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Weekly roundup.

Greetings, everyone old and new here on this wonderful forum.  It's another week - so give us a peek into your week and what's happening that you would like to share........

Good or bad, we like to know,
25 Responses
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738075 tn?1330575844
Finally coming out of 4 weeks of Trigeminal Neuralgia.  Starting to feel human, again!

The usual, work, babysitting...flying to Vegas on Sunday to visit my sis, her partner, and a dear old friend I've known since I was 11 years old!  Go 49ers!!
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1760800 tn?1406753451
Usual week at work but heading to Johns Hopkins for MRI's on friday -  Dr wants ones 1 year out on Avonex so here I go!
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751951 tn?1406632863
Caledonia is northeast of Marion, south of Bucyrus, southwest of Galion, and northwest of Mount Gilead.   Those are all county seats, so most of your decent maps should have them.  We're a teeny little town, about 600 residents, they tell us.
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4661387 tn?1359415198
I too take Meloxicam...good to know that your pain cleared up after not taking it. It is interesting with all we have going on that a medicine can help one symptom and make another one worse... The world of MS is a tricky one with everyone's experiences being different and all.

Sorry to hear about the funeral for your family member...funerals are emotional but always have a couple good outcomes: it brings the family together for a bit; and you know the person you have lost is no longer suffering. Very sorry for your loss dear, and I hope your week continues to get better. Smile
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3079363 tn?1363273715
Boardman, OH-just outside of Youngstown. Where's Caledonia?
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4661387 tn?1359415198
Good gravy MS and Possibly MG as well. Honey I am not to happy to hear this double dx for you but I do know exactly how you feel with the hope of moving forward in the right direction for a change. My Rheumatologist and Opthomologist are the two doctors that say I have MS so I am praying that the new Neurologist I have to see concursso that I too can move forward in the right direction of treatment and maybe learn a few new things that could help rather than add to the overdone portion of my body. I have not been able to work for over a year now so II do not have that but I do my physical therapy exercises at our warm therapy pool here in town. They have a wheelchair lift and can lift me in and out of the pool thats kind of fun * I have fun doing things that aren't enjoyable because I am learning to laugh at myself, with myself, with others and sometimes I am even getting ok at prettending I am able to follow others conversations when we are in a group of people. lol. Well Hun best of luck to your new direction of treatment. I pray your week brings you some wonderful large steps in a good way.
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4661387 tn?1359415198
Oh wow Kelly97,
You have a very busy week this week. I pray it all goes smoothly and you get the news or answers you need from all your doctors appointments and have a fantastic lunch with your friends/co-workers!
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4661387 tn?1359415198
Hello everyone! Well my week...Imy hubby bought me a Mini Rex bunny rabbit on Sunday to help me with my therapy I get really anxious and stressed out in crowded places, loud places and anywhere in between at times...so he and the doctor thought this might help. There is a photo of him on my page his name is Chaos Max.

They are changing up some of my medications because I am  having a rage/anger reaction to something and the only new one I'm on is Zoloft but instead of taking me back off the Zoloft they took my Savella because they think the interaction is between both of them...so now the nerve pain in my legs is so intese that I haven't slept for the last two nights and am fighting this pain moster each day as I'm awake.

I don't have any appointments this week but would like to get a call stating they moved my neurology appointment to a lot closer date, currently last week of February. Things seem to be moving along in our house this week.

I posted a fun 10 things I love about my incurable disease post and would love it if you all wanted to chime in on it. I had fun making my list. I had even more fun laughing at my spelling error in the title and in my post. :)

Tadaa to a great week everyone! Best wishes and prayers to you all!
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My daughter visited overnight from college.  She graduates in May.  I love to have her home.
Just visited my new Myastenia Gravis specialist, who told me I definitely have MS and possibly MG as well.  He was wonderful, and the meeting was all about what am I thinking? what questions do I have?  My neuro is on board and verifying all things are considered as we go forth with the assumption of 2 auto-immunes.  
Boy you never never know where your path will lead you.
While I'm not anxious to be diagnosed with 2 auo-immunes, I'm happy to start moving forward.
I start Intravenous immunoglobulin infusion this week.  Work is intense and super busy which keeps my mind busy. Good to keep busy

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1832736 tn?1325082968
Spoke with my new long term disability manager, those calls are always fun, "so what is stopping you from going back to work or maybe learning a new career?"  As much as I would love to go back to work, I'm just a little too messed up to return to work or learn something new, pretty much the same questions as the short term disability manager.  I'm fairly sure she has the file sitting in front of her or on her computer, along with all the files from my neurologist.  

Wednesday its time for the annual physical, hopefully that will be all for the rest of the week.      
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751951 tn?1406632863
Colin, did we ask, where in OH?
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1045086 tn?1332126422
Today was a called update to the cardiologist.
Tomorrow it's the pulmonologist.
Thursday it's the orthopedic surgeon.
Friday it's the dermatologist.

I just wish one of them could/would actually do something to help make the piece of me they're in charge of work a little bit better.

Oh wait.  I picked up new glasses on Saturday.  I can see better at distance now.  Give me a few days and the bifocal might kick in too :)

Superbowl..... Signals the end of a season, yes?  It would be a real blessing to think the constant whistle sounds from the next room were coming to an end... if experience didn't tell me the Peter Pans of the world will simply use this occasion to change the shape of their game ball.... and move those incessant whistles into a huge echo chamber.

Needless to say, I'm no fan.  I'll spend Sunday at a granddaughter's divisional swim meet.  No noise there!  lol
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751951 tn?1406632863
Golly.  Last Sunday we did calling hours for a grandson of the pastor who preceded me at our present church.  Monday (MLK Day), calling hours for my boss's mother.  Lu, we.lost the last in my mom's family last.year.  Sad indeed.  I remember telling one aunt years.ago, after.a.spate of funerals, "We've got to stop meeting like this."  Soon, she set up a huge family reunion, which gave us many great memories.

Alex, I thought of you twice tonight.  First, I visited a parishioner at Grady Memorial Hospital.  Next, I thought of your recent "focus" comment when Nancy got a text from the grandson, across the street at Scouts, saying "Grandma Nance, will you please put some cookies in the oven?"  Focus.
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382218 tn?1341181487
Trying to buy a house ..... hoping the lawyers and realtors and builder etc will all start doing what they're supposed to be doing ... while all we can do now is sit and wait.  Supposed to take possession on Friday ... at this rate it's going to be tight!
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3079363 tn?1363273715
I have a stress-echo at 7 am tomorrow and a dentist (cleaning) appointment at 10. I'm off work Tues and Wed and will be giving my 2 week notice at work on Thurs! Planning a move to Ohio near the end of Feb. A little scary, but excited too! Calling OH to set up job interviews for the end of the month! So much to do-I'm going to take a deep breath and try to concentrate on one thing at a time!

lulu-sorry about your aunt, I've lost a few this past year. My mom is 13 out of 14 kids and there is now only 4 left. She won't even go to the funerals now...

hvac-I hope you have some beautiful days to ride Clara!

Sandy-would muscle relaxers help your spasms? They help mine. Hope you get relief soon!

Praying everyone else has positive news with your appointments!

When is the Super Bowl and who's playing???Lol

have a blessed week!
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thanks for all that sharing - I am always amazed by the sense of humor displayed, despite living with this MiSerable disease.  

Ess and JB - you should have a friendly wager of chicago pizza vs maryland crabs or something....I ca nabsoluely guarantee that one of your teams will win.

Debgen - your comment fits right in to the positive vibes here - 'you look so good' doesn't describe at all how we feel, but what choice do we have?

I have a funeral tomorrow for an aunt, the last of my mother's siblings. It will be a sad day, and my Mom is trying her best to put it in a postiive light. This aunt had an aortic aneurysm rupture 8 years ago and died - only to be resuscitated by the doctors  not once but twice. She put up quite the good fight the past few  years. I know it will be a day of tears and lots of sharing favorite memories.

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2112931 tn?1335098402
I'm suffering from intestinal spasms that woke me up last night. It was awful. I just ate lunch and feel spasms slightly again. I took a peppermint pill hoping that will calm it down. Last night my stomach got hard and bloated and hurt. Felt like stuff couldn't move. I'm so tired.
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No no no!

     GO RAVENS!!!

from a real Baltimoron
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1337734 tn?1336234591
Good morning :)

I think I might have figured out the cause of my abdominal pains!
I googled the many meds that I take daily and Melocicam, which I take for arthritis in my left foot appears to have all the negative side effects that I have been experiencing. I called the doc & he suggested that I stop taking it for a week and see what happens... Well my last pill was Wednesday and no abdominal pains at all! YAY!! Next, I will see what he suggests what I should take for the arthritis.

A thought for the day. I spent last Saturday at a family funeral, spending the day with many cousins that I haven't seen in many years. The we're all surprised to see how disabled I have become (mobility) They all commented on what a positive attitude I ("appeared") to have and how bra ve I am. Really though, what choice do I have? Just a thought...

Hosting our annual Superbowl party Sunday. Go 49ers!
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667078 tn?1316000935
Today training Grady
Tomorrow two Oncology appointments Ovarian and Breast.
Wednesday Yoga
I hope to ride Clara this week.

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900662 tn?1469390305
I only have my six check up with the PCP.  nothing else medical wise until March.

Slow week otherwise,   Superbowl on Sunday ,  I will be pulling for the

we've had a week of weird weather here in the  midwest.

Take care
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1831849 tn?1383228392
The end of my semi annual tune up comes tomorrow, when I see my MS Doc/Guru. Blood test for JCV was negative, MRI was unchanged and we'll discuss the LP tomorrow.

No if I could just get them to finish the work on my apartment, life would be beautiful!

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Last Fri my oncologist sent me to another oncologist in her group. He wants to see if my insur will approve a PET scan. He says more than likely not - so this week I'll be hoping that they WILL approve it.  He told me he just had a patient with a Dx of Lymphoma that they denied.

Mon & Thurs I have my swallowing PT.

Tues going to lunch with 2 ex co-workers & my old manager.

Wed meeting back with the same rheumy I saw last Apr to see if I have some sort of muscle/connective tissue disease.

And trying to finish figuring out my taxes. Usually my partner claims our house, but I think this time I'm going to claim it.  This time I have about $8000 worth of medical expenses that I paid out, not including insurance or my health flexible spending acct (too bad I can't write those off, too!).  Now I know where all my money/savings went this year.  :-(
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Headed home today after my two weeks of fun

Frustrated over complications of changing Tysabri sites, they all have different protocols, thinking there should be some common ground

Nothing new this week but busy one next week
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