these body aches and pains, etc. so, I'm headed to my gynecologist. Maybe I can get a better understanding about all these symptoms from her and see if all this is related to the hormone changes during menopause. I also have breast & nipple pain that comes and goes. I tire much easier now than I used too. If it's menopause, I can't wait to get through it! I thought when you stopped menstruating altogether that all these symptoms would be over with, but from what I'm reading from many of you that it may continue despite the ending of periods. But is that because of hormone replacement treatment I wonder? I do not want to take any hormone replacements if at all possible. I just want to get through this and be done with it! I'm thin and small boned. I recently had a bone density test and it was normal which I'm thankful for especially since I've been low in vitamin D which is needed to absorb calcium. My hip area gets so sore and I wish I knew why and what to do to correct it.
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I checked this site because I have been experience lower back and buttock pain, left side, too.  I am 55 going through menopause.  I see a chiropractor regularly but am wondering if I shouldn't have some other tests.  
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I KNOW IT IS  a couple years late..but i am 58 and experiencing the exact same thing....back pain and left hip pain...post menopausal on bhrt so i am taking some estrogen...but i am thinking it may be not enough...anyone have any updates.....already had a cat scan with contrast that showed nothing because the pain actually started oddly on the right side of stomach. Went to gyn that did a ultrasound vaginally and saw nothing but some calcification  in uterus very small and he said that wouldnt cause it.....sometimes i also get face ticks.....one dr said i was mildly low in potassium which can cause pain...ANYONE CHECK POTASSIUM LEVELS.....before all this i was on the keto diet and lost ten pounds in 2 mths.....
I don't think mildly low potassium causes pain. Mine has been mildly low before and I tended to get foot cramps (and still do sometimes) but don't recall any other physical discomfort or pain.
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