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230948 tn?1235844329

night sweats? cold sweats/shivers goosebumps

Hi me again

Do any of you suffer from night sweats i soak the bed 3-4 times a night and have to change put towels on the sheets its so embarrasing this happens during the day too cold sweats when i move around which is not fast lol i never used to sweat this much when i jogged 5 miles on my day off 2 yrs ago before i got ill?

i get hot inside and feel weak all over i hate the heat yet i also hate the cold!! if i go outside and get too cold all my muscle spasms and i feel ill yet if i get too hot in bed or from just my body getting hot in a bath or just me i feel weak in my muscles and just want to get out of my skin!!

also i get isolated patches of my skin that shivers and gets goosebumps as if its cold but its not, what is that about??
does anyone else get this? it has been getting worse and worse i have lost 2 st so its not weight related and i am 33 so its not menopause.

any ideas???

21 Responses
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I suffer exactly the same - awaiting blood tests - either the menopause or something more sinister!  Haven't slept for more than an hour over the last 5 months x
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Hi, name is Jake, 23 year's old. I am suffering from night and day sweats, I soak the blankets sometimes, I get hot one minute then cold all through the day, my hands get clammy too. goosebumps as well. I do not know the cause, and I feel like my ph balance might be off. Any suggestions??
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634733 tn?1316625992
This is now a very old thread, I would start a new one if you want new answers.

However, in the meantime, I am now 57 and still have the same issues not just at night. My MS team have come to the conclusion that the MS has affected my thermostat as my hot/cold issues are getting worse rather than better as I get older. So, not menopause related!

Good luck
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I kmow the suffering and the feeling of not kmowing how to explain how u feel.especially when it comes to family and friends.I have 5 kids and a husband. It makes it hard when you want to play with your kids or take a walk with your husband but can't. My husband mother died of m.s. 2 years ago I think out of everyone he seems to try to understand the most.
♥ to all of you hope you feel better. As I do know how u feel.
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1510649 tn?1301575339
Have you been checked for Lupus? Your symptoms sound like they could be related to that, too. Might also check your thyroid levels.
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sam here is the uk lyme support group link....there has been lyme in the europe for many centurys longer then in the usa...it was called something else do not have the name right now...but here is a link to the lyme site in uk..
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hi sam i was on the net searching out the exact same symptoms...that you have listed....and it was eerie reading your post how the same our symptoms are...I just got a mri which pointed to ms but i know i do not have ms because i have a lyme doctor and i have lyme..i am thinking you have lyme..i have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia also..and cryoglobulemia , vasculitis a few others before lyme...This hot and cold is a new symptom for me and it is driving me crazy i can not do anything because i start to heat up inside out and sweat and have to sit down or i feel like i am going to get sick..i can be freezing and two seconds later i am sweating..and burning up..its nuts..I turn the fan on and off all night long and i am now starting to get no sleep...you described the exact symptoms i am going through..i am hoping this is a sign i am fighting off the lyme...at this moment..Are you taking any meds? And what diagnoses do you have at this time do you mind me asking..?
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428506 tn?1296557399
D'oh!  my first line should read:

"Actually, tick borne infections have been documented in the UK for longer than they have in the US!"

Sorry for the confusion, I wish we could edit posts!

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428506 tn?1296557399
Actually, tick borne infections have been documented in the US for longer than they have in the US!

When Lyme was "discovered" in the US in the 1970's, it was named after the town in which it was identified:  Lyme, Connecticut.  In Europe, I think Lyme goes by different names, like borrelia or borreliosis.

You could probably do a better job than me looking for UK-specific sites, but here is one I found pretty quickly:


I don't recall a tick bite in my life, and don't spend time outdoors.

Today marks the 3 month mark into my treatment for Lyme, and I feel my old self starting to come back!  I have a ways to go, but am extremely glad to actually be able to start resuming some normalcy in my life.
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230948 tn?1235844329
Hi i was always sensitive to the cold till i got ill then the heat bothered me then came the over heating i thought it was weight realted so i dropped 2 st when coming off lyrica as i had put on but that didnt help i sweat so much its embarasing it pours down me specially at night but during the day and i ahd never been like that i am 33 do you thin this could be the change so early?? gosh i hope not i was tested for thyroid as sweats come with that but was clear i do think it could be the pain patches i am on but the its only been last yr this is happening and then i have been on the patches more then a yr.

if i get hot it takes me ages to cool and if i go outside and i get too cold i get so ill all my muscles go into spasms.

all fun.

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634733 tn?1316625992
Sorry Sam I've only just seen your question. My night sweats started a while before the change - peri menopausal. I had hot flushes during the day too for about 2 years on and off.

But the night sweats have never really gone and really get me down. I was through the change by 50, I'm 54 this year and still suffering the night sweats, although I have been told it can go on a while.

I am very sensitive to hot and cold though and haved been since my thirties -  once cold I can't get warm, when hot I overheat - get the picture

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230948 tn?1235844329
Hi wonko

i have posted on the lyme site and alot of people said my sx sound lyme but i am UK although i have travelled to america in the last 7 yrs it would be a streatch i cant ever remember being bittian except when i was 13 and had been to france and gotten bittian and it got infected and made me ill for a while but apart from that i can not remember being bittian and the time scale would not match.

I hope your well wonko how is it all going for you??

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428506 tn?1296557399
excuse an old Lyme patient for passing through, but for what it's worth, night sweats are a common symptom of Lyme and several Lyme co-infections.
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230948 tn?1235844329
i think if i got the cells back again i would think about that but not at this age i am sure its to do with th pain patches or my illness but it could well be hormonenal i have been checked for tyhorid disorder and it was not that as i know that can cause sweats and fatiuge.

anyway i live with it, thanks for advise.

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I was fortunate that the sweats at night only lasted for about 7-9 months.  Then it was all done - I have not had that problem in years.  Has your doctor ever thought about a possible hysterectomy?  Maybe that should be considered with all the problems you have and your famiy history?  then again, maybe that's not a good idea.  I still have everything.  

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230948 tn?1235844329

it is the oddest feeling and it is what goes on inside as it does not feel cold though you can see the goosbumps if you look at the area, its the most oddest thing.


oh please no not that i have to say my mum started hers in her forties and it went on till her fifties not nice yrs then she took HRT and then got breast cancer i swear the two are connected she went on to die from this 5 yrs later. My dr does not know about it but i do have period problems and have to have regular smears as had pre cancer cells cn3 a yr ago this month and had to have letts treatment to remove those cells and then got a womb infection and since then i have constant break through bleeds on my periods even though i am on the pill, but i have 6 mth smear test to keep an eye on it, the last one was clear and i have scans as i have fibroids and they keep an eye on them too all fun. I do have the pain patches and although the sweating has been a thing of the last yr and i've been on the pain patches fentanal  pathces 100 longer  then that but when i change my patches and i do it at night i sweat more that night then any other night.


how long have you had the sweats since you been ill or since your change?? i hate the on off thing i will tell my neuro when i see him in a few weeks.

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634733 tn?1316625992
I get the sweats too,  I went through the menopause some time ago and have been having problems with my thermostat both before and since.

Night sweats mean I take stuff off, duvet, clothes - everything!, chills mean I put more stuff on - layering is the only answer.

Your not alone - I find this a pain as the heat problem makes everything else feel worse too.
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Hi Sam,
Don't think you are too young to be peri-menopausal.  With all the craziness going on in our bodies, I would be curious at what age others here finished the "change."  don't you just hate that phrase?  I know I do.  

I finished menopause - completely - at age 45.  

Does the doctor have any suggestions  such as hormone imbalance, nutritional needs or whatever? This has to be so unbearable .

my best,
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I also get patches of goosebumps, has nothing to do with temperature though.  It's the weirdest thing.  I could be sitting at my computer working away when all of a sudden part of my body gets chill bumps.  It feels like it's caused by something going on inside me rather than external factors such as temperature.  I know it sounds crazy, but then again, everything I've been going through these past 6 months is crazy.  

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230948 tn?1235844329

your the only one who answers my post bless you. we have such the same sx its scary, i hate the hot and cold days i get hot inside take everything off then put it back on have my heating turned off in my room everyone says its so cold lol yet i have to have it cold for the hot times and the cold i just dive under the duvet and cover myself with blankets lol

i will start to writ this all down now ready for when i see dr kimber again my old neuro it will be a few weeks yet but already feel sick in my tummy to go through all this again and prob be told that there nothing wrong with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

will pray this is Gods will and i'll get answers or something to slow this down.

love sam
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293157 tn?1285873439
I don't do good with temp changes...I don't have the night sweats wear I sweat so much to wet the bed...but I do have hot flashes...not menopause..gone through that years ago.. but I have hot and cold all day and night...kick the blankets on and off... wear gloves in the evening as my finger and hands go cold and blue.. in the house... wear sweaters on and off all day... my body temp flucuates all the time... don t know why.

and outside temp are hard..if too hot or cold it bothers me... you not alone with that
let you Dr know about the night sweats too..

take care
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