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Stiff legs, muscle twitching after foot injury & Fear of MS, ALS

Hi everyone!
   7 month ago I ran 1 km on hilly area with weight.After reaching home I take 15 min rest.When I tried to stand after rest my both legs become numb, there was electric shock type feeling behind my knees.I fall down & my right foot got twisted & sprained. After some days removing cast I made bad habbit walking on my heels(not putting toes on ground).After recovery of foot injury now after 7 months-
1.When walk slowly on flat surfaces i.e room my calve muscles are going stiff,then urge to stretch calves then popping sound from muscles, sometimes feet seems numb.I can't walk easily on flat surface seems my knees are locked or I am not putting weight on foot.
2.No problem while running,going uphill & downhill,stairs.
3.Tingling while lying on bed at rest.
5.Anxity & fear of MS,ALS,GBS etc after reading internet.
4. Occasionally muscle twitching calves,arm, abdomen.
5.Normal Blood work,NCV,Spine & brain MRI.No EMG yet.
6.Noraml neurological strength exams.
Still My problam is undiagnosed.I am broken & scared about my life.Please help me. Of
3 Responses
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987762 tn?1671273328
Alcohol acts as a central nervous system depressant, the CNS is responsible for taking in information through the senses, motor function, emotion, thinking, understanding, reasoning etc etc etc. basically alcohol depresses the central nervous system making communication between the brain and the nerves slow down but alcohol affects just about every part of the brain and the nervous system...  

The first area of the brain affected by even small amounts of alcohol is the cerebral cortex, which is why alcohol lowers inhibitions, and typically causes an initial increase in talkativeness and sociability etc, the affect alcohol has on Gamma- Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is actually what makes alcohol the social lubricant. The next part of the brain alcohol is said to affect is the cerebellum, the cerebellum is the area of the hind brain that controls movement coordination, balance, equilibrium and muscle tone.

For all the obvious alcohol related dependency issues, consuming alcohol is not recommended for anyone to self medicate or as a diagnostic tool even when Dystonia is likely....I haven't a clue how Dystonia even came up to be honest, Vicky doesn't even mention experiencing anything resembling Dystonia or even any type of spasm and even if she had, lower limb dystonia is actually uncommon in adulthood and least commonly originates in isolation of the lower limbs, so it's a very unlikely explanation when compared to the more common ones.

MS is actually actually one of the many secondary causes of Dystonia, Dystonia is basically a general term for a large group of movement disorders that vary in their symptoms, causes and progression. There are different types of Dystonia but the most characteristic symptom pattern with most forms of dystonia is twisting, repetitive movements that affect the neck, torso, limbs, eyes, face, vocal chords, and/or a combination of these muscle groups.

I'm going to post this, unlike my other deleted attempts trying to understand......hope it helps somehow :D
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Try this. Have a glass of wine or a beer. If your slow walking improves, you most likely have limb dystonia. If not, disregard the following.

Reading, this you slow walking must improved. I am sorry. Yeah, the cerebral frontal lobe controls voluntary muscular movement. Sometimes an injury will cause a auto feedback which increases the neurological stimulation to the area of the brain.

When you’re at rest. the muscles are still tensing; you become stiff.

When you walk slowly, if feels like you’re walking in mud or through the Highwater. And the muscular movements that you’re doing or difficult to alter which he makes on even terrain difficult to manage.

When you move faster the muscles are not getting a chance to become stiff until your input stimuli of resting muscles or the muscles at rest accumulates to match the muscle you activate. Then you won’t be able to run.
Wine is a muscle relaxer that effect the he frontal lobe of cerebral hemisphere first.
I pray that you don’t have dystonia. This would mean injuries in other areas can duplicate the same effect. The etiology is unknown, but my 2 cents is betting on a peripheral injury that couples with spinal compression at do point to create a sensation to reproduce muscular activity. The etiology is undermined by the concept that the brain control voluntary movement; external stimuli and reflexes can cause the brain to respond. If the initiator isn’t disengaged, the brain will continue the loop.

If dystonia, stretching will lengthen your muscle to allow you more room before complete contraction or tetenus ( a severe spasm). If you’re spazzing, you may need muscle relaxer instead of self medicating with alcohol.

If dystonia, you will pay for the running when you stop because the resting neuro input is now higher; and stiffness will occur faster... or fuel is consumed, or potassium level have dropped. All will make movement more difficult.

As weird as it may sound maintain good posture;  as you may have more than one injury.  If dystonia, you need Gatorade and carnation instant breakfast to replace and rebuild losses.
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Hi...I don't know what's going with me.I Can walk on heels,Can walk on toes for hours,can climb uphill also walk downhill....but flat surfaces my legs are giving out(buckling), burning pain sometimes while lying on bed, random muscle twitching different parts of body.I conceived I have MS or ALS.EMG & NCV are normal even brain MRI.Spine MRI shows disc bulge L4-L5, L5- S1 level.What this may be? Please help
987762 tn?1671273328
Hi again,

Last time you wrote "I can't walk on flat surfaces.My legs are going tight.However I can climb stairs easily." so you have experienced some improvement over the last few weeks if you can actually run up or down hill, as well as climb stairs now... "2.No problem while running,going uphill & downhill,stairs."  

Though to be totally honest it doesn't make a lot of sense  physically why you can run without a problem but can't walk slowly......if you are able to run, up and down hills, up and down stairs, it suggests everything mechanically speaking is working as it physically should be so it  sounds to me like your probably dealing with a behaviourally (running?) related exacerbating or recurring injury eg irritation, inflammation, tear etc to the tendons, ligaments etc.

It's also possible your dealing with something like a Soleus muscle strain-injury, the soleus muscle can be overloaded when you are running uphill and or downhill. The soleus muscle runs from just below the knee to the heel and its purpose is to do with stability, standing and walking.

Honestly getting assessed by a physiotherapist might be a really good idea to help you work out what's causing this issue and they'd also provide you with appropriate stretching and recovery exercises etc As to your google induced health related anxiety and continual fears that what your experiencing could mean you have a condition like MS, ALS etc nothing you've mentioned (test evidence, symptoms etc) would be consistent or suggestive of these conditions, it would probably be a good idea to also see a psychologist or therapist to help you deal with your anxiety before it gets any worse and the anxiety takes over your life, it definitely can't hurt to be proactive and seek help specifically for your anxiety!

Hope that helps.....JJ  

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Hi...I don't know what's going with me.I Can walk on heels,Can walk on toes for hours,can climb uphill also walk downhill....but flat surfaces my legs are giving out(buckling), burning pain sometimes while lying on bed, random muscle twitching different parts of body.I conceived I have MS or ALS.EMG & NCV are normal even brain MRI.Spine MRI shows disc bulge L4-L5, L5- S1 level.What this may be? Please help
If the only abnormality your diagnostic testing came up with was that your spinal MRI picked up you have bulging-protruding discs in your lumber spine (level L4-L5, L5-S1) then this structural issue in your Lumber spine is your most likely causation of what you have been experiencing......

Bulging discs can press against the peripheral nerves causing pain, the pain is from spinal nerve inflammation and swelling of the nerve caused by the pressure. Symptoms vary depending on the locations of the disc issue but lumber disc protrusion or herniation are commonly known to cause pain, burning feeling or electric shock that radiates from your low back down one or both legs, into your feet which is called sciatica, usually when you stand, walk, or sit.

It can also cause numbness and or tingling, cramping or muscle spasms in your back or leg(s), leg muscle weakness, or knee or ankle reflex loss and IF severe in can also cause foot drop (your foot doesn't lift when you walk) or loss of bowel or bladder control....

Because specific activities trigger the problem eg bending, lifting, twisting, sitting etc by continuing to irritate the nerve, the usual initial treatment for around 6-8 weeks is rest and pain management, with additional things like physical therapy and or home exercises, hydrotherapy etc. so i would suggest you see a physio to help work out what you should and shouldn't be doing activity wise.

If Lying flat on your back isn't working for you try bending your knees, laying on your back with your knees bent is suppose to relieve the downward pressure on the disc and be the most comfortable position to be in for disc issues in the lumber spine.

Hope that helps.....JJ

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