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First appointment with OB this pregnancy

I know this is completely off topic, but I need some advice from those of you who have had experience with multiple doctors and pregnancies.  
  I went to my first appointment with a brand new Gyno/OB for this pregnancy.  Let me start at the beginning.  First I walk into the office and I have to register and sign a bunch of stuff, like HIPAA privacy, right to treat, and the paper that means you won't go through lawyers.  I read the first paragraph of that third paper.  In it it says that by signing I agree to waive my right to a judge and attorney and go before their arbitrator? (Not sure on the work).  I said I would not sign something that would be signing away my rights as a citizen.  They were not very happy about that.  I was a little upset when the receptionist tried to push me into signing.  I refused.  She said they would have to tell the doctor that I did not.  I told her that if the doctor would not treat me unless I signed that I would find a different one.  She told me that it is not that the doctor won't treat just that she would have to take that into consideration, whatever that means.
  Then I went into the office and the doctor came.  She informed me that I needed a pap smear.  I just went to a checkup a few months ago where my PCP said that I did not yet.  So I asked her about it (Keep in mind I really respect and admire my PCP).  She told me that I needed one and that anyone doctor who said I didn't is a complete idiot.  I was not really happy about that, but I said go ahead and do it.
  She left the room and I got prepared.  Anyway I have a few pap smears and none of them have ever hurt.  Usually I don't even feel it hardly at all.  Well this one I FELT and it HURT like REALLY BAD.  I was wincing and she just was not very soft. It was like lets just shove it up there and scrape around.  (I hurt for hours after.)  Then she did the ultrasound vaginally and that hurt as well.  Also while she was doing the pap smear she wore latex gloves which I had told her less than 2 minutes before that I was allergic to them. WHAT? Why did she use them then. Sorry!!!  
  Anyway overall she did seem to know a lot but she was not very nice.  My husband was telling me oh it is okay at least she knows her stuff, I am just hesitant.  Do I dare go through with this doctor?  I am nervous that she will be a forcefull and hurtfull at delivery.  Anyway advice would be appreciated.
(Apologize for the long blah)
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THanks, this doctor just told me basically that you want to take minimal vitamin D as taking vitamin D during pregnancy in larger doses (like above 600 units) causes birth defects.  DOn't ask me what.
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I can jump in till Quix comes on the forum.  I have a few articles from medical journals which says that pregnant women should make sure they take at least 1,000 (one article says 2,000 ) Units a day of Vitamin D3.  

It has been theorized that if a pregnant woman takes D3 then the child will have less chance of autism, and the myelin will be a stronger myelin which will help to prevent or delay the onset of MS in the child when he/she is grown.

There was just an article presented at a neuro conference where the researchers who were doing the study on D3 all started taking 2,000 units a day and told the pregnant women to do the same.  

This doctor (the OB) sounds like an arrogant egotistical person who you should run fast and far away from.

Your PCP, if he wants to research it on the internet, will probably be able to access the studies.  I would think 1,000 units is safe, but ask him.  Definitely do not take less than the standard recommended amount of 400 to 800 units a day.  

Since Quix is on Pacific time, I thought I would answer till she wakes up.  Didn't mean to hijack your question.   Good Luck.

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Sorry I have a question.
  Would it be beneficial for my PCP to see me through my pregnancy and he is the one taking care of the undx problem? or does it not matter?
  Also the OB i went to was telling me to make sure that I do not take or get too much vitamin A or D, why?  I mean I know not to be excessive, but she said I should take less than normal.  First of all I did not take supplements with my first and if anything I took the occasional regular daily vitamin, with this one I have been better at taking a regular daily vitamin.  This OB did not like the idea that I would not take a prenatal vitamin.  What is the difference?  My OB with my daughter did not care.  I also cannot hold down any of the prenatals I have tried (like 5 different kinds or something.)  
  I think that vitamin D would be more beneficial especially if I do have MS, right?  I am just wondering.
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I would definitely go with your PCP and get out of that OB practice.  I went to an OB group that was one hour away in a different state for my six pregnancies so I could avoid bad OB doctors.    If she is in the same group, you do have the possibility of having her for the birth if she is on call.

Enjoy your pregnancy and feeling better.

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Yes I have switched doctors, right now I am scheduled with another in the same practice, but I am debating on just going to my PCP as he is a family doctor so can do the prenatal and delivery, he already is going to be the baby's doctor, and he is also a surgeon so he could do a c section if needed.  And with my PCP I would not have a chance of getting the doctor I first had. So that is my debate right now.

No I am not diagnosed.  This is my second pregnancy since the beginning of my symptoms and during both pregnancies symptoms lessoned or went completely away, so far.  I have felt better during both of them as far as the weird symptoms go.  My current doctor is between fibromyalgia and MS.  (This is my PCP). He was going to wait until the next flare before he did a spinal tap, but now I am pregnant and it will be a while.

I told my mom about the fact that the symptoms have gone away and she is adamant about the fact (in her mind) that because they go away there is no possibility of MS.  Everywhere I have read or doctors I ask or you guys have told me that MS does lessen during pregnancy.  So to me it again points in that direction.  Also I feel that my symptoms do not match up with fibro in the first place.  Anyway, I don't think fibro goes away during pregnancy. (Correct me if I am wrong.)  I am curious as my test for sarcoidosis was high normal that that could still be a possibility, but I am not sure if that gets better during pregnancy, anyway sorry for the long answer, but I am in limboland.

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147426 tn?1317265632
First I am definitely not an OB doctor, but I did general practice for a couple years in the Indian Health Service, so I did the prenatal care.  In pregnancy the cervix softens and seemed to me that they were often more tender - for what that is worth.  The whole area can be more sensitive.

But, beyond that you should go with your gut feeling about this doctor's manner and caring for you.  I have no idea if it had anything to do with your not signing the legal thing.  But, the way she treats you now will be the way she will treat you in the future.  If she seemed uncaring of your feelings, harsh about her comments about other doctors, dismissive or negligent about your allergies then these are all clues to the kind of doctor she is.  I say run for the hills and find a doctor you want to work "with" for your delivery.

The problem with seeing another doctor in the same practice is that - as I understand it - you could well get her for your delivery, depending on when you go into labor and who is on call.  

Or it could be that she was having a bad day.  Maybe give her another try, but speak up right at the beginning about her use of latex and your allergy to it.  You'll know what her personality is immediately if you bring that up.  She'll either apologize and you will see a different side of her or she will get defensive and hostile.

My gut feeling - move on while the pregnancy is still early.

Tahiri - aren't you already diagnosed?  If not, it is very interesting that you are so much better.  Many, possibly most of the MS mimics will be worse during a pregnancy.

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231441 tn?1333892766


I am pregnant (now 6 1/2 months) and also been ok this pregnancy (despite some major non-neuro) complications.  I was a limbolander.  Anyway, long may feeling better last.

For the doctor to ignore that you have a latex alleergy is unforgiveable! Really! As is being disrespectful to your previous doctor.  The PAP being painful could be part of being pregnant (my OBE didn't do one becuase I'd had one a few months earlier), so I don't know about that.  

You need to be comfortable with your Doctor.  Obviously you're not with this lady, no matter how knowledgeable she is.  I'd try too find another doctor.

Congratulations again.

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402504 tn?1241996524
I am also pregnant and in limboland.  I have felt better most of this pregnancy, which is normal for MS in pregnancy.  It is interesting that you said your pap hurt.  My pap at the beginning of this pregnancy was soooo painful.  I wasn't sure why, but the OB seemed surprised.  I would see another OB in that practice if possible.  At least you won't have to redue paper work.  Definately find a new OB though.  My due date is January 18.  I just started my third trimester!  I will be praying for your journey through this pregnancy!
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293157 tn?1285873439
that is horrible how that Dr hurt you... I remember having test done like that and it did hurt...but not many times...I wondered at the time why it hurt??

I would mention it at either that Dr if you go back to her..(which I wouldn't do)...or tell the next Dr what happened...I wouldn't just ignore this...

hope your doing alright...take care
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Luckily this is not my first pregnancy, and I miss my first childs OB GYN.  I am due May 29th yes I got a picture, but as I am only 8 weeks it looks just like a little tadpole (A cute one though).  I just always thought that you stick with the same doctor theo whole way through.  I have a few other referrals, both in the same office and not, but most are in the same office as this doctor as most of the better doctors in the area work in the clinic there (There is like 10 or something there).
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494672 tn?1254152672
I am so sorry about the way you were treated during your visit to the OB/GYN.  If it were me I would NOT be going back to that doctor or that office.  For that doctor to not listen to you RE: your allergies is a big heads up to me.  Your pregnancy is a time for you to find a doctor you can talk to, ask questions of & feel comfortable doing so!  You need someone that is looking out for what is best for you & the baby - not someone just there clocking their hours!

I am so very excited for you!  I dearly love babies!!!  When are you due?  Did you get pics from the ultrasound?

Take care & keep us posted!  Rub that baby belly for me  :)

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On the upside, let me add that almost all my weird and painful symptoms that I have told you guys about are completely gone.  Other than pregnancy side effects, I feel the best I have in a long time.  Maybe this will give us better hints as to what I have.
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