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511671 tn?1214148100

Taking Nuerontin, thinking of switching to Lyrica - any input?

My Neuro put me on Neurontin in November 2007, first 100 mg (supposed to be 3x a day but I could only handle it 2x day), then working up to 300mg in January when I was still experiencing very annoying sensations.  The last two months or so I have noticed I am very tired...  sleepy...  foggy and groggy.  I was still only taking it twice a day.  Told my doc there was just no way I could take it at mid day and still function at work.  My last visit to her a month ago I told her I was still not happy with the way it was making me feel.  She told me to try and get more sleep and rest and stay on it.  Sure....  with my job and Mom to 7 and 4 year old daughters?  I have decided I had enough.  I had already warned her I was thinking of stopping it and agreed to call her if I did.  I stopped taking it Tuesday (after the thinking it was Saturday episode) and by Thursday was already feeling more energy....  and more annoying sensations which are frequently painful.  I called her office Thursday and got a call back Friday suggesting I start Lyrica.  I can stop by the office Tuesday and pick up some samples.  I have a call in to my Rheumy to get his input.  He has me on Methotrexate and Diflucan SOD for my psoriatic arthritis.  I want to stop the difulcan as well, doesn't seem to be setting well with my stomach after 7 months of being on it, just seems to be getting worse.  I also don't think it is helping much.
So...  (I am a rather wordy person, aren't I?)...  anyone have any experience with any of the above?  I am rather concerned that the Lyrica will have me in the same place as the Neurontin..  and also concerned about the side effects especially depression.  With everything going on I am borderline there already..  don't need anything to push me over.
Thanks :)
11 Responses
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I'm STILL trying to get Lyrica covered on my insurance!  I can't afford the $125.00 that it would be without insurance. I was up to 400mg   200 x a day, and it was really helping me a lot. I'm down to 200mg a day now, but still get a lot of pain. I may have to go back to neurontin after all. Maybe I have been off of it for long enough for it to work for me again.  Good luck on trying it, but be sure to increase slowly. Starting on weekend was a great idea.

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527935 tn?1218561121
I have been taking Lyrica for about 6 months now and I like it.  I don't have any side effects except dry mouth  and I do know now that even though I still have some nerve pain still if I miss a dose (which has happened) I really can tell that I haven't taken it.  I went on the samples and then had a problem with the insurance paying for it so I had to stop.  I know when I was on it I didn't think it was doing much for me but when I had to stop I noticed my nerve pain increased drastically.  When I switched insurances the new provider accepted the lyrica and I went back on it and now my nerve pain is at at lower level.  While I still have nerve pain I know it could be worse.  I hope this helps you when you are taking it and you don't think it is working and you decide to go off of it don't completely go off it just quit taking it and see how much more nerve pain you have than when you were on it.

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437223 tn?1204853641
I have been taking it for over a yr and cant believe how I ever survived without it.  I got immediate results and no side effect. I pray this will help you. Neurontin has to much of a depression side effect and none of us need that!!
Best of luck to you!!
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511671 tn?1214148100
Day #5 on Lyrica...  so far so good.  Only taking it once a day at bedtime so sleepy is a good thing.  Friday I will take one in the morning as well.  Not sure that it is having much of an effect on the nervy stuff, at least not yet.
I don't want to know what the actual cost is, but it hit my highest possible co-pay.  I actually pay less for copaxone.  *sigh*
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511671 tn?1214148100
Well I will stop by my Neuro tomorrow to pick up some samples.  I figure starting it on the weekend will be better.  We have a busy weekend planned with a trip to the water park and the circus but at least I don't hve to drive or go to work :)
Thanks everyone for your input.  I'll let you know how it goes.

....wondering how people with conditions like this kept any form of sanity before forums....
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I have tried both.  I could only do 300 neurontin without being really tired, but it did nothing for my pain.  Then I tried lyrica - I found it to be about the same - at the initial dose, it wasn't too sedating but it didn't help the pain.  I felt like if it did nothing at that dose, I didn't want to suffer through increasing it.  For both, I took one in the morning and the other two later in the day so if I was tired I was home.  

If neurontin had some good effects on your symptoms, lyrica may work too.  I have a friend who was able to work up to 900mg neurontin 3 times a day but it took about a month to get there - and it did really help her nerve pain.  Her pain is very clearly coming from nerve impingement in her spine though.  

Let us know how you do.  I hope you find relief.  Chronic pain is the worst part of all this for me so I really feel for you.
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465975 tn?1224231635
Hello My name is Mike. I have been taking neurotin for two years the last year and a half about 3600mg a day. My new neuro suggested that I was not benefiting any longer. he has cut my neurotin to 1200mg a day and 200mg of lyrica. I take 100 in the morning and 100 in the evening. I also take 75 mg of effexor in the moirning and 75mg at night. i feel less nerve pain on the lyrica the only down side is the cost. LOL !! I hope this helps you. Good Luck.

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506846 tn?1217265961
I do take Lyrica and have for the past month.  

On the dose I am now it doesn't seem to help my nerve pain. I take 2 pills at night and 2 in the morning.

Know when I first started taking it, I was told by my Neruo to take it very slowly.  By starting one pill at night for a week.  The first night I went to sleep in 30 min slept all night.  The next night I wasn't as sleep form the pill.  From there the sleepiness went away. So by the time the next week came around and I started taking a pill in the morning the sleepiness didn't effect me. I went up to 2 pill at night at the same time as taking my morning dose.  Now I take 2 in the morning and at night.  
I need it increased, I still feel all my nerve paint and numbness and at time is disabling.

I can't say it doesn't work until I try a higher dose. But as for side effects, I haven't had any issues.

Hope this helps,
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511671 tn?1214148100
Great....  sleepy is NOT what I am looking for!

I believe when something is NOT right for your body it will let you know pretty quickly, so three days could well be enough.

Going to wait to talk to my Rheumy on Tuesday before making any decisions.  

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I will be honest with you.  I took Lyrica for three days before I called my GP that put me on it.  I told him it was not helping and things seemed to be getting worse. I asked to go back to neurontin.  He immediatly called back and told me to go off it.  I do know that they are related in their chemistry.  I just did not like it.  I will also tell you that 3 days may not be enough time to let it start working, but Neurontin was helping and why switch if it is working.

Hope Lyrica works for you.  I can tell you it did make me very sleepy.
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I have taken both neurontin and Lyrica. I was on Neurontin for approx13 years. I finally reached the maximum dose with no pain relief. My doc has now given me Lyrica. I took it 3 months last summer, and it was marvelous. I didn't have any depression, and I had lots of energy. I could even exercise and swim. I stopped taking it because it did make me gain weight, and I am diabetic....need to lose not gain.  So then he switched me to Tizanidine and Citoprolam. This didn't work nearly as well. 3 months ago he started me back on Lyrica. I have lost 6 lbs since starting it, have been watching my carbs like an eagle.I'm not up to a high enough dose yet to stop the nerve pain. You have to build up gradually. I was about to up my dose, when I found out my new insurance company won't authorize it. Still fighting that battle. Hope I can get authorization soon, as it's the best one I've found for nerve pain.   Gee, I'm wordy tonight too!  I think you should give it a try, but I would check about your insurance coverage first.  Good luck, I hope it helps you.

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