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Dear All,

Last month I was diagnosed with 5cm Simple Cyst in my right ovary. I found this out because my periods were delayed , I got them only 45 days. Throughout my life, I have been a 30 day girl. I am 25 years old and again this month I have no sign of my periods. Sometimes I get indigestion, I am on Prilosec at the moment, I get pinching pain in my back ( mostly right side slightly upper back),  I spotted 2 weeks ago just barely. I would wipe and slight tinge of blood was on it.  Then nothing!  

I am so worried that I might have something serious. The doctor has NOTHING to say!!  She says there is no medical intervention for this.   Is this common for people with cysts? How do I get this cyst out if I am not menustruating. Everywhere I read, it should go away in 2- 3 cycles but when there are no cycles how will it leave me?

Could be ovarian cancer?? I am also having hot urine sometimes.  Please help me.
4 Responses
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189069 tn?1323402138
Exercise and diet should help you keep your weight down (we gain weight if we don't have our periods) and should also help in getting your period back, depending on your condition.  Have you gained weight?  Menstruating often helps shrink the cysts down and thank goodness yours is a simple cyst.  Your doctor still has to monitor it though because it is already 5 cm.  I hope it doesn't grow anymore.  A diet lower in carbs has helped me out in the past.  Good luck.
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Dear Sandy and Babypooh,

I am very glad to see your replies. I need a new doctor that is coming out loud and clear to me!  I feel miserable, being in a small town *****. I am not even able to get an appointment with a Gynae.

I am now scheduled to have another ultrasound through my gen. physician tomorrow.  I will update after my results are out. If they are big, then probably I must get it out. Could exercise help?  
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356929 tn?1246389756
I know it's scary but please know that cysts are very , very common with young women.. and 95% benign.. How was it diagnosed? Transvaginal Ultrasound? Usually they like to monitor them every 3-4 months to see if there are changes. This would be done regardless of when your periods are occuring.

If they decide to do the laparoscopic procedure, it's usually done on an outpatient basis and recovery is quicker than the other surgeries. Even though you may feel really good in a week, we're usually told not to drive or lift anything for 2 weeks.. but that's getting ahead of ourselves.

Main thing is not to worry... Although they can't know for sure what type of cyst it is until they operate, most dr's have a "feel " for what they are looking at. And, remember that they are so common.. You may like to check out the top right of this page "Health Pages" and find a lot of information about cysts.. Simple cysts are just part of your cycle and sometimes just "misbehave" and continue to grow.. What has your Dr. advised?; You said she has said nothing? I think I might like to get a second opinion just for peace of mind.

Let us know and good luck
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189069 tn?1323402138
Wow, I think you need a different doctor ,hun.  While most cysts are nothing to worry about, a cyst that big should be monitored.  Either get in to see the doctor to ask lots of questions or get a second opinion.  It might be growing bigger every time you don't get your period.  Not all cysts go away on their own and yours is already pretty big.  The doctor that operated on me told me that anything 5 cm big should probably be taken out.  Since yours is a simple cyst, they could probably do the smaller incisions (laparascopy) and have a speedy recovery (about 1 week).  Or maybe they can put you on the pill and see if the cyst shrinks.  Either way, it needs to be monitored with ultrasounds to check the growth/shrinkage rate.  It's not ovarian cancer so don't worry, but you need it checked often, especially if you don't get your period because it will probably grow that way.  It's very common to have irregular periods when you have cysts and especially if you have PCOS like myself.  Good luck and please demand the attention you need or switch doctors. Let us know how it goes.
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