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MS vs Conversion Disorder vs what?

Hi, I am a 30 yr old mom of 3. I am also an experienced ER nurse. Recently I experienced a very odd set of neurological symptoms that put me in the hospital for 4 days. 7 weeks ago I returned from a very stressful visit with family back East during which I had a huge argument with a member of my extended family and left rather abruptly... stress! Then a week or so after we got home (6 weeks ago) I fully weaned and stopped nursing my 18 month old child. (Note I've either been pregnant or nursing basically for the last 6 years). Also to note I was suffering from some sort of viral illness (Laryngitis) throughout these subsequent weeks.... but still carrying out all of my normal tasks as a busy, working and very involved mother. Approximately 3 weeks or so after I stopped breastfeeding I noticed I was becoming abnormally tired. Every afternoon I would "hit a wall" of exhaustion (similar to 3rd trimester pregnancy tiredness) I just couldn't keep my eyes open! I would fall asleep sitting on the couch with my kids almost every day, which is rather unlike me. Every morning, "my legs would feel like lead" when I woke. I saw the doctor several times over the course of that month. Everything from my iron levels, to thyroid, to viral syndromes etc. was explored and tested fine. Then 3 weeks ago I started having a headache behind my right eye... it was like a line was drawn done the center of my face! It was dull, annoying and not to painful, but just, well there! During that week I started to notice that my right eye seemed weaker than my left one. I could no longer wear my contact lenses and had to wear my glasses. It was as though my depth perception had changed somewhat, even though I still could seen relatively well out of my right eye. I also started having tingling and numbness in my left calf and foot. My lower leg and foot felt as thought it was "asleep" all the time. Through the course of that week the numbness became more intense as did the exhaustion. I could barely make in through the day of caring for my family and called in to work. My doctor scheduled an outpatient brain/c-spine MRI and a neuro consult. I never went to those appointments because suddenly things intensified over the course of 2 days. The numbness became burning, down the back of my thigh and over the whole of my calf and foot. Also, it spread up my Left hand and arm up to the base of my neck. I started having severe weakness and difficultly walking on the left side of my body as it would "give out" I had poor control of my gate and also had difficulty holding things in my left hand (such as a glass of water, telephone etc.) I went to the Emergency room and was admitted, then worked up inpatient, including and LP (spinal tap), and MRI of the brain and full spine. I also had about 30 vials of blood drawn over the course of 2 days. I was having uncontrollable tremors of body and also painful muscle spasms of the Left leg (my hip would jerk to flexion and/or my leg would force itself straight) It was horrible. I also had some mild mixing of words, although I would immediately correct myself, (ie: telling my son to "eat his chicken" when he was eating pizza, and also calling several people I new by the wrong names, then immediately realizing it) I just felt in a weird fog. I had an EMG test of my left lower leg to check nerve conduction. All of my tests were normal, blood, MRI clean, LP clean, neuro tests normal, everything. Except I still couldn't walk of even dress myself without assistance. I was put on a 1Gram of Solumedrol IV drip (one dose) and within 1 hour of starting the medication the burning and spams let up somewhat. The next day I was able to walk with a walker and 1 person guiding me. It was a huge improvement. I requested to be transferred to a larger city hospital (we are nearby only a smaller community hospital) to see a larger neurology department. I transferred that day and went to be inpatient at the larger facility. They did not continue the steroids, nor did they run any other tests. I was told "we still don't really know what might be wrong" I was given 3 options: 1 a virus of some unknown etiology that caused an odd neurological response, 2 < 5% chance of MS as all studies were clean, but something might develop in the future, or 3 a conversion disorder stemming likely from the traumatic and stressful visit to see relatives 8 weeks earlier. I was advised to seek physical therapy and counseling to discuss my recent stressors and illness. I was frustrated. I was discharged still rather impaired, still have weird tingling, burning "pins and needles pain" up and down my left side of my body. That was 10 days ago. I am slowly regaining strength and my walking is rather steady. I still have the dull Right sided headache. I still have the burning and tingling in my leg and arm. I have poor fine motor coordination on my left hand still, and I am not nearly as strong as I was prior to this odd neurological insult. I am constantly dizzy. I have tried to line up counseling and have only had an odd consultation with a licensed professional counselor who supposedly specializes in dissociative/conversion disorders... but her main focus seems to be about "energy therapies". I am a very religious Christian and I am not comfortable with someone wanting to "channel energy" (similar to EMDR). I spoke with an MS specialist who has agreed to review my case and see me in 1 month. I am hoping this is not MS.  I have a hx consistant for being more likely at risk however. (Caucasian, female of Northern European decent, I am 30 years old, spent most of my life in the Northeastern US, recently had a hormonal shift (breastfeeding ending, no longer child bearing etc), I also have a maternal aunt with MS. I am super frustrated as no one can give me an answer clearly. I don't want to discount the possibility of a dissociative disorder, however I am also not depressed, I am very motivated and very active. I have a happy supportive life, great job, kids, spouse. I have a lot of stress in general which I tend to manage fairly well, but yes, this argument did cause me some emotional strain. Could it be viral? seems odd to me.... they are missing something. I am still not myself. I still feel weird sensory stuff up and down my left side every second all day... it's a like and "electrical circuit" running up and down my body. Any advice? I am hoping this doctor in the next month might have some insight to help me. Thanks.
12 Responses
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667078 tn?1316000935
I am no doctor but I think you have several medical issues at once. Your headaches could be from electro shock they can permanently cause migraines. Some of your symptoms could be migraines. I think the disks are causing more problems like your legs. Then the high pressure. You may have some other health issues. It would be really rare for it to be MS with all the tests you have had. I do not know about Conversion Disorder. I am not familiar with that.

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2010 i recieved 8 sessions of electro shock therapy for bipolar and D.I.D  i went to valle vista were i started great therapy inpatient and continued it out patient with susan . D.I.D has now been intergrated and i am no longer.  4 years ago and we took me off my meds for D.I.D  suddenly I could feel again but it seems that all my feelings were egzagerated. I was suddenly tickelish were before on my meds i was not. I was not numb but everyday around 3 i was really tired.
about 3 years ago i then I started noticing my left leg toe drop. I was a walker and I was tripping a lot. I have always had headaches from about 18 but I was also abused by my ex husband and he did a lot of head damage. It really started to get bad about 25. This is when the headaches became different hitting me hard and then they went away. It seems like about every year something happens. I get sick with something and before the doctors can find out what it is it gets better.
2014 I had my neck lock up for no reason and I got spins on the inside and the auras I had from happened with out the migraine. My neck got better and they told me it was and degenerative disk disease. i went through vertigo testing and they found nothing. I gained a pulsating tinitis. keeping the then lessend inside spinning.
December 6 I went to the hospital to watch my grandson be born. After 2 nights of sleeping on a couch and him being born I went home. After taking a shower my hip popped and I dropped. My left leg was acting up. Not sure what it was I just kept going. I saw my doctor and told her about the burning and tingling and numbness in my legs and arms but mainly legs. She started me on neurotin. Then it got so bad i was dragging my legs. all the while my back was popping.
the shooting pains and cramping and spasms started and they put me on baclafin.It slowly got worse. 4 more falls and loosing both legs and many doctors visit. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital to find nothing again. Steve refused to take me home in hopes they would do something. They sent me to a nursing home. My left leg gets cold and turns purple sometimes. My blood pressure was up and they added lisinapril and with leg swelling started hydrochorthizide too. I came home a month later.
I started pt and ot and have them 2 times a week. Mean while I started getting black spots in my vision.I had learned how to get down the stairs to my apartment and was starting to get better. I then went to jwm and saw dr fulton  he started with an emg and a mri of lumbar no contrast.
Emg came back normal and was sent to a spine specialist Dr prince. The doctor he brought in to watch me walk the little 3 steps I could take said looks like ms. he ordered a brain mri and a  Mean while i started having incontinence issues and more bowel problems, I had ibs to begin with and they started me on tizidine for muscle spasm.
Dr. Prince said I had 3 herniated disk, degenerative disk disease and spurs but not ms no lesions. Mean while the pt had me get an afo for left leg and started walking better with walker. He sent me to nuero surgeon Goodman and cambell Dr. mccanna. He said it looks like ms but he cant order the spinal tap he referred me to you.
2 Saturdays ago I had a bad what I call episodes, They are shooting pains in arms and legs and spasm in arms and legs and then cramps. This happen in 4 different  times and the last one lasted all night. When this happens I have a headache and have to be kept warm really warm. Then right leg went same as left weak all over and arms were weak. I also started stammering which since has gotten worse and having swallowing issues which does not happen alot. They ordered a barium test on friday the 19th.
they orderd speech therapy and should start soon. I woke up that next morning and I was really dizzy and had a headache. We thought we had a Freon leak but turns out it was not. I was going to pick up my new wheel chair and I started getting worse and headache bad went to st.v er and they helped symptoms and did liver check and chest xray and they came back fine. I am gaining usage back in my legs and arms are doing good but its slow.
last weekend i started walking more but i am jerky bad but i can walk 40 steps as session twice a week pt. i do walk some when not in therapy. also i want to let you know that it seems that i am telling my body to do it but it does not respond like it should.
I gave this to the nuerologist and he quickly named conversion disorder said 1 percent chance of ms but something tells me its not right. I am in pain and have high blood pressure and have double the inflammation I forget the test no lesions on mri and sooooooo frustrated. see a phsyc. I have been for years. but everyone is telling me to go through with this. I am as stuck as you are and feeling lost.
hope all goes well with you......I just wanted to let you know that your not alone....
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4943237 tn?1428991095
The only thing that springs to mind is hemiplegic migraine but I think your symptoms possibly last too long for this.
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I'm not  a doc and I don't have MS but to me it sounds like for sure something happened but maybe not MS. Given your entire left side was suddenly affected and is resolving just as quickly. Just seems a typical with my MS reading.

What about a post viral syndrone of some kind? that would be something I would look into more. In my own case I've had very atypical viral issues.

(I was probable MS and in my case it turned out to be something else)
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5265383 tn?1669040108
Agree with Sarah and Supermom; run, don't walk, to a psychiatrist.  The note in my file from my psych consult turned the tide while I was seeing specialists (and ER docs).

I was initially hesitant, however I somehow forgot they are also doctors; my psychiatrist actually moved things along with respect to mimics.  I guess it makes sense that a psychiatrist would be trained in medical mimics of psych diagnoses.

I'm in limbo with you.  Best wishes in your journey!
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I'm a retired ER nurse, due to MS, and I don't see MS here.   You have mentioned symptoms on both sides.

I tend to agree with the others, MH can give you such very real physical symptoms.  But no, I doubt this "energy therapies" lady can help you.

JJ has the best suggestions for getting MH on or off the list first.  Since your MRI and LP came out not showing any MS symptoms, that would be my first thing on the list.  

You might want to break your symptoms up by body system to see where the "heavies" are or set up a time line (neuro's love those).

Good luck and keep us posted, we learn from each other!

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987762 tn?1671273328

Though I'm not sure if it actually could be neurological either, because it doesn't make sense for you not to have 'any' abnormal results in your neurological tests, with all that you've mentioned. IF you are displaying normal clinical signs, that basically means there isn't any corroborating clinical evidence, to support your left side has physically become abnormal.

Without any physical evidence of abnormality, that would definitely bring in to question the state of your mental health, generally if what you've experienced isn't leaving a measurably physical foot print, then theoretically it's more likely to be psychological, than it is to be physiological.....

There's something odd about your significant improvements within a very short time frame after starting IVSM, it's more typical for there to be 'gradual improvements' seen in the preceding weeks and months. There's a potential placebo reaction but even so, IVSM doesn't usually work that fast (hours) when there is damage to the brain and or spinal cord and with only one dose it usually wouldn't of been enough to shorten an MS attack.  

I actually think you need to get your hands on all your admittance records, blood tests, brain and spinal MRI's etc double check what neurological tests were done and if you did actually have any abnormal clinical and test results that differ from what you've now been told.

I also think it's in your best interest to find a psychiatrist or psychologist and have your mental health fully and accurately assessed, now the idea has been put on your list of possible causes. It definitely will help no matter what the out come, so please don't let the "energy therapies" lady put you off finding out!

Sorry i can't give you anything more specific, there are definite questions (based on what you've mentioned) on it being a psychological or a physiological cause. Ill fitting puzzle pieces often mean something is missing to make sense of the big picture, so i'd be checking facts and getting the MH idea off the table, preferably before seeing the MS specialist next month if you can.

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987762 tn?1671273328
I think you may of inadvertently set the stage for a mental health explanation, if you mentioned this "huge argument with a member of my extended family and left rather abruptly... stress! " to the diagnosing dr's.

If you look at your time line, this may be a one off and unrelated event because it was around 4 weeks 'prior' to experiencing any physical issues, so  unless you were experiencing psychological issues before this dispute and it's escalated since OR the dispute triggered psychological issues (eg health anxiety) in the weeks afterwards, to me it could just as easily be adding to the mix something that doesn't belong.....

Why a psychological explanation is highly questionable from my understanding, is that you've primarily been experiencing 'unilateral' symptoms (sx's) in your left side eg abnormal gate, left side weakness, painful muscle spasms of the Left leg, my hip would jerk to flexion and/or my leg would force itself straight, tingling and numbness in my left calf and foot, burning and tingling in my leg and arm, poor fine motor coordination on my left hand etc  
and psychological explanations are not typically unilateral! They more commonly cause random sx's, develop rapidly, spread from one side to the other, in all peripherals, worsen with knowledge eg reading about a sx then experiencing it shortly after etc etc etc.

sorry i really need to rest, i'll finish this later today!!

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987762 tn?1671273328
ROFL grate minds think alike.....
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hi and welcome,

Could you please make sure you brake up your future posts, many people with MS have visual and or cognitive issues, that makes reading and comprehending large blocks very difficult!

I've re-posted with gaps to make it easier for the community.....

"Hi, I am a 30 yr old mom of 3. I am also an experienced ER nurse. Recently I experienced a very odd set of neurological symptoms that put me in the hospital for 4 days. 7 weeks ago I returned from a very stressful visit with family back East during which I had a huge argument with a member of my extended family and left rather abruptly... stress!

Then a week or so after we got home (6 weeks ago) I fully weaned and stopped nursing my 18 month old child. (Note I've either been pregnant or nursing basically for the last 6 years). Also to note I was suffering from some sort of viral illness (Laryngitis) throughout these subsequent weeks.... but still carrying out all of my normal tasks as a busy, working and very involved mother.

Approximately 3 weeks or so after I stopped breastfeeding I noticed I was becoming abnormally tired. Every afternoon I would "hit a wall" of exhaustion (similar to 3rd trimester pregnancy tiredness) I just couldn't keep my eyes open! I would fall asleep sitting on the couch with my kids almost every day, which is rather unlike me. Every morning, "my legs would feel like lead" when I woke. I saw the doctor several times over the course of that month. Everything from my iron levels, to thyroid, to viral syndromes etc. was explored and tested fine.

Then 3 weeks ago I started having a headache behind my right eye... it was like a line was drawn done the center of my face! It was dull, annoying and not to painful, but just, well there! During that week I started to notice that my right eye seemed weaker than my left one. I could no longer wear my contact lenses and had to wear my glasses. It was as though my depth perception had changed somewhat, even though I still could seen relatively well out of my right eye.

I also started having tingling and numbness in my left calf and foot. My lower leg and foot felt as thought it was "asleep" all the time. Through the course of that week the numbness became more intense as did the exhaustion. I could barely make in through the day of caring for my family and called in to work. My doctor scheduled an outpatient brain/c-spine MRI and a neuro consult.

I never went to those appointments because suddenly things intensified over the course of 2 days. The numbness became burning, down the back of my thigh and over the whole of my calf and foot. Also, it spread up my Left hand and arm up to the base of my neck. I started having severe weakness and difficultly walking on the left side of my body as it would "give out" I had poor control of my gate and also had difficulty holding things in my left hand (such as a glass of water, telephone etc.)

I went to the Emergency room and was admitted, then worked up inpatient, including and LP (spinal tap), and MRI of the brain and full spine. I also had about 30 vials of blood drawn over the course of 2 days. I was having uncontrollable tremors of body and also painful muscle spasms of the Left leg (my hip would jerk to flexion and/or my leg would force itself straight) It was horrible.

I also had some mild mixing of words, although I would immediately correct myself, (ie: telling my son to "eat his chicken" when he was eating pizza, and also calling several people I new by the wrong names, then immediately realizing it) I just felt in a weird fog. I had an EMG test of my left lower leg to check nerve conduction. All of my tests were normal, blood, MRI clean, LP clean, neuro tests normal, everything. Except I still couldn't walk of even dress myself without assistance.

I was put on a 1Gram of Solumedrol IV drip (one dose) and within 1 hour of starting the medication the burning and spams let up somewhat. The next day I was able to walk with a walker and 1 person guiding me. It was a huge improvement. I requested to be transferred to a larger city hospital (we are nearby only a smaller community hospital) to see a larger neurology department. I transferred that day and went to be inpatient at the larger facility.

They did not continue the steroids, nor did they run any other tests. I was told "we still don't really know what might be wrong" I was given 3 options: 1 a virus of some unknown etiology that caused an odd neurological response, 2 < 5% chance of MS as all studies were clean, but something might develop in the future, or 3 a conversion disorder stemming likely from the traumatic and stressful visit to see relatives 8 weeks earlier.

I was advised to seek physical therapy and counseling to discuss my recent stressors and illness. I was frustrated. I was discharged still rather impaired, still have weird tingling, burning "pins and needles pain" up and down my left side of my body. That was 10 days ago. I am slowly regaining strength and my walking is rather steady. I still have the dull Right sided headache. I still have the burning and tingling in my leg and arm. I have poor fine motor coordination on my left hand still, and I am not nearly as strong as I was prior to this odd neurological insult. I am constantly dizzy.

I have tried to line up counseling and have only had an odd consultation with a licensed professional counselor who supposedly specializes in dissociative/conversion disorders... but her main focus seems to be about "energy therapies". I am a very religious Christian and I am not comfortable with someone wanting to "channel energy" (similar to EMDR). I spoke with an MS specialist who has agreed to review my case and see me in 1 month. I am hoping this is not MS.  

I have a hx consistant for being more likely at risk however. (Caucasian, female of Northern European decent, I am 30 years old, spent most of my life in the Northeastern US, recently had a hormonal shift (breastfeeding ending, no longer child bearing etc), I also have a maternal aunt with MS. I am super frustrated as no one can give me an answer clearly.

I don't want to discount the possibility of a dissociative disorder, however I am also not depressed, I am very motivated and very active. I have a happy supportive life, great job, kids, spouse. I have a lot of stress in general which I tend to manage fairly well, but yes, this argument did cause me some emotional strain. Could it be viral? seems odd to me.... they are missing something. I am still not myself.

I still feel weird sensory stuff up and down my left side every second all day... it's a like and "electrical circuit" running up and down my body. Any advice? I am hoping this doctor in the next month might have some insight to help me. Thanks."
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4943237 tn?1428991095
ERRNMOM, I've taken the liberty of splitting your post up into a few paragraphs as some of us have trouble reading big blocks of text.

Best wishes


Hi, I am a 30 yr old mom of 3. I am also an experienced ER nurse. Recently I experienced a very odd set of neurological symptoms that put me in the hospital for 4 days. 7 weeks ago I returned from a very stressful visit with family back East during which I had a huge argument with a member of my extended family and left rather abruptly... stress! Then a week or so after we got home (6 weeks ago) I fully weaned and stopped nursing my 18 month old child. (Note I've either been pregnant or nursing basically for the last 6 years).

Also to note I was suffering from some sort of viral illness (Laryngitis) throughout these subsequent weeks.... but still carrying out all of my normal tasks as a busy, working and very involved mother. Approximately 3 weeks or so after I stopped breastfeeding I noticed I was becoming abnormally tired. Every afternoon I would "hit a wall" of exhaustion (similar to 3rd trimester pregnancy tiredness) I just couldn't keep my eyes open! I would fall asleep sitting on the couch with my kids almost every day, which is rather unlike me. Every morning, "my legs would feel like lead" when I woke.

I saw the doctor several times over the course of that month. Everything from my iron levels, to thyroid, to viral syndromes etc. was explored and tested fine. Then 3 weeks ago I started having a headache behind my right eye... it was like a line was drawn done the center of my face! It was dull, annoying and not to painful, but just, well there! During that week I started to notice that my right eye seemed weaker than my left one. I could no longer wear my contact lenses and had to wear my glasses. It was as though my depth perception had changed somewhat, even though I still could seen relatively well out of my right eye.

I also started having tingling and numbness in my left calf and foot. My lower leg and foot felt as thought it was "asleep" all the time. Through the course of that week the numbness became more intense as did the exhaustion. I could barely make in through the day of caring for my family and called in to work.

My doctor scheduled an outpatient brain/c-spine MRI and a neuro consult. I never went to those appointments because suddenly things intensified over the course of 2 days. The numbness became burning, down the back of my thigh and over the whole of my calf and foot. Also, it spread up my Left hand and arm up to the base of my neck. I started having severe weakness and difficultly walking on the left side of my body as it would "give out" I had poor control of my gate and also had difficulty holding things in my left hand (such as a glass of water, telephone etc.) I went to the Emergency room and was admitted, then worked up inpatient, including and LP (spinal tap), and MRI of the brain and full spine.

I also had about 30 vials of blood drawn over the course of 2 days. I was having uncontrollable tremors of body and also painful muscle spasms of the Left leg (my hip would jerk to flexion and/or my leg would force itself straight) It was horrible. I also had some mild mixing of words, although I would immediately correct myself, (ie: telling my son to "eat his chicken" when he was eating pizza, and also calling several people I new by the wrong names, then immediately realizing it) I just felt in a weird fog.

I had an EMG test of my left lower leg to check nerve conduction. All of my tests were normal, blood, MRI clean, LP clean, neuro tests normal, everything. Except I still couldn't walk of even dress myself without assistance. I was put on a 1Gram of Solumedrol IV drip (one dose) and within 1 hour of starting the medication the burning and spams let up somewhat.

The next day I was able to walk with a walker and 1 person guiding me. It was a huge improvement. I requested to be transferred to a larger city hospital (we are nearby only a smaller community hospital) to see a larger neurology department. I transferred that day and went to be inpatient at the larger facility. They did not continue the steroids, nor did they run any other tests.

I was told "we still don't really know what might be wrong" I was given 3 options: 1 a virus of some unknown etiology that caused an odd neurological response, 2 < 5% chance of MS as all studies were clean, but something might develop in the future, or 3 a conversion disorder stemming likely from the traumatic and stressful visit to see relatives 8 weeks earlier.

I was advised to seek physical therapy and counseling to discuss my recent stressors and illness. I was frustrated. I was discharged still rather impaired, still have weird tingling, burning "pins and needles pain" up and down my left side of my body. That was 10 days ago. I am slowly regaining strength and my walking is rather steady.

I still have the dull Right sided headache. I still have the burning and tingling in my leg and arm. I have poor fine motor coordination on my left hand still, and I am not nearly as strong as I was prior to this odd neurological insult.

I am constantly dizzy. I have tried to line up counseling and have only had an odd consultation with a licensed professional counselor who supposedly specializes in dissociative/conversion disorders... but her main focus seems to be about "energy therapies".

I am a very religious Christian and I am not comfortable with someone wanting to "channel energy" (similar to EMDR). I spoke with an MS specialist who has agreed to review my case and see me in 1 month. I am hoping this is not MS.  I have a hx consistant for being more likely at risk however. (Caucasian, female of Northern European decent, I am 30 years old, spent most of my life in the Northeastern US, recently had a hormonal shift (breastfeeding ending, no longer child bearing etc), I also have a maternal aunt with MS.

I am super frustrated as no one can give me an answer clearly. I don't want to discount the possibility of a dissociative disorder, however I am also not depressed, I am very motivated and very active. I have a happy supportive life, great job, kids, spouse.

I have a lot of stress in general which I tend to manage fairly well, but yes, this argument did cause me some emotional strain. Could it be viral? seems odd to me.... they are missing something. I am still not myself. I still feel weird sensory stuff up and down my left side every second all day... it's a like and "electrical circuit" running up and down my body. Any advice? I am hoping this doctor in the next month might have some insight to help me. Thanks.
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