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Ear issues

What kinds of symptoms do you experience with your ears. I have had the clicking (morse code) in my left ear for about 2 yrs. now on and off. Lately I have had pain in the right ear, but not sure if it is an infection or not, I do not have a fever, it just kills me one day but then the next day its not too bad. Also, I do not get more pain when lying down as you would with an ear infection.

Thanks, Pam
Best Answer
1453990 tn?1329231426
That is near the TMJ and the Trigeminal Nerve (CN5) innervates that area sensory part of the ear, face, upper and lower jaw, surface of the eye, forehead, etc.  There are different stimuli that can trigger TN.   Some folks get their TN triggered by swallowing, chewing, brushing, talking, yawning. etc,  Mine goes nuts with the electric toothbrush.
Tegretol 200mg every 8 hours seems to keep it at bay.  It does sneak up on me every now and then.

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987762 tn?1671273328
I'm totally confused by ear and face pain, I think i've been told some of the dumbest things about a lot of things over the years and knowing no different simply assumed the dr knew best.

I've had right cheek bone/ jaw hinge to ear area mind blowing pain on and off for years, i was in my twenties and thought it was from a wisdom tooth. The dentist couldn't find anything wrong with the tooth and told me my jaw must be out of line, assumed to be from prior dental work because i have a rather child size head lol it matches the rest of me.

I had my tonsils out at 29 and when i woke i was screaming because the right side of my face was killing me, at the time it made sense if my jaw was out and the surgeon put it back where it should of been. hmmmm In the last 5 years or so everytime i get this i still imediately think its from my jaw, if it doesn't stop, i think teeth even if no teeth actually hurt and then head for the dentist but it still never turns out to be a tooth.

Its only ever the right side and i now have the static tingling feeling between my cheekbone and under eye, even the tip of my nose goes numb or tingling, its also the same side that my sight is affected, rappid horizonatal jerk etc lol its also the right side of the inside of my mouth that i have trouble with. So its really starting to make me wonder if its been TN all along. Eating can set it off, laughing too long (lol) brushing my teeth and sometimes if the wind is really cold the pain starts off deep within the ear and settles with my face hurting, and it only happens on the right side, never once from both or just the left.

As you can see i am totally confused by whats what, I do get a sound that i only hear in my left ear, a whoomp whump sort of like a rythmic muffled base, it's not all the time and doesn't hurt. When i had my veins tested, they did pick up a backflow in the left juggular and i think the sound I hear is probably that, i still dont know anything about anything lol.

sorry probably wasn't helpful at all!!


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Gigi, your welcome.. I know there are alot of people on here that have had the TN pain that can relate. I, however, have not been dx'd with it, but I have felt the shocking 5 sec. pain on the side of my face. And from what I had with the ear pain, it was deep and stabbing pain.

I guess I dont know what to say as far as your MRI goes, because no one wants to have a problem, but..... if there is a problem, at least it gets detected and you will not have to wait to get treatment asap.

so, good luck with getting the answers you would like to hear, and welcome to the forum!!
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Thank you for your concern and kindness. I went for my MRI today, which was really not bad except for the air conditioning inside the tube - it was blowing right on my head, which as you know only triggers the neuralgia. Other than that it was a piece of cake. The radiologist said that "there is something going on" and I will probably hear from my PCP on Wed or Thurs. I have not been able to sleep tonight even with my sleep meds due to anxiety. I just want to know what is going on.......

Thanks again for listening. I really do appreciate someone who can relate.

Take care and keep in touch. Gigi6653
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Hi Gigi,

I wish I knew how to help you. I know what you are going through and the not knowing is the worst. Someone here with more knowledge about all of this can give you some good answers. You have come to the right place. Everyone here is so very helpful and caring.

Good luck,
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I sympathize with all of you who have posted comments on this site. My story started at the beginning of this year with an ear plugged feeling, progressed to neck pain, eye pain and general face pain all primarily on the left side and occasionally on the right. I am going for an MRI with contrast tomorrow, 4/19 and I have an appt with my neurologist and my ENT in May. The rest of my symptoms basically correspond with those posted by everyone on this site. I am currently taking 400 mg of Neurontin and 6 to 8 tabs of Tylenol a day (cannot take antiinflammatory meds due to being on Celebrex for osteo). But I do have one question I have found some relief from the pain and tenderness by sleeping and/or wearing all day a hood or scarf on my head? Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this comforting.

Look forward to any comments. Thank you.
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I sympathize with all of you who have posted comments on this site. My story started at the beginning of this year with an ear plugged feeling, progressed to neck pain, eye pain and general face pain all primarily on the left side and occasionally on the right. I am going for an MRI with contrast tomorrow, 4/19 and I have an appt with my neurologist and my ENT in May. The rest of my symptoms basically correspond with those posted by everyone on this site. I am currently taking 400 mg of Neurontin and 6 to 8 tabs of Tylenol a day (cannot take antiinflammatory meds due to being on Celebrex for osteo). But I do have one question I have found some relief from the pain and tenderness by sleeping and/or wearing all day a hood or scarf on my head? Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this comforting.

Look forward to any comments. Thank you.
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Graves disease is autoimmune. I have very high antibodies in my system from what I have been told. Once I had the RAI to treat the Graves Disease, the antibodies that attacked my thyroid, were now attacking my eyes, causing thyroid eye disease. I am now considered stable but that is also after 3 eye surgeries.
According to my endo and constant blood drawn every 3 months, my levels are good. Each time I see him, I will  go over every symptom that I am having and I ask him if it is thyroid related and he says in my case the answer is no. Of course he stumps me with that answer all the time. LOL
I have always assumed that whatever I am experiencing is my "thyroid" but according to him its not always the thyroid.
I suppose now I wait and see. I do not know when my appt. with the ms clinic in rochester will be , but I do know that my family doc. wants me to get there before my next surgery, on Jan. 26th.
Good luck to you
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Is Graves disease autoimmune like Hashi's? Mine is Hashi's. I have to say that even though my thyroid labs have mostly been in the normal range, I still have all the symptoms of hypothyroid along with sudden bursts of hyper. This one last test was the only one that showed my TSH elevated, and it was only slightly elevated as per the new guidelines (anything over 3.0). Yet my hair has been falling out for the better part of this last year, along with fatigue, weight gain then loss, palpitations, and all the rest.

I think my new endo is going to be treating based on symptoms rather than labs. It's going to be tricky though, because I have symptoms of both. Some of the go strictly by the labs and others go by symptoms. From what I've been reading, the endos that treat on symptoms tend to have happier patients.

Do they check your antibody levels?

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I am sorry you are going through all of this as well, I do have Graves Disease, and had it treated with RAI (which I will never ever suggest anyone to ever do) Any symptom I have ever had, I had gone to see my endo and asked him first, if  this is related to my graves disease, during anyone of my slurring episodes,  I would have my blood work to check my thyroid levels and so far they have been stable.

Funny thing is, my next surgery is for chronic sinusitis, and orbital implants on Jan. 26th, so I have been to an ENT doc.

My endo, is actually listening to me,, and my family doc. has checked my ears and right now there is not much of an explanation, This pain comes and goes, I will be fine for an entire day and then bam,,, I get a deep ear pain.

I don't know, but thank you , your research is dead on!!! LOL Thyroid problems su*K!
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Hi Pamela. I've been doing a lot of reading up on this hypothyroid thing recently and have found references that it can cause fluid build up in the ears as well as other places in the body - lungs, heart, abdomen, etc. The fluid build up can cause nerve entrapment syndromes and paresthesias as well.

In fact, I'm finding that ALL of the symptoms I've had with this mystery illness CAN be traced to hypothyroid. I'm not sure if that's the case for me, but even ataxia, vertigo, nausea, ringing in the ears, muscle weakness, tremors, blurred vision, all of it can be caused by a hypothyroid state.

So, even if my spinal tap shows nothing (elevated proteins and IgGs can be found just from hypothyroid as well), it might in fact be just thyroid. If it does show something, it might just be thyroid.

Since this is the only thing they're finding with all the testing, I'm starting treatment soon and will let you know how it goes.

All of my thyroid labs were in the reference ranges, but I have all the symptoms of both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid. That's the problem with the autoimmune version. You get both, and the fluctuate then show normal levels on the tests.

Another thing I found out - an autoimmune attack on the thyroid can refer pain to the jaw and ear. Who would have thought hypothyroid could be an MS mimic? After all that time doing the TMJ treatment, now this . . . .

I'll be curious to see what shows up in the spinal. I did see an ENT and he ruled it eustachian tube dysfunction. He scoped my throat and sinuses (because I'd been having loss of voice, hoarseness, etc.) and everything was in order. MRIs showed nothing, even focusing on the internal auditory canal.

This can also cause mild nerve hearing loss.

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I finally was able to see my doc. regarding this pain in my ear... No ear infection!! She did say my  ear looks congested but it is not infected. I did not have pain in my ear for a couple of days and now today its back. Hopefully with having this new mri, I can get some answers.
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Thank you so much. It's so nice to get some answers to all the questions that I have.  I dont think that I have an ear infection, no fever. it doesn't hurt more when lying down, and it comes and goes.
It can hurt for most of the day and then suddenly be gone. That's when I think oh, well it's gone ,,, no need to see a dr. and then either a couple of hours later or the next day, and its back again and hurts severely.
I was mad at myself for cancelling my dr. appt. yesterday, because I could've had my dr. check my ear out and had her give me some sort of solution as to what this is.

The TN is most likely the culprit here. It seems to be the only logical answer. Of course I will not dx myself, but I will keep it in mind and be as specific as I can when I see my dr. again.

Bob, thanks again,
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I have had the shooting pain on the left side of my face from my temple to my jaw, but was never dx with it, My neuro knows about it though.

Would it cause pain in the ear when swallowing? Not pain in my throat but in the ear and under the jaw bone.
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1453990 tn?1329231426
Have you ever had TN?  That type of pain an the direction of radiation seems to follow the 3rd branch of the Trigeminal Nerve (CN 5.)   Part of CN5 runs over the top of the ear, down the anterior of the ear and splits into the 2nd and 3rd branches.  It can ache at times and then suddenly turn into the shooting electric pain.

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Well, I couldn't make it to my doc's appt. today because of the weather and I do not drive when I do not feel comfortable.

I thought the earache went away yesterday. It was gone no pain at all. How weird. I didn't even take anything for it. All day today, I was fine, no ear pain, until around dinner time. My ear started to get that deep pain shooting into the bottom of my jaw. It is horrible. I just put some drops in my ear to see if that will help and I took 2 Aleve. Hopefully that will work.

I don't know what to make of this, because I never had an ear infection that comes and goes like this without being on an antibiotic.

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All day today I had that deep ear pain!! Ugghh, and I didn't take anything for the pain, but just about an hour ago, it eased up. I am soo confused with all of this. I have never been the type of person to think it may be "something else" other than what could be the obvious " ear infection", but ,..... I have never had an ear infection to come and go.

The only thing that hasn't happened  yet is, the ringing in the ears.
I tried to read up on what Bob mentioned, since I do have that (TN) feeling, not dx with that, I just feel that from time to time. Time to do more research. LOL
Thanks, Pamela  
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I get that stuffy, fluid-filled feeling too. Sometimes it crackles, sometimes sounds like soap suds. But it is fluid and has ruptured the tympanic membrane three times this go around. It's back again now in both ears. It almost never comes on the other side.

Along with this I get shooting pains deep down inside, deep ear aches, high and low tone ringing, whooshing, hypersensitive to sounds, and have had a strange prickling pain in that bone behind your ears.

Saw an ENT who found nothing and called it Eustachian tube dysfunction.
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1511858 tn?1290477459
Hi Pam

my right ear started ringing 7yrs ago and never stopped, at first I thought I would go insane before i learned to live with it, and maybe I did lol.  

But still to this day it rings away and when I got sick this last time for the first time my left ear chimed in a couple times but I dont hear it all the time, sometimes I think its because the right ear is loud, I know I have hearing problems just my the amount of times I say huh? what? can you say that again lol.
Good luck at the doctors Barbara

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started some years back with the ringing. not terribly noticable back then but existed.

then the hearing problems started and ringing got worse.

i don't think the VA ever found anything wrong with my ears per se (outer or inner). though tests showed serious decrease in hearing and "being" in the converstaion. they gave me hearing aids.

VA audio doctors chalks it up to MS now or other neuro issues due to cervical degeneration. whatever.

whatever it is, my hearing *****! huh?
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Thanks for all of your responses. I have an appt. on Wed. with my family dr. First thing I will have her check, is for an ear infection.
I will also mention to her about the morse code thing in the left ear.
thanks again, Pam
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The burning in my ear is maybe every other day. And it can happen several times a day. It might last for about 10-15 minutes at a time.
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I am a limbolander for quite some time now (2 years).  Tinnitus every day, several times/day.  Both ears, but usually only one at a time.  Sometimes it is actually very loud, almost whooshing with dizziness, but usually just medium to high pitched.  That has been going on for several months now, but I'm used to it so this is the first time i have mentioned to ms specialist.  Brain MRI this week showed "no significant change in several foci of deep perinventrilar white matter, don't enhance".  Have follw up in 2 months.
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338416 tn?1420045702
Hey, first thing you should do is confirm that you do not have an ear infection.  See if it feels better when you put a hot washcloth on it - that's what I do when I have an earache.

I also get TN in my right ear.

The clicking in the left ear - I think it might be palatal myoclonus - the soft palate is twitching, which causes a clicking noise.  I get this constantly in my left ear, and it's really annoying.  One day it was almost thrumming, it was clicking so quickly.
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