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Always an adventure these days.

Hi everyone.  I haven't been posting much but reading pretty regularly.

Since January 27, I've been bleeding all but five days, and I'm getting really pretty doggone sick of it.  The first three days, I bled so strongly I considered going to the ER, then it tapered off and stopped, starting again on the 2nd, bleeding hard for a couple/three days, then spotting until the 9th, then I wake up in a puddle again this morning.  Big pain and heaviness in my lower abdomen.

I'm just so frustrated.  In July of 2004, I had an endometrial ablation.  I was told I'd probably never menstrate again.  I started again not even three months later.  Doc told me I should play the lottery. . . so I accept that and go on.  Then all the diverticulitis problems, a foot of my colon removed and all seems well again.  Then the CA-125 elevated and simple cyst and complex mass found on my left ovary.  Small, but still there.  Ultrasound redone on January 17, growths a little smaller, let's wait and see.  I skip my period one month, then this bleeding starts, and stops and starts. . .  I have an e-mail in to the doctor.  Told him I feel like dog poo and this wait and see thing is driving me insane.

I'm really very tired, emotionally and physically, of all this garbage.  A nurse friend just said "maybe you have an ovarian cyst."  Duh!!!  I have a ladies' bible study group that meets at a coffee shop on Mondays, so's I can go adn whine there too.  Love you guys, thanks for letting me whine.  Hugs and God bless too.  Barb
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No news.  I don't expect to hear any until my follow up appointment two weeks from now.  Regardless of the outcome of the pathology and the fact that the surgery showed nothing at this time, the doctor told my family that it was still bad news that we found nothing and he would discuss  that with me at my follow up appointment.  For once, I am actually being patient.   I am with you, the first go around with issues like get the emotions stirring to the point that the next go around has little excitement.   You are right, it cannot be too bad if it was not there a year ago.
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I am scheduled for March 22.  This date might change, but that is "the day" for now.  I have pre-op the week before that date.  I am not anxious this time around.  At least not yet!!   For one thing, I just have a polyp,  one that was not there a year ago, I have no symptoms of any uterine troubles (no pain, inappropriate bleeding, etc.), my uterus looked normal during the previous surgery, polyps are very common and are rarely malignant,  and  therefore I expect this to be nothing. Yes, I know that I could be VERY wrong.   However, I went into my surgery in 2004 with a long list of scary, malignancy-indicating variables for my complex cyst, and it was still benign.

Have I missed your post-op biopsy report?  I have been so very, very busy that I have little time to check in to the forum this week.    Have you gotten the news?  And if so, what did they find?
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When are you going to have your procedure?  Are you anxious  or has this become old hat?
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Fab, Whiz, Barb, thank you for your answers.   You told me what I needed to know about why you/friend had the procedures.

I am not having "endometriosis" type problems -  no heavy bleeding, cramps, bloating, long periods -  in other words, none of  what the old timers called  "pelvic congestion."  I have been diagnosed with a uterine polyp that was discovered in my ultrasound for those cysts that resolved on their own.  So, now I have to  deal with the polyp, which must be removed/biopsied.   I was offered several options, and the ablation seemed the best as it might reduce my periods to nearly non-existent.  They are relatively light as things are now, and they do not last for more than a few days.  Now, how  long the entire monthly cycle lasts is another issue!  The monthly cycles can run from as few as 18 days to as many as 30.
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Thanks again ladies.

I initially went to the doctor in February of 2004 after MONTHS of really heavy bleeding, cramping, nausea, pain that at first was monthly but then turned into most days I was bleeding rather than not.  Huge liver looking clots, bleeding through pads in less than 30 minutes, I was anemic and B-12 deficient as well.  PLUS, newly remarried. . .

Anyway, the biopsy was done at the time of my first appointment with the gynocologist.  A local anesthetic was given in the cervix and a curatage used to take a scraping from the lining of the uterus.  It was pretty much pain free except when he reached a portion on the left side of my uterus.  He even commented on it being sensitive and surprised it caused me so much pain.  There was no cancer found but what was considered a very large amount of endometrial material that wasn't being shed each month that was building up and causing these problems.  I was given the same choice as Mom - take progesterone through an IUD, try the ablation or opt for a hysterectomy.  I went for the ablation as I'd heard nothing good about IUD's and I have a real sensitivity to metals and didn't want any(more - I'll explain)put in me and the ablation seemed much more noninvasive.

The ablation was done in July of 2004.  Superheated water was used and I was put into a twilight sleep, but totally aware throughout the procedure which only took about 15 minutes start to finish.  They give you a sedative and pain killers and antiinflammatories before and after.  I had some clear, pink tinged leakage for about two weeks and barely any discomfort at all other than being kind of tired that first afternoon.  I had absolutely no sensation of heat whatsoever when the water was injected.  I had no period in August, but right back at it by September only like I said, it was more normal again and the spacing in between was back to how I'd been all my life - 31 days on the dot, 3 days kinda heavy, then 3 or 4 not any big deal.  Then they began to come closer together again, the clotting bad again, very heavy, and only days in between.  I'm in my third full blown cycle since January 27.

Sometimes I think I should have just done the hysterectomy back then, had it done with.  Maybe the bowel problem would have been found sooner as well, but like I said, I'm really trying to figure out which came first, the chicken or the egg?  I wanted to avoid being cut, ended up that way anyway with the diverticulitis, and now I'm possibly looking at that again.  I wish I could just get this overwith, menopause done, cysts gone and get on with my life.  The ablation will not be offered again, so my choices are limited to hysterectomy, hormones or deal with it. . .

Waaaah!!!!  Thanks guys, love, hugs and God bless, Barb
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My friend had a ballon ablation (uterine??)in November for extremely heavy periods.  Unfortunately it did not work for her, however, her cramps are better than they were.  She went to see her doc the other day who had gone to a clinic to learn the "hot water" technique -- a month after her surgery, and said that that method would've probably worked out much better for her.  My friend was in and out of the hospital the same day, with just a little cramping for a couple of days.  Hope it works for you!
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Hey Mickey, I see you were asking about the ablation.  I have had one, as well.  A couple of years ago I went in to see my gyn because I was having severe bleeding, clotting, cramping,lots of nausea and difficult bowel movements.  After several tests, he determined I had an abnormal amount of "scar tissue" in my uterus.  He gave me three options...IUD, endometrial ablation, or hysterectomy.  I chose the ablation because I knew that I was not going to have any more children.  I got a tubal ligation done at the same time.  Otherwise, I would have had to go on BCP to insure that there was no chance of pregnancy (rare case for that to happen, but extra precaution).  Recovery was quick.  I was up and about within a week (only 31 at the time, I am sure that helped), and initially things went well.  Didn't have a period at all for a while.  Then, it was very light.  Some spotting most months.  More recently, I get a full-blown period some months, spotting others.  Very irregular.  Pain has come back, along with bloating, acid reflux, nausea, etc.  Just diagnosed with complex cyst, and hydrosalpinx (fluid in fallop. tube, probably from ligation).  Doctor said I had a condition called adenomyosis in my uterus, and that is why bleeding and clotting is back, although slightly lighter because of ablation.  At this point, I am thinking that the hysterectomy would have been the better route.  I think that for a lot of women, an ablation is a temporary fix.  That's just my opinion, but I hope some of the info helps.
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Barb, I have questions ( can you imagine that?!)  about your endometrial ablation.  

I am asking because I am scheduled for one next month. If you don't mind... I would like to know why you had the ablation in the first place, what symptoms, etc.?  Secondly, what type of ablation did you have?  Thirdly,  how did you feel post-procedure (pain/discomfort, recovery time, etc.)?
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Hi Ladies, and thanks.

I had a return e-mail from the gyno asking me to set up an appointment to evaluate this bleeding problem again.  I feel like I'm going in circles.  It's almost exactly two years since I first went to the doctor with dysfunctional bleeding.  Now, we're back to square one.  Go and have a endo biopsy done and then figure it out from there.

I really wonder if you are right Mom - putting off the inevitible by trying bandaid measures like the ablation.  I rechecked my records and literally, it only worked for ONE month.  I had the seeping for a few weeks afterwards in July of 2004, skipped my period in August, thought I was skipping again in September - here's the real kicker - I have two teen age daughters in the home and MOVED ALL OF MY SANITARY PRODUCTS DOWNSTAIRS INTO THEIR BATHROOM - and the very next day started bleeding again.  It was more back to normal and regularity for awhile, but now, since about November, it's not.

Problem is, I had the really bad colon problem going on too, so it's so hard to sort out what is causing what.  I believe the bleeding, pain, bloating and pressure is from the female problem, but agree that I need to heal up from major bowel surgery this last September, but on the other hand, this major dysfunctional bleeding thing going on. . . you get the picture.  Each issue seems to be perpetuating the other.  Then we find the cyst and complex mass to add to the mix.  It makes sense that I could have pain from the female problems, but it also makes sense that I'm not fully healed up from having the bowel resection. . . round and round we go ad nauseum.  I know the gyno back then said my next move was a hysterectomy, but for cryin' out loud, I've had enough!!!

Thanks again, I'm sure I'll be back.  Love, hugs and God bless, Barb
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I had an endo. ablation in summer of 2004, and I initially did not have my period.  Then I would get some spotting, and now more recently, there are some months when I spot, and other months, where I bleed a lot.  I never know when it is coming, so I am always anxoius to see what each month brings.  When I had a US done recently, my doctor told me that I had severe adenomyosis, and that the ablation might be helping it, but it will eventually get worse.  He also told me I have a complex cyst (about 3cm) on my left oavry.  I understand your frustration completely.  What is unfortunate is that we take these preventative steps, thinking that we are helping ourselves, but sometimes it only delays the outcome.  Keep me posted on your outcome, as I am curious if the ablation has a similar effect on you, as it does me.
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I am thinking of you.  Feel free to rant & whine all you want to.  We are with you 100%!!
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I can think of better adventures I'd rather be on but the company I have found here makes things better.  I truly hope you find  a better way to deal with all this.  Benign issues or not, it makes for alousy lifestyle.  I will be thinking of you!!!
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