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MRI "clean", AS and the old "take a Xanax"

Hi all!
Following the suggestion of a sweet memeber, i wanted to ask you guys (Quix, i know you're somewhere there!) and all of you guys that have been fighting this thing for years. First of all, i want to say you're all in my prayers.
I have been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondilitis and it's very hard for me to move when it's very cold. But about 6 months ago, i noticed "shaking" on my right side. My legs were kinda "wobbling" and my right leg, whenever i could, standing up, get my legs to a position people wouldn't look at me, started jumping back at the knee. I have no control over the spasms on my back, they keep me up at night. I can't sleep, maybe it's because i'm so tired all day, going to the gas station is like climbing up a mountain. Even sitting in the car i'm out of breath. Sometimes i get in the car and even tho i know where i'm going, i feel a terrible confusion and fear. Like i might hit someone. Spsnish is my mother tongue and it's very hard for me to say anything in Spanish, i have to "translate it in my mind". The words also come all slurred out, as if i were drunk or on something. I can't eat many things, my throat is swallen. My face feel weird, and the worst has to be the pain, pins, numbness on my feet and hands, and the feeling of wearing very tight socks when i'm barefooted. Once i asked my BF because i couldn't move to take the blankie off my feet please, because i couldn't feel them. He said "honey, there's nothing covering your feet". I cry, i'm tired of going to doctor to doctor, tired of the eye exam, the "stand on your heels" just to push me back. They know i can't do that kind of stuff! I stumble. I feel like i have to pee desperately, yet i sit there for a long time and yes, i go, but when i think i'm done, i have to go again.. don't even ask me about #2.. i can't remember the last time i went.
Last week my parents took me kicking and screaming to this "super new fantastic hospital" i has anestethia for the 4 hour long MRI. The anesthesiologist came over, asked me how much i weighed and put me to sleep. I woke up feeling awful. He didn't even measure me! it turns out i'm a lot lighter than what i told him, so i was feeling awful the whole day.
The next day i had an appointment with the "mother of all MS doctors" (according to her) She looked at me and said "why are you here?" and she had my MRIs on her desk! What happened is that my father is friends with the owner of the hospital, and it seems she had the day off and i blew her plans.. we went with the old "walk there, walk here" exam and when i told her i have AS and that the back of my ribs is fusing, she asked me to take off my shirt. She looked in horror my big and many tattoos, told me to turn around and hit me with the little hammer on my back until i told her couldn't take it anymore.
She then said i had no MS and that she was the only doctor that knew anything in this country (i'm in Chile, South America) and that amybe i should turnt to Jesus instead of being a Jew. Oh, and that maybe i had some STD or Lupus and maybe i should go to the shrink. Thanks a lot.
I took the MRIs to another doc. Old dude, who LOVES Grifoclobam, he asked if the janitor had seen the MRIs. I don't know which part of the brain is, but it looks like a thunderstorm. There's a big vein and another opposite it. The big vain, turns around and then goes (i guess) to the back of the brain, like a "tail" The opposite one, is fatter, turns around and no "tail". Btw, the whole MRI says something like, "oh, btw, her uterus is in "refraction" whatever that means. I got yet ANOTHER prescription for Grifoclobam and xanax. I tried to see what happened if i don't take them. I have terrible back spasms and "the shakes" (cool name!) like, badly. I can't walk correctly, xanax or not, i can't walk straight, i fall. Two nights ago, i opened my eyes and i couldn't see. I thought it was because i was still asleep and try to go back to sleep. Yesterday, i had my left eye "twitching" and pain behind the eyes likte they're coming out of their sockets. The bottom of my feet wants a vacation, the tingle, needles and all sorts of things amkes them feel like they're on some sort of medical trial. I love being able to have a laptop, it's the only way i have to communicate with others.
Sorry for the typos. I also fell while trying to take a shower today, i wept like a baby. I have a 6:30pm with yet another Neurogist. this is my last one.
Since i hace not become a US resident, i asked John Hopkins about International Patinets. They won't do a thing BEFORE GETTING YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER. It's $800 for a MD to look at you and $625 PER SLIDE. A ticket from South America to Baltimore is $1,170. Hopefully i'll get a better treatment from my Neurologist. I have had an MS dx before, but my Insurance Company wants at least two.
You know what? after the last episode and the one i have now, i don't want any more MRIs. I'd rather they tell me it IS MS so i can start my treatment and no more Xanax and stuff that will leave me feeling like i'm in tthe 60's. I want to have a normal life, i already feel pain, because of the AS, but i need something that will help me better than Xanax and Grifucloban. Don't worry. I'm not driving!
Thanks a lot to everyone.... and specially to Swolle... you're  darling, thanks for the welcome!
Love to ALL. You're in my prayers. Specially hoping for no relapses and for the Lord to keep your families strong.
13 Responses
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First of all, sorry, Quixy, we're doomed. Church Lady Doc knew i hav AS before finding the right hammer for my back... she had different hammers for different religions, and of course,  the "Jew" one was not only on the Extreme Kit, but kinda looked like a sledgehammer..mmmm.... oh, and Interferon is a litle over $2,000. Here in Chile, we have different "categories" for conditions or diseases. Some people (the poorer) get some medication for free, but they have to wait forever and go to the usual place where dude sitting next to you is trying to keep his intestines in place while he waits. Lovely. Cancer is considered a (check out the name, it makes you feel great) a "Catastophic Condition", but MS is not. I think it's quite catastrophic having to pay $2,000 plus other "super cheap" medication. Catastrophic Conditions are usually paid for separately, and depending on who you have the contract with, it's either you get the money back, the clinic will just tie you up and do the whole treatment a la "Pep Boys" i mean, you can choose to pay an extra in your Health Insurance monthly feel, some private poshy clinics also offer them and any insurance company will also offer it. Of course, i have all THREE of them. My mom had breast cancer and my brother is a Type 1 Diabetic. i mean, the family has a lot of topics for the usual gathering. Very entertaining.

and Flufflysmom, it seems if we keep on finding these incredibly amazing doctors,we're gonna have to start a soup kitchen. No, wait, the homeless have enough problems, why make them sick?
I'm gonna post the fantastic night i had. Oh, joy of joys...
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405614 tn?1329144114
Hi there,

I've gotten behind in meeting new people, caught up in my own quest to find a good doctor and fighting fatigue, and missed welcoming when you first showed up.

Wow, you've done a great job of telling your amazing story.  Love your sense of humor!

I'm undiagnosed, and have had the (dis) honor of providing two neurologists for the weiner roasts!  I'm working on the third, an MS Specialist.  I'm trying to train her not to qualify for the roast.  I think she may be intelligent, but she made up her mind about me before I walked in the door.  I keep asking her questions and making her think, and order more tests.

Now, as for Church Lady Doc, I wonder what would happen if her priest would tell her that Jesus would never have pounded on a woman's back to cause her pain, and that she may be stuck in for a very long time? How dare she treat you differently because of your religion!  Some people twist their religion to fit their own bizarre view of the world.  My mother's pastor had to point out to her that some of her ideas aren't in the Bible, and to take it easy on judging people.  I guess that's why this woman ticks me off so badly!

I'm sure you've posted some more, and I will try to catch up some more.  This is a great place to be, and we accept all kinds off tattoos, piercings, diagnoses, and everything.  I'm glad you found us, and look forward to hearing more from you.

Oh, my one connection to Chile (until now) is that I've had two water aerobics instructors that came from Chile.  One is still around, and I love her high-energy classes when I feel up to going.  She sometimes plays Salsa music and shows us some slinky moves; great fun.

Welcome once again,

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147426 tn?1317265632
Oh, my!!  And I thought the US had all of the dumb, defective, dismissive, dorkus, demented neurologists.  You mean, they are Universal???  We're doomed?  I can't tell you how sorry I am that you had to be subjected to that sorry excuse for a doctor.  We also know something else about her, other than she's stupid and unbearably arrogant and bigoted.  She is a sadist.  She pounded you on your back to CAUSE YOU PAIN.  There is no part of any neurologic exam that involves striking the back with a reflex hammer.

So you got your second MS diagnosis when the last MRI showed some lesions?  Well, that explains all of your other weird symptoms.  Welcome to the House of Weird!

Do you have to pay for all of your Interferon Beta?  How much is it?

You mentioned something that also happened to me a time back, but it wasn't related to MS.  I was a Spanish major in college. (Yes, Really!)  And I trained at a big (huge) couty hospital in Southern California wher 95% of the patients were just up from Mexico and Central Amercia.  So I would spend all day speaking Spanish.  When I was very tired, I found that when I was at a loss for words, my word recall would bring the word up in Spanish.  I would then translate the word into English and then say it.  At that time I realized that word recall for a second language must be in a different part of the brain than word recall for the native language.

So, I would suspect that the MS has damaged the part of your brain that deals with word recall for your native language forcing you (like it did me) to extract the same word from your second language and translate it (which would be in yet a different part of the brain) before you can speak it.

I can't tell you that's 100% true, but it makes sense in the way the brain is compatmentalized and the way it communicates between areas.  I hope that helps you solve the puzzle.

We have a special bonfire on Fridays where we skewer bad neurologists and roast them.  We call them weiner roasts.  (like hot dogs)  You can be the first up this Friday and you can "skewer" your bad doc anyway you want.  They are NOT good to eat, because they are tough and bitter, but they do make good sparks in the fire!

Stay here!  We'll all have fun and we can help answer more questions.

Sorry, I missed you first time around.

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Yes, i was diagnosed (OMG, like sooo coool!! wait till i tell the rest pf the squad!! *feeling puking coming*)
Well, i did run from the Church Lady Doctor, but i wanna go back and puke cream of peas all over her! wouldn't that be fun? oh no, they would send me to the Loonie Bin!
I had my first bad experience with MS yeasterday OMG, i'm a part of the group!!
I was driving really slow, very close to my house, and BAM!! i went BLIND. Thank the good L-ord there were no kids around, no dogs, you know, the usual. But i ended up hitting a lighting post, and since i'm so cool like the Low Rider, i drive a 91' 735 BMW, how cool is that, uh? thing is beeesh is Airbag-less and i hit all parts of my poor body (ladies, relate) and ribs and whatnot, it was like a BB-Q! Over here, the cops come to check the "situation" and take pics and all the lovely things. Well, i have to pay for the post, so there goes this month's Interferon Beta (is that how you write it? sowwwy)
But i'm ok . You guys are sweet and funyy, i'll tell that to the judge.
Again sorry for the typos. I'll be here for the rest of my life, try the veal!
many sloppy kisses (kinda grandma's) and hugs!
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393986 tn?1303825975
Run, run, run as fast as you can Sweetie away from the exorcising Dr!!!  OMG, I wish I would of read this sooner!!!  To have a humorous outlook on this is amazing and I wish I had it too!!!  But I do have to agree with ya, a exorcism would definately be cheaper!!! hehehe

I am so glad that you found us, as horrified as I was reading about the horrible Dr, you shine through brightly, my Dear.  Can I borrow some of your humor?  

Sending Many Cyber Hugs,

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220917 tn?1309784481
You DO crack me up.  But did I hear you right?  You have MS?  Are you now diagnosed?  How do you feel?  Drum roll, please....

I do appreciate your very darling sense of humor.  We are going to love you here.  But, how are you feeling, Farrah?  Has it sunk in?

Prayers up for you (your heathen soul!!) ; )

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Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
if I didn't need the slides, i should have shoved them to that doctor "you know where"!
Last night i had my appointment with my "real neuro". It is MS. Crazy Church Lady was too worried about whether to break the "emergency only" supply of Holy Water and sanctify the place when i left to see the lesion. It's only a tiny one, but lesions are like delicious fries... we'll just have one.. and we end up eating the whole thing, lol! But he's worried about my extreme speech slurring (waaaiiitttteeerrr, cam i has another cozzzzzmo??) and my wobbly legs. Jen, the AS is not hurting any nerves that might cause these symptoms, so off to the hospital we go again... (ugh). So i'm gonna have (i'm sorry for y English today, woke up in a dizzy spell... anyone can relate? we should have a stand off comedy group. How many in the house are having spasms? *cue drums*)
So, i am heading for more tests next week. I live in a Catholic country (hence, Chruch Lady Doctor) and tomorrow's nobody works (it pays off somethimes!) so it's gonna be a waste of time to go in today. One of them is a Electromiaography and something with conduction for my wobbly legs, and yet (help me!) something called a Cerebral "Spect"??
Whatever. Church Lady Doc wants an exorcism and my Neuro more tests. I get the feeling getting Satan out of me will be faster (and cheaper!)
Thanks, guys. You make me feel like Sally Fields... "you like me, you truly like me!" now gimme my Oscar!
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338416 tn?1420045702
Farrah, sounds like you've been through a lot!

Your symptoms are definitely neurological.  I'm not sure where you are (are you still in Chile?) but you're going to have to find a better neurologist than what you've had so far.

Typically for a diagnosis of MS here in the States, they'll give you an MRI of the brain with and without gadolinium contrast, and a lumbar puncture to check your spinal fluid for antibodies.  You haven't received a full neurological exam, so they'll probably want to do that first.

Now with your diagnosis of AS, there's a possibility that spinal cord involvement is causing your symptoms, like your leg weakness and paresthesia (phantom sensations.)  It won't cause cognitive impairment, though.
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560501 tn?1383612740
Welcome :)
Please tell me you are just kidding about the doctor saying something about your religion. I think that all of us have had a doctor or two from h*** but you my dear, hit the .....how should I put it........Mother Load!
I am so sorry for you having to hear doctors downgrade your symptoms as to it is "all in your head" category.

Perhaps she should lighten up and get a tatoo of her own saying "I'm on a ego trip" LOL
Keep your head up Farrah. I know it is easier said than done!
Big hugs to you,

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220917 tn?1309784481
Oh, my!  I wanted to welcome you earlier, but I had the hardest time reading your post!  Not for the typos you apologized for (didn't notice them!), but for the HORRID abuse you suffered from the doctor you saw!!  Oh, my GOODness!!  I had to read it a few times it was so bad!

I'm so sorry you had to go through what you did, and I'm glad you're here with us, tattoos and all!  We have a lot of information you gave us to sift through, and unfortunately, I am just about to run out.  I want to get back to you and give you the time you deserve.  I will have more time tomorrow.  

I DO think you need to pursue these symptoms you are having with a good neurologist.  I hope it won't completely drain your financial resources to do so.  Hopefully your next neuro will accept the current MRIs you have.  

Feel well, and let me get back to you when I have some more time to devote to a better note to you.

I know others will welcome you, too!

Take care!

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I am new here too and can't offer much in the way of ideas for your symptoms but I can tell you I would run as fast as possible from any doctor that infuses religion into your appointments without you asking.  

Good luck with navigating this MS dx.  

Be well,
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198419 tn?1360242356
There you are Farrah!

Well you did it! Now I have to get reading this, but wanted to pop in and say "good job" and thank you for coming our way.  

In the meantime, while you wait for others to respond, check out our health pages.  They are located up toward the top right of our screen.  Lots of topics in there that I think you will appreciate.  

Hey - Too bad xanax doesn't stop this train huh?  We'd all be cured!

Talk to you soon,
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293157 tn?1285873439
welcome to the forum, boy it sounds like you have been through the mill... wow... I know alot of us here have dealt with some "not so nice" Neuro... and it take awhle to find one that is willing to listen ... but it does happen.  

you have alot of symptoms that alot of us have here and alot of us are not yet Dx, or have treatment as of yet.

I'm sure you will hear from others... I really don't know how I can help out, but do welcome you and we are here to chat, vent, listen...etc....

take care
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