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Low sperm motility. what should I do? please help!

I just found out that my husbands Sperm Motility is low.
We tried to concieve on our own for 12 months..nothing happened. So I went to the doctor and she sent me for all sorts of test(blood,ultrasounds,and they checked my tubes for blockage) everything was normal-good. so the doctor said I have no problems. My husband went for semen analysis and the doctor called yesterday and said that we need to go see her because my husbands sperm motility is low. I'm scared of what the doctor is going to tell us next week. is she going to tell us we can't concieve? has anyone been in this position before? what should I expect? is there other methods of concieving? Please help I'm really stressed by this news.
Thank You,

25 Responses
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same problem, wat medication to take
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Hello I am 32 years old male. I have been trying to start a family for sometimes now but no avail, recently I took semen analysis test report as follows:
Sperm concentration motility: 58 M/ml
Rapid progressive : (a+b)=32(31-34).
Slow progressive: (a+b+c)=40(38-42).
Morphology: Poor Morphology 4% (3-4).
      Please let me know if there is any chance of having baby through IVF or ICSI?
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hey i read few people stories and i dont know but i hate myself for this  i am 25 years old and i had relationship with 6 gals and all 6 are my x gf and i made love with every 1 twice and got 2 see every 1 became preg n none of them wanted 2 keep child :( and they got abortion done :( and i hate being in relationship and stop trusting in girls.i decided i wont marry any 1 in my life but recently i met this female in a pub she was around 36 and her husband is in merchant navy so he was on leave for  6 months so they tried for 3 years and they found that his husband sperm count is low. And one day she invited me for a party and i dont knw what was there in the drink i felt i was drugged and next day morning i was sleeping at her house naked.I was shocked i dint knw wat to do and i left her place and i changed my number and i dont know today i got a call from unknown number saying that i am father of 2 babies she is blessed with twince one side i cant believe n i still dont remember wat happened that night and diz call made me sleepless
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Help me in this how can i increase my motility i am too much worried

Sperm motility
A. Total progressive 10%
A.1  Excellent Forward 0%
A.2  Good forward 0%
A.3  Sluggish forward             10%

B. Non progressive 90%

Sperm Morphology
Normal forms total 80%
Abnormal Form 18%
Head 08%
Tail 4%
Neck 6%

Microscopic Examination

Immature Germ Cell           1-2
Precursor cells 0-1
Leucocytes      1-2
Epithelial Cells Absent
Clumps Present
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what is your motile percentage?
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i am  qamar
sperm count 126 million per ml
38 % motile
moropholgy 78%
will it work?3 years of marriage but not conceived
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Hii I m mohamed.. I got married before 11 months.. still my wife didn't get pregnant.. we checked with our doctor.. she said that my wife having little bit thyroid nd mine having low motile sperm,nd 59 million sperm per drop. While I checked with other doctor but that doctor said its not a serious problem, dont worry.. just gave tablets only.. I dont know what to do? Anyone can help me...
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Hii I m mohamed.. I got married before 11 months.. still my wife didn't get pregnant.. we checked with our doctor.. she said that my wife having little bit thyroid nd mine having low motile sperm,nd 59 million sperm per drop. While I checked with other doctor but that doctor said its not a serious problem, dont worry.. just gave tablets only.. I dont know what to do? Anyone can help me...
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Hii I m mohamed.. I got married before 11 months.. still my wife didn't get pregnant.. we checked with our doctor.. she said that my wife having little bit thyroid nd mine having low motile sperm,nd 59 million sperm per drop. While I checked with other doctor but that doctor said its not a serious problem, dont worry.. just gave tablets only.. I dont know what to do? Anyone can help me...
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I found out my sperm was a 1/3 of what it should be and the motility has little to no forward progression. So after reading all this I will switch to boxers and use caffeine prior to intercourse along with following her cycle
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My dear there'er somany of us out there with sm prob bt if u don't say it n one will know. My advice to u is worry less & pray more. Make sure u'er vry supportive to yr hubby cos men find it more difficult than women. I actually rem  mine after trying for almost 2yrs & the doc keeps on saying am fine from all tests,, i rem when she re-confirmed the 2nd time that my hubby had low concentration & motility!! The look on his face made me blush & i felt so bad for him, i had to giv him sm space to get over it..bt it made us stronger & more in love,,, i admire the way he couragously follow his appointments towards treatment & made lifestyle changes. Bt am not worried cos it can be cured vry easily..try him taking lots of brazil nuts cos thats what de doc adviced us to do while we wait for med help, also change all his tight pants & buy new free ones for him then lastly worry less & pray more. Be happy even for others who'er prego & socialise more if not u'll find it much more difficult to concieve & u'll lose many frnd. Goodluck to us all & may God bless us with our bundles of joy this 2013
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Be prayerful & supportive cos for men it can be more difficult. I have been trying for 2yrsmyself, done all test which says am fine but my husbands tests show low concentration & motility. We love each other vry much bt honestly smtimes i worry but when i see how much he's trying to tk his doctor checks seriously & attend appointments...all i ask is for God to change our worries to hope & fears to happiness while we wait for our bundle of joy. Worry less! Pray more!...& be happy for those eho get prego if not u'll end up losing yr relationship with frnds & family & it will also mk it harder for u to concieve. Good luck to us all
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Volume: 2ml
Sperms count: 64million per ml
morphology: 24% abnormal; rest normal
Motility: 21%

Motility is very less in percentage but 10 million sperms per ml are motile. Will it be treated as low motility or normal motility?
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my wife and i have been trying for 6 years and still we have no baby the thing is never ever lose hope and try not to stress about it, my wife and i have had all the test you can have over the last year so we can have ivf treatment we were asked to attend the hospital today for all the results which came back my wife is ok but it's me which we already knew and then the we were so excited as we thought that this was it thay are going to give us the ivf  and then the dr drops the bomb shell and tells us that because of the postcode we live in the goverment have stopped the funding and that we would have to go private we spent a hole year going to the hopsital for test all for nothing

but like i said try not to stress  and worry i'm 35 nad my wife is 34 get your husband to try these

folic acid
loose fitting cloths
(this one sound a bit strange) get a bucket of cold water add ice not to much put the bucket in the bath or shower and tell him to hange hit bits in the water for apporx 5 mins this is very cold and it my shock him a bit and if you are anything like my wife she stood there and watched me do this and ended up laughting her head off just at the site of my face , i tell you the shock is bad but it put a smell on her face

good luck i hope to here god news from you so

lee & sonia

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I couldn't help it. I was reading all your comments with tears in my eyes. We just find out that my husband has low sperm count and mobility and we have been trying for a year already. I adore my husband he is my best friend. I try to be optimistic the Dr. told me that we cannot have a baby naturally and he sent us to a infertility clinic, but we cannot afford it and I'm scared because I heard stories of people getting their heart broken ending with no money and baby. I'm 33 years old so I think I have some time to try alternative techniques. I will do it for another year. I will try all the natural recommendations I can find in my way. I'm reading the book call making babies from Sami S. David MD and is full of tips for saving your time and get pregnant in a natural way. My back up plan is to go to a fertility clinic in Mexico where the prices are way more cheaper. I found a clinic that is the best in Guadalajara is call the San Javier Hospital. I will let you know when I get pregnant, hopefully soon with Gods blessings he will send us soon an angel to bless our home I have love and faith in him.

Good luck to all of you.
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Hi to all
My partner had the same problem very low sperm count and slow mobility (lazy sprem)
Now i am 5 weeks pregnant we we did it on our own .No Doctors no medication nothing .
I was using the ovulation kits to know exactly when I was having ovulation , i told him to have a double espresso before action to help the little swimmers move fast and we did it .
Dont give up , we only need one sprem to fertilize the egg .
May god listen to all your prayers
Good luck

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i have the same challenge as well,my husband and i have been trying to conceive for over 2 years now,we later to saw the doctor and discovered my husband has low sperm mobility,to be frank i am really worried.PLS GOD HELP US
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I am dealing with the same problem. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years now. No luck. We try not to let it affect us, but it is difficult at times, because we love eachother so much and would love to see and extended version of ourselves come into this world. The repro doc we had was not very optimistic about our chances of conceiving, so I think I am going to switch networks. we've tried almost everything, and can't afford invitro, so all we can rely on is our prayers. I'll remember to keep you in mine as well. Stay hopeful.
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HI, my husband and I dound out his sperm was not strong enough and the dr said that we coudl not get pr on our own. We tried invetro and my levels collapsed 2 days before retrieval. We could not afford to try again. This was 3 yrs ago...we are still waiting for a special gift, but I am losing all hope. I am going to be 40 soon and I wish there was something that he could take to help his sperm along.
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Mary, I've also heard zinc supplements help sperm, and if he smokes, he should try to quit. Diet is very important, too. I am a believer of "you are what you eat." If the stuff he's puting into his body is unhealthy, the stuff that comes out will be unhealthy, right? I'm sorry, I know that's gross.
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I've heard if DH's underwear is too tight if can effect sperm
motility.  Is he a brief or boxer man?  If he wears briefs,
you might have him try boxers to see if that helps.
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Thanks everyone for all your comments I greatly appreciate it.
We're going to the Dr. on tuesday. I nervous of what she's going to tell us. This whole year I thought there was something wrong with me. but it turns out that its my husband. Anyways i'm keeping my fingers crossed. And I have purchased a fertility monitor (clearplan fertility monitor) to exactly find out when I'm ovulating. I'm hoping this will help. Although my periods are regular every 28 days exact. Thanks again for all your comments.
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My husband and I tried for a year also. I checked out ok and we did not have my husband tested. Congrats on your husband going to get checked! He must be very supportive and want a baby too!! What we did was chart my cycle and I found out I was irregular. I think drs. say you are most fertile 14 days after your period? or something? I took the average of the 4 months we charted and got my most fertile days. We had sex everyday that week!! Which it is great for your marriage when you are trying to get pg!! Then of course I tried the old trick of laying with a pillow under my hiney for about 30 mins. By the last day of that week my poor husband had made all the love deposits he had in him. But luckily the next month I took a ept and it was positive!! Then the day I was actually suppose to start I took 3 more test just to confirm it!!Ha! Ha! I couldn't believe it was positive b/c I had many b/4 that were neg. Now we have a beautiful yet silly 2 1/2 yr old daughter!! We are hoping to have another one soon. (Not pg now!- Not ready yet!). But, of course my husband hopes it takes another year to concieve this one. Men...they really enjoy those practice sessions!!Good-luck!!
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93532 tn?1349370450
Sometimes motility can be increased with the addition of supplements or even caffeine. Try having dh start taking ginseng (check with your doctor before starting to rensure there aren't any contraindications) or even adding a few cups of coffee to his diet. Both of these have been shown to help. At this point, it really couldn't hurt to try, right?

Good luck!


Try googling "low motility" and see what comes up.
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