885099 tn?1243547005

Has anyone heard of a dislocated hyoid bone?????

Please, please give me some direction to head in with this!!!  My 17 yr. old son complained of pain in his neck a couple of months after he flipped over a car.  he had knee injuries as well.  the orthopedic took an xray of his neck and said he was ok.
About 10 months later my son complained that while at his bus stop something popped in his throat and he couldn't breath for a minute and was forced to place pressure on it to pop it back in.  I found it very odd and kind of brushed it off and said you're ok now so.  Then a couple of months later it happened again.  His pediatrician sent us to an Endoconologist.  He had no answer and told us to see an ENT.  We saw the ENT, he stuck a scope up through his nose and down to the throat and said he saw nothing.  He sent him for a cat scan, which came back negative, so he brushed it off.  We went to another ENT who also saw nothing and brushed it off as well.  
This past week my son had his 3rd popping incident and this time the condition became cronic.  Every time he turns his head this thing pops in his throat and it is very painful and scarry.  I rushed him in to the 2nd ENT.  This time the Dr, witnessed the popping for himself.  He believes the hyoid bone is dislocating and rubbing into the cartilige of the thyroid.  
We are waiting on an auth. for an MRI.  THE PROBLEM IS AND QUESTION:

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Adding my experience to the many others here -- I also have had this for decades (I am in my 40s) and learned how to pop it back in, too. When "stuck," is super painful to swallow and the fear of not being able to pop it back in can sometimes cause me some minor panic. In an effort to avoid this situation, I am very careful about not turning my neck if I yawn -- I have found that to be the most common way to trigger it. It just happened again tonight and I thought I'd see if I could find a name for it -- and found this thread. I'm glad to know what it is and that I am not alone!
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I realize you may not get this answer 9 years late, but I have had this same thing happen to me 30 years ago I was 20 to 23 years old. It happened to me 2 to three times. I described it to ent as if my throat was a pop can that you dent in and then squeeze the sides to pop it back out. When it happened it happened when I turned my head and I knew that in order to correct it, it was going to hurt like he!! and it did! I was driving and I could not turn my head or breath because of the anxiety of the pain I would experience when it popped back in. Anyway I described this to the ent and other general practitioners this way because there was really no information on line to research nor was I smart enough at this young age to know what a hood bone was. Regardless, they all dismissed me. It really turned me off to where I haven't pursued it since. Luckily it has never happened since. I did however try another ent recently say 5 or 6 years ago because I had since learned what the hyoid bone was. How I learned is because I have always had discomfort in my neck where the greater horn on my right side is rubbing and pushing against what feels as my tonsil area. So I started paplpating with my hand and realized that my hyoid bone is sitting at a severe angle in my throat where I have a 2 cm gap between my thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone on the right side, and say no more than 1 cm gap on the left side. This is all I have ever done because I figured they would do nothing about it. I figured I would go broke pursuing something the ent does not want to recognize. I hope you get this and maybe we can talk about it.
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The same happened to me yesterday when I was yawning. I could feel something getting stuck in the left side of my neck. Years ago I could pop it back into place by looking to the opposite side of the pain and up and swallowing. But this time this procedure did not work and was very painful.

After a terrible night (800 mg of ibuprofen did not help at all) I went to the doctor and got some stronger painkillers (tramadol). About an hour after taking 100 mg of tramadol I yawned and the bone popped back into place. Such a relief!

Thank you all for participating in this thread, your comments helped me a lot, especially the tip about looking to the other side and down when swallowing. That procedure made swallowing not as excruciatingly painful as before.

Good luck everyone!
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I'm a trained singer.  I have had on two occasions in the past 15 years, dislocation of they hyoid bone.  The symptoms are popping upon swallowing and a feeling like there's a swollen gland on the right side of the neck.  When I turn my head to the right, no symptoms at all.  I have found the problem to be spasmed muscles above and below the bone on the right side of my neck.  Nothing is alarming about this and some good massage to lengthen the muscles connected to the floating bone, from under the chin downward and from under the clavicle upward will release the grip and allow the bone to go back into its proper place. Beyond neck stretches and massage, there are exercises which include manipulations while humming,breathing, and swallowing that will eventually resolve the issue.  I hope this helps!
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I have this problem now, it started to pop few years ago, and happend every week, then every day. I told every doctor I met and they said that it's impossible to pop. Last year another doctor believed me, then looked my throat from inside and said that whole trachea dissalocated a bit, maybe muscles from right side are short and it's the main cause of popping . He told me to get fat a bit and it will stop popping. I gained few kgs and popping dissappeared. Now I lost about 6-7kgs and popping returned, but it's not like before, it's always popped a bit and hurts very bad. I am not able to put my head on the pillow :/ I'm 22 btw.
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By my research in my laboratory I have tested this theory for the  5 time only finding his tonsil was moving down towards the bottom of his neck.so in theory try to keep your neck at the regular level and try not to yawn or talk an in unusual way.
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For 30 years I thought I was swallowing my tonsil! Today I thought to ask my dentist and he called out the hyoid bone right away. Now I'm not alone!

For me it only happens when I'm laying my side. I can pop it back in with my fingers by pressing on my neck or I can swallow which is really hard and painful. When I was it kid it didn't happen very often and when it did it hurt a lot to swallow (was almost impossible to swallow actually, but no problem breathing) and it was easier to pop back. Now it is harder to pop back but less painful and happens about 3 times a week.
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Wow, I am so glad I came across this thread. I am a 31 year old who's been going through this same thing for years. I have noticed it's been getting worse lately. Mine also pops when drinking from a straw or just turning my head a certain way. It's definitely an uncomfortable feeling but I can normally pop it right back by turning my head and moving my jaw some. I went to a chiropractor and they took x-rays but didn't even mention the hyoid bone..just that he had no idea, I had neck adjustments done but never helped. I'm so glad to have some answers today.
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I have lived with this for quite a number of years now, it started in my early teens. I am hypermobile so my best guess is that the ligaments that hold my Hyoid bone in place are weaker than they should be, however, I have no other problems being hypermobile. But everyone is different.
I understand how scary it is when it dislodges and you can't breath! I usually just tilt my head up slightly and with 3 fingers flat against where my neck and my jaw meet, I gently push until it pops back in. It still hurst afterwards though.
So little is known about the Hyoid bone dislodging, I feel some research should be done as this is causing pain, choking and general discomft for the people that experiance this. People sometimes don't believe when I tell them about it. But unfortunately for now we will just have to live with it.
Good luck to you all and I finally feel like I'm not alone/ going crazy!
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Is there an exercise, massage, or anything to strengthen the muscles/ligaments around the hyoid to prevent the popping?  
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Hi! Dude, I thought I was crazy until I found this thread!!! This SAME THING has happened to me about four or five times in my lifetime. I'm 19, female. When it happens there's a pop and a grinding sound and then I can't breathe or swallow, and THE PAIN! It's so weird and scary. I popped it back into place on instinct. Just a hard push in the opposite direction puts it into place again. The thing that's worrying me, is that I'm getting A LOT of symptoms of hyperthyroidism (it's also in my family) but was just tested and it came up negative. Is it possible that because my hyoid bone has been pushed out of place multiple times, that it could of injured my thyroid gland? I mean, I guess it's possible... I haven't mentioned it to my doctor before because I felt kinda crazy saying something. I wouldn't be surprised if he's never heard of a hyoid dislocating so I don't wanna waste my breath.
A few years back I went to a chiropractor and he was alarmed by how tight my neck muscles are. I also have, what he thought are a lot of knots in my neck. They're very tender and painful at times. I've had them treated with massage therapy and electro stim. But, to no mercy, I still have many painful lumps in my neck and tight muscles. I have problems with my jaw and EXTREME chronic migraines since I was 6. If anyone knows if these things are related, if you know what I can do to help with all the pain I'm in, I'd be much appreciative. Lately, I've just been smoking a lot of weed and it helps my pain, but now I'm a ******* pothead and I am still in pain when I'm sober. Soooo anyway, I'm just happy I'm not the only one who has weird **** happening to their neck that literally no one has even ******* heard of. Good luck to all you out there that are suffering like me. Good ******* luck.
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Please research Ehlers Danlos Syndrome possibly the hypermobility type.    It causes jaw issues, dislocations of joints etc.  You may have issues with cervical instability which could be causing your neck issues.  My neck is the same way, tight, sore, knots pain.  Ehlers Danlos can cause the neck issues.  Another condition that is related is a Chiari 1 Malformation which can cause headaches and neurological problems.  Ehlers Danlos can cause issues all over your body anywhere there is collegen.  
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Same problem here for 20+ years! It'll "pop" out of place every few years. Stress seems to tense the muscles and make it happen more often. Or turning/straining my next in bed.

I wanted to share what works for me to quickly pop it back into place... I look up and swallow. It hurts like hell! Equivalent to popping your shoulder or knee cap back into place.

Anyways THANK YOU ALL! Trying to describe this to doctors and people for years is sooo frustrating! Especially trying to describe how scary it is when it's happening!!!  
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My 12 yr old son just had his 2nd pop in 2 weeks. According to him, it was really painful and it was hard to breathe. He said it just goesback to its place when he tries to relax.

I hope we ca have a more comprehensive explanation fom the medical community.

Glad to have read all your posts but still curious on what happened with the original poster's son...
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I am 82 and am retired from medical research.  I have had yawn-associated dislocation of the hyoid bone on rear occasions for about 10 years.  the most severe episode occurred while I was waking up in bed just a few hours ago and was finally relieved when I stood up, stretched my neck backward -- and helped the inferiorly displaced hyoid back in place with both hands.  
Until relieved it is life-threatening because the airway is misplaced and it is impossible to speak or to swallow.
I am sharing this post with my immediate family and family physician.  
Until a support group is formed and the medical community  informed  "MedHelp"  provides a critical service.
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I believe this happens to me as well, I'm 19 and I havr Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (The hypermobility type, often called type III.) This is a genetic,  connective tissue disorder, and one of the main symptoms of it is joiht pain and muscle pain all over the body and dislocations, and subluxations. Please, if you are reading this, go online and get the information about this disease.  For me it was the missing puzzle piece.
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I looked this up today, because after a car accident where I flipped about 5-6 times, I have had this popping of something in my throat, to the point where it is soo painful to swallow.  It takes a bit of time and believe me it is scary when in happens, but if I try to swallow real hard, it will pop back into place.  I am concerned that the seatbelt may have damaged something in my throat, but not sure if I should have it looked at?  My wreck was about 4 years ago, and this has happen about 5 times.  I fear when it does because of the pain swallowing and fear of not being able to get it back in place.  This happened last night, and today I feel like it bruised on the left where it happened.  I don't know what causes it, but I can feel it slipping when it does go, and mine goes inward towards my throat, until I can swallow to pop it back in.  
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I have had this problem for last three years, unfortunately i don't remember exact day when it started but when i swallow, something on hyoid bone level clicks in throat, you can feel it with finger too if you touch my thyroid cartilage . it has also affected my speaking and especially singing voice, resonance is somewhat distorted. I have seen 8 different ENTs and non of them have any idea what could be causing this. Do you guys also get voice problems from this throat clicking? or any other difficulties.
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I've had this same problem for the last 2 years or so. It has only happened 4 or 5 times but I never thought it odd until my girlfriend was there when it happened (30 minutes ago) and told me that it was weird haha.

It usually happens when I'm half lying down with my chin pointed towards my chest, and I can relieve the pain almost immediately by tilting my head backwards until if pops back into place. Fortunately, it 'snaps' back in to place and the pain is gone. It's truly bizzare but I think I'll live with it, provided that it doesn't get worse.
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My symptoms are all the same the only thing different is I did break my hyoid bone in a car accident when my neck hit the steering wheel the ent said what was happening was the hyoid bone was catching on the larynx.
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I have had this happen a few times a year since the late 90s, the first time it happened was the worst as I had no experience on how to pop it back in place. I ended up not being able to swallow at all until it was back as it felt like a skewer poking my throat if I did. I just drooled until it went back in.
Nowadays if it happens I just stretch my head back and yawn, turn my head side to side and massage it back in place. I had never bothered to google this before so thanks to all the folks who posted their comments so perhaps the medical community will be more aware of this condition.
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I have had this happen a few times a year since the late 90s, the first time it happened was the worst as I had no experience on how to pop it back in place. I ended up not being able to swallow at all until it was back as it felt like a skewer poking my throat if I did. I just drooled until it went back in.
Nowadays if it happens I just stretch my head back and yawn, turn my head side to side and massage it back in place. I had never bothered to google this before so thanks to all the folks who posted their comments so perhaps the medical community will be more aware of this condition.
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Hi All

Like everyone here i am so glad i found this thread
I have been suffering with the sensation of a lump in my throat and it feels like something is pushing into my throat from the right .inside  . .
I have had quite a few cameras up my nose and down my throat.
At first i was told all is ok, then that my right tonsil was inflamed and had to be removed. Had afew cameras after that to be told i had swollen glands
Gradually this feeling has got worse so i did some investigating and found that it is my Thyroid bone or cartillage
I am going to go back and see the consultant with all your info and see where it gets me .
I can actually put my finger down inside my mouth and feel the thyroid cartilage has moved forward. i also now have a lot of small lumps on the back of my tounge were it drops down the throat
Any advice on this would be much appreciated.
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I also have had this problem for over ten years.
I do not believe it was in part due to an accident related to my throat.
I saw a enco..endo... throat specialist/plastic surgeon dude who just quickly stuck a camera in my nose and down my throat and similarly told me there was nothing out of order, and that my cartiledge was just large and my adam's apple is large (it is pretty big) and that sometimes when I yawn, the two get stuck together and I need to pop it out of place using my finger or something... which is painful. So... try not to yawn? Yeah... thanks for the ****** advice doc.

Anyhow, now I am noticing that my adams apple itself and the area underneath it where my throat turns into my chest are very very sensitive to the touch, and after having taken a job at a call center where I talk all day I definitely notice a lot more soreness in general on the throat. It's only about a 1 out of ten on the pain scale when I touch my neck, but I would love to have a resolution to this issue at some point in my life and hopefully not watch it worsen over the years or potentially die from it. If anyone has any advice on how I should proceed please do not hesitate to email me at polo.***@**** as I would appreciate the effort extremely.
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I also have had this problem for over ten years.
I do not believe it was in part due to an accident related to my throat.
I saw a enco..endo... throat specialist/plastic surgeon dude who just quickly stuck a camera in my nose and down my throat and similarly told me there was nothing out of order, and that my cartiledge was just large and my adam's apple is large (it is pretty big) and that sometimes when I yawn, the two get stuck together and I need to pop it out of place using my finger or something... which is painful. So... try not to yawn? Yeah... thanks for the ****** advice doc.

Anyhow, now I am noticing that my adams apple itself and the area underneath it where my throat turns into my chest are very very sensitive to the touch, and after having taken a job at a call center where I talk all day I definitely notice a lot more soreness in general on the throat. It's only about a 1 out of ten on the pain scale when I touch my neck, but I would love to have a resolution to this issue at some point in my life and hopefully not watch it worsen over the years or potentially die from it. If anyone has any advice on how I should proceed please do not hesitate to email me at polo.***@**** as I would appreciate the effort extremely.
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I am afraid to go to the doctor because i can easily move mine to the left and right, and it gets stuck, i get giddy, then really queazy.  If the doctor does this to me, and he moves it too far to a place i never took it, i am afraid what will happen - i might cry in pain.  I go to the chiropractor for back and neck adjustments, and 90% of the time, it moves a little, and i loose my breath.  When i jump up and reposition my neck, i can breath again.
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