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13278143 tn?1429260787

Complex Irregular Mass???

So I posted last month about a 12cm mass on my right ovary that has been troubling me for months. I have family history of cancer. Female cancer on mothers side. Lung cancer on fathers side. Have had 2 CT scans w/contrast and a ultrasound as well as a MRI on 5/4/15 w/contrast. I WAS originally told after I would be sent to a OB/GYN for the surgery. But today I was called with the results. "Instead of sending you to an OB/GYN, we are going to straight refer you to a surgeon, its a complex mass, very irregular, and you will have to discuss how to go about removing it". Now before everyone was dragging their heels. I was a hurry up and wait case with everyone. Suddenly I'm going to a surgeon and am very nervous. I don't know what to prepare myself for or how to prepare for it. My son lives with his grandma and my dad recently lost two siblings in a year to cancer. So I'm a little freaked out and panicked.
38 Responses
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So glad to hear recovery has been smooth-sailing without much pain and no need for blood thinners!
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Recovery has been amazingly simple. No to blood thinners just let me body absorb it back into itself. I kept hearing about all this PAIN after surgery and the worst was the clot. My insicion areas only sometimes itch like all get out especially my belly button. Relatively swollen. But at 6'0" and having a high tolerance for pain makes up for a lot. A lot of ppl cant tell im swollen just think ive gained weight. Bending is difficult because im stiff amd it does cause pain if i bend wrong. Sleeping only on my back because side hurts. The doctor was pretty amazing. Barely over a week post op and i feel loads better. More energy and more myself.
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This is good to hear that you did not get more bad news (aside from the borderline tumor)! It is good they will be monitoring you every 3 months. So you developed a blood clot from the surgery? Do you have to take blood thinners? Hoping your recovery is going well!
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Pathology is in and all that. Borderline precancerous ovarian tumor, nodes were negative. I have a clot on my right side. I have to be seen every three months at my oncologist for the next two years to make sure no cancer ripens or presents itself in my right ovary or uterus. But until then i should be gravy.
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13278143 tn?1429260787
But passing gas in general is a task in itself right now. So it could very well just be gas building up.
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13278143 tn?1429260787
My left ovary along with the mass was removed. They used my right side to i guess inflate and navigate through. That is one of three pictures of my tumor they had to bag it and chop it up i guess to get it out. I do have my right ovary and uterus. Apparently its becomes higher risk of malignancy... But of the nodes come bk negative i am fine. If not then chemo... So i am stressed a bit. I did ask why not the entire belly and she said because thats where they probably navigated everything out?
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That looks like a big tumor! And your poor belly but think how "flat" it will be now! I know your last post about the size said 15.5cm for the largest dimension. Mine was only 9.5cm.

Was your right ovary removed along with the tumor? Do you still have your left ovary (and uterus that had to be stitched up from removing the IUD pieces)?  

As far as the right side being puffed up and hard, that is probably from all the cutting they did and maybe some scar tissue. And yes, gas can cause a distended belly but I would think that would tend to be your entire abdomen.

Be sure to take it easy. It can take a bit of time for all the internal sutures to heal and you don't want to tear any of those nor increase risk of adhesions. Hopefully, your surgeon was clear about what you can and cannot do. If in doubt, ask.  
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Just talked to them. They did do a frozen section. But i came back borderline. So they removed my nodes, and sent the entire tumor and the nodes and are waiting to see if both the tumor and nodes are positive or just the tumor
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Well apparently it was very very large. And they i really dont know much of what was going on. But they did remove my nodes and so i am still not sure whats going on. But its been crazy. At least its done.
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13278143 tn?1429260787
What my belly looked like right after. Although its pretty swollen right now.i will try to get more pics of the tumor later.
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Heres a link to a picture of my tumor from my surgery from the davinci robot

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Glad to hear surgery is over! Wow - 18 samples is a lot. It must be hard being in "wait and worry" mode AGAIN! I guess in a case like yours they do not even do a frozen section(s) or it is not nearly as accurate?

Hoping you get word back soon and that it is "no cancer." Sending cyberhugs....
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13278143 tn?1429260787
So just to catch you all up, i have a concern... My right side is all puffed up... And kinda hard... Not sure why... That is where a bigger incision is i guess... I have five incisions. Only the upper right is puffed. I was told it was gas. And to take gas x. So i have been. Thats the most painful part. Dunno what else to think of everything so far... Am i able to post pix on here?
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Well i am home. They ended up needing to send over 18 samples to pathology and still haven't ruled out cancer. It broke my IUD, so they had to cut open my uterus to get out the pieces of iud out. In case of the worst they took out my nodes... It was a pretty good size. Was a tumor. Not just a simple cyst. So waiting to find out whats what.
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They have dragged their feet with you. Thank heavens the day is almost here. They had me in very quickly and my surgeon said he had to do a laparotomy (big incision) but I suspect only because he did not have good laparascopic skills. Another reason could be that the resident(s) (who I was not even aware would be there) needed to meet their abdominal hysterectomy surgical requirements.

I missed your post where you said you are being treated by the same office as Angelina Jolie. Cool!  

Hang in there. I will be thinking about you next Wednesday and hoping for a good outcome!
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Well did my preop appt. In the home stretch.. Cant take NSAID's. Which of course were all i had in the house apparently.. Exhausted ready for this to happen...
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It sounds like you are in good hands as long as this surgeon has done a lot of robotic surgeries. I hope your surgery goes well and the mass is benign! I also hope you do not have the cancer markers (BRCA1 and BRCA2 tests?) I will be thinking about you and waiting to hear back.
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Well finally had my appt yesterday. My doctor said he only wants to take out the mass and most likely the left ovary its attached to and want to leave my uterus and righty in. But since there's a chance of malignancy he is going to check for cancer on the table in a bag and if there's cancer everything has to be removed. So that's the only possibility of losing everything. I have bloodwork coming up on June 4th for genetic testing for the cancer markers IN CASE it is benign since the cancer pops up in the women in my family 35-45. And if I have the markers he says about 40 would be the time for a hysterectomy to keep from getting cancer IF I HAVE the markers. He seems to be a pretty decent doc and really reassuring. My surgery is scheduled for June 10th. They are using the da Vinci robot so a few small incisions not a huge slice.
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Welcome to the community.

I have been in your shoes. I had a 9.5cm ovarian cyst. I had a total hysterectomy and regret that. The frozen section done while I was in the operating room was negative (benign) so all that should have been removed was the cyst or the one ovary. The removal of my organs has caused many more problems than it resolved.

Hysterectomy and oophorectomy are two of the top overused surgeries with only 2% done for a cancer diagnosis. The uterus and ovaries have lifelong non-reproductive functions.

So please be sure you understand the ramifications of their removal before going into the operating room. I wish I had understood everything I have learned in the 9 years since my unwarranted hysterectomy at age 49.
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I am sorry I am behind on replying! I am glad you finally have an appointment - sorry for all the "rigamarole" to finally get one! Hopefully, this cyst is benign.

620.2 is an ICD-9 code meaning "other and unspecified ovarian cyst." ICD-10 (newer, more specific codes) will split this in two as:
N83.20 - Unspecified ovarian cysts
N83.29 - Other ovarian cysts

Why they need separate codes for unspecified versus other is beyond me! Bottom line, imaging cannot specifically tell the type of cyst. Biopsy will be necessary to determine that.

Be sure to make a list of questions for your appointment. I know I was very nervous. I actually made a list and then ran off and forgot it which was to my detriment.

Let us know how your appointment goes. Sending positive thoughts...
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Ok I think I finally have an appt. May 26th 10a. Hoping things are just going to be done...
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13278143 tn?1429260787
I know how you feel ally I've been going thru this for over five months now... But found out about the mass I think 2.5mos ago... The gyn onc they ref me to didn't accept my insurance so I'm back to twiddling my thumbs... :-/ I am so tired of the lower back pain pressure etc... I thought it was a severe uti myself five months ago... And its taken five months just to get this far...
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I have been out of mind stressed since just after Easter.  I thought it was a UTI but gyn palpated a mass so off to the ultrasound.  Completely and totally freaked me out when I saw the screen.  I could even see what doesn't belong in there. So I just had a CT scan today for a 12+ cm mass on right ovary. I have no family cancer history but also have a lot of uterine fibroids. I was referred to gyn/onc and  I have surgery scheduled in June.  I have opted to have a total hysterectomy because I am 53 but still not menopause.  I want all the angry lady parts gone!
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13278143 tn?1429260787
Well I raised hell a bit and got my referral thru in less than 24hrs... Now the oncology center has to get my records and present them to the doctor to rush a sooner appt than she has available...
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