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410821 tn?1202914556

I saw my new Neuro today

*insert big sigh of relief here*  
He was very friendly and even though I was a bundle of nerves  e didn't make me feel rushed at all.  After a few moments of him talking tome I felt even comfortable enough to pretty much tell him my story. He didn't make me feel weird about it at all *another big sigh of relief inserted here* So I'm glad that part is over for sure but he was very professional and still with a great personality too. I didn't even see a cell phone on him lol.  I'm happy enough with that.  With the reflexes that bug him and the tingling and buzzing I told him about he has me set up for a MRI of the spine, I go at 3pm tomorrow!  I didn't even have to ask either!  He was friendl and I wont be so nervous I think next time I see him which I have an appointment for towards the end of March.
He sas that the buzzing on the outsides of my feet and heels is that word I have seen mentioned here, Leherm? (Id have to look but ya'll know what I mean). I didn't ask, but I thought that was only something that happens when you bend your neck down. The buzzing that happens in my heels or sides of my toes aren't when i have my neck down. Nothing seems to happen when I bend my neck down.
Okay so he did do an exam and I quote him "the hyperreflexa really BUGS me"   I told him I have been told I have very good reflexes but he says that reflexes that good isn't really normal. Like when he did the bump thing on my wrist he says my biflex also reacts etc.  But like I said, I was a bundle of nerves so maybe that payed a part in it. Who knows.   Alright.. as for his notes that he had no problem givig me a copy of there are some things that are noted so I am going to put them all here and see if anyone can/wants to ferret out the meanings for me.
GENERAL: well developed, well nourished; anxious
EYES: fundoscopic exam reveals sharp disc margins
CARDIOVASCULAR:  peripheral vasculature:; no edema
MUSCULOSKELETAL: normal gait; muscle strangth: 5/5 in all major muscle groups' normal overall tone
NEUROLOGIC:  Orientation: alert and oriented X 3 ;  Recent/Remote Memory: intact; Attention/Concentration: nl;  Language: is able to name common objects' able to repeat phrases; good amount of spontaneous speech; Fund of Knowledge: average; Sensation: hyperesthesia in hands distribution; vibration sense intact; Reflexes: biceps:3+ ; triceps: 3+ ; brachioradilis: 3+; knee jerks: 3+ ; ankle jerks: 4 + ; Plantar flexor responses: L abnormal (toes upgoing), R normal (toes downgoing);  (+) crossed adductor reflex;  Coordination/Cerebellar function: normal; CN II intact; CN III, IV, VI intact;  CN V intact; CN VII intact; CN VIII intact; CN IX, X intact; CN XI intact; CN XII intact
346.20 Migraine variant
796.1 Hyperreflexia

He put me back on TopAmax, ordered a C-spine due to distal paresthesias and hyper-reflexia and I have a followup appointment in 4 weeks.

Sorry for the very lenghty post.  I'm glad he doesn't think I am completely mad..at least he didn't show it if he did.
4 Responses
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410821 tn?1202914556
Well I had to reschedule it for NEXT Tuesday at 3 and they were okay with that. The husband wants a break on the wallet since 20% of the MRI is kinda expensive. But sitll..thats okay with me.
Yes, I'm glad to have a good doctor who seems to be honest and didn't make me feel rushed.  Here's hoping everything gets solved quickly and I can just go ON with my life :)
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420469 tn?1217647363
I thought L'hermittes was only when you bent your neck down too! I get the same sort of buzzing your talking about in my feet without neck flexing, but when I flex my neck, like you, nothing seems to happen.


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335728 tn?1331414412
Well honey...what a difference eh?  I am so happy that you found a real doctor!  That last guy really should have his license revoked (if he had one in the first place)!!

Anyway, glad to see you can now move on and find out what the heck is going on with your body right?!?!

HOLY COW...an MRI tomorrow!  Good for you!!!

I am not going to go into all the medical jargon...there are other people that know a lot more about that than I do!  I am surprised that he gave you a copy of his report though...I didn't think any doctor did that although I have always stated that we should always get a copy...it's our information, we did pay for it didn't we?

So now it's just to get these tests done honey and back to see him in March and hopefully you are finally gonna get somewhere!!!

I wish you all the luck in the world and I just want to get up and do a happy dance for ya (but I would probably kill myself...lets just pretend for now ok??)

Lots and Lots of Hugs Honey,

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This sounds like a great, great visit.  I really hope you get the help you need.  It is really nice when forum members can actually post about a visit they feel good about.  God bless you, Amy
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