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Anabolic Steroids question

I have taken anabolic steroids in the past and have never had any major side effects.  I never took really high doses and never stayed on for more than 8-10 weeks at a time.  I also never took more than one cycle per year.  I get my blood tests run before and after each cycle to make sure everything checks out.  I have even asked my doc what he thought about it and he said that he wasn't too concerned as long as I was smart about it.  What is your take on 30 year old men taking moderate doses of AAS if they are responsible about it?
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OK, first let me comment on the Lyle Alzado reference.  No credible doctor will tell you that his steroid abuse contributed to his tumor because it didn't.  Lyle Alzado and his family are the ones who insisted that steroids caused his illness.  They failed to mention that he abused every drug under the rainbow and even particpated in homosexual acts to pay for his drug addiction.  His type of tumor is foud mostly in patients that are HIV positive and many believe that was the true cause of his death.  Lyle Alzado was one of thousands of athletes to take AAS over the years, and he seems to be the only one to develop this type of brain tumor.  The media and his family were the ones pushing the abuse of AAS as the cause.  His own doctor would not admit that steroids had anything to do with his death.  

Next...I did watch Morgan Spurlock's piece on TV.  It was interesting, but not completely relevant.  First hgh is a different beast altogether.  Yes, your testes stop producing your natural sperm level after about 2 weeks, but as long as you take the proper precautions and don't stay on for a ridiculous amount of time, they will start producing sperm at their natural levels.  Many usuers take a drug clomid after their cycle to help kickstart their natural production of testosterone.  Think of all the pro bodybuilders who completely abuse AAS for years, but still have no problem having kids.  

It can have an effect on your liver, but you can easily combat this by taking legal liver and kidney protectants and by getting your blood levels done regularly.  Spurlock did not do this.  I have actualy had my lipids and liver function improve while on a mild cycle.  His documentary did show that taking steroids is less harmful that eating fast food like McDonald's everyday, but Congress and the media aren't cracking down on fat people in line for a Big Mac are they?

Roid rage is a bit of a farse in my opinion.  I compare it to alcohol rage.  If you think you are a bad ass and you drink half a case of beer, you probably are going to think you are a bigger bad ass.  This may lead to you trying to pick or fight or acting like a fool, but nobody calls it "beer rage" they just call it acting stupid.  Same thing with steroids...I will admit that it does make you feel more aggressive.  Any raised levels of testosterone will do that, but it doesn't make you into a raging mad idiot unless you were someone of a raging mad idiot to begin with.  I realized this because I bought into roid rage whe I was younger and took a cycle.  Truth be told, I was immature, hot-headed and had no business taking steroids in the first place.  It was people like me that gave steroids a bad name because I wasn't aware of the precautions I should have been taking.  When I got older and took a cycle, I somehow never felt any of this rage, probably because I was more mature and level headed.  That is why I would never recommend anyone under the age of about 25 to ever take a cycle.

You're right hard work is the way to go and for most people, that is enough, but I never wanted to look like most people.  I don't want to be obesely huge, but I wanted to push my natural limits.  In the past, I have never taken more than one cycle in a year.  The rest of the year I bust my ass to maintain the results I have gained.  That's why taking a moderate cycle for a short period of time is the best way to go.  Too many people want to gain 30 lbs in a year, but don't realize that their body can never support that type of gain naturally once they come off their cycle.  They end up injuring themselves or going into depression because they lose 90% of the weight they just gained.  I usually try to put on about 10lbs of lean muscle mass during a cycle, because that is easier to maintain once I come off.  I also never try to lift much heavier when on a cycle, even though I could, because the added testosterone will make your muscles stronger, but have little effect on ligaments and tendons.  This can lead to major injuries.

For GAGirl...
I would be bothered by the fact that he lies or hides this from you more than I would that he is taking steroids.  My wife doesn't like me taking steroids, but I always have her go to the doctor with me to get my blood levels done so she can ask the doctor any questions she wants.  I never lie to her about it, and I told her I would quit forever if she provided me a solid reason supported by factual evidence of why I shouldn't take them.  In the meantime, I provide her with medical research supporting the claim that AAS, if done properly, is no more harmful that eating red meat for most people.  If you would like, I can point you to a fitness forum that includes many members of all genders and ages that have and that are currently taking AAS.  They would be more than happy to answer any questions/concerns you may have based on their own experiences.  Just so you know, steroids are not chemically addictive like cigarretes are.  They are addictive in the way they can make you feel and look.  You don't have withdrawals like you do other drugs, but some go into depression because they can't stand not looking or feeling a certain way.  Similar to the way anorexics see themselves as fat no matter how skinny they get, some people see themselves as small no matter how big they are.
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93532 tn?1349370450
I see you have researched and provided some interesting information, but just as you claim no solid evidence exists for not using it, I can follow up with many reputable sites that will not support its use. Just as with most things in life, there are two opposing sides, both making arguments for or against.

I would have to say that your wife's opposition to it should be enough. She should not have to provide you with evidence you would no doubt brush off anyway. Her desire for you to stop should be enough of a reason to stop. And do not discount psychological addiction as any less significant than physical addiction.

I do hope in time you can find peace with the body you were blessed with and spend less time trying to justify the use of steroids. Focus less on your perceived image of a perfect body and more time focusing on the things you do like about yourself without having to supplement it.

I know a man who is nearly 60 years old who lifts weights daily, benches 400lbs, and who has maintained his physique without the use of anything other than increased calories and protein. His body rivals most 20 years olds, and he has done it all on his own. His kids see his accomplishments as a product of his determination and they know that there is no quick fix.

I really do wish you the best of luck. I would love to continue this banter, but I sense that I could put thousands and thousands of studies down in front of you and you would refuse to see the results as conclusive or valid. Once someone has their mind made up, it cannot be changed. And that is not my job here, it is not up to me to change your mind.

Good luck,
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I apprediate your reply andij78.  I have consulted with multiple doctors.  In fact, my father is a surgeon.  Now, being his son, he doesn't like the idea.  Some doctors have felt the same way even though none of them could say why other than the fact that there is too much unknown about any long term effects of AAS due to the lack of studies regarding the subject.  The doctor I have now, doesn't think I need AAS, but he does admit that he doesn't feel that I am much as long as I talk proper precautions like using moderate doses for short periods of time and getting by blood tests done a few times per year. I have taken the real thing in the past. Herbal supplements are a poor substitute and cause many of the same short term effects.

I am not a small guy and have been bodybuilding for about 8 years.  I am 5'9" and weighed about 140lbs when I started to get into weight lifting and bodybuilding.  I now weigh about 200lbs and don't really want to gain much more weight.  I may never take any AAS again, but I like to have discussions with people who know a little about the subject to hear what they think.  AAS has been around since the 1940s, so it is nothing new.  Athletes have been using this stuff for decades and still little is known about any long term effects. There are some short term effects, but most of these are only temporary if done properly.  Thanks again for the post.
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93532 tn?1349370450
I guess the one name that pops into my head anytime I hear of or think about steroids is Lyle Alzado (sp) long term use in his younger years contributed to his brain tumor. Hey, I may be a girl, but I was raised on drag racing and the NFL ; )

I know you weren't too fond of the TV reference, but did you ever get a chance to watch Morgan Spurlock's show, 30 days? He did one with a gentleman in his 30's-40's who wanted that fountain of youth. He found a doc willing to work with him and under the supervision of many fitness and medical professionals, did a cycle of testosterone and hgh for 30 days. In a very short amount of time, his sperm count went from extremely high to nonexistent, liver function started failing and within a week you could actually see the 'roid rage taking hold. It is very scary to see something like that happen in such a short amount of time.

Be cautious about it, if you don't have children yet, continued use could impact your ability to do so in the future. And if you do have children, also think about the example you are setting. Hard work and dedication are the paths to achieve your goals. Adding any type of supplements, anabolic or otherwise, are short term fixes. They may give you a boost for a short while, but in the end YOU need to work hard, right : )

I appreciate your candor on this subject. As someone else mentioned, you never know who will be the one to fall as a result of their usage of steroids.

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93532 tn?1349370450
I would go about finding information as if it were any other drug addiction. Start calling around to treatment centers and see if any of them offer help with steroid use. If that doesn't work, contact your doctor or a doctor who may have some experience in that area. I am not sure if Sports Medicine would be any help, but they may be able to point you in the right direction.

I hope you can find some help for your husband. Who knows when that shorter fuse could escalate into something more.

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Can anyone that has posted here help me out ... I have busted my husband 5 or 6 times in the last yr taking steroids. Each time he says he is quitting....he dosent. He is not violent....but our relationship changes drasticaly. I just dont know enough about this...and guess I need to learn more. His "rage" is more getting made at me and the kids faster...and he is very quite. I just am not sure what to do...let it go? Any info would be great...Thanks!
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