429700 tn?1308007823

MS Hug

Can the MS hug cause death?  When I saw the Oprah show with Montel Williams, Dr. Oz mentioned that the leading causes of death in MS were suicide (which sounds very likely) and the MS hug were the leading causes of death.  Is this true?  If not can you die from MS?  I will certainly pay more attention to those chest pains if this is the case.  Not worried, just would like to know to make sure I get myself the proper care . . .

Don't throw rotten tomatoes if you all have discussed this topic earlier . . . I've looked around on the forum and didn't find anything.

87 Responses
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382218 tn?1341181487
I wondered the same thing!  I had never heard that before about the MS hug, which I have experienced in full force.  It felt like my oxygen intake was decreased, but I had read that this is just because of the sensation of feeling like you are in a vise grip, that  it is not actually cutting off your air supply.  

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572651 tn?1530999357
I caught that too .... I have discussed with DJ (Shadowsister) the events surrounding her emergency tracheotomy years ago and wonder if perhaps those spasms weren't part of the MS hug symptom.  She has no doubt that this almost fatal occurence was because of her MS.  

We'll have to ask her next time she is around here....
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When I get the hug it is a very tight squezzing sensation from under my breasts to my

waist.  It is very uncomfortable and lasts quite long.  

(I for sure need spelling lessons. LOL)  Please forgive                        Linda
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I went to the ER about 8 years ago because of the MS Hug.  I didn't even know I had MS at that time.  It was very uncomfortable but nothing like a heart attack.  I just felt like I couldn't really take a deep breath.  The ER Dr. dx'd it as anxiety........Surprise.
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I'm really glad this has come up, since I've been wondering about several things myself.

I did see Montel Williams on Oprah, and found some of what he said quite confusing. The part about the MS hug (I think), was prefaced by a description of the incredible Las Vegas heat. I thought he said that he was having a heat-sensitivity kind of reaction, then he started talking about maybe a heart attack. I listened very hard at that point, and didn't hear him mention the hug by name. Or maybe he did and I just didn't understand him. Maybe the possibility of death had to do with the possible heart issue. If anyone who saw the program could clarify this, it would be helpful.

Now I'm going to say something I've never told a soul about before this. Over the last 2 years or so I've had at least 6 or 8 instances of something-or-other that I did nothing about. The first time, it happened off and on, sometimes for more than an hour, and it was over about a 3-week period. Since then it's been shorter, over a day or two.

What "it" was is the feeling that someone was taking the heal of his hand and pressing very hard at the bottom center of my sternum. I first thought I was having a bad case of indigestion, though the painful pressure seemed outside of my internal organs and more on the bones of the rib cage, and the standard remedies didn't help. Now that I've started having trouble at both the top and the bottom of my esophagus, I'm wondering about that too, yet the pressure/pain has been too far down for that.

Naturally then, I have to wonder about heart issues. All I can say is that I've had at least 2 routine EKGs during this period, and things have been fine. I'm really quite physically active and get my heart rate up for prolonged periods several times a week. No problems at all.

So I have to wonder if this has been the MS hug. The thing is, it doesn't go around me like a hug at all. It's just in that one place. I know the hug can be experienced in a lot of ways, but how can one be sure that's what's going on? Is this, like MS, a process of elimination?

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572651 tn?1530999357
Hi all,
Do you know one of the reasons why more women die from heart attacks then men?  We like to blame the doctors, but a lot of it has to do with ourselves .... we ignore the symtoms and brush them off as other things like GERDs or MS hug.  Please everyone, if you have chest pains, you should be seen by a medical person immediately.  

Now that we're discussing this MS  Hug of death - you have even more reason to go to the ER or at least call your doctor the next time you feel chest constriction and/or pain.

Women often times have normal EKG's, normal stress tests, and non-specific symptoms that don't tell the doctors immediately what is wrong.

Heart attacks can be prevented - time is muscle and the more time you spend wondering what is wrong, the more time your heart has to be damaged permanently if it is a heart attack.  

Don't second guess these symtoms - that's the job of the doctors.

Been there, done that!  
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Elizabeth gets this hug. She says it is like a big old bear is hugging her and sucking all the air out also like someone is jabbing her with a poker in her back through her chest. There are times she can't breath real good.

Now Lulu is right about women, we do ignore heart symptoms. Elizabeth's mom did in 2000. She was 80 then. When she finally went to the hospital. She had blown a quarter size hole between the left and right ventricular (she should have died from that), she also lost 40% of her heart and had a 5 way bypass. The day before she went to the hospital she went to the doctor for dizzy spells and heart burn. blood pressure was good EKG was great.  And as we all know test don't tell the whole story. Elizabeth's mom is now 89 and doing good.

Y'all have a great day
Elizabeth and I are going out tonight. Not sure what we are going to do. But it will be fun.
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382218 tn?1341181487
Montel said he wondered at the time if he was having a heart attack but then said he realized it was an MS symptom.  He called it "chest hug."  

Essie, what you describe sounds like it could be a variation of the MS hug, but I echo the others re: when in doubt, esp if it could even remotely be related to your heart, you should tell your doc about this.

For me MS hug is like being squeezed around my rib cage; as I recall, I felt like it wrapped around my whole torso, front and back.  At times it was really hard to get a deep breath, and if I was talking for too long, it seemed like I was losing my breath.  The other thing I remember was how difficult it was to roll over in bed when I had this, I felt seized up and heavy.
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338416 tn?1420045702
>  What "it" was is the feeling that someone was taking the heal of his hand and pressing very hard at the bottom center of my sternum. I first thought I was having a bad case of indigestion, though the painful pressure seemed outside of my internal organs and more on the bones of the rib cage, and the standard remedies didn't help. Now that I've started having trouble at both the top and the bottom of my esophagus, I'm wondering about that too, yet the pressure/pain has been too far down for that.

Ess, have you tried taking a drink of water when this is happening?

I've been having this problem for six or seven years now.  One time it was really bad, so I called the doctor's office, and they told me to call 911.  I said "Is there anything I can do in the meantime?"  Take an aspirin, they said.  Well, I got a glass of water and took an aspirin, and I found the pain wasn't in my heart, but in my throat.  As I swallowed the water, my throat began to relax.  So I didn't call 911 - I just drink a glass of water when it happens.  If my heart rate was elevated, I'd be more worried.

Acid reflux makes it worse, but I'm beginning to think that it's a problem with the diaphragm.  The diaphragm wraps around the esophagus at the point you describe, and where my pain comes from.  If it's spastic and cramping, then the throat would hurt.  I also have problems with slight shortness of breath, and frequent hiccups.
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338416 tn?1420045702
Oh, btw, I was diagnosed in 07, but the pains were happening way back in 02.  I was having other health problems, like frequent bronchitis and leg pain, so I have to wonder...
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749963 tn?1298037994
A problem that I was having, I had squeezing like sensation between my rib, it was no kind of pain that I experienced before!  it lasted about an hour and then I had another attack a couple days after that.
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147426 tn?1317265632
This is sooo interesting.  As to what would be a "typical Hug" we need to realize that it is a prolonged spasm of the muscles in the chest, mostly between the ribs.  MS can attack any nerves or sets of nerves, so it makes sense that the Hug could be high or low or even down around the abdomen.  It could encircle the chest or affect just a part of it.

The symptoms could certainly mimic those of a heart attack, of esophageal spasm, of reflux, or even appear to be a form of back pain.

I agree that anyone having this for the first time or having a new variation of it should see a doctor (as in GO TO THE ER!!!) immediately.  We can be quite cavelier about our symptoms and our families would not be proud to know that we brushed off a heart attact.

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429700 tn?1308007823
I want to bump this topic up because I think this topic and your responses are soooo important.  It's been a while since I've had this pain, but I'm not taking chances.  It's for a doctor, who is much more knowledgeable than I, to figure this out.  I don't want severe heart damage (or, yeah, death) because I don't didn't want to cause a scene or take the time to go to the ER.

Thanks, this is a very helpful discussion.
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198419 tn?1360242356
Thanks for the bump Deb.  I did not see this discussion.

I'v had horrifying spasms across my back, and then across my chest.  I couldn't take a breath when they were in the front.  I didn't know what it was, thought my back was in full spasm, until it went across my chest and the Dr. said the MS hug.

Sure doesn't feel like a nice strong hug.  I vote for a word change.  

Hugs are good durrnit!

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382218 tn?1341181487
How about the MS death grip?
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798671 tn?1238153888
they way you describe it is identicle to what happened to me only it was very painfull all over and i went into a nonepelptic seizure. this happened march 9th and i just have not been able to breath since. i just cant seem to get air in, but i have no problem swalling. if i talk alot it makes it worse. its not bad all the time it veries in intensity throughout they day and i just feel like im going to stop breathing all together when it gets really bad. im expeiencing alot of new stuff too but i wont go into all of that im just wondering how long this will last because its been almost 2 weeks and i cant work like this
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620048 tn?1358018235
I am still confused, but the only thing I experience, and I have been doing this for a few years..its just worse now, is that i cannot breathe well, i am always taking deep breaths but sometimes it gets so bad I have to lie down and just take deep breaths for awhile...anywhere from an hour to a whole afternoon.  It leaves me worn out too.

Is that just shortness of breath?

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798671 tn?1238153888
do you think smoking would make this worse?
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798671 tn?1238153888
Also I looked this up on the web and it says it is caused by a lesion in the spinal cord. it is also a very interesting article to read


hope this helps a little more i know it did for me
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Kenny,

If taking breaths in trigger the spasm, I'd say it could prolong or make it temorarily worse, but smoking is not the cause of the MS hug, for sure..... I blamed my 1st attack on smoking, lol.....just don't want you thinking you've caused this... Oh, and a belated welcome to you from me.

DB - Death Grip, yea - Strangle Hold? Boa Constrictor? Or, some variation of that?
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649926 tn?1297657780
This is a very important topic thanks for posting  - Let's keep it going

1st to agree with Lu & Quix don't mess around with the heart - get it checked out.

2nd to deborah0904 I also went to the ER and was told it was a panic attack and anxiety. They were so rude and dismissive that I was angry & embarrassed. I had a few more and didn't tell anyone but hubby because I didn't want to be treated that way again.

3rd to Kenny12345 (cool name&#) I was told that my chest pain can be actually coming from a lesion that I have in the Tspine because the nerves wrap around. That made since but does that mean I should "ignore" future symptoms?

4th to Meg - I am still confused to so maybe if enough of us share I might "get it".

5th to Everyone maybe we should pole for a new name. I agree a hug is such a nice thing and this is NOT!

Erin :)
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798671 tn?1238153888
i say we rename it "MS Torture" , cuase thats waht it feels like. lol
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I too, like many of you had not heard of this so called "MS Hug." I have been experiencing it for over two weeks. Just last week my dr sent me in for a MRI of brain and spine. Talk about excrutiating!! To lay there in that tube for an hour and a half was pure torture. If i would have known before i would have definately taken something to relax me. I didn't think I was gonna make it, but i dealt with the pain as I do every day. I try so hard not to complain or cry about it everyday. I'm hoping my results come back tomorrow so they can tell me something or give me something for this pain. So many things go through your head....almost hoping that its from the MS and not something more serious.
Is it worth it to go for steroid treatments just for it to come back in a month or so? I'm just so sick and tired of being sick and tired. As I sit here, it is a beautiful day out and just cannot bring myself to want to do anything. Husbands out, kids are out and here I sit. Guess I just have to drag myself out of this chair and self pity and do something....
Sorry for the ranting and venting. But, it's good to know I'm not alone.
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boy can i relate to a lot of stuff on this post.

it doesn't feel nice at all when the sensation is having to take really shallow breaths wondering the heck is going on! i just sit there forcing with a lot of effort to get deep breaths in, telling myself "it won't last forever, you've been here before"...

"I'm just so sick and tired of being sick and tired.", I second this big time.

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