199882 tn?1310184542

Problems after Colonoscopy

Hello all,

I just wanted to get some input on some problems I'm having after my recent colonoscopy.  I had it done last Thursday.  Right now every joint in my body is swollen so big that they look like they could pop.  Ya'll will have to bare with me because my fingers are in a great deal of pain and it's hard for me to type.

Every time I put weight on my feet it feels like I'm stepping on needles.  Therefore I have been in my powerchair since Friday.  I'm so depressed with the thought of having to use this thing but I don't have a choice.  Does anyone think that this has something to do with the procedure I just had?  What would cause me to swell like this and to also be in such horrible pain?

Of course my first thought would be a flare-up, but I've never had anything like this before.  At least not the swelling of all my joints.  You can't hardly tell that I have feet or hands.  I'm not taking anything different from before, medicine wise, except for lasix for the swelling.  Which by the way hasn't helped any.

I would really appreciate any input on this.  Grannyhotwheels can't dance when she's in her chair. lol  I do still have a bit of my sense of humor left.  Really though, I do need advice or suggestions, or anything else you can come up with that might help me out here.

Please if you can help it, don't say it's another flare.  I am not emotionally ready to deal with another one at this time. lol  I wish it where that easy.  Don't you?  Could something that happened during the procedure have caused all of this?  Help me out hear guys, I'm desperate.

I'll be praying,
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oh yes my husband is 52 and he has never been sick untill he had the colonoscopy about two weeks ago and on that monday he woke up to go to work and his feet were swollen and red hot and he is not feeling well. his temp went up to 102 so he call his med doc and she took blood and said wow your blood says inflamtion surprise to us not he is now on day 10 and he is feeling worst and it is in his legs now we are waiting for the blood work to come back . they tell him take advil for the pain which does not work poor guy. dont know what else to do either..
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Hi Carol,
    I hope you are feeling better today.  Have you called your doctor?
     Praying for some relief for you.
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I had a colonoscopy, and that didn't happen to me. Please call your dr ASAP. We who have had so many surgeries tend to skim over the side-effects what-if page that's in small print, but they could have punctured something.or dislodges something that is know blocking you from getting rid of the fluid. Please let us know, we want you better..prayers, Maggie
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147426 tn?1317265632
You need to get this checked out.  It is fluid retention from something.  If you had IV fluids then that was it, they use very high salt solutions during procedures to keep your BP up.  But, given your history with electrolyte (salts and potassium) imbalance you have  got to get htis checked.  In the meantime keep your salt intake low and keep taking your potassium.  

You need your 'lytes and your BP checked asap.  If you are at all short of breath or if the problem is worsening you go in tonight.  If it is easing up some, then FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!

Hear me?  Am I ever wrong?  Remember, I haven't poured my heart out on the "Emotions" thread yet.  If you tell me I'm wrong, I'll have to sing a song of low-self-esteem, but, no pressure or anything....

No, you can't dance when you're blown up like a beach ball, but we could roll you around the room to the music...

Take care,

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231441 tn?1333892766
Hi Honey,

The swelling is bad.  You need to go see your Dr or the ER asap.  Like today.  It could be kidney or something else.... maybe related to the procedure or maybe not.  BUT you need to be seen.

whatever is causing it should be dealth with sooner rather than later, or at least you should be reassured it is from nothing serious.

Let us know.

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228463 tn?1216761521
I had a similar reaction to the epidural they gave me when my son was born by C section.  They needed to give me some lasix to get the swelling down in my legs.  Did you get an epidural or just some IV sedatives?  Either way I agree you need to let your doctor know asap.  He or she will be able to tell you whether they need to just call something in for you or you need to be seen.

Please call them!  I will  be praying for you!
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Granny!

Please, you really need to make that call.  I think you may already know that.  You never know what can happen afterward when you go in for something or procedures.  

If this some type of infection, or reaction, it needs to be taken care of before something more serious happens.  

It just doesn't sound right to me. I'm sure that last thing you want to do is call, or go in anywhere because you feel so badly, but your body is telling you so w/these symptoms.

You have to get better Carol, make that call durrint, or make the hubby do it,

be well,
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220917 tn?1309784481
Hi, Carol~

I'm wondering if they gave you IV fluids during the procedure that still haven't flushed out of your system for some reason.  I don't know how long a colonoscopy takes.  I work for a surgeon, and when patients have longer surgeries, sometimes they have a harder time flushing the fluids, saline, anesthesia out of their tissues.

If you are still retaining the fluids, it may be making you feel like your joints are swollen, like from retention.  This, of course, wouldn't make sense if you are just starting this problem.  It would have been constant from the time after the colonoscopy.

Other than that, I haven't a clue.  Hopefully someone who has gone through this will add something better.  You've been through too much for this to be another flare.  It's not.  That's my prayer.

Feel well and hang in there, Hot Legs!

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195469 tn?1388322888
I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad.  I don't think what you describe is from the colonoscopy.  Do you think it might be a delayed reaction to the "prep" medication they give you before the procedure?

I wouldn't take any chances with this Carol.  I would give your doctor a call, TODAY!  I am very serious about this.  If Quix were on right now, I believe she would tell you the same thing.

Please keep us posted and gosh girlfriend, I hope you feel better and SOON.

I will be praying honey,
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