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Warm,Fuzzy Sensation in Head with faint like feeling

I delivered a baby 7 months ago. About two months after I delivered by c-section, I started to get panic attacks and didn't feel like myself anymore.I went to the doctor. She rans some tests and she said my thryoid was overactive. Meds, didn't help. Then I went to another doctor, i explained same things, but dizziness is alot worse. They rans some tests again. TSH, T3, T4, Rectic Count, Iron Profile, B-12 Deficency. I even went to the ER for the dizziness. At the ER, they did a CT scan, said it was negative and told me to follow up on results with DR. Well I went back to the doctor and while at the doctor I had an anxiety attack. They gave me Ativan and sent me home. They did however tell me that all results were normal, I was just a little anemic and to take iron. Well I have been anemic for the past 3 years and never did it cause dizziness. This dizziness fluctuates. The past few months, I have had small faint like attacks. The best way to describe this feeling is a warm sensation in my head. Like something triggers and its a warm and fuzzy feeling, and I feel like I am about to pass out, for a few seconds. It scares me so much I have to stop what I am doing and lay down, if possible. And this happens at different times, during different activites. This is driving me crazy and doctors keep dismissing this problem. What could it be and what do I need to tell my doctor to check for. Could it be my brain, stress or my ears? I have never had this problem before and have always been in great health. I am frustrated, please help.
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Has anyone who had these symptoms improved or found anything else out? Would be great to hear from you.


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I had this happen too. My doctor said it might be hormones not being balanced anymore. She put me on high estrogen birth control pills. So far it has helped a lot.
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I always feel like I have a pinched nerve in my neck...like I sleep wrong all of the time.  Today, I turned my neck and heard a pop sound.  Since that moment, I have felt like Im going to pass out, my heart is racing, I get a warm , fuzzy feeling in my head, my vision is blurred, I feel like im in a tunnel, and I feel like I have to take an extra breathe, oh, and a slight pinching headache.  Im scared that this could be an aneurysm.  Is this anxiety?  What is wrong with me?  Im on the verge of going to the ER
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If you found a diagnosis to this please tell me! I have the same exact thing! It's terrifying, please help
I have all of the above and more. Some things I can hardly describe! One strange thing being (doing my best to describe this) is if I sit in a chair for a certain amount of time while I'm speaking to someone and concentrating on the conversation, all of a sudden I don't feel in control of myself and it feels like I'm about to just fall over and faint. This is the newest and most occuring symptom I've had in the last 6 months. Everything started almost a year ago. One night I was laying in my bed, watching television, about to close my eyes and I began to feel a headache coming on in the left side of my head. (I've lived with migraines my whole life. I'm now 28 years old. When I was 10 I was diagnosed with "ice pick" headaches which feel like a very quick sharp jab to one area of the head that goes away as quickly as it comes on. Headaches are no stranger to me. So when I began to feel one starting I thought nothing of it. But this time was different.) The pain became stronger, sharper, more concentrated. It literally felt like pressure was building. Next thing I know, it was like the pain pin pointed itself and I LITERALLY felt as if a bubble filled with liquid burst open. I could feel this "liquid" going down towards my neck, then in my neck, then continued into my shoulder... it even felt like it was coming out of my ears!!! Obviously when I reached for my ear it was not wet, but this "liquid feeling" left behind a burning sensation that lasted for days wherever that feeling felt like it touched. I was so scared and in shock, I thought I was experiencing a brain aneurysm and begged my fiance to dial 911. A typical migraine and the panic attacks continued for over 2 months straight after that. Then the fainting feelings, sometimes a numbing/tingling sensation from my shoulder to hand and then some serious heart palpatations that feel like my heart is stopping and restarting itself which can happen anywhere from 2-20 times a day. All pain and sensations usually occuring on my left sides only. That's when I felt like it wasn't just migraines and anxiety, typical all in your head stuff,so I sought medical attention. It took me months to see a doctor because I'm not the type of person who wants to go to the doctors and I actually thought I sounded crazy when I tried to explain these things out loud. Since then I've seen a migraine specialist, 3 different doctors and been to the ER. I've had a catscan, EKG test, every blood test imaginable and even wore a haulter heart monitor, but apparently all results were "normal". In the last 6 months the only thing that has changed is the anxiety has become a little more managable/bearable and I haven't had the constant daily migraines since I started drinking Gatorade on a consistent basis,  which was recommended by a nurse friend of mine to ensure hydration and electrolytes. So that indeed helped with migraines, but the rest remains. I am open to any and all ideas. I have read forums such as these before, but I've never thought it was worth commenting until I read someone else's response about having children and fearing death before being able to see them grow up. That has been my biggest fear this entire time. I have a daughter and step-son, both 9, who I can't imagine not being there for throughout at least the first half of their lives... PLEASE if anyone has any helpful information or reccommendations PLEASE consider taking the time to e-mail me at: ***@**** ...I sincerely pray for anyone who has experienced the same or similar things that I have. My thoughts are with you and I hope you get the answers you deserve. No one should have to live in fear, especially of their own bodies. Best of luck <3
"M Burdick 312 @ gmail" but put together is my email... not sure why this site blocked it out...
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Hi Sharon
How did you get on with your scan results? Im feeling same with same symptoms since Monday -have been to A&E twice as the feeling was so awful - I can see that a lot of my symptoms are associated with panic attacks, but its starting with the same hot burning feeling on the left side of my head as you describe - then tingling all over and tunnel vision, shivering, and shortness of breath. Very frightening - no wonder if there adds an element of panic to the mix. Anyway Im writing to you as I see your post was quite recent - one doctor suggested it could be viral - and maybe something is "going around" I feel the same way as you did when you posted. Actually wrote out my will 2 days ago! Be great to hear from you, thanks Cathy
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I have had odd sensations in my head for over 3 weeks now, and think I have panic attacks as I am so worried about the feelings in my head. Not really had the feint feeling though.
It all started with headaches that seemed to last for days then I had tingling in the right side of my head where the pain had been which seems to run over my ear and into the temple area. I have seen my GP who has referred me for a mri scan but said I should get my eyes checked out. I had an eye test and the optician said the back of my eyes looked healthy.
Now, 3 weeks later, the sensation in my head is like a warm/burning sensation and seems to linger even though I have tried paracetamol and ibuprofen to take off the feelings. I have looked on the internet which is lethal ... I have diagnosed myself with anything from a trapped nerve to MS or a brain tumour. Hoping the mri scan appointment comes through soon as I keep thinking its going to be bad news and won't see my kids grow up :-( x
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Have any of you guys been checked for Lymes Disease? I am asking because my friend who has Lymes has the same symptoms you guys have described.
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Wow i thought i was the only one as well i have been feeling throbbing and tingly sensations in my head. i also have been feeling warm and cold fuzzy feelings in my head and it irritating it is starting to affect my sleepying , i havent really been eating because ny stomach will start to hurt! i was diagnosed with anxiety about a year ago. can someone please help me?

Thanks- ANISSA
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Ive got most of the above too and its drivin me mad im at the docs again tomorrow its been an ear infection then it was labyrhi... Now he says anxiety but yeh im.full of it but lookin and readin your post ive got a creeky neck this is makin me think now...im sooo fed up.
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i commented briefly in april 2011.  has any of you tried a chiropractor and has it helped you at all...  i also get much relief from a cranial sacral therapist . i'd really love to help someone.. i know how frustrating this is and have dealt with it for far too long.  it is not an easy fix.. and you are not crazy.. i think that was the hardest part for me.. was going doctor to doctor spending TONS.. of money for them to tell me....i was healthier than anyone.  but couldn't stand up ...>???? ummmm.. doesn't make sense.....  finally i found someone that could explain it to me and help me and be compassionate about the symptoms.. instead of the regular.. you are having panic attacks and are stressed out...  b... s.........  the only thing i am stressed out about is the dang dizziness, and feelings i am having that are totally freeky!  
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Yes chiropractic helped some. MRI confirmed decorative disc disease for me. Adjustments helped blood flow and nerve impulses but it wasn't the answer. My last episode yesterday was not nearly as bad as my first one though. I agree with others, not anxiety. It hit from  the blue, can last weeks, is sometimes preceded by flashing blue lights (migraine with aura?) And dizziness (covid ear or sinus?) And feels to me like an actual physical change suddenly occurs that I feel in my head and instantly I get warm, maybe euphoric, then it escalates . first time I got tunnel vision and felt like I was severely drugged or drunk ... Like before surgery when they ask you to count backwards until you are out. Very scary.
I hate spell :. Decorative is degenerative disc disease.
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It's been 4 years since your post... Any diagnose? I have exact same symptoms and all doctors say is anxiety which I can't accept... Thanks!
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Well I am pressed for time right now but feel I have to post something.  I have struggled with dizzyness for 5 years now with all the above symptoms as well.  Heart Palpitations , odd feelings in head, chest issues, told it was stress and I knew it was not.  

Too make a very long story short I seen many medical doctors and none of them helped me.  It boils down to your structure.  your neck in particular.  Your head sits on your c1 vertebrae and if your head is off kilter then you feel dizzy and if your head/neck is off your nerves to your brain are pinched which causes the panic attacks and heart palpitations and much more.  

I will book mark this page and post more again , I really just am pressed for time but believe I can help get you some alleviation or help.
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Hi if possible can you help me too. I am worried sick! &amp; don&#39;t know what to do I have no answers and everyone says it&#39;s stress. Helppp! Please ! You can email me at tiara_uzzle93***@****
I&#39;m in this position too ! If you find anything out please email me !  
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Endogenous major depression; one of the main theories is that parts of the brain are overactive especially the Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and the Subgenual cingulate (Broadmann area 25) which via serotonin governs areas like the hypothalamus, brain stem, amygdala, insula and the frontal cortex.  These people also usually have disturbed sleep cycles like shortened REM latency where instead of the 90 minutes it normally takes to enter into the dream or REM sleep, they enter into the REM cycle soon after falling asleep which contributes to lowered serotonin levels.  Deep Brain Stimualtion implant device is in research for treatment resistant or refractory depression or those that have these symptoms with depression that are not helped via various antipressant medication or ECT, electronconvulsive "shock" therapy.
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i get a fuzzy head but dont feel any panic when i get it, it just really annoys me and makes me want to bash my head off a brick wall, i have tried everything and nothing works, i do suffer from depression but am on medication that ive been on for 4 years now, can any help me who has been through this, does it get better, and is there anythin u can do to ease it or make it go away, when i get it, it last for days, im a mum off 4 boys, and really needs some advice on this bloody fuzzy head off mine lol, thanku
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1461851 tn?1285882889
Oh my god I thought i was alone in this. I have a ten yr old daughter who is experiencing most of these symptoms too. The MS talk is kinda scaring me as my mother had MS it was not fun watching her, but my daughter has other health problems too and we were never told panic attacks. Maybe seizure or her MRI came back normal too nothing there but if I remember correctly so did my moms they have to do a spinal I think it is to diagnose MS. Please write me if you can give me any more information. I am a very scared mom with a very sick child.

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1191255 tn?1264685078
I have panic attacks for about 4 years now, I blame it on the drugs that I use to take, I.E cannabis, coke etc. I took it as a warning that I need to stop all this and that I am on my 9th life. I learned to deal with it but took some time. what you need to understand that it will not kill you, it is a rush of adrenaline and it can be sparked off by the smallest of things but mainly worry over things, although you don't notice it as its in the back of your mind building up. I started to do breathing exorcises to help calm me down which help and I now you are saying that is the last thing you think about while having the attack but trust me it works. drugs are ok but they only mask the problem till the doctors decide it is time you stopped them and then it just comes back 2 fold. what I will say, the next time you have the attack, make it worse, understand it and move on, as I said it wont kill you and its not a heart attack neither. if you feel it could be a heart attack seek medical help straight away. if you feel you want to talk about it further email me t_j @ hot mail dot co dot uk and I can give you pointers that will help you further.
Ps I am no doctor, this is just friendly advise from a fellow sufferer.  
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i had this sensations for 3 years , but lately got worse , first they said panic atacks and anxiety ,the cold sensations know run through my entire body , some days got rrealy bad i did not push much doctors because they said panick atacks, know i dont believe no more they send me to a behavoral test  whit a psichology , gues what ,he said  this is neurological you need more test done i lost to much time take in those pills , paxil, clonazepan ,citalopran, etc. anyway neurology said inconclusive diagnose .,%^$>?"$# mabe multiple sclorosis but not sure, and they want to wait and see what happen ,so we wait time to make more test, gues what my husbend lost the job 24 of november and the insurance wast good only until 30 of november so no time for more test, what i can said don;t waist time ,push for more test ,if is stress ask for behavoral test ,something like that is  the name, is your life dont let doctors play whit that God bless everyone
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I also have the same feelings: a warm sensation in my head that goes down my neck to the heart and I feel like I'm gonna pass out. The first time it happened while I was lying in bed and the second time while I was driving. It was terrible. I thought I was gonna die! I've been having this for about a month, I called the doctor but he said it was panick attackc and anxiety. It's difficult to understand how can anxiety cuase something like this?! I am leading a stressful life, but, come on, aren't we all? Also I get a cold sensation sometimes in the same spot, mostly the left side of my head close to the ear. I used to be on Paxil for about 6 months, but I stopped taking it two months ago, I don't want to be addicted to antidepressants, it makes me feel different, I don't know why, but it just does.
I really don't know what suggestion I can give here since I'm confused myself, these episodes come and go, they appear all of a sudden, out of the blue. I am young, 33 years old, I have a 17 month old baby girl, I am active, I exercise, don't smoke, don't drink alcohol.
The only think I've noticed is that I feel a little better if I rest more. Other than that, I don't know. The doctor said that what I am feeling is not dangerous and I am still trying to convince myself I am going to be ok.
Does anyone know anything else? Anyone? Thank you. Ela  
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594150 tn?1252588088
Hi there,
I just wanted to chip in and say that I have exactly the same thing....I have been to the doctors (3 different ones, 1 said it was labyrinthitus, 1 said it could be MS), I was then sent to a Neurologist who did an MRI which showed nothing abnormal so they said they didnt need to see me anymore (which wasnt very helpful), so I went back to the doctor and she has now referred me to a top Neuro-otologist (balance specialist) in London....i do feel like these medical people just write us off thinking its just a bit of dizziness, but its so invasive, I have the dizzy, lightheaded, fuzzy feeling ALL the time, sometimes its worse than others, I also have the feeling that my eyes zone out, like they are fighting to try and focus (which is why I havent driven since this started in May!), and I also get the panic attacks which I think might be a symptom to whatever we have.

Anyway, if any of you want to chat im here, and if any of you get an answer or even a suggestion to what it could be then please write!
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Hi Nat, what you described here is very similar to experiences I'm having. How are you now? Did you get anywhere with a diagnoses?
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Hi, my name is michael meier. I am 17 years old and i suffer the same symptoms. i haven't gone to a doctor and the majority of the people i try to concern with this problem simply dismiss it as anxiety.
   maybe there right but sometimes i feel like it may be something more. i start to feel the warm fuzzy feeling right before i experience a panic attack, and its difficult fore me to understand if its caused by all my anxiety or if the panic attack itself is caused by this feeling.
    the best way fore me to describe the sensation is a warm, creamy,fuzzy pressure-like feeling that washes over my brain and as soon as i start to git that feeling my hart is already racing at a million miles an hour. after the whole episode my head continues to feel strange fore a while.
     i don't know what to do!
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hi i was wondering if you have had any other symtoms i have that warm feeling in my head just before i feel like im going to pass out however i also feel something in my chest i want to describe it as my heart skipping maybe also memory loss have had many tests am waiting on the results
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Me too and also kind of stiff feeling in esophagus to chest. My first "attack" was weeks after my civic shots finished, but I had also been horribly ill before we all learned about vivid and shave wondered if I was one of the first to get it. Just saw an article on *civic ear" and some of that fits. Nasal washes help some. Is it stroke, sinus, seizure??? Maybe heart or aneurism? I have seen specialists and last one thought maybe it is TIA. Still searching for answers.
Spell check error: civic should be covid. And covid ear.. I have had two MRIs, no MS found. Also I have degenerative disc disease and chiropractic neck adjustments have helped some.
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I have had the same symptoms for a bit, now.  I found your posting by performing the following search on the web, "fuzzy feeling in head dizzy".  I have not seen a doctor, yet.  I was curious if you've figured out what it is since your posting in January.  Thank you in advance.
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